After that, Jiang Lin was about to continue on his way, but just two steps, there was a sound of wind breaking from his back.

Jiang Lin turned around and raised his hand to grab the head of the stick that came, and said with a cold face, "Is the five elements worth beating?"

"Of course. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I want to get a fight today."

The corner of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's mouth twitched. In today's fight, Jiang Lin had to fight.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?"

Jiang Lin sneered and said, "It's a coincidence, I am subduing the tiger and subduing the dragon."

His face turned cold, Jiang Lin's forearm turned sharply, and the strength in his hand was sent forward.

With this hand, he directly took the opponent's weapon, and if the opponent's response was not timely enough, the eyebrow stick could pass directly through the chamber.

However, to Jiang Lin's surprise, the man with the five elements turned his body sideways in an instant, grabbed the end of the eyebrow-raising stick shot by Dakong, raised his foot and kicked the head of the stick, letting the long stick be on the top of the stick. His strength drew a one-hundred-eighty-degree flat-angle arc, and it landed on top of his head again.

Unfortunately, Jiang Lin's speed was even faster, and he had already taken out the Tianyun Sword from his arms and parried it above his head.However, the soles of his feet, which were pressed by the force he sent from the long stick, fell into the ground.

"Excellent combat skills."

Jiang Lin couldn't help but praise him. He countered at such a close distance, even Liu Yi, the unlucky guy he met in Anyang City before, would probably be robbed.

However, the man on the opposite side immediately noticed that the force he exerted on the stick was no trivial matter, and he used his hand to use it.

Although this response method sounds like the same thing, in actual combat, it is necessary to complete the counterattack in a very short moment, which is not simple at all.

However, the praise was praised, and the other party repeatedly expressed that he wanted to be beaten, which really made Jiang Lin's hand a little itchy.

Haven't abused anyone in a while.

The one who came to beg for a beating today is the tiger, who has to lie down in front of him, and the dragon, who has to be placed in front of him and coiled.

What Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, change your name, sick cat curls up snake.

Chapter two thousand one hundred and sixty-eight can't beat it, how can I beat it

After Jiang Lin opened the crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's long stick, he threw out a sword energy, and then the Tianyun Sword in his hand turned and was held upside down in his palm, slashing wildly towards the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Countless sparks erupted from one of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's eyebrow stick, and the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon holding the eyebrow stick also retreated repeatedly under Jiang Lin's frantic offensive.

Although Jiang Lin is not a master of swordsmanship, but with a single force, the power he exerts on Tianyun Sword is more than several thousand kilograms. Even if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon parries in the most correct way, it is nothing at all. Follow-up.

However, the fighting skills of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon are only seen in Jiang Lin's life. Even under the pressure of his brute force, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, although falling into a disadvantage, can still stabilize his own disadvantage, not to He was defeated, and in the course of the fierce battle, he was able to counterattack Jiang Lin from time to time.

During the fierce battle, Jiang Lin's evaluation of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon became higher and higher. Although he did not fight with [*]% strength, the opponent also did not fight him to the death.

He really hadn't encountered a few opponents who were able to connect with his sword and stick and fight at such a close range.

Half an hour later, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon felt more and more difficult. With a twist in his hand, a spear tip protruded from one end of the eyebrow-raising stick, and the whole eyebrow-raising stick turned into a long spear.

After that, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's defense and offensive suddenly changed, and for a while, there was a momentum that could reverse the disadvantage.

But Jiang Lin didn't care at all. Today, he just let this Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon curl up on his stomach.

For a time, the two fought from the ground to mid-air, and then flew into the woods. Wherever they passed, it was either landslides or trees fell.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon became more and more frightened. In previous battles, he had discovered that in terms of cultivation level, Jiang Lin, like him, was at the peak of Jindan, but he loved to study combat skills since he was a child. Among the various weapons, no matter whether he used the eyebrow-raising stick or the silver-headed spear, which he was most familiar with, he couldn't take advantage of it at all.

As the saying goes, the moon stick and the sword are the spears of a lifetime, and the sword needs to be hidden with him. Jiang Lin only uses a long sword, and he is so proficient that he can't attack it at all.

Looking at it this way, Jiang Lin's ability, just in combat, has crushed him.

Moreover, he also had a feeling that if he and Jiang Lin did their best and used other means, he would not be able to take any advantage.

In this country of Thousand Machines, except for the queen of the dynasty, if someone is said to be top-notch in combat power, if he is the second, then no one dares to be the first.

But now that he has met Jiang Lin, he has let him do everything in his power, and he can't help it.

This Jiang Shen who came from afar has such ability.


Although he didn't take advantage of it, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon had a happy expression on his face. If the young man on the opposite side had the ability to do such a thing, then if he did things with them next time, why wouldn't it be a big deal?

"With this ability, you still want to be beaten?"

Jiang Lin sneered and slashed down with a sword. He swung a long sword like an axe, and the attack was extremely powerful.

However, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was no longer ready to compete with him on any weapon, so there was an extremely strong dark energy in the gun barrel, and he blocked it.

