Follow him and you're done.

However, now Jiang Lin wanted to fold the arrogance of the Red Eagle first.

In this way, after a while, the red eagle will find that what he is pursuing is really just that, and the effect will be better.

He is not worried that Hongjiu sees these immortal treasures, and still insists on pursuing imperial power, or saying "don't care about the eternity, only care about the possessions".

A woman as obsessive as Hong Vulture would not have such a free and easy mentality.

Really want to be free and easy, how many times will you beat him to death for a slate that does not exist on him?

"It's normal for you to think so, but I don't want to pursue your heart, as long as the result is that you are honest and obedient, that's fine. Well, let me tell you beforehand, I, possessive The desire is very strong, as long as it is a woman I have touched, it must be tied to me forever and ever. How to say, I am also your de facto husband now, come and squeeze my shoulders. "

Jiang Lin snapped his fingers, he did appreciate the arrogance of Hongji, but he didn't like it very much when he was cold and arrogant in front of him.

In addition to dampening the arrogance of Red Eagle and letting her know that she should pursue higher-level things, Jiang Lin also wanted to completely conquer this heroine.

It's just that, whether or not to treat Hongji as his wife, and whether to give him the status of Mrs. Jiang, also depends on Hongji's performance.

In the past, Jiang Lin and his wife became husband and wife, basically they had a relationship foundation or time accumulation. After the bridal chamber, he was also willing to take responsibility and take good care of his wife forever, treating him as a baby in the palm of his hand.

But this time, his union with Red Eagle was completely out of interest, and there was a bit of revenge mixed in it.

Whether the Red Eagle can turn positive or not depends on the Red Eagle himself.

If the red eagle still resists in the end, then she can only be treated as a forbidden person, the kind whose identities are completely unequal.

The red eagle turned a deaf ear and went out directly.

Don't take me for that vulgar woman.

At this time, Jiang Lin activated his spiritual power, and the Six Yang Soul Curse that was placed on Hongjiu also started.

A few days ago, when the spiritual power and corpse poison in the body were no longer entangled, Jiang Lin had already placed such a curse on Hongji's body.

Hongjiu grunted and turned to look at Jiang Lin, who also patted his shoulder and signaled to him.

Come and squeeze your shoulders.

"I have suffered losses one after another in your hands, and I have realized the strength gap between me and you. I no longer have any ill will towards you. If I want to achieve my goal, I will naturally think of other ways and will not hit your mind. You don't want to. make me hate you again!"

Cold sweat broke out on Hong Jiu's forehead, holding on to the severe pain in his body and mind, staring directly at Jiang Lin.

However, Jiang Lin didn't take what Hong Ji said seriously, and directly controlled it, making Hong Ji stand behind him and kneading his shoulders.

"Since I have asked you to pursue it, it is naturally my intention."

As Jiang Lin said that, he opened the bottle cap on the stone platform, and he opened the jade box, revealing the cold marrow, immortal chili, elixir and other treasures inside. At the same time, he also revoked the control of the red eagle.

Just as the anger in the red eagle's heart was about to burst out, it was attracted by the medicinal fragrance that filled his nose.


The red eagle was stunned for a moment. What Jiang Lin took out turned out to be extremely rare treasures of heaven and earth. Although some of them were not even known to her, the shimmering rays of radiance above showed that these were definitely not ordinary.

"If I say that there are many fairy treasures that can only be enjoyed by immortals, do you believe it? I have quite a few. If you take it, it is absolutely no problem to raise your cultivation base by two levels. These are still relatively small. The effect. If you go down with an elixir, you don't even know that it will increase your lifespan for thousands of years."

Jiang Lin turned his head to look at the red eagle, and continued: "I'm still the same problem now, your pursuit is the crown of the sky, the crown of the world, and the emperor, is that what you pursue? Now I'll tell you, I have the emperor here. The things in the fairy world that both sides want to pursue."

Hong Ji looked at Jiang Lin in disbelief, then reached out and took a jade box, took it to his nose and took a sniff.


