The last time this happened, it seemed that the fairy Baoyi had just broken out of the rock.

Hong Jiu, who was chasing after Jiang Lin, watched Jiang Lin's non-stop spurting blood, and a slightly condescending smile appeared on her face. With her delicate and gorgeous melon-seed face, she was really ashamed of the moon.

But she is such a cold and beautiful woman, but now she wants to make Jiang Lin, the man who let her go before, has no good end.

Turning his head to look at Lan Ling and Chun Shisan, who were still chasing after him, Hong Ji slightly reduced the speed of his pursuit.

When the distance between herself and the two girls behind was enough, she abruptly attacked, merging the short blades of the two bows and shooting a dozen spiritual arrows.

Whether it was Lan Ling or Chun Shisan, they never thought that Hongji would suddenly attack them. Before they could take precautions, both their legs were injured by arrows and they fell down.

After the red eagle succeeded, he used all his spiritual power to accelerate suddenly, and the morning and evening clock in his hand shook.

The rippling bell wave was sent out by her with spiritual power, spreading at an accelerated rate.

Being hit by Zhong Bo, the spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body was suddenly in chaos, and he couldn't even control the Moon Wheel Saber, so he glide down from mid-air.

When he fell on the ground, Jiang Lin was not ready to withdraw any more. If he did not deal with the Red Eagle, his situation would become more and more serious.

And now that Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao were injured by the Red Eagle, there was only one Red Eagle, so it wasn't too difficult to solve.

Even if he will bear some side effects, he should be able to adjust it a little later by taking some cold marrow.

Anyway, as long as it's another day or two, there is no need to worry about such a situation.

With one foot on the ground, Jiang Lin held the Tianyun sword and stabbed the red eagle.

However, Red Eagle didn't care at all, she tore off the cloak on her body and threw it over her head, and the blood-colored veins painted under the cloak cast a discordant light, holding a bow in one hand and a string in the other. , Red Eagle immediately shot two arrows.

Jiang Lin swung his sword to cut open the arrow, but the power from the arrow caused one of his right arms to explode.

Internal explosion.

Seeing this, Hongjiu didn't delay at all, took apart the bow and stabbed it towards Jiang Lin.

"I said that you killed me if you wanted to kill me, otherwise you will regret it. How about it? What is the effect of the blood of the female dragon and stallion I prepared for you?"

"You woman..."

Jiang Lin's face sank, he withdrew his charge and stepped back again and again, dodging the red eagle's bow.

There was blood oozing from the bow now, and he couldn't touch it.

He looked at the cloak of the red eagle, and in his heart he was actually jealous of this cold and beautiful life.

With his eyesight, and then contacting the words of the red eagle, it is natural to see what material is used for the veins under the cloak of the red eagle.

The blood of female snakes and stallions.

"You actually found out that the animal tendons tied to your wrist belong to dragons."


The red eagle smiled and continued: "Thank you very much for this. If you hadn't left the dragon tendon to me, I would never have thought of feeding the female snake with the dragon tendon to make it turn into a dragon. It seems that you I'm really reluctant to kill you when I actually recognize this technique of changing positions of dragons and horses. Give you a chance, bow down under my skirt, assist me, and I will consider saving your life."

Jiang Lin looked at Hong Ji again, and found that he really looked down on this glamorous girl who wanted to be an empress.

In this country of thousands of machines, there is someone who knows the knowledge of Taoism, and can use it to deal with him, the Taoist master.

In Taoism, especially in some feng shui literature, there are many situations in which yin and yang are represented in a special way. Typically, Qiankun refers to both.Dragon is also a kind of symbol of yang. Qianlong do not use and Qianlong drinking water bureau are such a usage, and the same is true for dragon fighting in the wild.

The counterpart to the dragon is the horse, the kun or the mare.

Under normal circumstances, it is normal for the dry dragon to be yang and the female horse to be yin.

But this red vulture used the dragon tendons he left to feed the female snake, turning the snake into a dragon, taking its essence and blood and mixing it with the blood of the stallion.

It is clear that it is topsy-turvy.The male snake should be used as its yang, and the female horse should be used as its yin.

But that is the general inversion, used on him, it would have a miraculous effect.

Originally, when Jiang Lin came to this yin and yang country of Thousand Machines, he felt uncomfortable in all kinds of ways. At this moment, the impact of Red Eagle's methods was even more serious than the environment in which yin and yang were fighting. .

"You are no longer a smart woman. I underestimate your shrewdness."

It was only now that Jiang Lin had a new understanding of this young girl, Red Eagle. This glamorous beauty was simply beyond any ordinary cleverness that could be described.

It is simply a very deep city.

A smart woman is not scary, but a beautiful woman who has a heart and a deep sense of government, this is a bit scary.

Chapter [*] The heroine

Jiang Linte wanted to know what the red eagle ate and what the living environment was like, so that he could raise such a shrewdness and agility.

Even the courage is far beyond ordinary people.

Last time he restrained Red Eagle, and since Red Eagle saw the cause of his internal problems, he should also know his cultivation level.

Not your ordinary golden core.

But even so, Red Eagle still dared to find a place.

