Jiang Lin lifted Lingyu up and put a palm on her back, sending a large amount of spiritual power into her body.

"Xiang... Xianggong."

After a while, Lingyu woke up and turned around.

"Why don't you tell me if you're not feeling well, I'm just outside, and I'll know if you make a sound."

Jiang Lin asked Lingyu to sit beside the bed, and with his slightly trembling palm, he quickly took out the cold marrow and some life-saving medicinal pills from his arms and put them into Lingyu's mouth.

Lingyu ate a few pills with the cold marrow, and said, "Xiaogong, I just fell asleep, I don't feel any discomfort, I... let me tell you a happy event..."

"How could you just fall asleep, your whole body is slack!"

Jiang Lin looked at Lingyu angrily and interrupted Lingyu's words.

If it weren't for his fast efficiency, and he had already finished making the flying sword and the gods, Lingyu would be out of breath.

He also didn't know why Lingyu didn't tell him that Lingyu couldn't be unaware of such a situation.

In fact, it was indeed the case. When Lingyu wanted to announce the good news to him, she felt very sleepy. She could have called Jiang Lin, but considering that she was pregnant, she did not respond. thing.

"Xianggong, listen to me first, I'm going to be a mother, and you're going to be a father too."

Lingyu didn't even feel her own situation, she just wanted to tell Jiang Lin the good news, and then she touched her abdomen. To her surprise, her lower abdomen had swelled a lot.


Jiang Lin was stunned, Lingyu said that he was going to be a father.

Is it possible...

Jiang Lin frowned, only then did he realize that Lingyu was indeed pregnant, and compared to ordinary women, she had already been happy for a few months.

Just now, because all his attention was focused on treating Lingyu, he didn't realize it.

But then Jiang Lin suppressed the doubts in his heart. Now he has no time to worry about whether he is a father or not, and he doesn't want to think about how Lingyu won the lottery so quickly.

My wife, Lingyu, is dying. Whoever loves it, whoever loves it, should go.

The life of the wife is the most important.

"I didn't have a big appetite before, and I was more lethargic, and the fairy fruits you gave me, I especially liked the sour ones, and it was before I fell asleep this time that I realized that she was going to be a mother. I showed It should be because you have your bloodline in the body."

"Not right."

Jiang Lin ignored what Lingyu said, grabbed Lingyu's wrist directly, checked her pulse, and penetrated into her body with spiritual sense.

Lingyu's current situation is absolutely abnormal. Among the wives in his family, it is not that no one is pregnant, but none of them are in danger because of his bloodline.

Using his spiritual sense to investigate, Jiang Lin could sense an extremely evil aura in Lingyu's body, impacting his thoughts.


Jiang Lin instinctively showed the appearance of a corpse, and turned into a hairy corpse with two pairs of corpse teeth and hair growing on his body.

Taking two steps back, Jiang Lin's breathing was a little heavy, and he stared at Lingyu dazedly.

Lingyu is right, he is indeed going to be a father, and Lingyu has also become a mother-to-be.

However, he was not happy at all, not only was he not happy, but he also had an instinctive hatred for his doll.

Because Lingyu was pregnant with a calamity that made him feel terrified.

Jiang Lin even suspected that if this calamity was born, the six relatives would not be recognized directly.

Just when he was exploring with his spiritual sense, the fetus in Lingyu's body had a thought that he wanted to devour him alive.

As outrageous as it sounds, it's true.

This child of his, wants to swallow him.

When Lingyu saw Jiang Lin turned into a corpse, she quickly asked, "Xianggong, you... what's wrong with you?"

"It...it's not my child."

Jiang Lin clenched his fists, and now he finally understood why he had always felt an uncertain sense of threat before. It turned out to be because of the fetus in Lingyu's body.

Moreover, this calamity was the core that he thought was the condensation of meteorite power in Lingyu's body - the sarcoma that looked like a stone that he had detected before.

This is obviously a calamity. Lingyu was unable to maintain her transformation, and even her spirit was almost depleted, all of which were turned away by this calamity.

The sad thing is that Lingyu is still very happy now, just like an ordinary woman who was diagnosed with a happy pulse by a doctor, she was overjoyed.

Moreover, when Lingyu woke up, she didn't care about how she was, but told her husband that there was a small life in her body.

Chapter [-]: Sadness as a Father (Part [-])

"You...not yours or who's? I...I have always been the only man you are, and the only man who has touched my body is you!"

Tears of grievance suddenly appeared in Lingyu's eyes. Jiang Lin's words just now were somewhat ambiguous, making Lingyu feel that Jiang Lin was doubting her loyalty.

"Lingyu, don't get me wrong, before you met me, you were pure and clean, how could I not know it? I mean you are not carrying a child, but a scourge. It is neither my child nor yours. Child, didn't you realize that you were almost killed by it? If I hadn't entered the house in time, you would have fallen asleep and never woken up."

Jiang Lin took the corpse poison from the flesh and blood back to the bone and changed it back to a human appearance, and explained it to Lingyu.