After inhaling the medicinal fragrance of Immortal Treasure, some of the wounds on her body quickly scabbed over.

Jiang Lin took the cold marrow, pulled Red Eagle's injured wrist, untied the bandage, and sprinkled the cold marrow on it.

After the cold marrow has penetrated, both the inner bones and the outer skin are rapidly healing.

After letting go of the red eagle's hands, Jiang Lin said again: "Through the ages, I don't know how many emperors there are, and they are still far from death, so I will think about it when I get old, ask immortals to ask for medicine, and seek longevity. Compare their pursuits. , you red vulture, your vision is too low, just a little pursuit, not a pile of dead bones in the end?"

"Let's not talk about the emperor of the world, it's just that many practitioners and spiritual masters have climbed high on the road of cultivation, so don't they just live longer? So many people want to break through, want to soar, no Is it because of longevity? Since you have already made a golden elixir, why would you be an empress and kill someone like me who has no grievances and no enmity? It really makes me very, very puzzling."

After that, Jiang Lin looked at Hongji quietly, waiting for her reaction.

Chapter [*] I don't want you to think, I want me to think

What Jiang Lin said was the truth.

In this Daluo Immortal Realm, it is not that there has been no grievance and no enmity and no enmity can't be enmity, but basically it is not a matter of stealing treasures or robbing resources. Anyway, the final result is to obtain substantial benefits for oneself.

But this red eagle, just to be the queen, and this desire to be in power is to simply take charge of life and death and enjoy the feeling of being aloof.

I am alone.

In order to realize this so-called ambition, Red Eagle is ruthless to others and even more ruthless to himself.

To deal with an irrelevant person, an arm was almost lost.

Why bother?

Hong Ji was speechless for a while. If Jiang Lin said something like this just now, she would have thought that the other party was trying to capture her heart with some lame excuses, but now, Jiang Lin's meaning is very obvious. What are you asking her to pursue?

Hongjiu didn't know if it was because she saw these Immortal Pill Immortal Zhi and other immortal treasures, which made her suddenly feel that she didn't know what to do.

Now that I think about it, what Jiang Lin said is not unreasonable. Jiang Lin and her have no grievances and no grudges, and there is no contradiction.

With her heart, she naturally wouldn't have the kind of resentment that ordinary women would only have because of seeing a normal man.

Therefore, she really fought Jiang Lin to the death more than once just for "so little pursuit".

If Jiang Lin hadn't shown mercy and put her to sleep, then she might have really been killed by Jiang Lin.

Hongjiu looked at the immortal treasure on the stone platform, and then took a peek at Jianglin. In the end, she killed the idea of ​​​​taking the treasure. She has been defeated twice by Jianglin, and now she has It would be quite unwise to be cursed again and have a conflict with Jiang Lin.

"I... After I become the queen, I will... pursue longevity again."

Afterwards, Hongji defended herself. The throne that she longed for was abandoned like a slap in the face by people like Jiang Lin, which always made her feel that she was lowering Jiang Lin in her vision.

She admits that her strength is not good, but she always admits that her eyes are higher than the top, which makes her a little unbearable.

"You can pull it down. In this barren and remote country of thousands of machines, what do you use to seek longevity?"

Jiang Lin was amused by the red eagle, admitting that his pursuit is low, is it so difficult?

Then he pulled the red eagle and let it lie down in his arms, saying: "I told you just now that I am extremely possessive, that is to say, no matter what kind of attitude I have. Treat you, or admit it or not, since three days ago, you have been subordinate to me. A woman like you needs a man like me to conquer."

Squeezing Red Eagle's chin, Jiang Lin continued: "Actually, I had murderous intentions towards you earlier, and the reason why I left you alive is because I want you to do things for me with all your heart. I'm not afraid to tell you, I It's not an Emperor Star at all, and I'm not a person from the Qianji Kingdom. I came here to use the Qianji in Huadu to climb to the sky and climb to the sky city. This is also the first time I was chased by you. The reason why you let it go is to let you steal the token for me to activate the rooftop. Now, you still have this task, and when I return, activate the rooftop to pick me up again."