If you lose once, reset your mentality and look for something else.

In the situation of Red Eagle, it was obvious that after getting out of the predicament, he immediately started to prepare.

Coward what?Just do it!

Do ordinary girls do this?

Moreover, it's not a big deal to find a place, and the Red Eagle actually turned over in only two or three days, and now directly occupies a big advantage.

He even made him Jiang Lin bow down under his skirt.

Jiang Lin had never met such a second woman, whether it was a fairy, a ghost or a demon girl.

Thinking about it now, Jiang Lin felt that he was taking it too much for granted, but Hongjie had clearly told him that he would replace the current queen and be crowned emperor himself.

How can such a woman be simple?

Hongji withdrew the bow knife, smeared the blood on the short blade with his fingers, and looked at Jiang Lin quietly, as if everything was under her control now.

"Just you let me bow down under your skirt? Look for yourself in horse urine. I can give you a chance to wash my feet every day."

Although Jiang Lin had a new understanding of the Red Eagle, it was only like this. It was just a female cultivator of the Golden Elixir, and it was impossible for him to bow down under his skirt even if the dry scorpion appeared at this moment.

Let him bow down, why doesn't Hongji kneel down and wash his feet?


Hong Ji's face suddenly turned ugly. Although she was never narcissistic, if her appearance was ranked second in the Thousand Machines Kingdom, no one would dare to be the first.

However, Jiang Lin asked her to look in horse urine as a mirror.

"Since you don't want to, I'll really force you to submit."

After being humiliated by Jiang Lin's words, and after contacting him a few days ago, he had been taken advantage of by Jiang Lin, and the Red Eagle took off the bow and stabbed and attacked Jiang Lin wildly.

This time, Hongjiu didn't ring the bell anymore, just greeted Jianglin with a fierce offensive.

The bow knife in her hand has been remodeled, as long as it can hurt Jiang Lin, the effect is similar to the morning and evening clock.

"You mother-in-law!"

Not long after, Jiang Lin was so angry that he laughed, and all the attacks of the Red Eagle were greeted by his crotch.

Just to let him cut off his offspring.

He believes that since he met Hong Ji, he has no idea of ​​taking advantage of tofu, even if this girl Hong Ji is beautiful.

But now, her grandmother's grudges, whatever the grudge, the other party just wants him to be unable to inherit the lineage.

If he is not a father, let him be a father-in-law-eunuch.

Jiang Lin fought and retreated, avoiding the contact between the Tianyun sword in his hand and the red eagle's bow, and he kept fighting without letting his body touch each other.

Even if he didn't use his spiritual power very much, it was not impossible for him to seriously injure the Red Eagle, but it was more difficult.

It's just that he wanted to prevent the red eagle from shaking the strange copper bell suddenly, and his attack intention did not dare to be too obvious.

At the same time, Jiang Lin was also using Yudou to delay time.

Just now, he had already felt the situation of the yin and yang fighting around him, and it is estimated that this environment will disappear by the dawn of tomorrow.

At that time, the bronze bell in the hands of the red eagle and the technique of changing the position of the dragon and horse will have no effect on him. For this girl, he wants to kill or cut, whatever he wants.

Even, it may not be necessary to wait until dawn.

Whenever the influence of the yin-yang battle is small enough for him to bear, he will let this red eagle know why the flowers are so red.

After so many years of cultivating Taoism, Jiang Lin has never made such a big somersault when a girl is injured, and he will not give up easily.

Gradually, Hongji realized that even though there was a bang from time to time in Jiang Lin's body, she still couldn't take it down, so she used the morning and evening clock again.

Jiang Lin has been using her physical fitness to jump around her, so agile that she can't touch anyone at all.


That is, at this moment, Jiang Lin immediately used the teleportation ability to forcefully act. He held the Zhong Bo and flashed to the side of the Red Eagle, and stabbed the wrist of the Red Eagle with a sword.

However, what he didn't expect was that the Red Eagle was fighting with one hand not to, and he was going to suffer a lose-lose with him.

After Hong Ji's wrist was pierced by Tian Yun Sword, she continued to shake the morning and evening clock, and the other hand holding the bow knife stabbed towards Jiang Lin.

Or let him cut off his offspring.

Jiang Lin felt that his body was about to go into a total chaos, and he didn't dare to be affected by Zhong Bo any longer. He turned around immediately, and then turned over and flew out.

Jiang Lin forcibly stabilized his body, which was unable to stand due to the blast in his body.

This girl's mysterious messenger is really ruthless. The entire wrist, even the flesh and bones, was completely pierced by Tian Yunjian, and the blood was dripping, but Hongji didn't even look at the wound, and didn't even frown. Just shaking the morning and evening bells one after another.

Jiang Lin flew backwards again, until he retreated to a hundred meters away, which made Zhong Bo's influence much lessened.

Really a heroine.

At this moment, even Jiang Lin had to admit that this girl, Red Eagle, was really a hero among women.

The injury on Hongjiu's wrist was very serious, and even the hand bones of his forearm were cracked.

But the red eagle did not blink an eye, and concentrated on the enemy.

Could it be that he cast his daughter in the wrong place?

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