In other words, this girl is not the kind of person who can't see a man like a man.

Excluding this section, he and Red Eagle really have no conflicts at all.

Then, Hongjie looked at it wrongly, and if he wanted to be detrimental to him, he had to kill him to get the golden elixir.

After being counteracted by him, the girl not only did not reflect, but also hated him.

Is the brain circuit so clear?

"You girl, it's a shame that you're not a man, otherwise, you're really a character."

Although he couldn't understand Red Eagle's brain circuit, Jiang Lin really looked at this girl differently.

The red eagle was now made by him and became his captive, but the girl quickly calmed down except for a slight change in her face at first.

Calm and fearless.

This glamorous red vulture, now tied to the side, even dared to stare at him with arrogant eyes.

With this courage alone, many men can't compare to her.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that the Kingdom of Heaven and Girl has been established for decades, and there are remnants of the former dynasty like you. What's wrong with me being a man? I'm also a character!"

Red Eagle smiled disdainfully. From now on, everyone will bow their heads and kneel under her feet.

"As long as you return the character, you are a big belly now."

Jiang Lin laughed, and then he closed his eyes without arguing with Red Eagle, waiting for the dawn to come.

Hong Ji was so angry that she clenched her teeth tightly. Although there was no relationship between her and Jiang Lin at all, but now, Jiang Lin had indeed enlarged her belly.

Without a word for the night, Jiang Lin looked at the big sun in the sky, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Starting today, the full moon has passed, and the situation of the war between Yin and Yang in the Kingdom of Thousand Machines should gradually improve. Although it may be repeated, at the very least, the next month or so should not be as serious as yesterday. .

After Jiang Lin got up, Hong Jiu's eyes became vigilant.

"I haven't slept all night? It shouldn't be. Don't you want to kill me to get the golden elixir? I will give you the golden elixir, and you won't sleep peacefully."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, and then put his palm on the belly of Red Eagle, taking back the spiritual power that belonged to him in his body.

"I'm actually very generous, you don't have to be so nervous."

There was a smile on Jiang Lin's mouth. He didn't want to kill the red eagle right now. Keeping this mysterious messenger might be of great use to him later.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't have any of these. If you want to kill it, kill it. Otherwise, you will definitely regret it."

"I won't regret it anyway."

Jiang Lin didn't take Red Eagle's threat seriously, and slapped the back of his neck with a palm.

Left a rune for him to locate.

He plans to find this girl in a few days, after the environment of the yin and yang battle disappears, and use her position to steal the queen's special token and start the thousands of planes to the rooftop.

At that time, he will no longer be afraid of the mutual exclusion of yin and yang in his body. This mystery makes the Red Eagle, and he has to let him knead it.

Let this maiden go east, and she cannot go west.

"Look, how broad-minded am I? Can't you learn from me?"

After leaving the positioning rune on the body of the red eagle, Jiang Lin lifted it up.

Then his arm exerted a little force, and the red eagle was thrown up.

"There is one thing like this, don't come and provoke me again, and stay where you can cool me."

Jiang Lin stepped up and rewarded Hongji with a powerful King Kong leg - a swipe shot.

He kicked Red Eagle's ass, sending her flying off the volcano.


After the red eagle flew out, there was a cry of extreme shame and anger.

Jiang Lin kicked her. Although the damage was not high, it was extremely insulting.

Touched her belly and kicked her ass again.

I, the red vulture, will not take revenge for this, and swear not to be a woman!

Jiang Lin clapped his hands and rushed down the volcano from the other side. As for the dragon tendons tied to Red Eagle's wrists, he wasn't going to take it anymore. Although he had recovered his spiritual power and re-condensed the golden core, he still couldn't. He still had to rely on his feet to travel, lest the red eagle broke free from the dragon tendon and returned to the joint, and found him again.

In fact, Jiang Lin's plan to save Hongji's life for him to drive behind was the choice to maximize his interests, but he didn't expect that this choice of his would cause him trouble this time.

This move of his can bring benefits to himself, but also bring him a headache.

Two days later, Jiang Lin arrived at a prosperous city in Qianji Country - Fucheng.

After arriving in this big city, Jiang Lin really saw what kind of status a man in this country was in.

Some of the people he had seen before were tied to a tree and beaten to death, or they were given two whips for nothing, which was considered a pretty good treatment.

On the streets of this city, almost every door of every household is nailed to a stake, and a man is tied to it as a watchdog.

Some were even locked in sheepfolds, used to clean sheep dung marbles, and used as dung swallowers.

Raise your posture, what a special posture.

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly. He didn't expect that in addition to broadening his horizons in Taoist cultivation, it would also broaden his horizons in this Thousand Machines Country.

