The red vulture had a startled look on her face. It was the first time she saw the anger of the great priest. The latter showed the strength of his cultivation, far exceeding her expectations.

This high priest, who has been willing to assist the Queen, actually has a strength that is not weaker than the Queen.

"Grand Priest, let her go. Otherwise, it is not easy for you to explain the High Priest to the Queen."

Just when the high priest wanted to kill the red eagle, Lan Ling stood in front of the red eagle.

This time, the high priest was obviously trying to kill, and if she didn't dissuade her, the red eagle would probably be killed on the spot.

Although her relationship with Red Eagle was not very good, they were sisters who grew up together, so she couldn't bear to watch Red Eagle die in front of her eyes.

When Lan Ling mentioned the queen, the high priest forced the spiritual power in his body and the anger in his heart to be suppressed, and glared at the red eagle, he said: "From now on, you are no longer a mysterious messenger, and immediately disappeared in front of my eyes! "

With one move of the palm, the high priest took the mysterious order of the Red Eagle in his hand.

The red eagle's eyes moved slightly, and the development of the matter exceeded her expectations. She originally thought that the high priest would take action on her.

But now, this eunuch has removed her position.

After thinking for a while, Hongji left the Xuanji Academy without saying a word.

She already knew the strength of the high priest, and now some people are persuading her. If she insists on conflicting with the high priest, I am afraid that even if she does not have an accident because of the protection of the amulet rune, she will not take care of the queen. .

She angered the high priest once, at least it made sense. After all, it was the high priest who picked her thorn first, but if she provokes it again and again, the queen would not turn to her.

As for the identity of the mysterious messenger being cut, she thought of another way.

After the red eagle left, the high priest said to Lan Ling: "The two people you and the red eagle brought are only the descendants of the previous royal family, not the emperor star. Before, I used the flying eagle to inform you that the palace The sword-seeking slate in china has been stolen, and what I am most worried about now is that the slate will fall into the hands of the Emperor Star. If he solves the mystery of the slate and finds the divine sword, it will be troublesome.”

"Grand Priest, do you mean that you still want me to find the slate?"

"It's not in a hurry, but the slate must be found. Although the slate was stolen by the crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, they should not have found the Emperor Star. The slate has spirituality and will It is close to the Emperor Star. However, even if the Emperor Star is killed, as long as the Divine Sword condensed from the old country’s destiny is still there, it is still an unstable factor.”

Having said that, the high priest took a string of bracelets from his robe sleeve and threw it to Lan Ling, and then said: "Your mission this time, find the slate and the emperor star, if you find it, let me know first, don't reveal your identity, follow The Emperor Star found the Divine Sword and took it. The slate and the Divine Sword are the main tasks. If the Emperor Star cannot be captured alive, it will be wiped out. This bracelet can control the flying eagle. I have trained it during this period of time. The ability to find the slate can sense the approximate area where the slate is located. By the way, the thief's left arm was injured and should not recover in a short time. You can use this as a clue to cooperate with the eagle to find the thief, and the slate should still be on him. . Even if he hands it over, he can still be interrogated."

"Lan Ling takes the lead."

Lan Ling put the bracelet on her wrist, then exited the Xuanji Courtyard and got on the horse. She summoned the high priest's flying eagle and let the flying eagle lead the way in front of her head.

And the direction that this flying eagle was heading was exactly where Jiang Lin rushed to—the boundary where Heimu Ye’s troupe stayed.

On the way, Lan Ling felt a little puzzled. She and Hong Ji were both envoys of mystery, and because Hong Ji was highly appreciated by the Queen, her attitude towards the high priest was rather perverse.

But the high priest removed the post of the red eagle because of the sarcasm of the red eagle. Under normal circumstances, it should be the approval of the queen.

In a way, the red eagle is the eyeliner that the queen placed in the Xuanji Academy.

