Chapter [*] The house leaks when it rains continuously (Part [*])

With a glamorous smile on his face, the red eagle took out a strange blade from the cloak on his back.

After taking out his bow and sword weapon, the red eagle rushed towards Jiang Lin's location.

She also wanted to confirm that in her early years, in addition to receiving the special training of Xuanji Envoy, she also practiced some strange methods, one of which was the ability to look forward to qi.

As for the reason why Hongjiu has the ability to practice Wangqi, it is because she is a very ambitious woman, just like the queen of the dynasty.

When Hongji looked at the light source just now, he found that a man there had a faint royal dignity.That's why she thinks she's found the Emperor Star.

It just needs to be closer before she can really be sure if she is wrong.

After the vision was clear, a smile appeared on the face of the Mercedes-Benz Red Eagle. She had already determined that the man a mile away was her target.

Not only because she saw Jiang Lin's body, but also because Jiang Lin had just put a plate-shaped object about two fingers thick into his arms.

It must be the sword-seeking slate!

The red eagle became more and more excited. As long as she caught this unlucky bastard, she could take the slate as her own, and then find the sword of restoration that had been condensed from the previous dynasty's national fortunes, overthrow the queen, and crown herself as the emperor.

Two days ago, late at night, the sword-seeking slate collected in the palace was stolen and was stolen from the palace. Red Eagle had already learned about this information through the high priest's flying eagle message.

Therefore, in addition to finding the Emperor Star, her current task is to retrieve the slate.

According to what the high priest said in the subpoena, the thieves stole the slate and would probably hand it over to the Emperor Star. Even if it is not handed over, the slate itself has spirituality and will take the initiative to find the Emperor Star.

Therefore, after seeing Jiang Lin put back her ancient mirror, she took it for granted that it was an important stone slab stolen from the palace.

At this time, Jiang Lin had heard the movement in the distance, and looked at the red eagle rushing towards him.

However, he didn't know that he had been identified and targeted for murder.

"This girl came to find me?"

Jiang Lin felt a little puzzled. After he parted ways with Lord Heimu and the others, ordinary people didn't meet a few, but they always met monks.

Before, there was a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon blocking the road, and now there is a female nun.

The cultivation base is not weak, although it is not as good as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but in the level of Jindan, it is not low.

Jiang Lin didn't know what the hell was going on with this girl. Anyway, it was definitely not because he saw a normal man that he came to be a law enforcement officer.

Because this beautiful girl had a faint smile on her face.

When it was still three or four feet away from Jiang Lin, the bow sword in Hong Ji's hand flew out halfway, and the tip shot towards Jiang Lin.

"Is it over?"

Seeing this, Jiang Lin kicked back half of the bow that had been shot, with a bit of anger on his face.

He took the girl who appeared as a group with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Two days ago, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon blocked him on the road and had to fight him. Now a young girl appeared here, and he came to attack him again.

If it is said that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, because he doesn't know much about him, to explore his strength, it is understandable.

But now that they have known each other, they are still sending people over to attack him.

What's going on?

"I'm not interested in your business now, so stay where it's cool."

Jiang Lin gave a calm face and warned the other party.

Now he needs to find a suitable place immediately to avoid the yin and yang battle that may occur tonight, but he has no time for others to explore his strength.

"I didn't expect the Emperor Star that appeared this time to be such a man."

Hongji took back half of the bow and knife, and measured Jiang Lin from the top and bottom.

Men like Jiang Lin are really rare in today's Qianji Nation.

Especially when Jiang Lin just kicked back her bow and knife with a single kick just now. With such a skill, I don't know how many people of the same kind have been crushed.

If you look more closely, Hong Ji is a little surprised. Jiang Lin still has the fluctuation of spiritual power.

This is a monk.

Moreover, what puzzled her was what Jiang Lin said just now that he was not interested in their affairs.

What does this mean?

"Emperor Star???"

Jiang Lin was a little confused about the situation. Previously, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon said he was the God of Jiang in the prophecy, but now a young girl came and said he was the Emperor Star.

Don't put your hat on, okay?

Hongji didn't pay attention to what Jiang Lin said before. She folded her arms and said to Jiang Lin, "You'd better be wiser and hand over the stolen slate in the palace. Otherwise, the consequences are not something you can bear. I think, you should have heard the name of Red Eagle, the mysterious envoy of Huadu. You can still have good fruit to eat if you cooperate well, otherwise, I have a hundred ways to make your life better than death."

"Slate? Mysterious messenger?"

Jiang Lin listened in a fog, but then he also reacted a little bit. Now it seems that this handsome girl who appeared, what mystery made Hongjiu really admit the wrong person.

After pondering the meaning of Hongji's words a little, Jiang Lin said, "I don't know what you are talking about. You have mistaken someone. Besides, you seem to be... someone who does things for the Queen."

