"A very manly man who is also more sensitive to the moonlight of the full moon."

Chun Shisan Shao muttered to himself, preparing to find the man he was looking for and put on neckcuffs.

The [-]nd chapter is lying down and pulling hatred (in)

A few days ago, when Jiang Lin arrived in Fucheng, he met Lan Ling and Chun Shisan, and the Red Eagle came after him. As a result, he was chased by these three girls. At that time, Red Eagle still had the morning and evening clock in his hand. , Jiang Lin had to withdraw because he was afraid of the yin and yang battle in his body.

Now, he came to Lord Heimu. However, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao, twin sisters who did not know each other, also met again without knowing it.

Not only the two of them, but also the Red Eagle.

Hongji has been looking for the trace of Lanling for the past two days, and she has almost no time to rest. A few hours ago, she used some contacts under her hand to learn of Lanling's whereabouts, so she quickly rushed. come.

Jiang Lin didn't know that he was going to meet his own woman. Since he was going to stay at Heimu Ye's troupe, he didn't have time to do some physical work for the troupe.

When he came to the country of Qianji, the first person Jiang Lin met who had good intentions for him was Lord Heimu. Moreover, Lord Heimu knew that he was going to stay in the troupe, so he immediately asked his people to buy good wine. Good food, ready to entertain this foreign visitor.

The hosts are so enthusiastic, Jiang Lin, as a guest, is naturally embarrassed to eat and drink for free.

At this time, Tao Tao found Chai Tou excitedly and said, "Chai Tou, let alone being a brother is not kind, I have been doing big things with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, making a lot of money, and I may have to leave the troupe."

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? Is that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon wanted by the whole country? He's amazing!"

When Chai Tou heard this, a look of admiration appeared on his face.Because they are in the troupe of Lord Heimu, they are not as masculine as other men. Therefore, pure men like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon are like male gods in their eyes.

Nationwide arrest, hey, just can't catch it.

"Yes, it's him, my brother Long. Tomorrow I'll leave the troupe and go to Tigger Cliff to give this slab to Brother Long, and then I won't come back."

Tao Tao took out the slate and showed it to Chai Tou.

At this moment, on the other side of the market outside the city, the flying eagle brought by Lan Ling let out a cry, and flew towards the location of the troupe.

The appearance of the slate made the flying eagle sense a relatively specific orientation.

Seeing this, Lan Ling also followed Feiying.

"You two stinky boys, do you still want to eat? There is still a play to be performed, Tao Tao, go to the platform to attract the officials. Chai Tou and I will change clothes quickly, and the performance will start in a while."

Lord Heimu looked at the sky, and came over to urge Taotao and Chaitou. Taotao quickly hid the slate behind him, not letting Lord Heimu find out.

"Master Heimu, my left arm is injured, let the charcoal head go up first."

Tao Tao said that he couldn’t use the sling to go up the horizontal platform. Although he stole the slate before, his left arm was also seriously injured in the process of being chased by the guards, so he asked Lord Heimu to find someone else first.

So, Lord Heimu shouted, and let the charcoal head, who was still eating the noodles, go to the platform to sing folk songs.

Walking to Jiang Lin's side, Master Heimu said, "Lin Zi, our troupe can be said to be very professional. If you are interested, you can take a look. There is a trapeze show now."

"Then I'd like to see it."

Jiang Lin nodded. There was nothing to do anyway, and it would be good to watch a piece of entertainment. The troupe of Lord Heimu is indeed more professional, not only acting, but also juggling.

Lord Heimu smiled and let Jiang Lin watch Charcoal Head fly to the horizontal platform three to four feet high with a sling.But then, Lord Heimu's face turned black, and the trapeze charcoal head flew over his head, did not land on the horizontal platform, and fell directly from the other side of the horizontal platform.

"Accident, it's just an accident, I'm going to change my costume."

Embarrassingly patted Jiang Lin's shoulder, Lord Heimu entered the tent.

Jiang Lin smiled, rolled up his sleeves, and continued to do the lifting.

Coincidentally, at this time, Lan Ling just came to the front of the troupe, squeezed into the crowd of onlookers, and glanced at everyone in the troupe.

From her position and angle, she just saw Jiang Lin's exposed left arm.

Jiang Lin's forearm was scratched by the red eagle with a short blade, and the wound has not been treated, so the trauma is still relatively conspicuous.

"is it him?"

Lan Ling narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at Jiang Lin.

Not only was the scar on Jiang Lin's arm causing her suspicion, but there seemed to be some plate-like object hidden under the clothes on Jiang Lin's chest.

Jiang Lin's ancient mirror was basically kept in his arms, and now Lan Ling looked at him from the side, and naturally he could see that there was something hidden inside.


Jiang Lin frowned, turned his head and glanced around, just now he felt as if he was locked by someone's gaze.

It just so happened that he had also finished the work at hand, so he tucked his sleeves back.

Seeing Jiang Lin seemed to be vigilant, Lan Ling lowered his head and did not let Jiang Lin see his face.

Then, just when she wanted to act, she got back on the charcoal head on the platform and sat on it and sang a folk song.

Then Lan Ling was a little stunned. Charcoal head also seemed to have injuries on his left arm, and there seemed to be a plate-shaped object tucked in his arms.