The long sword in Jiang Lin's hand was also shaken by the extremely delicate parry of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and it flew out of his hand.

However, the opponent's silver-headed spear also flew out because it suffered a huge force, far exceeding the upper limit of this block.

After the weapon flew out, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon didn't care about it at all. His hands were palms, one in front and one behind his chest. His feet were parallel and shoulder-width apart.

"Wing Chun???"

Jiang Lin was stunned when he saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's approaching gesture. Then he looked at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on the opposite side, only to suddenly realize that this man with five elements had the same appearance as the movie leaves. The protagonist of the Q series, Zhen Kung Fu, is very similar.

Is this a kung fu actor who has traveled to the Daluo Immortal Realm?

Doing Wing Chun here?

"Wing Chun or Ip Man, my idol Bruce Lee."

Jiang Lin didn't call back the flying Tian Yunjian, and walked straight in front of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and then his feet jumped rhythmically, just like dancing a cha-cha.



Now Jiang Lin, if he puts on a yellow one-piece sports suit, he can directly remake "Game of Death".

There were some question marks on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's forehead. He didn't know what the hell Jiang Lin was doing, and he was always screaming strangely.

Just when he was puzzled, his nose suddenly became sour, and he was hit with a heavy punch from Jiang Lin, and then a few fist marks appeared on the clothes on his chest, and he was hit by Jiang Lin's Japanese punch.

I can't believe that my boxing skills are weaker than yours!

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon didn't pay attention to how weird Jiang Lin's movements were, so he attacked steadily.

This time, Jiang Lin did not use much brute force, and directly used the Jeet Kune Do he had learned to fight Wing Chun.

With punches and kicks, elbows and knees, Jiang Lin and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon staged a fist-to-meat fight on the barren slope.

Played for a full hour.

"No martial arts!"

An hour later, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon tucked his knees inside, stood on tiptoe, and looked at Jiang Lin angrily.

It hurts.

If Jiang Lin fought him seriously, he wouldn't have much to say, but the guy on the other side, either kicking the sand or piercing his eyes, or smothering yin, would have caused him a lot of losses.

Can't beat it.

On the other hand, Jiang Lin smiled. If he hadn't used some unruly fighting methods, it would have been difficult to gain the upper hand in his fists.Compared to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, his boxing skills can only slightly gain the upper hand.

At this time, Jiang Lin's hostility towards Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon had eased a lot. From the beginning to the present, this strong-armed man had no substantive malice towards him.

At this moment, he felt that he had a bit of a match against his opponent.

At this moment, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon suddenly slumped, jumped to his side almost instantly, and threw him to the ground with soft skills. Almost instantly, his arm joints were locked by the opponent.

"What is this? Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in the movie Fuse?"

Jiang Lin raised his brows. He had to say that in terms of fighting alone, the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon he faced was definitely the most proficient of all the people he had encountered.

If it is a fight, he can't guarantee that he will not suffer the loss of his opponent.

However, even though he was locked, Jiang Lin smiled lightly, his whole body burst out with strength, the muscles in his body instantly swelled a lot, and he got rid of the locking technique of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and then he used the throwing technique to capture Fight with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Any martial arts kung fu movie with violent aesthetics is estimated to be inferior to the current scene.

Jiang Lin just used Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to practice his reaction. In the past, he had accumulated experience in dealing with evil spirits, and rarely had the opportunity to fight with his opponents.

Now, he wants to practice.

"Brother Jiang, let go, let go! The keel of my back is about to break!"

Half an hour later, the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, who was pressed to the ground by Jiang Lin, slapped the ground with his palm.

admit defeat.

I can't beat it, I can't beat it, I can't beat it at all.

His various combat skills and fighting skills were all displayed, but it was only half a point away.

This time, he really deserved to be beaten by crouching tiger, hidden dragon, and was subdued by Jiang Lin, unable to move.

The body is lying on the stomach, the whole body is curled up and pressed tightly, it is really sick cat curled up like a snake.

Chapter [*] No interest, no interest at all

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was really convinced this time. Whether it was fighting weapons or fighting fists, he was only half a point worse than Jiang Lin.

But the difference is everywhere. This time, he was only fighting Jiang Lin. If they were enemies and fought to the death, he would probably be pinched to death by this Jiang God.

Not only his combat skills, but also his proud masculine aura, in front of Jiang Lin, was equally inferior.

During the previous battle, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon had already discovered that the spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body had the aura of the sun, even the most outstanding members of the Zhengyang clan had the same fiery level of spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body. Compared, they all pale in comparison.


Jiang Lin frowned slightly, listening to the meaning of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, did you know him early in the morning?


"I've been waiting for you here for a long time. I have something to talk to you about. Brother Jiang, the reason I offended you before was just because I wanted to confirm your strength."

Seeing that Jiang Lin still hadn't let go of his grasping lock technique, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon hurriedly explained.


Jiang Lin threw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon with a force.

He was a little curious to know how the other party knew him.

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