Chapter [*] He is mine!

Jiang Lin waited quietly on the side. The two girls who were currently fighting were coming and going, fighting with fists and feet. It was just that Young Master Chun Shisan had a low cultivation base and suffered several losses.

This is not right.

Jiang Lin couldn't understand it, he didn't know if this woman from Qianji Nation was tearing her x like what he saw.

Although Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling were fighting against each other, they did not use the means belonging to cultivators. Instead, it was like a battle between two chivalrous women using martial arts.

The two girls do not use their spiritual power to fight, so they have the possibility of defending with all their strength.

In fact, the women in the Thousand Machines Kingdom have friction, even if both parties are practitioners, they will not use spiritual power.

This is the punishment set by the Queen.

Women who have the ability, of course, have to embarrass men, why embarrass women.

They are all compatriots, and they must be consistent with the outside world. Even if there are conflicts and frictions between them, they cannot use excessively lethal means.

It's also a pity that the thirteenth young master of Chun and Lan Ling are just making a small fight, otherwise, it will be very interesting later.

Because these two girls are not only compatriots, but also compatriots and sisters.

The two of them are sisters born in the same child, but they are not the kind carved out of a mold.

And the "twin flowers blooming" circulated in Qianjiguo's prophecy refers to the two of them.

It's just that neither Spring Thirteenth Young Master nor Lan Ling knows the truth, and they don't know each other.

In a short time, the two sisters completely fired a real fire. The cloth and clay pots in front of the shops on the street were all used as weapons by the two of them, and it was a mess in a short time.

The wooden platform and the surrounding brackets also fell apart because the two jumped and fought each other.

In the end, Young Master Chun Shisan who was on the high stand was beaten a few times because of Qiong's nose, so he jumped down, threw out a dozen copper bells the size of green dates, and shot at Lan Ling on the ground.

And Lan Ling kicked his right leg, and a string of black beads wrapped around his ankle was thrown out and turned into a bead stick that he held in his hand.

Waving a bead stick and throwing out a drill, it knocked the incoming copper bell into the air, and Lan Ling flew over and jumped up, her heel hitting the back shoulder of Chun Shisan Shao.

At this time, Jiang Lin was ready to start. If he waited any longer, it was estimated that Young Master Chun Shisan would be defeated. Even if the chance was not very good, it would be better for him to bear some of the side effects than to be chased by two young girls.

But at this juncture, a stringed bow and knife shot out, flew past him, and nailed it to the wooden post beside him.


Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment when he looked at the familiar stringed short blade next to him.

He had seen this strange weapon.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the short blade, Jiang Lin's mouth twitched, and an acquaintance came.

It was the Red Eagle who had been kicked by him as a football before.

Moreover, at this moment, Red Eagle was looking at him with a frown.

Because Jiang Lin was still wearing a hat, Hongji didn't recognize him immediately, but felt that the man's stature was very familiar.

"It's you? The surname is Jiang!"

After sensing the familiar aura on Jiang Lin's body, Hong Jiu had a pretty face and glared at Jiang Lin.

I am!

How could this woman appear here by chance?


The corners of Jiang Lin's mouth cramped a bit. He did have the idea of ​​looking for this mysterious red eagle again, and controlled it like a puppet as a support for his actions.

But now is not the time.

Moreover, it is not that he took the initiative to use the positioning rune on the red eagle to find it, but the other party met him.

Hongjie also didn't expect to meet each other again just after being separated from Jiang Lin for two days.

After Jiang Lin kicked her off the volcano, it took a lot of effort for her to break free from her hands bound by the dragon tendons, and it took her time to connect the joints of her upper body.

On the same day, she went to find a magic weapon against Jiang Lin, and remodeled both sides of her bow and knife.

She was determined to settle accounts with Jiang Lin, and she didn't think she had mistaken herself, and still regarded Jiang Lin as the emperor star in the prophecy.

For this reason, she found a scapegoat elsewhere and was going to take it back, planning to lie to the high priest that the Emperor Star had not been found.

She couldn't let Jiang Lin fall into the hands of the queen.

Once the mission was handed over, Red Eagle was ready to search for Jiang Lin's whereabouts with all his strength.

But she didn't expect that she would meet Jiang Lin here.

"I said earlier that you would regret it!"

Red Eagle immediately took out a palm-sized bronze bell from his arms and shook his arm.

This bronze bell was the magic weapon that she had paid a lot of money to find to deal with Jiang Lin - the morning and evening bell.

