Moreover, the cultivation of this charming girl is only one line lower than that of the red eagle.

In fact, Jiang Lin really guessed wrong, this girl who came to fight a horse was Lan Ling, a mysterious messenger like Red Eagle.

When Lan Ling came to this city, it was indeed a coincidence.

Neither she nor Red Eagle found any Emperor Star, so they caught a relatively qualified person in the area around the area designated by the high priest, and prepared to return to Huadu for the high priest to test.


At this moment, a silver spear head flew from a height and shot at the wooden platform where the bells were tied by Young Master Chun Shisan.

After that, the hooded Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon took off, and the eyebrow-raising stick in his hand caught up with the silver spear head.

Landing on the wooden platform, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon swung his gun again and again, cutting off the shackles tied to the crossbar by the sold youth.

The sound of gold and iron clashing and the exclamations of the crowd immediately alerted the guards who had left. For a time, the entire street became restless.

The youths who were freed also fled in all directions, bumping into many pedestrians.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?

As soon as Jiang Lin saw the person's stature, he immediately recognized him.

It seems that this is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's rescue fellow.

If that's the case, it's nothing to do with me.

Jiang Lin shrugged, the reason why he stayed here was to rescue Taotao.

But since Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon appeared now, he didn't need to worry about it.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon bent down and pulled out Tao Tao from under the wooden platform, then vacated and stopped on a stone pillar several feet high on the street.

Then he took a lot of rice paper with words from his arms and sprinkled it out, shouting: "The twin flowers bloom, the emperor star appears, the universe is turned upside down, the world is in chaos, the mind is stunned, and the thousand machines will change again!"

After the rice paper was sprinkled, the crowd was in complete chaos.

"A bell, my bell! I'm just short of selling this batch to pay off the debt!"

Young Master Chun Shisan, who was the closest to Jianglin, saw that all his goods had run away, so he asked his servants to retrieve the goods, which happened to block a lot of the guards who had arrived after hearing the sound.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon also smiled when he saw the chaotic street below.

Before he rescued those bells, in addition to not being able to see his compatriots being sold as goods, he also had the idea of ​​deliberately creating chaos.

At this moment, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon looked at Jiang Lin, who was wearing a mink robe.

Chapter [-] Looking for trouble (below)

"It turned out to be Brother Jiang, hey, do a little favor first, and help the sire."

Saying that, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon swung out a spear, and the spear glowing from the spear head charged towards Jiang Lin.

If it is said that he only needs to deal with these guards, with his strength, there is absolutely no problem, but now he still has a lot of accomplices who support Taotao, and they are likely to be executed immediately, so he cannot delay any time.

Also, these guards are better off being dragged.

So, after Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon recognized Jiang Lin, he immediately had a plan.

Anyway, for Jiang Lin, these guards must be helpless.

Jiang Lin's cultivation strength was even higher than his.

I am!

Jiang Lin didn't expect Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to recognize him, and he didn't expect that this guy would let him help the queen.

After he reacted, the shroud on his body had been cut open by the spear and fell to the ground.Only the hat on his head remained.

And Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, after the gun was fired, a few jumped and disappeared with the rescued accomplices.

For a while, the women on the street, the guards, and Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling, many people's eyes fell on Jiang Lin.

"The chaotic party, he is also a chaotic party, blockade the scene and round up the chaotic party!"

Many guards on the street saw that Jiang Lin was dressed normally, without neckcuffs and chains, and heard Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon call this man a brother, so they directly characterized Jiang Lin as a rebel ally and rushed towards him. come over.

"Your surname is Jiang?"

At this time, Lan Ling, who was sitting on the horse, also looked at Jiang Lin with bad eyes, ready to start.

As the mysterious messenger of the palace, she would not stand idly by when she encounters a rebellion against a chaotic party. Moreover, before leaving Huadu, the high priest gave her a task to explore the truth of the chaotic party. She will not take it seriously.

What's more, Jiang Lin's surname is Jiang, and he is a traitor to the party. Could it be that he is the God of Jiang in the prophecy?

"Bell! This is an unowned bell! I want to pay back!"

In addition to Lan Ling, Young Master Chun Shisan was also eyeing Jiang Lin.

Just now, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon came over and let all her goods run away. I don't know if she can get it back. Now that she saw Jiang Lin, a straight man, how could she let go.

This is a rare commodity, and it is not the same as the bells she has trained.

Sure to sell for a good price.

"Huh? This bell still has spiritual power fluctuations?"

