In the basement of the palace, the empress with a stern face wearing a crown stood in front of an earth wall. Beside her, there was a high priest wearing a black robe and a special official hat.

At this time, a crack appeared in the earth wall, and an illusory figure of a woman appeared.

This woman, who shares the same cheek as the Queen, is the Queen's twin sister, but now she has been fused with the Wall of Prophecy by the Queen's secret method and will never be free.

"The Emperor Star has appeared, sister, are you very afraid that your seat will not be stable? The twin flowers are blooming, and the Emperor Star has appeared. The universe is reversed, and the world is in chaos. Later, such a prophecy appeared. In the previous one, I responded to my sister, you turned into a goddess and entered the temple, and became a generation of queens, but this time, it was a zombie who entered the palace. Sister, you, a goddess, will make way for the true god."

The illusory figure said a mocking remark. This is really a moment and a moment. A few decades ago, it was a single plant with two flowers, and now there are twin flowers blooming. After all, this country of thousands of machines will change.

Chapter two thousand one hundred and sixty-six red vultures and blue feathers, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

"you wanna die?"

With a cold face, the queen stretched out her palm, and ice picks shot out from her palm.


The phantom figure let out a sharp cry and said with hatred, "You kill me!"

"Why would I be willing to kill your sister, I haven't hated enough yet."

The queen smiled coldly, and the high priest on the side felt pity, and quickly said: "The queen, please stop, now we still need to determine the location of the emperor star."

With a light snort, the queen did not continue to torture her sister.

Afterwards, the increasingly illusory woman carried out a deduction and stated the approximate location of the Emperor Star.

Knowing the area where the Emperor Star appeared, with a wave of the queen's sleeves, the earth wall returned to its original state.

Turning her head to look at the high priest, the queen said again: "Quickly send the mysterious messenger to the past, and we must obliterate the Emperor Star before the rebellion has begun. Also, the search for fellow sisters must also be accelerated, and twin flowers bloom. , Emperor Star is now, this is likely to mean that there will be another pair of twin sisters, which will become an opportunity for Emperor Star to usurp."

The queen's face gradually became sullen. Since such a prophecy appeared among the people in the country, she not only ordered the pursuit of Jiang and Jiang's surnames, but also hunted and killed twin sisters in the country.

In fact, the Queen's inference is correct, but this time the prediction is slightly different from the last time.

The prophecies that appear today, the twin flowers in them, do refer to twin sisters, but they are not identical twins.

Moreover, this pair of sisters were separated soon after they were born, and now they don't know each other, otherwise, they would not be able to escape the queen's poisonous hands.

"As ordered."

The high priest saluted respectfully, and then walked out of the palace grounds.

When they arrived in the palace, the high priest asked the female guard to summon the mysterious messenger who performed special tasks in the palace.

Not long after, two girls in black cloaks came to the high priest.

One of the girls with her hair half tied and half let loose, with a cold and arrogant temperament, folded her arms in front of her chest and leaned against the wall of the corridor when she saw the high priest. She did not have enough respect for her boss, the high priest.

The other girl seemed to be more polite, and gave a subordinate salute to the high priest.

The high priest looked at the glamorous girl with a sloppy attitude and said, "Red Eagle, I don't care about you usually being sloppy, but this time, it's a big deal, and if it's delayed, even the queen will not favor you. "


When the girl named Red Eagle heard the words, she no longer leaned against the wall, but that was all.

The high priest ignored the red eagle and said to the two of them: "Mysterious makes the red eagle and the blue ling to listen to the order! Now that the Emperor Star is in the world, it is more than [*] miles south of Huadu, the two of you must be on this trip. Find out who the Emperor Star is. If you can't be sure, bring the suspicious person back and let the priest check. There must be no mistake."

Emperor Star appeared?

Hongji narrowed his eyes, then nodded, and spoke with Lan Ling, the girl beside him.

"Lan Ling, Red Eagle, this mission is very important. If there is any further news in the future, I will contact you through the Eagle Communication. I hope the two of you will work together to complete this mission together."

"Why should I work with her? I have my own way of getting things done."

Hong Ji gave Lan Ling a disdainful look, then turned around and walked out.

"It's so presumptuous!"

The high priest's face became a little ugly. At this time, the remaining girl Lan Ling said: "Red Eagle is arrogant and arrogant, and I hope the high priest will not know her in the same way. This time Lan Ling will focus on the overall situation and will definitely live up to the high priest. entrustment."

The high priest then suppressed the anger in his heart and continued: "In this case, you will be responsible for the other task this time. The Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon of the Zhengyang Clan in the previous dynasty has been secretly contacting the tribes of the old country. , intends to rebel, this time you go out, just check the truth of the rebels by the way."

"Lan Ling obeys."

With a bang, Lan Ling also left the palace and rode straight to the south.

Just as the two mysterious envoys, Hongji and Lanling, headed to Jiang Lin's position one after another, Jiang Lin had already followed Heimu Ye's motorcade for a distance.

Because the speed of the convoy was not fast, Jiang Lin decided to part ways with Lord Heimu and others after obtaining useful information.

Lord Heimu also kindly retained it, but Jiang Lin was going to go to Huadu to try it out to see if he could secretly borrow the Qianji there, so he didn't plan to waste time.

As for the trouble entering the town, he didn't care. At most, he could find some dry grass and weave a hat. After passing the inspection of the city gate, there should be no major problem on the street.

Not long after Jiang Lin left, Tao Tao, who had grown up with him before, also left the team and released a carrier pigeon.

"I hope Brother Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon can receive this letter as soon as possible. That Jiang Lin is likely to be the God of Jiang in the prophecy."

