If it wasn't for the words "Go to the sky or escape to the ground" and "Go in but not go out," Hong Ji said, she would be dead now.

When Jiang Lin came to this Thousand Machines Country, the goal he always wanted to achieve was to use the Thousand Machines to ascend to the rooftop and to the Sky City.

There was no problem with this at first, but the problem was that he didn't think about it. If he boarded Sky City and achieved his goal, how would he come down.

Before, it was because of Red Eagle's sentence "there is in but not out" that woke him up.

With the help of thousands of machines, you can go up to the sky, no problem, but what should you do when you come down?

This is not as simple as jumping down, otherwise, Jiang Lin would directly use his suspended ability to go up and down as many times as possible.

After coming down from Sky City, someone still needs to activate Qianji to ascend to the rooftop and lead him back.

But who will start it?

If he goes to Huadu on this trip, everything goes well, and he climbs up secretly, the empress will not be idle and then start the ascending platform, or keep it running.

Even if the trip didn't go well, he assisted Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, helped him restore the country, and opened the Tiantiantai with their power, it is not necessarily that Tiantiantai will be opened again.

There is an out-of-bounds creature flying tapir in Sky City. There should be a record here in Qianji Kingdom. It’s okay that he is present. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and others may send him up as appropriate.

But once he goes up, it is possible that others will completely seal the passage, so as not to lead the creatures from outside the world down and cause a catastrophe.

Considering these, Jiang Lin temporarily changed his mind.

This red vulture, he still has to keep it.

If such a very shrewd, resourceful, and courageous girl can be used by him, he can avoid many worries.

If it is simply controlled, it will only be useful for a while. When he arrives at Sky City, he will not be able to remotely control it.

So, he simply conquered this girl and let the red eagle do things for him with all his heart.

In addition to these considerations, Jiang Lin of course also has some revenge in his heart. This red eagle always wants him to end, so let's give him a baby.

At this time, the flying sand group on the cliff was caught up. Pieces of flying sand gradually condensed into human shapes, and they looked down at the bottom of the cliff. After no figure was found, they turned into flying sand again, submerged under the ground, and left here. place.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin and Hong Jiu's fierce battle was not too big.

Three days later, the red eagle, who had tied his belt, straightened his messy hair, and then looked at Jiang Lin with a look of resentment and helplessness.

After that, she didn't say a word, turned and walked out of the cave.

"Did I let you go?"

Jiang Lin sat on the stone platform, pinching his chin and looking at Red Eagle.

This Red Eagle, who was no longer a girl, finally knew that there was no point in fighting him anymore.

"I can't help you, but if you want to limit me, unless you kill me and let me die. Don't think that if I lose my body to you, I will think that I am filthy. I am a woman who has achieved great things, and I will definitely rule the world in the future. I told you in advance, you'd better kill me now, otherwise, even if I have your flesh and blood, I won't keep it."

Hongji still stood upright, even if she suffered such a big loss in Jiang Lin's hands, she still would not give in.

"Is that what you're after?"

Jiang Lin shook his head, he really didn't understand why Red Eagle was so obsessed with power.

Now Hongji is going to leave. After leaving, it is so that he can be crowned emperor in the future. If he does not let her go, he would rather die.

It is to be in power, except to die.

Just want to be the queen, unless you get killed.

Such a heroine, just pursue this?

Is it really interesting to cover the top with Mian Hao and add a yellow robe to the body?

Chapter [*] Are you pursuing this? (middle)

Jiang Lin wanted to break down the values ​​of Red Eagle. Whether it was out of his own opinion or considering the following things, this pursuit of Red Eagle had to be abandoned.

Only when the red eagle has no distractions, can he concentrate on doing things for him.

This is also the main reason why he left the Red Eagle alive and took the body of the Red Eagle.

Red Eagle's own ability, that is needless to say, for so many years, there is really no girl who can make him avoid the battle again and again, and there is almost a big problem.

Whether it's change, ruthlessness, or grasping the timing, it doesn't matter.

Although the red eagle was planted in Jiang Lin's hands, Jiang Lin did not deny this woman's extraordinary talent.

Faced with the situation that he might not be able to get down from Sky City in the future, Jiang Lin certainly wanted to entrust such an important matter to a person with outstanding ability.

Moreover, as a mysterious messenger, Hongji was originally working for the Queen and trusted by the Queen. If he came to guard himself and steal, it should not be difficult.

In terms of Red Eagle's agility and calmness, he can even be invisible. Maybe when he boarded the Sky City, the Queen didn't even know he was there.

This possibility is not small. If things go smoothly, when he leaves the Thousand Machines Country, the Queen may not know about him coming and going freely.

If you want to achieve such an effect, it is impossible for the red eagle to not pay attention.

Red Eagle is full of thoughts about becoming a queen, where is he in the mood to do things for him.

Moreover, even if the red eagle can not delay the stealing of the token, he still wants to be the queen of the country of Qianji. If he conflicts with the old tribes of the country of Qianji because of his own pursuit, it will be a big deal. trouble.

These are all out of Jiang Lin's interests. As for his own views, it is also very simple.

That is a woman like Red Eagle, a woman who doesn't know how many men she can beat. If she puts her heart on higher pursuits, even if her aptitude may be limited, her achievements will never be low.

Pursuing imperial status is really a bit low.


Hongji frowned, not understanding what Jiang Lin was saying.