Seeing the vague aura of spiritual power on Jiang Lin's body, Young Master Chun Shisan rolled up his sleeves, and the hidden spiritual power in his body also started to work.

"I'm Lan Ling, the mysterious envoy of Huadu. You go to chase down the rebels immediately, and leave it to me here."

Lan Ling, who was riding a steed, immediately showed his waist card to the surrounding guards, asking them to hunt down Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and his accomplices, spreading rumors of rebellion on the main street of a big city, and he must not be taken lightly.


At this moment, Jiang Lin's mood is that he wants to come to the three-character classic of national scolding: grass mud horse.

Originally, he stayed here for a while because he wanted to make some effort, and it was considered to pay back the favor of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. After all, the transaction between him and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was temporarily held down.

As a result, now the second uncle, he was trapped by the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and was targeted by the guards who were arrested by the chaotic party and the mysterious envoy.

Those guards were easy to deal with, but this mystery made it difficult for Lan Ling to get rid of it, it was a trouble.

However, this kind of trouble was really brought on by him.

If he had left the street early in the morning, nothing would have happened.

The guards and the mysterious envoy were still following him because he had a relationship with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Besides, the young girl Chun Shisan, who sold bells, was especially prepared to take him down.

This bell boss turned out to be a female cultivator too. Although her cultivation base had just completed her pill, she was also a cultivator of the same level as him.

Previously, he didn't know if it was because of the special cultivation method of the thirteenth young master Chun.

Is it difficult to continue to withdraw?

Jiang Lin was very speechless, but whenever he came five or six days in advance and encountered any mysterious messenger, whether it was Red Eagle or this Lan Ling, even if he added another spring thirteen, it would not be enough for him to abuse.

He Jiang Lin can pick these three cool, charming and cute girls with one hand.

But now, the external environment of the yin and yang battle has not disappeared, and he has to bear the side effects when he takes action.

Co-authored, he came to the territory of the Thousand Machines Country to let the girl chase him.

The previous Red Eagle was chasing him, and the current Lan Ling seems to be chasing him too.

Plus a Spring Thirteen Young Master.

Pushing further, he was chased by a bunch of girls.

"What do you want to do? I can tell you that it was because of you officials that I lost my bell. This ownerless bell belongs to me!"

Just when Jiang Lin was speechless, what surprised him was that Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling were pinched.

Lan Ling took off from the horse, and Young Master Chun Shisan stopped her, not only to stop her from dealing with Jiang Lin, but also to compensate her for her losses.

"I don't know. Get out of the way, don't force me to do it."

Lan Ling glanced at Chun Shisan Shao and pushed him aside.

"You want to do it, right? I'm not afraid!"

Young Master Chun Shisan continued to entangle him. Anyway, Jiang Lin, who was standing not far away, was going to make up his mind.

No one can steal it.

The goods can be sold for a good price, and she will not give up if anyone blocks her fortune.

Jiang Lin, who was not far away, felt that the turn of events was too sudden.

The two young girls who had no good intentions towards him actually moved their hands, and they were about to make a real fire.


For the women here, it's okay to embarrass men, but especially to embarrass women.

Jiang Lin really felt that he had reason to suspect that the women in this Thousand Machines Country were not of the same species as women in other places.

It's outrageous and ridiculous.

However, although he felt strange in his heart, Jiang Lin liked it.

Moreover, he is not ready to leave for the time being. He intends to wait for the real fire between Chun Shisan and Lan Ling, and he will make a surprise attack to let the two girls be honest together.

As for the level of honesty, it is naturally impossible to move around.

In this case, after he leaves the city, there will be no girls chasing him.

Therefore, Jiang Lin folded his arms and waited quietly for the opportunity. It was inconvenient for him to use all his strength, so, while trying to avoid the side effects of the shot, he wanted to hit it.

This also saves you from worries.

Hold on for another day or two, even if someone chases him again, he won't run away, and whoever chases him will be lame.

Discount the legs directly (she).

This time, Jiang Lin was still thinking about the safest choice. If he left now, Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling would definitely pursue him hand in hand. In that case, he might as well let these two girls be honest.

It is better to raise the soup to stop the boiling than to draw wages from the bottom of the kettle.

However, Jiang Lin did not expect that the Red Eagle, who had been rewarded with a kick on his butt and shot by him before, had already arrived at the city gate and would be here soon.

Still came with trouble.

I don't know what's wrong. In this country of thousands of machines, as long as Jiang Lin thinks for the benefit or the long-term, or does the right thing, he is causing trouble for himself.

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