Jiang Lin couldn't bear it either, he just lived a normal married life with Lingyu for a few days.

Now that such a situation has occurred, it is really not that the method given by the system is wrong.

If the meteorite power in Lingyu's body is forcibly transferred away, it will become incomplete, and it will not be combined with his corpse poison to form a disaster.

Jiang Lin questioned again why the system didn't give him a warning since such a situation had occurred.

To his surprise, the explanation displayed on the interface said that after analyzing Lingyu's blood marrow, it was found that it contained a very high level of creative power, just like a high-tech computer virus.

Therefore, since then, the system has been in a state of high-load detection and killing of Trojan horses, and has no knowledge of the outside world.

"A very high level of creative power?"

Jiang Lin suddenly thought of the mural he saw on the corridor of the meteorite, an incomparably miraculous scroll, creating various corpses in mass production.

If it is said that it is a corpse-evil creature that can be freely created or even mass-produced that is contrary to the way of heaven, then this kind of power is indeed extremely high.

Jiang Lin looked at the system interface again. According to the system's explanation, the reason why such a disaster occurred was because Lingyu devoured this power of creation, causing the level of her life to rise like a sprout.

This is also the reason why Lingyu will win the lottery so quickly.

Chapter [-] The Means of Destiny

"Second uncle's, I don't know what kind of shit book it is. I really met it. If I don't tear it up as toilet paper and set it on fire, I won't be named Jiang!"

Looking at the line after line of text on the system interface, Jiang Lin really wanted to carry buckets of dung water and pour it over the mural on the stone wall of the corridor in the meteorite.

Just splash the broken book that can mass-produce corpse evil.

Now he finally understands why the fetus in Lingyu's womb has the idea of ​​wanting to swallow his own father alive.

The stone of the mountain can attack jade.

Just as he can use the power of meteorites to increase his own corpse poison to suppress the corpse poison belonging to Wangtianjian in his body, the red-eyed fox corpse that has been mutated by the meteorite can also grow himself by swallowing him.

It's just that those weird corpses, including Wen Zhongzi, don't have this kind of awareness and instinct.

The corpse evil that has been transformed by the radiation of the meteorite, and the corpse evil created by the scrolls on the murals, although different from his path, can ingest each other and further derive.

Wen Zhongzi and those Mao Zong didn't have such instincts, but Lingyu's misfortune had such a nature.

After all, half of the calamity was his bone and blood, which was given life by his corpse poison essence. With life, it was natural to want to continue to grow.

As for how to grow, that is to take Jianglin as nourishment.

Not only his biological father, but also Lingyu's biological mother, the calamity will not remain. Once the time is ripe, Lingyu will be taken away and become the mother of the calamity.

That is to say, the reason why Lingyu had a misfortune was because of the mysterious scroll on the murals of the Yongdao Dao.

At present, Jiang Lin still doesn't know what that scroll is - of course it's not some bullshit book, but a heavenly book.

The Book of Heaven that can create all things.

The will born from it is embodied, and is called "destiny" by some powerful people.

And what Jiang Lin learned in Middle-earth, such as Taiyi Save Kutianzun and Haotian God, went out of the world, in order to obliterate fate.

As for the extraterrestrial meteorite where Jiang Lin is located, it is naturally a means left by fate.

The Middle-earth world is impregnable. Outside the world, I don’t know how many powerful people will kill them together. Destiny wants to return to the home court, but it is not so simple. We can only use this link to the Middle-earth world, and then collapse into an unknown starry sky. Daluo Immortal Realm.

The extraterrestrial meteor that Jiang Lin was looking for could make life mutate. Originally, if it was expected that these mutated corpses would obey the orders of the dead zombie in the corridor, they would last forever. His lifespan has gone far beyond the Daluo Immortal Realm to find the Middle-earth world.

However, after all, these corpse evils are defective products created by fate and are fake and shoddy, which led to the fact that when this meteorite fell to the Tianyun Dynasty, the living corpse with a special mission had already died of old age.

This also means that the hand left by fate has failed.

Coincidentally, they came here in Jianglin, and they became husband and wife with Lingyu who devoured the core of the meteorite.

Whether this is a mere coincidence, or whether fate has long been in the atmosphere of the Nth layer and dominated everything in the early morning, is unknown.

At this time, Jiang Lin, who was angry, did have the idea of ​​using the Book of Heaven as toilet paper, but he didn't expect that he would meet the will of the Book of Heaven—destiny in the near future.

Still in Middle-earth.

At that time, Jiang Lin didn't even know that he was being calculated by the Book of Heaven, and it became an important means of his planning.

"A trick, what should I do?"

After suppressing the anger in his heart, Jiang Lin could only let the system suggest how to deal with it. Now that the calamity in Lingyu's belly has become the source of her spirit, she hastily beat her, fearing that Lingyu's safety is the problem.

This time, the system didn't display any text on the interface, but played a video, which was a scene in Zhou Xingxing's movie "Nine-Pin Sesame Official".

"Let her give birth! Let her give birth!"

