Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon rolled over in midair and landed on the ground, and then a respectful attitude appeared on his face, saying, "Brother Jiang, before going down to the Zhengyang Clan's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, he had offended many times before. , I hope brother Jiang don't take offense."

Saying that, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon bent down and bowed deeply to Jianglin.

Now, he has completely concluded that Jiang Lin, a foreigner, is the God of Jiang referred to in the prophecies circulating among the people.

If there is any cultivator in this Thousand Machine Country that can fight against the Queen, then it must be Jiang Lin.

The queen of Huadu occupies the general trend, even if the cultivation base exceeds the level of Jindan, even the level of the queen is similar, and they cannot resist the queen's demon magic.

Only those with the most yang energy can be immune to that kind of magic.

Obviously, Jiang Lin can do it.

"you know me?"

"Brother Jiang, it was Taotao who sent the message to me and told me your information, and I came to confirm it."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon didn't hide anything from Jiang Lin, and what he was going to do next needed Jiang Lin's help, so naturally he wouldn't hide these things.

"It turned out to be him, no wonder he always asked me all kinds of things before."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, and now he thought about it for a while, and connected the occurrence of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

After all, when he came to the territory of the Thousand Machines Country, he really had an intersection with him, that is, Lord Heimu and others.

"Do you have anything to do with me?"

Jiang Lin folded his arms and looked at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Now he doesn't have much hostility towards this man who owes a fight to the Five Elements.

The previous matter, really speaking, was just crouching tiger, hidden dragon forcing him to take action, and did not show any murderous intent or malicious intent.

Moreover, in the later battle, his evaluation of this opponent became higher and higher, and now Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon took the initiative to apologize to him, and even bowed down and gave a big gift.

He Jiang Lin is not a person with a small stomach.

"I think, Brother Jiang, you should have heard of a prophecy that has appeared in this country of Qianji, and the most important sentence is 'Jiang's gods will become savage, and Qianji will change again'. Although I am Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Brother Jiang, you The friendship is not deep, but I do not know each other. I believe that you are an upright man. Therefore, I am not afraid to tell you that now the old part of our former dynasty is gathering, hoping to overthrow the queen's rule and restore the former dynasty. At this juncture Come on, Brother Jiang, you suddenly appeared in Qianji Country, I am afraid that you have responded to the words in the prophecy. You... should be the God Jiang referred to in the prophecy."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon directly explained to Jiang Lin a major event he was doing, and he was not worried about such a thing leaking out.

He is still very confident in his vision.

Jiang Lin was definitely not someone who would reveal other people's secrets.

"I am Jiang Shen?"

Jiang Lin pointed to himself, and then laughed. He was just a Taoist priest with a special physique. He could still bear the title of a celestial master and a real person. Although he was once called a fairy, but that It's just someone else's flattery.

To say what kind of god he is, even he himself does not believe it.

Moreover, this Jiang Shen was mentioned in the Qianji Kingdom's prophecy, so this shouldn't be a slap in the face.

It couldn't possibly be referring to him.

"Yes, I dare to conclude that, brother Jiang, you must be the key person mentioned in the prophecy. With your help, our hope of recovering the country will be greatly increased."

"Let me help you recover your country?"

Jiang Lin was amused by the words of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. No wonder the other party put a big hat on him, respected him as a god, and put the so-called Jiang God in the prophecy on him. It turned out that he asked him to help him. rebellion.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon nodded and said, "Yes, now that the prophecy has reappeared, and the Chao Gang is about to be shaken, it is a good time for the old country's subjects to put things right and rectify the yin and yang."

"Not interested in."

Jiang Lin waved his hand directly, he still has his own important affairs to be busy with, even if he has nothing to do, he will not take care of such irrelevant things.

Going to a strange country and helping people to revolt and restore the country, I am afraid that some people are insane, right?

Unless it is doing such a laborious thing, what benefit can be obtained.

"Brother Jiang, don't refuse, if you take part in such a big event, it's not impossible for all our tribes to respect you as emperor. Even the people know that Jiang Shen will make the country of Qianji change again. Therefore, the people here will not disagree."

Because Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is still not sure whether Jiang Lin is the Emperor Star mentioned in the prophecy, so he did not explicitly say this, but, even if Jiang Lin has nothing to do with Emperor Star, if he acts together with them later, he will become Emperor. It is not impossible to be called God.

In terms of Jiang Lin's ability, the credit must be the greatest.

"Needless to say, I'm not interested at all."

Jiang Lin waved his hand again. I don't know how many people in this world want to be emperor, but Jiang Lin doesn't want to.

He really has no interest at all.

In the chatting and laughing of Emperor Tubaye, it is a drunken life.

Chapter [-] The house leaks in the rain ([-])

Don't say anything about the emperor, even if the emperor is too high, Jiang Lin is also not interested.

If you can live well, what do you do when you are an emperor?

Moreover, even if he took a step back and said that he really wanted to be an emperor, he would not choose to be an emperor in such a corner.

No style at all.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a bit embarrassed now, he really doesn't have much conditions to give, and supporting Jianglin as emperor is already the best he can do.

But people have no interest at all.

For Jiang Lin's attitude, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was not particularly surprised. Since Jiang Lin was a practitioner, some fame, fortune and power in the mortal world were naturally not very attractive to him.

"Brother Jiang, I think you have encountered a lot of absurd things in this day's women's country. The men here are suppressed by the queen and can't lift their heads. They can only be slaves and servants. Now there is an opportunity to turn over and be the master again, and I hope Brother Jiang can help."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon saluted Jiang Lin again and sincerely asked him for help.