Of course, he didn't doubt that Lingyu had any second thoughts towards him, and he didn't doubt that Lingyu felt sorry for him. The fetus in her womb had a blood connection with him, there was no doubt about that.

This is the innate ability of Jiang Lin's corpse. He doesn't need any blood test or paternity test at all.

His life level is special, and he can determine if his blood and bones have anything to do with him.

However, the most dramatic thing is that if his bone and blood grows and is born, it may be a super disaster star.


After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Lingyu remembered that after Jiang Lin woke him up, she was so frightened that her hands trembled slightly.

After sensing her own situation, Lingyu was stunned again. Now, in her body, there is only a part of the vitality that has just been stimulated by the cold marrow and the medicinal pill, and the spirit of the whole body is almost gone.

"Xiang Gong, didn't I just fall asleep before? Why... how could this happen?"

"I couldn't figure it out for a while."

Jiang Lin shook his head. Now that Lingyu's situation has improved significantly, he has time to think.

But now his thoughts are quite confused, and he has no idea why Lingyu is in such a situation.

Like his family's Li Yingqi, the female ghost Xiaoli, and Xiaoru, whose body is yin and yang, all have his flesh and blood, but they are not like Lingyu at all.

Even if Lingyu becomes more special because of the type of her body or the influence of the monster's radiation, it will not give birth to such a misfortune.

The fetus in Lingyu's body can only be described as extremely evil. This little guy uses his biological mother's body as a growth vessel, and he also has full evil thoughts towards his biological father.

No other baby like this?

At this time, Jiang Lin found that Lingyu's newly born spirit was showing signs of sluggishness, and said, "Lingyu, the vitality of your body is still being absorbed, and I must take some measures."

He was going to cast a spell to detain the miscarriage in Lingyu's body first, so that it would not endanger Lingyu.

He even had a plan, if there was no way to protect Lingyu's safety, he would kill the calamity and make her stillborn.

In addition, Jiang Lin was also going to ask his own system what was going on. Although it was his original intention to marry Lingyu, the method provided by the system also suggested the same.

If something unexpected happens, the system should at least give a warning.

If it is really difficult to have both, Lingyu and the baby in her body can only keep one of them, then he will choose Lingyu without hesitation.

The kind of situation that ordinary people have to protect the big and the small does not exist in his Jianglin. If the child is gone, he will have another one, and if there is no child at all, there will be no more.

Even if there is no future, he will not be able to exchange the life of his wife for the continuation of his blood.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin's heart was simply overcome!

If it wasn't for such a thing, what Lingyu told him was a piece of good news that made him elated.

It's a good thing to be a father myself.

Even if it's not the first time he's encountered such a situation, it's still worth drinking and celebrating.

Lingyu won the lottery so soon, then he may not be far from the date of hugging his son. Lingyu may be the first one among his many wives to be a mother.

But now, Jiang Lin didn't have a trace of joy in his heart.

What is there to cheer about?This is such a tragedy!

The current situation is that his wife is pregnant with Liujia, and the result may be fatal. If he wants to save his life, he will beat his own flesh and blood.

It's outrageous enough for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person.

Everyone is happy to be a father, and I used to be a happy father, but damn, is it difficult to be a sad father this time?

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin took out a rune paper from the ancient mirror in his arms and drew runes on it.

"Master, what are you going to do?"

Lingyu clutched her stomach and looked at Jiang Lin with a terrified look: "Don't hurt him, okay? We brought him into this world, he doesn't know anything, the child is innocent."

Jiang Lin took a deep breath. No matter whether he is a person or a demon, as long as he has the identity of a mother, he will always put his children first.

Lingyu is like this now, she doesn't worry about her own safety, but cares about the fetus in her womb.

"Good Lingyu, please sleep for a while."

Jiang Lin walked to Lingyu's side and placed a palm on her forehead. As soon as the lines on her palm appeared, Lingyu groaned and slumped onto the stone wall beside the bed.

After that, Jiang Lin pasted the special ice seal he had drawn on Lingyu's abdomen, and the effect of the amulet and the blue heart flame left on it invaded Lingyu's body, freezing the calamity in her belly.

After walking out of the stone house and reaching the open space, Jiang Lin called out the system directly and asked the system what was going on.

A while ago, he took Lingyu's blood marrow and let the system test it. When he asked how to get the meteorite power in Lingyu's body, the system gave him a method. First, he grilled Lingyu and served it with beer. , Come to a bottle of snowflakes, and he will be able to let him go to the end of the world in the future.

The second is that he carried Lingyu into the quilt.

But this hug, the whole thing came out.

As a result, the answer given by the system made Jiang Lin's mouth cramp.

The system indicated that if it followed the Yin-Yang empowerment method it gave, there would be no problem at all.

When such a situation occurs, it is most likely that Jiang Lin did not follow the instructions.


Jiang Lin felt that You Qi was speechless. The system judged correctly. In the first few days, he did not use the Yin-Yang empowerment method given by the system. This method was to forcefully transfer the radiating power that took root in Lingyu's body, although it was not enough It will cause any damage to it, but it will make Lingyu suffer some pain.

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