Jiang Linwei was full of big question marks. Even if Hongjiu had a backside, he would risk his own life to murder him and cooperate with Lan Ling and Chun Shisan, then he would not be able to know his movements.

He just arrived at Lord Heimu's troupe today. He arrived at the front, and Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling chased after him?

If Jiang Lin knew that the two young girls Chun Shisan and Lan Ling were looking for the fat woman's male pet, and the other was looking for the slate, he would probably start spraying.

He didn't know any fat generals at all, and he didn't have any slate on his body.

Spring Thirteen Young Master, what he is looking for is Lord Heimu, and Lan Ling, of course, he is looking for Taotao.

As a result, what is outrageous is that he Jiang Lin is here, just like a hatred transfer device, transferring all the hatred of others to himself.

It's not enough to transfer one, he has to transfer two.

That's how hatred can be drawn.

Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling, these two girls, they were looking for him instead of looking for them.

He is so innocent.

Before, Jiang Lin was walking on the streets of Fengcheng. Although he wanted to save people, he hadn't acted yet, because of a word from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and was targeted by these two girls.

Today, no one leaked his surname Jiang, and he also went to Master Heimu's troupe, acting like a normal man, and there was nothing wrong with him.

It can be said that Jiang Lin didn't do anything, and was targeted by two girls who had never seen his true face. Moreover, their target was not him at all.

One or two, the real goal is not him, but to arrest him.

Young Master Chun Shisan noticed that Lan Ling was not far away, and his eyes were still on her target, so he did not act rashly.

She suffered a loss from Lan Ling, and now she doesn't know what the other party's intentions are, so she just wants to see what's going on first, and don't rob her of a man again.

After a playful look at Jiang Lin, Young Master Chun Shisan went to the front of Hengtai. Anyway, the troupe will be performing in a while, so she might as well take a look.

Jiang Lin didn't pay attention to what Lan Ling's purpose was here, but he guessed that it was mostly related to Slate.

So, he went to Taotao, asked for the slate, and put it in the ancient mirror.

Since he has prepared a second way to help Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon overthrow the Queen, this important stone slab needs to be properly kept.

Even if you don't need a slate to find the emperor star, you still need to use this thing to find the national fortune of the old country.

Moreover, if the slate is here, Tao Tao will not be in any danger.

In addition, Jiang Lin also told Tao Tao that if something happened, he would wait for him in the woods ten miles away.

Chapter [-] A bloody case caused by looking at each other ([-])

It didn't take long for the drama prepared by Lord Heimu and the others to be staged, and Jiang Lin found a suitable perspective from the side.

On the one hand, he has nothing to do, and it's good to relax while watching a stage play. On the other hand, he can also monitor Lan Ling.

In this troupe of Lord Heimu, there are not only Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's accomplices, but also Emperor Star. He still doesn't know what purpose Lan Ling, the mysterious envoy, came here.

However, the current Lan Ling did not show any intention, just watching the comedy played by Lord Heimu and the others.

What Heimu Ye and others staged this time was the grievances between the queen and the high priest in the past, that is, some outrageous history that Heimu Ye told Jiang Lin at the beginning.

The queen and her twin sisters were born in one child and carved out of the same mold, and then the younger sister deceived her brother-in-law and put a green hat on the old sister.

It was this green hat that destroyed the country of Qianji, and established a kingdom of goddesses where women are respected and men are slaves.

What a man to be a watchdog all over the street.

Or chained to the door, the kind with a kennel.

I have to say that the group of men like Lord Heimu are almost all dressed as women, and the effect is really good when they act.

At least in Jiang Lin's view, the thief wanted to laugh.

Especially when Tantou played the role of the high priest from the palace, it was very funny. While imitating the drooling of a male duck, he turned his back to the audience and held a dagger like cutting a rope.

Many people at the market came to hear the news, and sat around the stage of the troupe, watching it with great pleasure, and they kept throwing out gold coins as a reward.

In fact, for such a kind of ugly drama, Lord Heimu and the others are not forced to do it. If they don't show such "charming" and "coquettish" gestures in the drama, they have to be like other men in real life.

Not like a man at all.

At this moment, the red eagle who had been chasing Lan Ling also squeezed out of the crowd and sat in the crowd.

Red Eagle?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. Under normal circumstances, Red Eagle should be thinking about how to steal tokens in Huadu.

Sensing that there was a gaze, Hong Ji looked at Jiang Lin, and then her heart beat fast.