Now that the red eagle has been stripped of her official rank, the high priest has asked her to find a divine sword that can deal with the queen, which is a bit intriguing.

Could it be that the high priest has long been against his will, but has been hiding it deeply?

Thinking of this, Lan Ling shook her head and stopped worrying about the calculations of these agencies. She was only responsible for completing her own tasks.

Since then, the Twin Flowers, Emperor Star and Zombie God in the prophecies circulated among the people of Qianji are all in the dark and will gather together.

At the same time that Lan Ling left Huadu, Hong Ji, who had been deprived of power, went to the council hall of the palace to find the queen.

She has now been dismissed by the high priest as the mysterious envoy, and she can only go to the queen to get her power back.

Only if she has power and an official position in her hands, can she continue to stay in the palace and look for opportunities to steal tokens from Jiang Lin.

The [*]st chapter is lying down and pulling hatred (on)

At this time, the queen was in the council hall to hold the chief guard in the palace responsible for the theft of the slate. After the theft of the slate, the queen learned that it was an ordinary person who stole the palace, and realized that the defense of the collection in the palace was flawed. The improvement and construction of the enchantment, linked to the original arrangement, has not been fully completed until today.

Whether it is a monk or an ordinary person, even a cat and a dog cannot enter the forbidden storage area in the palace.

This kind of work, the queen did not leave the hands of the high priest.

As Hongji said, the current queen is a woman who only trusts herself.

And the accountability for the theft in the palace has been held to this day.

Seeing that the Queen was angrily scolding the head of the guard, Red Eagle entered the hall and waited at the gate of the hall.

This time she was fired, and the matter can be big or small. Now that the Queen is angry, she will not be in trouble at this juncture.

At this time, the aloof queen looked coldly at the chief guard who was still arguing in the hall, and scolded: "Still arguing here!"

"As the commander of the guards of the Imperial Palace, you are not patrolling the palace, and you dare to lie and deceive the king and say that you supervise the construction of the city wall. The sword-seeking slate is related to the national destiny of the Goddess of Heaven. In your mouth, you actually said that it was just a stone. I know that at that time you Going to play with men in the city, neglecting duty, I will give you the death penalty! Pull it out, behead!"

The queen gave an order, and the chief guard, who was begging for mercy, was dragged out by the guards, and the body was separated after a while.

For a time, the female civil servants and generals in the entire hall were all silent, and they did not dare to breathe.

Red Eagle looked at the queen who could control his life and death with a single word, and found that he had no more troubles in his heart.

If it was in the past, she didn't know how many times she had said it in her heart, and she would replace it in the future.

But now, her mentality has subsided a lot.

If you can pursue longevity, what is the imperial figure and domineering? If you can have the hope of immortality, longevity seems to be too small.

At this moment, a pair of yellow warblers flew into the hall from the window of the main hall.

"I hate seeing things that are both pairs."

When the queen saw the two Orioles flying in unison, she stretched out her hand and took one of the Orioles. With a burst of spiritual power, the Orioles flew out like a cannonball, knocking the bronze pillars out of the temple. There was a loud bang.

In this way, a rather cute yellow warbler, like a specimen, was attached to the copper pillar, and it turned into a sculpture in a short time.

There are other bird sculptures on the bronze pillars. It is not the first time that the queen has done such a thing.

The ability to turn a living thing into metal with this one hand, even a monk at the level of God Transformation can't do it.

Another lone oriole flew to the copper pillar and fluttered its wings, whimpering non-stop, while the queen was laughing up to the sky, as if she heard a very pleasant voice.

This queen is really getting more and more perverted.

For a time, the woman in the hall felt a little cold hair standing on end.

The queen glanced at it and saw the red eagle beside the gate of the palace, so she asked all the female ministers to retreat and leave.

"Your Majesty the Queen."

Red Eagle walked to the center of the hall and bowed to the Queen.

"What's the matter, shouldn't you be out on a mission?"