The full name of this instrument is the morning and evening reversal bell, which can reverse Yin and Yang and confuse each other.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of magic weapon is specially used to deal with those practitioners who are about to break the barrier. When the other party is adjusting the yin and yang in the body, it is enough to shake the bell body in the distance.

As long as the bell rings, the attacked person will be in a state of chaos and go into a devil's way, or die directly due to the imbalance of yin and yang in the body.

As soon as Zhong Bo passed by and swayed on Jiang Lin's body, Jiang Lin's body suddenly became in chaos.


Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, and the brim of the hat he was wearing was dripping blood like the eaves of a roof when it rained.

"I should have killed you long ago."

Jiang Lin shook his body and stood a little unsteady. He really didn't expect that at that time, this young girl, Red Eagle, threatened him that if he let him go, he would definitely regret it. Now such a threat has come true.

He took out a stack of Exploding Flame Talismans from his arms, Jiang Lin threw it out, and at the same time he turned around and flew into the distance.

This time, he didn't care about any side effects, and he had to leave first to relieve the injury in his body.

The bronze bell in Hongjiu's hand is actually the same as the environment in which the yin and yang are fighting, and it can affect the spiritual power and corpse poison in his body.

Now, even if he wanted to take this bronze bell, it probably wouldn't be easy.

"Red Eagle, do you know him?"

After avoiding the explosion of the Exploding Flame Talisman, Lan Ling looked at the red eagle with a baleful face.

"What's your business? I warn you, he's mine, don't touch anyone!"

The red eagle snorted coldly and immediately chased after him.

"What's yours! It's an unowned bell, it's mine, he's mine! It's my thirteenth boy!"

Young Master Chun Shisan on the side no longer competes with Lan Ling for anything. Now that the "goods" have run away, she has to chase.

"I have the task of a high priest, and I am responsible for investigating the fact that the chaos is in the party. This man must be taken down by me!"

Lan Ling didn't fall behind, jumped up, stepped on the roof on the street and chased Jiang Lin.

No matter what mission it is or what kind of chaos the party is, Lan Ling expresses the same meaning as Red Eagle: He is mine!

In this way, Jiang Lin was madly chased by three girls, one was cold and arrogant, the other was cute and lovable, and the other was charming.

Chapter [*] There is a woman in the city, which is quite scary

What is this called!

Jiang Lin felt that he was a big man who was chased by three beautiful young girls.

If you don't know what's going on, you might think he's a scumbag, stepping on three boats, and now he's being chased by three bitter masters to ask for an explanation.

But in fact, the real situation is very outrageous.

Red Eagle chasing him, it must be an old account, maybe he still wants to ask him for some slate, and even still thinks about dissecting him to get the golden elixir.

As for Lan Ling, now he must have been regarded as a rebel party, and he may have been regarded as the God of Jiang in the prophecy. Anyway, he must be taken down.

The last spring thirteenth young master, the second uncle, the TV drama does not play it like this, he will be arrested and sold on the street.

Big sale in summer, selling Jindan monks.

Fuck it!

Jiang Lin rode the Moon Wheel Saber at a speed, vomiting blood from time to time.

Now he knew that whoever underestimated a woman would be in trouble.

Among the three girls in the back, the one who threatened him the most was Red Eagle.

This glamorous beauty has even found a magic weapon, and she can specifically target him.

Jiang Lin had never imagined such a thing at all.

After all, the Red Eagle had already been planted in his hands once before, and his stomach was enlarged.

According to him, if he can stop Red Eagle once, he can stop it twice or three times or even N times.

Jiang Lin has no doubts about this. No matter whether he is at the level of cultivation or hard power, he can crush Red Eagle even with a corpse alone.

It was only now that the country of Qianji was in a situation where the yin and yang were fighting because of the yin and yang rebellion, which made him tie his hands and feet.

Once this special period has passed, he can handle the red eagle like a chicken.

But, what's the matter, the development of things is that Nima is an unexpected series.

This young girl, Red Eagle, actually saw the reason for his physical problems, and after he was released, she also deliberately found a magic weapon against him.

It's alright now, not long after they parted, they met again, and the red eagle came up and made him feel a bit sour.

Jiang Lin felt that this time he was a bit like lifting a rock and smashing it at his feet.

It wasn't that he released the red eagle, and now he won't be chased by this girl.

After a mouthful of blood, Jiang Lin vomited fragrance once. I don't know how many years ago, he was a strong man who was chased and killed by a woman.

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