"It seems that you won't cry when you don't see the coffin. I did work for that mother-in-law, but it's only for now. Sooner or later, I will replace it! Hand over the slate!"

Saying that, Hongji pulled the steel string on the side of the bow and knife, and the fiber finger of the string turned into four or five feather arrows condensed by spiritual power.

Loosen strings, shoot arrows.

Several bursts of wind suddenly spread from the bow and knife, and the spiritual arrows shot by the red eagle also greeted Jiang Lin everywhere.

She didn't care what Jiang Lin said she didn't know at all, if she didn't cooperate with her, if she didn't hand over the slate, there would be no good end.


Jiang Lin scolded secretly, and at the same time took out the Tianyun Sword from his arms and swayed the lasing spiritual arrows.

After that, he cut out ten to the sword energy, turned a few steps and reached ten feet away.

Withdraw first.

Jiang Lin was really depressed in his heart, and a situation of yin and yang fighting was about to happen next, and the yin was so strong that it would have suppressed him even more seriously.

Therefore, it is also inconvenient for him to use his own Taoist techniques and corpse abilities, and it is best to not move.

But now, what a house leak happened to be rainy and rainy, so she met a mysterious messenger, and she even admitted the wrong person.

It's okay to admit the wrong person, the second uncle is still messing around and wants to deal with him.

In normal times, he doesn't care whether the other party admits the wrong person or not, as long as he has murderous intentions and malice towards him, he has to let the other party know why the flowers are so popular.

But now, he can only avoid the battle first.

Chapter [*] Isn't it about killing people to get pills?It's for you! (superior)

There is no way to avoid it. Now that the sunset is projected on the horizon, and the sun is about to fall, Jiang Lin found that the air has become a little turbid.

The rising yin and the weak yang have become incompatible, and there is a situation where they are fighting each other.

If the yin and yang of the outside world really show a situation of confrontation with each other, it will trigger the corpse poison and spiritual power in his body to pinch each other.

Jiang Lin didn't want to suppress the corpse poison in his body, and the situation of the Six Nations' Great Prime Minister still appeared in his body.

That was really painful.

At this moment, Jiang Lin has tried his best to silence his corpse poison and spiritual power, so even if he is avoiding the battle, he is just using his physical fitness to run into the distance.

As the night gradually fell, the situation of the yin and yang battle would become more and more serious. At that time, Jiang Lin estimated that even if he pressed hard, his situation would not be too optimistic.

At this time, a dozen crescent-shaped sword qi had already slashed towards the red eagle.

The red eagle was also quite surprised when he saw this, so he immediately flew back and held the bow saber in both hands, dividing it into two short Qimen blades to meet the sword energy coming from the flying slash.

When the red eagle dodged and parried again, Jiang Lin was almost gone.

"Where does this man come from? He actually has the cultivation level of Jindan."

Hongjiu had a look of astonishment. When Jiang Lin launched the attack just now, the aura from his body was released, and it was because of this that she discovered the strength of Jiang Lin's cultivation.

In today's Thousand Machines Country, not only ordinary men can't turn over, even male practitioners will be rejected because of the general trend of the whole country, and there is almost no way to practice.

This is the reason why men are physically strong and more suitable for cultivation, but they cannot turn over in this country of thousands of machines.

But Jiang Lin, the "Emperor Star", has such a high level of cultivation.

When Hong Ji was surprised, Jiang Lin, who had already run out a short distance, suddenly heard a bang in his body.

After all, Jiang Lin was affected by the seasonal solar terms and the surrounding environment.

The spiritual power in the body and the corpse poison were pinching each other, causing him to stumble one after another, and he almost couldn't even stand on his heels.

Jiang Lin didn't expect to be affected by the environment this time, the problems in his body broke out, and it became more serious than before, and it caused the whole body to be affected.

His corpse poison was originally blocked in the bones, but because it resonated with the outside world, it became active, and part of it evaporated and penetrated into the flesh and blood.

The spiritual power that was hidden by him also had a similar resonance.

This caused him to be in an unstable state all over his body.

After spewing a mouthful of blood, Jiang Lin put all his energy into suppressing the yin and yang in his body, and at the same time, he kept away from the red eagle as soon as possible.

With his current situation, it's not impossible if he really wants to fight Red Eagle, but he really can't afford to suffer the more serious side effects of the shot for a girl who admits the wrong person.

"Okay, it turns out that the Emperor Star is still injured."

Hongji narrowed her eyes, feeling that this was a godsend. Just now she found out that Jiang Lin actually had a good cultivation level, and she felt quite troublesome.

She is not yet [*]% sure to deal with a monk who is at the same level as her.

But now it's different. The Emperor Star is in trouble.

A bone whistle slipped out of his sleeve, and the red eagle blew it vigorously.

After a while, there was a change in the dense forest within a radius of ten miles.

One after another, strange people dressed in scarlet wolf skins with red eyes jumped out of the forest and galloped towards the direction of the red eagle.

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