Jiang Lin couldn't help but have some doubts. Apart from having a beautiful figure and face, this red eagle doesn't look like a girl at all.

Not to mention men, even many male monks can't compare to this girl.

If you want a city government to have a city government, you must have a strategy, be ruthless to others, and even more ruthless to yourself.

Even the arm may be abolished, which is not serious at all.

Jiang Lin even believed that this red eagle indeed had the capital to be an emperor.If the red eagle becomes the queen, it may not be able to manage a country well.

The first two thousand one hundred and eighty chapters are uncomfortable

At this time, Jiang Lin looked at his waist again, where a small hole appeared.

It was left by the Red Eagle before.

This girl, who has an extraordinary control over spiritual power, actually covered her short blade with an extremely thin and sharp air blade, breaking his defenses.

Fortunately, he responded in time, otherwise the knife would have been slashed several inches below his navel.

However, although his flank was scratched, it did not touch the short blade of the bow knife.

Those untouchable blood did not fall on him.

"You really pissed me off."

A chill appeared on Jiang Lin's face. He admitted that it was one thing for the Red Eagle to be a hero among women, but it was another thing to be angry, and it was not a conflict.

Although he had also used the eye-blinding trick when he was fighting Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon before, but he kept his hands, and neither of them would suffer any harm.

However, this red eagle, who is a woman, used such ruthless means again and again, and she was the one who didn't hold back. She had to make him her father-in-law, which made him really angry.

The red eagle smiled and said: "I just want you to be the second high priest, you old age remnants, you can't turn around, and you think you can crush women, so you should all become high priests. The scumbag! Don't worry, when I become the queen, I will reward you with a bunch of palace maids, so that you can see it, it's useless."

Jiang Lin was amused by Hong Ji's remarks. The Queen of Qianji Kingdom made men slaves and watchdogs, which was cruel enough. Hong Ji was even more outrageous, and wanted all men to be father-in-laws.

"Smelly mother-in-law, I'll see how cruel you are. This time, if you don't fall down with you, my surname will be written upside down."

Taking a small medicine bottle from his arms, Jiang Lin took some cold marrow to heal the injuries in his internal organs, and then he hooked his fingers at Hongjiu.

This time, if he didn't bring down this red eagle, he would really be out of breath.

In the hands of a woman who suffered successive losses, there was no need to spread the word. Jiang Lin himself felt ashamed and was thrown into Java.

Isn't it cruel?Isn't it horizontal?Isn't it tough?

I'll just look at you mother-in-law, do you have an old man?

"It's not me who fell anyway, let's see how long you can last!"

Hongji wrapped up the sword wound on her wrist with glutinous rice-like jade teeth and biting a strip of cloth. After that, she ignored the severe pain on her wrist and continued to swing the bronze bell while rushing towards Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin, relying on the medicinal power of the cold marrow in his body, took out a set of five-battalion gods and several flying swords from his arms, and performed the five-battalion gods.

As long as he can remove the bronze bell in Hong Ji's hand, he doesn't have to wait, and he can let Hong Ji know that women are women, and no matter how ambitious they are, it is not necessary to wash his feet.

Be a demon, just fight to the death.

Or the kind of violent beating that the audience cheered.

It's a pity that Jiang Lin underestimated the red eagle again. After being blocked and entangled by the earth puppet for a while, the heroine simply let the morning and evening clock in his hand self-destruct and burst open.

Jiang Lin's set of god-general earthen puppets were directly damaged in this explosion. As for Feijian, it whined and flew back upside down.

And Jiang Lin is even worse. This time the copper bell self-destructed, and the sound wave generated was more than ten times that of the previous one. Even if the distance between him and the red eagle was not short, the whole body exploded after the bell wave swept over. blood hole.

Red Eagle wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and rushed out of the smoke, killing Jiang Lin.

If she didn't do it decisively, it would inevitably happen that Jiang Lin was looking for an opportunity to make a surprise attack.

At this time, Jiang Lin was affected by the strong Zhong Bo because of the spiritual power and corpse poison in his body. He pinched each other in an all-round way, and his body also appeared in a state of rigidity. Even if he quickly took control of his body, there were still several wounds on the root of his thigh. .

Almost got it!

Just when Jiang Lin decided to deal with the red eagle regardless of the consequences, there was a sudden movement under the ground, and the flying sand group condensed by countless sandstones rushed towards him and the red eagle.

Jiang Lin suddenly felt bad. At this moment, he sensed that there were many strong demon powers in the ground.

After making a measurement in an instant, Jiang Lin put his arms together and blasted out a pillar of fire, which hit the incoming flying sand. With the help of the recoil, his body quickly flew back.

If he doesn't leave here immediately, even if he kills the red eagle and fights again, he won't have to do anything else at all, and he won't be able to carry it himself.

Moreover, the corpse poison, which has been completely suppressed in the body, may also take this opportunity to cause chaos again, making everything he did in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty go to waste.

After Jiang Lin flew two or three miles away, he reached the edge of a cliff, turned his head to explore the edge of the cliff, Jiang Lin looked at the flying sand group chasing after him, lost his strength, and fell off the cliff.

There is a hollow in the mountain three or four hundred meters below, he can go there to take care of his body first.

In the process of descending, Jiang Lin also absorbed the vitality from the small golden man pendant on his neck to repair the injury in his body.

But when the mountain was almost empty, Jiang Lin heard a coquettish shout from above.