"Report to Your Majesty, this subordinate has been removed from his position by the high priest."

The red eagle reported the high priest picking her thorns and his own sarcastic remarks.

"I understand, but I'm not satisfied with the efficiency of your mysterious envoys during this period of time. So, the stone slabs in the palace are stolen, you go and find them, I think the high priest should explain this task. Go on. Once this is done, I will promote you as the right priest, the same as your previous boss."

After saying this, the queen waved her hand and let the red eagle go down.

The red eagle frowned. The queen didn't even give her a reinstatement. However, she also gave her a chance to be promoted.

As long as she is the right priest, it is more convenient to act than the role of the mysterious priest.

Moreover, since the queen mentioned this, it is enough to show that she has some trust in her.

After obeying the order, Hongji left the main hall and went to chase Lanling. If she didn't get the slate this time, she would have no basis for action.

In the afternoon two days later, Jiang Lin found Lord Heimu's troupe by the market outside the city in Xuncheng.

Lord Heimu and the others happened to be performing outside the city, earning some gold coins to live.

"Lin Zi, it's such a coincidence that we meet again."

After meeting Jiang Lin, Lord Heimu was also very enthusiastic and invited Jiang Lin to the tent.

"Master Heimu, I'm here to find Taotao. I have something to discuss with him."

Jiang Lin asked about Tao Tao's whereabouts. He still didn't know if Tao Tao left the troupe and went with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others.

Lord Heimu said that Taotao, Chaitou and Tantou went to the city to buy the costumes needed for acting, Jiang Lin was a little relieved, otherwise it would be more difficult for him to find someone in this country of Qianji, where he was unfamiliar.

About half an hour later, Tao Tao came out of the city and returned to the place where the troupe stayed.

"Huh? Brother Jiang, why are you here?"

Tao Tao was a little surprised when she saw Jiang Lin. Last time, he was rescued by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and Jiang Lin helped him.

"Brother Jiang, let's talk to the side."

Then Taotao asked Jiang Lin to move, Jiang Lin came over, it should be something, maybe it was a matter of restoring the country, it is not suitable for Lord Heimu and the others to know.

A hundred meters away from the tent, Taotao thanked Jiang Lin, saying that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon wanted to invite him to a drink.

It's okay for Jiang Lin not to listen to this, but when he hears Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and wants to thank him, he feels a little numb in his heart.

If it wasn't for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to let him be in the rear, he wouldn't have been chased so far by the red eagle shaking the morning and evening bell.

However, he also knew that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon didn't know that he had a physical problem in advance, and he didn't mean to embarrass him, and he did put down his promise to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, so he didn't prepare for what happened before. Take it to heart.

After all, the result was not bad, he took the red eagle, which is also the reason why Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon contributed.

After that, Jiang Lin inquired about the whereabouts of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but Taotao didn't know for the time being. However, Taotao was going to leave tomorrow to go to the place agreed with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and hand over the slate.

"Okay, I'll go with you then."

"Brother Jiang, are you willing to help us recover our country? My brother Long said that Brother Jiang, you are more capable than him. It's great."

Tao Tao was very excited. Although Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon rescued him a few days ago and left soon after, he still told him some information about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

This surnamed Jiang is a thief.

"I owe Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon a promise, it's time to talk to him about something."

Jiang Lin was noncommittal and didn't say anything to Tao Tao.

Then Taotao asked Jiang Lin to stay with everyone in the troupe and go on the road with him tomorrow.

Jiang Lin didn't have any opinion on this either, so he went to say hello to Lord Heimu, who was already familiar with Jiang Lin and did not refuse.

At dusk, Lan Ling followed Feiying to the outside of Xuncheng.

"The man with the injured left hand."

Before arriving at the market where the crowd gathered, Lan Ling glanced around.

At the same time, Young Master Chun Shisan also arrived here. She inquired all the way, only to find out that the troupe who had been to Fengcheng before settled here.

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