What's happening here?

The charcoal head fell off the horizontal platform just now, and it was so coincidental that it also fell on his left arm, and what was in his arms was just a piece of dough that he had just eaten.

Whether it is a dough cake or an ancient mirror, if it is carried in his arms, it is very similar to a slate.

At this time, Tantou found that Lan Ling's eyes fell on him, and then he fell in love with this girl at first sight.

Although Lan Ling's appearance is slightly inferior to Hong Ji's, she is also a real beauty, very charming.

When Lan Ling was sitting in front of the troupe and was about to confirm it, Young Master Chun Shisan had also come to the troupe from another direction.

"Manly? No, not that one, eh?"

Young Master Chun Shisan looked at the busy members of the troupe one by one, and shook his head again and again, none of them gave her a special feeling.

Nothing masculine at all.

However, after seeing Jiang Lin, her eyes lit up.

The current Jiang Lin is not wearing a cloak and a hat, his face is obvious, and his temperament is different.

Shouldn't I be found so soon?

Young Master Chun Shisan wasn't sure if Jiang Lin was the person he was looking for, so he took out the mirror from his pocket and looked at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's body froze when the light of the full moon collected by the spotlight mirror hit him.

The [-]rd chapter is lying down and pulling hatred (below)

Another fucking full moon?

Jiang Lin didn't even think about where the moonlight just now came from, so he looked up at the sky. At this point in time, he should be able to see the moon.

It was also because he had lost his temper because of the situation where the yin and yang were fighting here before, so he mistakenly thought that the solar terms and seasons of this place in the Thousand Machines Country were different from the outside world, and were much faster than the outside world.I thought only ten days had passed, and it was full moon again.

If it is the full moon again, it means that the environment of yin and yang will appear again, and there will be problems with his body.

However, when he looked up, Jiang Lin only saw a crescent moon appearing on the horizon.

Not a full moon.

No, I clearly sensed the moonlight of the full moon just now.

Jiang Lin raised his head and turned around, wanting to see if there was more than one moon in the sky above the Thousand Machines Country.

Just when Jiang Lin was in doubt, Chun Shisan, who was ten feet away, was already happy.

It's him!

Young Master Chun Shisan felt that he no longer needed confirmation. The reaction Jiang Lin showed when he was irradiated by the moonlight from the Huiguang mirror just now was enough to show that he was very sensitive to the light of the full moon.

So, Young Master Chun Shisan took the spotlight mirror, took out a neckcuff from his pocket, and slowly approached Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin glanced up at the sky for a while, but didn't notice anything unusual, so he subconsciously glanced in the direction the moonlight shone from before.

Then he was speechless.

It turned out to be the young girl Chun Shisan who was selling bells.

Chun Shisan rarely saw Jiang Lin come over, so he immediately hid the neckcuffs behind him and gave him a sweet smile.

This shit situation?

Jiang Lin really couldn't understand, the girl who wanted to catch him as a bell and sell it a few days ago actually appeared here.

Moreover, it was specially made to find him.

It seemed that he wanted to arrest him again, put him in neckcuffs, and use it as a bell to go to a big summer sale and a special sale.

Jiang Lin was puzzled. This young master Chun Shisan had never seen his face, which means he had no idea what he looked like. Although he had met him before, if he had seen him through the perspective hat His face, that is absolutely impossible.

Moreover, the clothes he wore before have also changed a long time ago, and it is equally impossible to recognize people by clothes.

Tracking with other methods is even more non-existent. Otherwise, he and Hongji would have been found long ago when they were in the cave.

What's more, in the past two days, he has also thought of other ways to silence the breath on his body, and trying to find him by searching for breath is a waste of effort.Even face-to-face, if it is not someone whose cultivation is higher than him, it is difficult to find out that he has spiritual power.

Since this bell boss didn't know what he looked like at all, how could he run from Fucheng to Xuncheng, thousands of miles away, and still want to arrest him.

Am I so long that I look like a sale item?

Jiang Lin really wanted to know what kind of obsession this young girl Chun Thirteen had with him, so that he could find him.

If it wasn't for him having nothing to do with this girl, Jiang Lin would even wonder if the girl had been searching for her husband for thousands of miles.

However, even though he didn't know what happened, Jiang Lin didn't plan to pursue it. If the girl was honest, it would be fine, otherwise, he wouldn't have taught him a secret lesson this time, crying, discounting (she). Nizi called her father and mother.

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin didn't act immediately. Now he is with Lord Heimu and the others. They want to treat him with good food and wine, and they have always been kind to him. If he taught Chun Shisan here, he would Trouble for Lord Heimu and the others.

Young Master Chun Shisan circled Jiang Lin twice. When he was about to act, he followed Jiang Lin's gaze.

Then she saw an acquaintance - Lan Ling.

But Jiang Lin patted his forehead, he really didn't know what was going on.

There was a spring thirteenth young master. Maybe it was a coincidence, but another mysterious envoy Lan Ling appeared, and his eyes were locked on him. What the hell is this?

These two girls had chased him that day, and after so many days, they chased after him again.

Do I have emergency syrup on me?One or two, they all came after me from afar.

Why are you chasing me?

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