The wounded Red Eagle also jumped to the edge of the cliff, and, still shooting arrows in mid-air, continued to attack him.

"You can really do it, isn't it uncomfortable not to die?"

For the first time, Jiang Lin wanted to laugh a few times when he was harassed by a girl. Just now, this red eagle had saved his life due to an accident. As a result, this woman really thought he was capable of this.

If he can decide once to disregard the consequences of his full-strength shot, he can do this twice.

Jiang Lin had always been afraid of the bronze bell in Hongji's hand before, but this kind of jealousy had nothing to do with Hongji at all, just because of his own health problems.

Now the red eagle has let the morning and evening clock that he was extremely dreaded self-destruct, although it caused a total chaos in his body, but just now he was helpless and took part of Zhan Min's vitality for recuperation.

And the surrounding environment is also improving, and the situation of yin and yang is gradually fading.

In other words, as long as he stopped for a moment and a half, Jiang Lin would no longer have any scruples.

The predicament of his Longyou Shoal is over.

Originally, because of the sudden appearance of some flying sand groups, Jiang Lin put the fight against the Red Eagle on hold.

He still has the same principle, and there is no need to let himself bear the consequences of forcibly shooting.

Otherwise, ten red vultures would not be enough for him to kill.

But now it's interesting, he put the matter of dealing with the red eagle a little later, and the girl rushed over to die by herself.

If you don't die, you will feel uncomfortable.

Chapter [*] Are you pursuing this? (superior)

Jiang Lin swung along the vines hanging down from the cliff, dodged the arrows, and rushed into the hollow of the mountain.

Just now, he extracted some vitality from the little golden figure Zhanmin around his neck. If he didn't use it rationally, it would be completely wasted.

If he doesn't slow down a bit, he may even ask his wife Zhanmin for more life later.

How could he be willing to do this.

Red Eagle rushed to die, he stopped for an hour and a half and then played a football with a beautiful head, without any delay.

"Hide? I'll take a look at the red vulture today. Whether you go to the sky or escape, you must plant it in my hands! The slate and the golden pill are all handed over to me! Hide, this time I will let you enter or not. out."

Seeing Jiang Lin digging into the hollow of the mountain, Hongji sneered, and then endured the pain on his wrist, stuck two bow knives on the cliff to slow down, and also swung into the cave.

But as soon as she entered the cave, she was surrounded by a puff of white smoke.

The white smoke in this cave is naturally Jiang Lin's slow corpse poison.

At this moment, Jiang Lin was sitting cross-legged in the cave, concentrating on recuperating the injuries caused by the internal rupture of his internal organs and body surface. The pores around his body kept emitting white smoke-like dull poisonous gas.

Taking advantage of the little time just now, Jiang Lin has already used Zhan Min's vitality to repair the severely damaged viscera in the body first. It happens that the air inside the cave is not circulating, and there is no environment in which Yin and Yang are fighting. Jiang Lin He forcibly pressed the spiritual power back into the golden elixir, so that the spiritual power of the whole body was hidden, leaving only the corpse poison in the flesh and blood to erupt the slow poisonous gas.

"I see how you climbed to the sky and escaped..."

After the soles of her feet stood firm, Red Eagle was about to rush over, but in the blink of an eye, her words became discontinuous.

After inhaling a lot of sluggish corpse poison, Red Eagle not only couldn't speak well, but even his movements were slowed down as if he had been slowed down.

"What~ what~ back~ things..."

Hongji was a little stunned. It was fine just now, but now his hands and feet are suddenly inconvenient.

But even so, the red eagle still rushed towards Jiang Lin, of course, this kind of rush is already fast.

After a few breaths, Jiang Lin stood up, walked over, grabbed the jade neck of the red eagle, and lifted it up.


The red eagle had already reacted at this time. The smoke in the hole that made her move extremely slowly must be Jiang Lin's means.

She was actually restrained by Jiang Lin again.

But even if Red Eagle was countered by Jiang Lin again, she still did not give up, her eyes were still firm, she did not flinch, and the bow knife in her hand stabbed three inches below Jiang Lin's navel.

Still want to let Jiang Lin cut off his sons and grandsons.

"You always want me to be a great priest, and you won't give up if you don't let me cut off my descendants. Then don't blame me, I won't cut off my future. Not only will I not, I want you to be a big-bellied woman and give me a baby. pile of dolls."

As he spoke, Jiang Lin waved the Tianyun Sword in his hand, slashed on the cave wall, and cut out a stone platform.

Throwing the red eagle on the stone platform, Jiang Lin untied his belt, and when the red eagle saw this scene, the pupils in his beautiful eyes gradually enlarged.

But she inhaled Jiang Lin's slow corpse poison, and she couldn't do anything at all, she could only stare at Jiang Lin with a still tough look.

Not long ago, Jiang Lin had said that this time, he and Hongji would have to fall down one another, or else he would get angry and even write their surnames upside down.

But now, Red Eagle is indeed down, but he is also down.

The two fell on the stone platform together.

In fact, even when Jiang Lin rushed into this cave from outside, he never thought he would make such a choice.

Before that, he did have the idea of ​​turning the red eagle into a pink skeleton.

Kill it.

The reason why Jiang Lin changed his mind was indeed a temporary one.

Of course, there is a reason for the red eagle.It can be said that she saved herself when Jiang Lin changed her mind.

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