Many group performers shouted there, asking the heroine to give birth to the child.

I'm so...

Jiang Lin had a lot of blue veins on his forehead.

I can go to your second uncle.

Dare you don't have a wife!

"To give birth to your second uncle, give me a way!"

After being greeted by Jianglin Civilization, the system explained the reason. Now that the calamity has been born, it cannot be destroyed. The reason why Lingyu was born is because there is a certain probability that Lingyu will survive, and after the calamity is born, it becomes A complete individual is more useful to Jiang Lin's corpse.

Of course Jiang Lin would not agree to such an approach, no matter how high the probability was, he would not take Lingyu's life for a blog.

Now that his wife's life is in danger, he doesn't care whether it's good for him or not.

Everything is backed up.

Moreover, according to his previous experience, the probability mentioned by the system is not very big at all.

If it cannot be destroyed, it cannot be destroyed, there are always other ways.

It doesn't matter whether he wants the child or not, the most important thing is that the adults are fine.

Chapter [-]: Being a father can't be too much Li Jing

After that, Jiang Lin's system combined with his demands, conducted some analysis, and gave Jiang Lin several options.

However, in Jiang Lin's view, these are just a few options, but they are not options at all.

The side effects of each plan are unacceptable to him.

The first is that he gave up the meteorite power contained in Lingyu's body, and immediately removed the residual energy of the meteorite in Lingyu's body in a special way. In this way, the fetus also could not grow into a complete body.

It is also the best way to deal with it.

Jiang Lin looked at the notes on the system interface and didn't even want to think about it.

Although he has used Lingyu to increase the corpse poison in his body during this time, this process has only just begun.

If the radiation power in Lingyu's body that is useful to him is immediately removed, and there is no supply, with his current situation, he will not be able to reach Sky City at all.

Wangtianjian's corpse poison has been in his body for a long time, and if he continues to delay, the probability of accidents is very high.

At that time, he will not be a corpse emperor, but an emperor.

The second plan, which is a compromise, is to force all Lingyu's demon power source into the body of the fetus in the womb, so that Lingyu is equivalent to being relatively independent from the womb in her womb.

The reason why Lingyu was able to survive and successfully transform in the open space of the meteorite was because she devoured the core of the meteorite.

Today, the fetus in her womb regards her as a vessel for growth, and in the same way, Lingyu's calamity can also be used as a vessel in reverse.

It's just that if such a plan is implemented, Lingyu will suffer a lot of crimes, which is even more painful than the punishment of the cannon.

As for the final choice, it is not to hurt Lingyu nor to the fetus, just remove the evil thoughts of the fetus, so that the mother and child can be safe.

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up when he first saw this kind of plan. The most important thing is that Lingyu is not damaged. With this premise, it is not bad to be able to save the child.

However, when Jiang Lin saw the text on the back, his face became the same as the bottom of the pot.

If the fetus is born in the future, it will not be humanoid.

This is actually nothing. Jiang Lin feels that he doesn't care much about it at all. After all, his wife has fox demons and rabbit demons. It is said that among ordinary people, cats and dogs are raised as sons. He learned a lesson, it's nothing.

But it was outrageous, because the system released the three-dimensional concept map of the fetus that was not in human form.

Fuck, lickers!

Jiang Lin almost felt like throwing up.

The picture on the system interface is the licker formed by the biochemical mutation of the rabbit in the Resident Evil movie.

What's more, it's a plus version, an enhanced version.

The whole body is like being skinned, and it is almost impossible to see where it looks like a rabbit. The long tongue as thick as a steel needle at the bottom of the bowl has grown long, and then a mouth of fangs.

Hi, licker son, I'm your dad, come on, daddy.

Jiang Lin imagined it for a moment, and then the whole person was about to crack.

Some empty-nesters, or widowers without children, raise cats and dogs as their own sons, but what about him, is he raising a biochemical alien as a son?

Jiang Lin patted his forehead hard, no, no, no, he couldn't accept it.

What the hell have I done!

For the first time in Jiang Lin's life, he wondered if he had killed too many sins, Second Uncle's.

Finally, the system provides another method, which is the most secure.

Although it was inevitable that Lingyu would suffer, it would ensure Lingyu's safety and allow Jiang Lin to transfer all the power belonging to the meteorite in Lingyu's body at one time.At the same time, it can also ensure that the fetus is normal in the future and is a normal person.

But the price is higher.

First of all, to implement this method, it will consume three million suffocation points, which means that Jiang Lin's hard-earned savings are almost gone.

Secondly, the system needs to project the clone out and disguise it, covering the fetus, and refining the fetus with the help of Jianglin's Sun True Fire and other yang flames.

This means that Jiang Lin will not be able to rely on the system for a long time.

The system has also explained before that the reason why the calamity can be formed is because of the special power contained in this extraterrestrial meteorite, which is the very high-level creative power pointed out by the system.

Even Jiang Lin's system was quite afraid of this level of power, and when dealing with this matter, he was not careless at all, and naturally he could no longer provide Jiang Lin with any assistance.

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