Hong Ji broke away from Jiang Lin's arms, leaned his back against the wall, folded his arms, and looked at Jiang Lin.

Because Jiang Lin used marrow pulp for her just now to heal her serious wrist injury, she didn't take the matter that Jiang Lin had just taken advantage of to her heart.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I know that you are a woman with high eyes and high spirits, and I will give you some time to accept this fact. You are already mine and belong to me, so, You'd better be obedient, it's a fact."

"I don't feel like I belong to anyone, let alone feel like an object."

Hong Ji's face became even more grim, she admitted defeat, even if she admits that her pursuit is really a little ignorant, it doesn't mean that she is subordinate to others.

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think."

Jiang Lin looked at the stubborn Red Eagle with great interest. He saw the change in the expression on Red Eagle's face just now.


Can live more than a thousand years and stay young forever, who will not be moved.

If the red eagle is really ambitious enough, it will definitely change his pursuit to the aspect of longevity.

This also means that the Red Eagle must follow him.

Moreover, the red eagle just leaned back against the hole arm and no longer wanted to go, which already explained the problem.

The red eagle snorted and said nothing.

"Now, let me make a few requests. First, I don't want the woman around me to be a vicious and unscrupulous woman. I don't care about your past or how ruthless you used to be, but starting today, I will treat your I gave up the emperor's mind."

"I think as long as the goal can be achieved, there is nothing wrong with choosing a more efficient way."

Hongjie was suddenly unhappy, Jiang Linti's request was contrary to her principle of doing things.

Jiang Lin's expression changed, and he raised his voice slightly: "I said, I don't want you to think, I want me to think."

No matter what kind of identity the Red Eagle was taken behind by him, Jiang Lin didn't want his woman to be a femme fatale, otherwise, don't blame him for not caring about a husband and wife for a hundred days.

Red Eagle was uneasy in his heart, but he still endured it.

So far, Jiang Lin has not done anything that is truly unbearable for her. Before Jiang Lin didn't let her go, it was also because he had something to say. He asked her to come over and squeeze her shoulders to show her some fairy treasures.

Now, Jiang Lin is just making a request to her.

Seeing that Hongjiu didn't contradict him twice, a smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face.

Just listen.

Then, Jiang Lin said again: "In addition, I want you to understand two things. First, your high vision and arrogance, in my opinion, are nothing, I even have several fairy wives, but they I don’t have a character like yours. Second, I don’t care whether the current Qianji Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of Heaven and Girls, has instilled the idea that women are superior to men, and I don’t care what kind of atmosphere you live in. From now on, until You will be loyal to me until you die."

"You don't have to say anything, and you don't have to say what you think you think, just listen to what I think and what I think."

This time, Jiang Lin didn't let Hongji speak directly. If you have any words, swallow them. If you have any opinions, just keep them.

Red Eagle's "feelings" are useless, it's up to him to do what he thinks.

Hongjiu looked at Jiang Lin, and then glanced at the fairy treasure on the stone platform. If a man told her that he had married a fairy as his wife, she would never believe it, but since Jiang Lin took out so much at once Immortal Treasure, among them the Immortal Pill with Danxiang, which made her somewhat unable to doubt.

These things are not the same even if they have been rummaged through the Thousand Machines Country.

After pondering for a while, the red eagle asked, "I followed you with all my heart, and I will be loyal to you until I die, can I live forever?"

Chapter [*] I don't even like longevity, immortality is almost the same

After inquiring, Hongji turned her attention to the immortal treasure on the stone platform. For the first time in her life, she felt that her vision was not enough.

How about being an empress, and what about all the people worshipping? Hundreds of years later, she will be a skeleton.

Even if she was stubborn and said that she would seek longevity after becoming a female queen, but she was born in a remote place, and it was extremely difficult to even travel to the outside world. How could she seek longevity?

When asked by Hongji, Jiang Lin laughed. Hongji's question made him suddenly think of the question in the old version of "Journey to the West" where Monkey King asked Bodhi Patriarch.

Can you live forever?

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