Moreover, if the absurd situation of Qianji Nation is the norm, even if he reaches the capital of this country, it is estimated that he will not be able to move an inch.

These are still external problems, and Jiang Lin himself is also a little bad here.

In this area of ​​the Thousand Machines Country, the general chaos of the landscape and geography can be ignored, and this chaos has a suppressing effect on his Dao body.

Under normal circumstances, in terms of Jiang Lin's cultivation, unless it is the kind of extremely terrifying fierce land, it can have such an effect on him.

But this absurd country of thousands of machines, yin rises and yang declines, has formed a special fortune, which makes him have such a situation.

Of course, Jiang Lin can also choose to let the corpse poison in his body enter his flesh and blood, and walk in the state of a corpse.

However, the concealment means on his body will not be able to exert full effect due to the special environment here.

If he arrives at the capital of the Thousand Machines Country, he, a monster corpse, wants to go to the Lord of a country to discuss business affairs, it will be like a joke.

Fortunately, when Jiang Lin was at a loss, he met a convoy of a troupe performing on the road, and the members of this troupe were all men—men who looked normal.

Without the neck cuffs, he finally looks like a man in his words and deeds.

"Young man, why are you dressed like this? If you enter the city, you will be caught in jail."

The head of the troupe saw Jiang Lin walking in the wild, so he kindly greeted him and reminded him.

Jiang Lin looked at the head of the regiment and said, "To be honest, Wansheng is the first time to come to Qianji Country, and I don't know the situation in your place. I did encounter a lot of incomprehensible things a few days ago. What do you call the uncle?"

After finally meeting a normal man, he was kind enough to warn him, so Jiang Lin wanted to inquire about the specific situation of this area from the other party's mouth, and by the way, how to get to the capital of Qianji Nation.

"You... are you from a foreign country? Oh, I didn't expect outsiders to come in here. I don't know how difficult it is for outsiders to come to us. By the way, you can no longer call this place Qianji. If someone listens to it, he may be beheaded. The Qianji Kingdom is already a former dynasty, and now this is the Kingdom of Heavenly Maidens. As for my name, you can call me Lord Heimu.”

The head of the regiment was quite surprised when he heard that Jiang Lin had come from the outside world. In their country of thousands of machines, the surrounding geographical environment is almost all dangerous and dangerous. People outside can't get in, and people inside can't get out. .


Jiang Lin was surprised for a moment. He didn't know until now that the kingdom of Qianji had changed its dynasty and became the kingdom of the goddess.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin nodded. According to the information he had learned, there was a rebellion in the Qianji Kingdom decades ago.

The change of dynasties is also a matter of reason.

"I'm not sure about this late night, Lord Heimu, you should lead a performing arts troupe, right? I wonder if Lord Heimu can allow Wansheng to follow the eight villages and tell him about the situation here?"

Jiang Lin made his own request. If he missed this opportunity to obtain information, he still didn't know when he would be able to learn about the country of thousands of machines.

"There's nothing wrong with that. It just so happens that I'm short of people on my way here. Can you help me? By the way, young man, what's your name?"

"Hitching a ride, I should help you, Jiang Lin was born late."

Jiang Lin reported his name directly, but Lord Heimu frowned after hearing his name.

"Wow! His surname is Jiang?"

"Which river? The river of the river or the ginger of the ginger?"

"No matter which one it is, it will suffer."

At this time, the three youths with clear eyes and beautiful eyes pulled aside the curtain of the carriage together and stuck their heads out to look at Jiang Lin.

what's the situation?

Hearing the inexplicable words of the three young people, Jiang Lin was very confused.

Why is his surname Jiang going to suffer?

Whether it is his Jiang or another homophonic Jiang, is it taboo in this country of Qianji?

And such a thing?

Afterwards, Lord Heimu explained it a little to Jiang Lin. The current Qianji Kingdom is unstable, and there are rumors among the people: the twin flowers bloom, the emperor star appears; the universe is reversed, and the world is in chaos;

The last sentence of the rumor was "the mind will change and change again", which led the Queen to order the arrest of Jiang and Jiang surnames.

The rumors that appeared here in Qianji Kingdom are not in the form of words, so when they were recorded in words, some were written as "Jiang Shen", and some were written as "Jiang Shen". Therefore, the ancestors are these two surnames. Many people were arrested and executed.

I'm going, why is there such a thing?

Jiang Lin was stunned when he heard it. He knew that there were folk proverbs circulating in Qianjiguo decades ago, but now there are folk rumors, but he didn't know it.

Moreover, what makes him feel depressed is that the current country of Qianji, which is now the kingdom of Tiannv, may have rebellion again, so at this juncture, if he wants to use Qianji in the capital to ascend to the rooftop, it is estimated that he will not How smooth it will be.

To Jiang Lin's relief, Master Heimu, the head of the troupe, didn't worry about what would happen if he came into contact with him, and he still accepted him temporarily.

But just to be cautious, Lord Heimu called him "Lin Zi".

Jiang Lin didn't mind this. In the past, in his home in Middle-earth, his master Zhang Han called him that, and it was also his nickname.

Afterwards, Lord Heimu introduced the three young people who had just spoken out to Jiang Lin—Chaitou, Tantou, and Taotao.

These three young people are his favorite children.

Only at this moment did Jiang Lin realize that two of the three youths were quite special.

The oily and dishonest Chaitou, and the dull-looking charcoal tou, actually have the imperial fortune.

It just hasn't shown up yet.

In other words, the slippery wood head and the dull charcoal head are both born with the emperor's life.


Does the emperor star in the folk proverbs refer to these two young people?