After Taotao released the carrier pigeon, he waited with expectation. If the person he met this time was right, in the future, these men would no longer have to live these enslaved lives.

Half a day later, Tao Tao, who had returned to the team and rested in a wood, heard a special signal sound.

"Brother Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, are you here so soon?"

After finding a reason to leave the team, Taotao saw a sturdy man in a strong suit and holding a brow stick on the hillside a mile or two away.

This shrewd man was mentioned by the high priest, and he was also the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon that Tao Tao was waiting for.

"This matter is important, I need to confirm it as soon as possible, so I came as quickly as possible."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon smiled, and then immediately asked Taotao for information about Jianglin.

"Brother, I think he is definitely not an ordinary person. I feel a very similar breath to you in him. Moreover, whether it is behavior or speech, it shows that he is an outsider. He can come to us from the outside world. The person who came from the country has not suffered any injuries, which means that he must have extraordinary ability. What's more, his surname is Jiang. Jiang's spirit is in trouble, and he will change again and again, maybe he is the key to leading us to victory. The character, or even, he may be the Emperor Star mentioned in the prophecy."

Tao Tao quickly told Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon all her impressions and guesses about Jiang Lin.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon pondered for a moment, then said: "You did a good job, I will wait for him on his only path, and meet him for a while. At this moment, an external force appeared, which means that we are very happy. Maybe the time is ripe. Brother, there is a big thing that needs you to do next. There is a sword-seeking slate in the palace of Huadu. This slate not only has the ability to identify the Emperor Star, but also leads the Emperor Star to find the previous dynasty. In the Qianjun Tomb, I found the Divine Sword of Restoration Condensed from the legacy of the motherland inside. Once it is found, we will be able to restore the country."

Chapter [*] is a coincidence, I am subduing the tiger and subduing the dragon

"Brother, do you want me to do such an important thing?"

"That's right, the palace's storage room has a special barrier, and a cultivator like me can't go there. You grew up in a troupe since you were a child, and you played well with blindfolding. It's enough to hide people's eyes and ears. You can go with confidence. Go ahead, someone will pick you up when you get there."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon nodded. If it wasn't for the extra protection of practitioners in the palace in Huadu, he would not have chosen a troupe expert to take on this important task.

After that, he let Taotao ride his Maxima on the road immediately, and when the matter was completed, he agreed to meet him at Tiaohu Cliff.

Tao Tao did not say hello to Lord Heimu, and immediately set off to steal the slate from the palace in Huadu.

As for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, he jumped up and chased Jiang Lin's direction.

Jiang Lin didn't know that someone had already found him, and he didn't choose to fly to Huadu. Now he wants to go directly to Chencang without disturbing others. This requires him not to make any noise and expose Xingzang. .

In other words, he needs to rearrange his concealment means.

Therefore, Jiang Lin went to a high mountain, overlooking the mountains and rivers below, hoping to find some laws in this chaotic pattern of yin and yang.

Only in this way can he make targeted arrangements.

Otherwise, he can only be busy.

Three days later, Jiang Lin walked more than a thousand miles, still walking among the mountains.

In the past few days, he has watched a lot of geomantic feng shui, but it has no effect at all.

With his discernment and ability, he has not been able to strip the cocoon of such a large area.

Therefore, Jiang Lin didn't plan to spend time here, even if he couldn't be silent, he had to try it.

If it doesn't work, consider it again.

Turning around a forest path, Jiang Lin saw a man in a strong suit wearing a cape standing on the road, leaning on a brow stick in the middle of the road.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon looked at Jiang Lin and smiled softly. He had been waiting here for a long time.

Although he had never met Jiang Lin, he also knew that the young man not far from him was the one he planned to meet for a while.

Because the current Jiang Lin is really normal, he looks like a strong man.


Jiang Lin wondered when he saw the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The smile on the other side's face was not like a greeting between strangers.

At this time, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon didn't say anything, kicked the eyebrow stick, and the whole person rushed towards Jiang Lin like an arrow from the string.

"You've got the wrong person."

Jiang Lin took two steps to the side of the road. If it was said that a woman would attack him when she saw him, he would still understand. After all, this country is very absurd. When a woman sees a normal man like him, it is the same as seeing an enemy who killed his father.

But there is a big man across from him, and he has no grudges against him.

Moreover, this man blocking the road in front is still a man, unlike the man he has seen in this Thousand Machine Country before, he is also a rare cultivator.

This will not make him want to report or catch a reward because he sees that he is normal.

It may be that the other party has identified the wrong person.

However, Jiang Lin wanted to avoid the battle, but Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon refused. His stick turned and continued to smash into Jiang Lin's heart.

Now, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has determined that Jiang Lin is not an ordinary person at all, because Jiang Lin's concealment methods have lost part of the effect due to the influence of the environment, which has led to the release of his aura.

At this moment, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon wanted to see how capable a practitioner Jiang Lin was, and whether he could play a vital role in their upcoming events.

"Friend, it's over."

Jiang Lin flicked his fingers together, shaking off the attacking long stick, and his face became a little unhappy.

People who don't know and who have no entanglements, come to him for bad luck. He can think that the other party has misunderstood and recognized the wrong person, but after he reminds them, the other party is still looking for trouble, so he doesn't want to get used to it.

Feeling the strength from the Qimei stick, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was also shocked, but there was a little more smile on his face.

Pointing at the long stick, he said to Jiang Lin, "Have a fight."

"I don't have time to spare."

Jiang Lin glanced at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon with a funny look. He was busy with business, and there was such a leisurely thing to fight with an irrelevant person.

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