In this stagnant country of thousands of machines, if it is said that whoever is in charge of life and death is the only one who is the only one, it must be the Queen.

When he was angry and the ministers were afraid, everyone bowed their heads.

If you are human, you should pursue this level.

In the end, Jiang Lin asked her to pursue such a little.

Is there anything wrong with this pursuit?

Who wouldn't listen to what he said?Who dares not follow the decision?

I'm after this, what's the problem?

Jiang Lin rubbed his chin and asked, "I said that you pursued the title of emperor for the rest of your life, do you just have this vision? It's just to make you an emperor, your ambition has been realized, and then what?"

"Ambition fulfilled, what's next?"

"Ten years, fifty years, three hundred years?"


After being asked by Jiang Lin, Hongjiu was stunned for a moment. She is still very young now, so naturally she didn't think about the future. Fifty or even hundreds of years later, she certainly didn't think about it.

Seeing that Hongjiu didn't answer, Jiang Lin said, "Let me tell you, after fifty years, you may not feel anything; after a hundred years, you want to stay young forever; after three hundred years, you will be old, Under the circumstance that your aptitude is limited, and there are worldly burdens, you may not dare to hit the heights in your practice, which means that in about three hundred years or so, you will enter the imperial mausoleum. At that time, you will have to pursue Longevity, after a while, you will be frightened all day long, afraid that your legs will die with one kick. At that time, you will find that your so-called pursuit is the same thing. Come on, don't you still want to become a handful of loess?"

With a chuckle, Jiang Lin continued: "According to me, if you are old, you will have this idea, as long as you can live one more day, you won't even think about it, you will hand it over to you. go out."

With that said, Jiang Lin took out porcelain vases and jade boxes one after another from the ancient mirror and placed them on the stone platform.

He needs to let the red eagle know that his vision is so low, what kind of power status, glory and wealth, it is too low, there are things in this world that are more worthy of pursuit than imperial power.

With the character of Red Eagle, reasoning may not make sense. Only by letting Red Eagle realize that what he is looking for is too boring.

"Really? So, you hit me with these words and make me give up my pursuit. Well, I give up and ask you with one of your words, and then what?"

A smirk appeared on Hongjiu's face, and he continued: "Then I will be your woman with peace of mind, right? I will give you a son, a daughter, and maybe a twin. Do laundry, cook, and raise children. , it's all mine, isn't it?"

Hongjiu didn't take Jiang Lin's previous words seriously at all, instead he thought it was a bit ridiculous.

"I can't do anything to you, I'm still planted in your hands when I run out of means, and even my body is taken away by you. You got my people, that's because you used force to coerce, the result of coercion. You still want to get The heart of my red vulture? I didn't expect you to be such a man who can measure an inch. Unfortunately, my red vulture's heart is on the throne, not a man."

She lifted the blue silk on her temples, and the red eagle became charming and charming. She admitted that she looked down on the man Jiang Lin, and completely admitted defeat. In the past few days, after she regained her mobility, she resisted and struggled more than once. The result that can be obtained is to be ravaged again and again, so she is willing to admit defeat, which is nothing to be ashamed of.

But if Jiang Lin had an indelible impression in her heart, it was still a long way off.

She never thought that she would fall in love with any man, no matter what kind of man.

Therefore, in Hongjie's view, Jiang Lin was just trying to fool her with some big reason, asking her to give up her pursuit, then let go of her figure, and be an extremely mediocre woman, obedient and down-to-earth. Jiang Lin is her husband.

Sorry, I'm not that good at fooling around.

After decades, hundreds of years, what a swirl of loess and so on, why don't you say that people will die when they live, die sooner or later, so it's better to die now.

If you don't rectify some of the verses of the Buddha, "All the dharmas that have behaviors are like dream bubbles", it will also show that you understand a lot of truth.

Say that I only pursue such a little, do you think that I pursue low, or do you want me to give up the pursuit of power and gain my heart?

Glancing at Jiang Lin, Hong Ji said: "Even if you Jiang Lin is a peerless beauty, I won't be mad at you, so you just save it. I'm not your opponent, you can kill me. After all, if you want to restrict my personal freedom and make me give up my pursuit, it is impossible."

Red Eagle said it very clearly, not letting her go, unless she was killed, the big deal was that she would take death as her home.

If she was greedy for life and feared death, she would not choose to hunt down Jiang Lin after suffering losses from Jiang Lin.

Chapter [*] Are you pursuing this? (Down)

Jiang Lin's eyebrows moved slightly, and the attitude of Hongjiu also made him look at him with admiration.

For a man like him, Red Eagle actually has high eyesight, and more importantly, this incomparably single-minded attitude of Red Eagle will not be easily changed.

Since the attitude of the red eagle can deal with things, it can also deal with people, but it needs to be changed.

Therefore, Jiang Lin was not angry because of what Hong Ji said. The reason why Hong Ji was so stubborn and eager for imperial power was because she had long hair and short knowledge.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin didn't open the porcelain vase and jade box. It was either the Immortal Cold Marrow Wine or the Immortal Pill.

The treasure of the treasure inside, I don't know how many emperors of the empire, would rather give up the beauty of the country, and also ask for a request.

Longevity and immortality are extremely attractive to anyone. Although there are very few people who remain unmoved because they stick to their own values, many more are unable to resist such temptations.

Red Eagle is no exception.

This is why Jiang Lin took out so many porcelain vases and jade boxes.

There is something more worthy of pursuit in him than imperial power.

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