Jiang Lin couldn't help but suspect that if there was another rebellion in Qianji Nation, it might have something to do with the two young people he met now.

If that's the case, that's quite a coincidence.

Chapter [*] Emperor Star Now (Part [*])

Jiang Lin took another look to confirm that he was not mistaken.

If something really went wrong, it was because of the chaos of yin and yang in this place, which made him dazzled.

As for Tao Tao, who looks the most handsome and handsome, but takes the name of his daughter's family, that is, the last of the three young people, he is also quite special, but this special expression is that he is very familiar with people.

"I don't have anything special about me, but my body is considered a powerful force."

Taotao kept asking Jiang Lin if he had any special ability, if he was a practitioner, Jiang Lin could only smile and put it off at will.

Since he reported his name just now, after Lord Heimu introduced these three beloved children, Taotao seemed to meet him late, as if he had known him for a long time. .

Jiang Lin had just entered the Kingdom of Thousand Machines, and he was only the first acquaintance with Lord Heimu and others, so he naturally wouldn't give up all his knowledge.

After Tao Tao didn't get the answer she wanted from Jiang Lin, she didn't ask any further, but her eyes turned slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Lord Heimu asked Jiang Lin to get into the car, and then started talking with Jiang Lin.

Only then did Jiang Lin know that there are still men like Lord Heimu who are unwilling to bend their waists in this country of Qianji, but the current country of Qianji is run by a man who hates men and wants to keep them as slaves for life. The queen of servants is in charge, and the law is so absurd, Lord Heimu has no choice but to choose to set up a troupe.

Because the troupe has to perform all over the place, play the past and the present, and play various theatrical roles, there is no need to wear neck cuffs and chains.

"Another woman who hates men so much?"

After listening to Lord Heimu's further remarks, Jiang Lin really didn't know what to say. He came to this Daluo Immortal Realm, and he had seen a few women who hated men. However, this queen was the most outrageous.

Like the Wanhualin and Huaxian Pavilion that Jiang Lin visited before, men were not welcome there before, and there was nothing good for men to go there.

But that also has to be a man in the past to suffer.

If you hate men, you just hate men. You can create a circle of your own and create your own world. Anyway, the world is so big that it is full of wonders.

However, the Queen of the Thousand Machines Country did not engage in any niche circle, and directly turned men into slaves into a country's criminal law.

Hey, you're a man, so, if you break the law, you have to be a woman's slave, that's what's legal.

The cows are also real cows.

No matter men or women, they are all human, so they cannot coexist peacefully?

The yin and yang of people's source can also complement each other.

Chicken Sichen, clean the whole moth.

Jiang Lin really wanted to know if this queen had an old father, and if her biological father was still alive, would she be a servant like the men here.

"Yeah, in fact, the former Thousand Machines Congress has become like this, and it has to start from decades ago. The fundamental reason is because of the grievances between the current queen and the current high priest. Hey, don't mention it, the rumors of the past The prophecies have all come true.”

Lord Heimu talked about a past history. For example, the queen and the high priest of today's women's country used to be a loving couple, but the queen had a twin sister who fell in love with the high priest as well.

Later, the queen's sister took advantage of her own appearance with the queen to put the high priest to sleep, and happened to be discovered by the queen.

The queen didn't care about the high priest's explanation at all, she decided with her husband, married the emperor of the previous dynasty, then took power, and finally subverted the previous dynasty.

Because of their hatred of men, the country of Qianji has thus become a kingdom of heavenly women where men are slaves.

As for the high priest, although he did something wrong to his wife, he was deceived, but the high priest still loved the queen deeply, so he castrated himself to atone for his sins and assisted the queen.

The twin sister who deceived the queen was also imprisoned by the queen's magic and tortured forever.

Knowing these things, Jiang Lin really felt a little funny, he thought it was some kind of man's unfortunate bridge.

It turned out that the high priest was deceived, and he didn't feel guilty at all. Even if the queen had a thorn in her heart, she would leave the high priest, and she was wronged and had a debt. As a result, the queen vented her hatred on all men. .

Without decades of cerebral congestion, I couldn't do such a thing.

However, after knowing these secrets, Jiang Lin was quite curious about the prophecies circulating here in Qianji Nation. According to what Lord Heimu said, the prophecy of the year did come true.

One Two Flowers was originally used to describe the twin flowers. It responded to the queen and her twin sister. The latter one responded to the change of thousands of machines.

After that, Jiang Lin learned a lot of information from Lord Heimu. Among them, there are two important points. One is that the capital of this country is Huadu, which is thousands of miles to the north, and the other is the queen of Qianji Country. , This ruthless woman is a cultivator with extremely powerful mana, and with the blessing of luck, even if the men of this country cannot be enslaved, they will not be able to turn over at all.

I'm in trouble.

After obtaining this important information, Jiang Lin began to frown again.

There is a problem with the head of the Queen of the Thousand Machines Country, and her cultivation is likely to be at the level of a god-turning or a god-turning cultivator.

He wants to use Huadu's Qianji to ascend to the sky city, and it is estimated that there is no chance.

Just when Jiang Lin was walking with Lord Heimu and Chaitou Chartou, in the palace of Huadu, the queen and the high priest had already found out the approximate location of the Emperor Star through a special method.

Originally, if it was just Chaitou and Tantou, although they had imperial luck on them, they hadn't shown much yet.It is difficult for the queen and the high priest to find out.

However, Jiang Lin is also an emperor star, he has the fortune of the corpse emperor, and he is also the emperor in the corpse.

It is very conspicuous that the three emperors get together.

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