After some previous trials, he had a certain understanding of the strength of Jiang Lin, a foreigner, and he was sure that with Jiang Lin's help, their recovery would be smoother.

"First of all, I came to you, whether it's the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of Qianji, because I have my own business. To put it in a bad way, what about the men and women here, it has nothing to do with me. Therefore, whether you contact the old ministry to restore the country or establish a new dynasty, for me, it is none of my business. Secondly, I am an outsider here, and there is no need to get involved in your wars. Why do you have to cause trouble for yourself?"

Jiang Lin made it very clear that the current situation is not as simple as letting him help, and participating in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the rest of them in the restoration of the country means that he is causing unnecessary trouble for himself.

He's not so busy.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon didn't know how to respond for a while. As far as the matter was concerned, there was nothing wrong with what Jiang Lin said.

Jiang Lin thought for a while, then said, "Well, I'll make a deal with you. If you can provide some information that I need to know, in exchange, I will give you some help."

On this trip to Huadu, Jiang Lin just wanted to try to see if he could directly use the Qianji Tiantai at the palace without causing any disturbance.

However, he still doesn't know much about this Thousand Machines Climbing to the Sky.

And since Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is an old part of the previous dynasty of the Qianji Kingdom, you should have heard of the place on the roof of the palace.

In fact, the reason why Jiang Lin was willing to make a deal with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was because the man had always been very respectful towards him after explaining his intentions.

"Brother Jiang, please tell me what information you want to know, as long as I know it, I must know everything."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's face brightened, Jiang Lin was willing to help each other in a mutually beneficial way, which was already very good.

If Jiang Lin insisted on not wanting to have anything to do with the big things they were planning, then he also had nothing to do.

It was impossible for him to force Jiang Lin to help them overthrow the queen's rule together, and even if he intended to force it, he would not have the ability.

Therefore, Jiang Lin asked Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon for information about Qianji's access to the rooftop.

He wasn't afraid to reveal his purpose either. The Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on the opposite side should have no problem with his character.

What's more, the other party also said that he was going to lead the crowd to rebel. It was considered a self-confidence, and he was not worried that the other party would do anything with the purpose of his coming here.

"Thousands of planes climbed to the rooftop? Now only the queen of Huadu knows how to open it. If Brother Jiang wants to use the rooftop, it is estimated that you cannot do it by yourself."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon informed Jiang Lin of everything he knew about Qianji Deng Tiantai. If he wanted to use this platform in the forbidden area of ​​the palace, he still needed to use special tools, and only the Queen knew where it was.

Jiang Lin frowned when he heard the story of the Five Tigers, Hidden Dragons.

Now it seems that the idea that he wants to try first in the past may not be realistic at all.

"Brother Jiang, I'm sorry to say more, if you really need to use the Tiantai, you might as well do things with us. If the Queen is gone, the Kingdom of Thousand Machines will reappear. No matter who is the emperor, if you want to use the Tiantai, it will not be at all. Disaster."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon took this opportunity to invite Jiang Lin again.

"Think about it later."

Jiang Lin smiled, then said nothing more, turned around and continued on his way.

As for the help promised to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, he just asked Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to go to Huadu to find him when he needed it.

Even if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon provided such information, Jiang Lin felt that he had better go check it out first.

If there are some opportunities that can save him a lot of time and energy, he is still willing to try his luck.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon did not entangle anymore, and now he needs to deploy manpower to go to the palace to prepare for the work.

Two days later, Jiang Lin stopped in a plain five hundred miles away and sat cross-legged in a place of extreme sun.

He didn't know if it was because of the approaching mid-month and the solar terms that caused the pressure on him to become heavier.

And because the outside world is full of yin and yang chaos, the spiritual power in his body and the corpse poison in his bones have also been affected.

Therefore, Jiang Lin had to find a place to maintain the yin and yang in his body and prevent his spiritual power and corpse poison from being pinched again.

At dusk, Jiang Lin was going to find another place. After nightfall, the full moon should be in the sky, and the yin and yang would be extremely strong. In the situation of the Thousand Machines Country, it is estimated that there will be a situation where the dragon and the yin and the yang fight against each other. The level of chaos will also be more intense.

Therefore, Jiang Lin felt that it was best to find a secluded place to stay temporarily.

"It's unlucky enough."

Jiang Lin spat, if it is a normal state, he is quite happy when he encounters this kind of situation.

In the battle between Yin and Yang, there is a certain chance that a blood-like Xuanhuang Qi will appear. This is also the original intention of the dragon fighting in the wild. The original intention of the blood Xuanhuang, the Xuanhuang Qi is just as rare.

But now, the yin and yang in his body are out of balance, and it is more troublesome when he encounters such a situation.

He took out the ancient mirror from his arms, and Jiang Lin took out a compass from it, ready to find the next place for him to rest.

At this moment, the mirror surface of the ancient mirror flashed into the distance because of reflected sunlight.

Coincidentally, the sunlight reflected by the mirror just hit a girl's eyes.

And this girl is the mysterious red eagle who is looking for the Emperor Star on the order of the Huadu High Priest.

Now Hongjie has gone to Jianglin's previous location to look for it, but unfortunately, she has not gained much.

Therefore, she used some means to continue searching along the way. Now, she is on a high slope two miles away from Jianglin.

The red eagle froze a pair of phoenix eyes, looked at the light source, then raised his eyebrows and said, "Finally found it."

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