Before he got to this place, this situation was simply unimaginable for him.

Treat people as watchdogs and chain them to the door in a big way.

Six is ​​true six.

I am afraid that in the Middle-earth world, the most unruly emperor from ancient times to the present, the jurisdiction under his jurisdiction is not so outrageous.

Jiang Lin lowered the brim of the straw hat on top of his head, preparing to leave the city as soon as possible and head to Huadu. He really couldn't bear it any longer.

But at this moment, he saw an acquaintance.

Tao Tao, who was wearing a coat, ran out of the alley next to her and fell to the ground. A square slate fell out of her arms.

Deep in the alley, there were also some female guards in special uniforms chasing after them.



Jiang Lin was quite surprised that he actually met people from the Heimu Ye Theater here.

Moreover, this Tao Tao was also being pursued by the guards.

Wait, this slate, could it be the one that the red vulture asked me for?

At this time, Jiang Lin suddenly remembered that Hongjiu had mistaken him a few days ago, and even opened his mouth and asked him what slate he wanted.

If he just saw a square slate, of course he would not think so, but this Tao Tao is the same as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. opposite.

In this way, a lot of things can be said.

At this moment, Tao Tao hurriedly hid the slate in her arms, ran away on the street, and finally hid in a place where pedestrians gathered and hid under a large wooden platform built.

Jiang Lin thought for a while, then walked over. He had promised Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon that he would help them appropriately as a reward for his information.

Now this peach is in danger, and since he has encountered it, it is not good to turn a blind eye.

Chapter [*] Looking for trouble ([*])

Although Tao Tao put on the one-piece cap of the coat and hid, but under the inspection of the guards, it is estimated that she could not avoid it.

Jiang Lin walked to the wooden platform. He didn't worry about being besieged because he acted as a normal man. Now he was not only wearing a bucket hat, but also a scorpion. As long as there were no people doing nothing, who would be on the street? Check him.

Even if it is Cha, he will use his ever-changing abilities a little bit to make himself invisible and it will be fine.

Approaching the gathering crowd, Jiang Lin discovered that this wooden platform was originally a place used to sell bells in the city.

The so-called bells, that is, the men in the country of Qianji, generally in the mouths of women, do not regard the men here as human beings, and directly give them a nickname - bells.

And the people around the stage, without exception, are all women.

"Hello everyone, my Spring Thirteenth Young Master is the first time to take the lead today and come here to sell bells. I hope everyone will appreciate it."

On the wooden platform, a cute girl in a pink dress who looked only sixteen or seventeen years old began to shout. After that, some women dressed as servants tied up a dozen young men who were wearing neck cuffs and chains. on the crossbar of the wooden platform.

These young men are naturally the bells to be sold.

Jiang Lin looked at the young Chun Shisan on the wooden platform, and felt that the painting style was too pure and strange.

Under normal circumstances, such a young girl would be an easy target to be abducted and sold, but in this thousand-machine country, such a girl actually sells men as goods on the street.

Anyway, Taotao was still hiding under the wooden platform, and Jiang Lin was not ready to leave for the time being.

"I came here today, and I also brought the treasure of our town shop, the Cuihuaer that was domesticated by the Thirteenth Young Master myself."

With that said, Young Master Chun Shisan took out a branch, knocked on the bar on the far side, and said to the group of women below: "I tell you, this bell is the best looking in my batch. A good one, only eighteen years old, can do laundry and cook, and can pick and carry, only two gold coins."

Really hot eyes.

Jiang Lin felt a little nauseous when he saw that the young man who was called Cuihuaer by the young master Chun Shisan danced a hot dance while the master shouted to please the buyers in the audience.

The latter is even more outrageous. A aunt with a large mole on her chin and a long hair on the mole has bid with others, and she will definitely buy this bell that sells well to match it.

After Chun Shisan received the gold coins, he also gave the customer a psychedelic incense, saying that as long as he used it for the bell, he could show that everyone in the incense is the lover of his dreams.

Jiang Lin looked around and found that the guards in charge of chasing had gone elsewhere, so he was ready to rescue Taotao.

But at this moment, the sound of horses galloping appeared in the street.

Jiang Lin followed the sound, but did not act for the time being.

Because he saw that it was a pretty girl who came beating the horse. Behind the girl's horse, there was a man tied and dragged by the horse.

This wasn't the reason why Jiang Lin didn't act rashly. The most important thing was that he saw a waist card hanging from the girl's waist.

He had seen the same on the waist of the red vulture.

That is to say, this charming girl who came from a horse, like Hongji, is also the mysterious messenger of Huadu.

Could it be that the mysterious envoy has found my trace?

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. He felt that it should not be such a coincidence. As soon as he arrived in this city, he encountered another mysterious messenger.

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