In the process of catching up all the way, she also thought a lot, thinking about how she would go in the future.Moreover, the days she and Jiang Lin spent together in the cave often appeared in her mind.

Even when she was taking a nap for a while, all she dreamed of was the lingering sorrow between herself and Jiang Lin.

Because of this, Hongji also began to understand that she had gradually accepted Jiang Lin, and even occasionally she would have the idea of ​​when she would be able to meet Jiang Lin again.

Now, seeing that her man is not far away, even though she has always been surprisingly calm, her heart can't help but give birth to the throbbing that only a girl Huai Chun has.

The red eagle's cheeks appeared a little crimson, and his eyes flickered slightly, and then he looked elsewhere.

She has a similar character to Jiang Lin. If she has serious business to do, she will be gentle and affectionate.

Seeing the change in Hongjiu's expression, Jiang Lin knew that this woman of his had something to do when she came here. In this case, when he had a chance to speak later, he would just ask.

He has already handed over the matter to Hongji, how to do it, he does not intend to interfere too much.

After that, Jiang Lin put his eyes and attention on Lan Ling, and now Lan Ling's focus seems to be on the charcoal head who scatters petal props on the platform.

This made him a little confused whether Lan Ling came here to steal the Tao Tao of the slate, or the charcoal head with the luck of the emperor.

So, he still needs to pay attention.

If Lan Ling suddenly kills, he can deal with it in time.

As with the previous consideration, in order not to implicate Lord Heimu, Jiang Lin also did not take the initiative.

Jiang Lin didn't know that Taotao had been injured on his left arm. When Tantou fell from the cross platform, because of the curtain, he did not see Tantou fall to his left arm.

Therefore, Jiang Lin certainly couldn't figure out who Lan Ling's real target was.

At this moment, the crimson color on Hong Jiu's cheeks had subsided. What surprised her was that Jiang Lin had been looking at Lan Ling not far away, her nemesis, intentionally or unintentionally.

This made her feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

Not only that, at this moment, Lan Ling and Jiang Lin were looking at each other.

What's going on?

In the past, Red Eagle was very calm, but now, her man and her nemesis stared at each other, looking at each other, and a large part of each other's attention was on the other.

In front of my face, look at other women, why not look at me?

Am I not beautiful?

Am I more beautiful than her?

Thinking so in my heart, the palm of the red eagle holding the bow sword involuntarily increased a little bit of strength.

The bow and knife that can fly [-] meters out of her hand can no longer be suppressed.

In fact, now, Lan Ling is indeed looking at Jiang Lin, not only watching, but also sizing and examining.

Of course, she didn't fall in love with Jiang Lin, but she felt that Jiang Lin, a "troupe member", was different from others in terms of temperament.

What made her even more puzzled was that Jiang Lin's stature gave her a feeling of deja vu.

Jiang Lin didn't know that this action of his own made his own woman, Hongji, feel murderous in her heart.

Of course, he didn't want to kill him, but Lan Ling.

When he was in Huadu, Lan Ling mentioned in front of the high priest that Hongji had silenced a man who was suspected of being a party leader in order to compete for merit, instead of taking him back to Huadu.

At that time, Hongji thought about Jiang Lin and the stealing he was going to do, and wanted to silence Lan Ling and tell this girl to stop talking.

Now, Lan Ling has been looking at Jiang Lin's figure, and her brows are still slightly frowning, thinking about it, which makes Hong Ji's previous killing intent reappear.

If Lan Ling recognizes Jiang Lin, then she will naturally know that she is lying. She will go back and report it to the high priest, and the high priest will make a fuss about it, completely destroying her hope of reinstatement and promotion, then she will give Jiang Lin There was no way to talk about Lin stealing the token.

As long as there is a possibility of threatening him, Red Eagle wants to kill such signs.

As for this consideration, whether there is any jealousy or taste in it, only she herself knows.

Chapter [-] A bloody case caused by looking at each other ([-])

"Arrest them all for me! Who asked you to do such a farce!"

At this moment, a patrolling city defense team rushed over and went to the curtain stage. The leading city defense officer shouted: "All those who act and watch the show, all will be captured! If there is resistance, kill them on the spot!"

"Just watch the fun, and I didn't say that I have to ask for money. Who the hell reported it!"

Seeing the officers and soldiers coming, Lord Heimu scolded loudly, and then shouted, "Children, run!"

So, almost instantly, Lord Kuroki and the members of the troupe scattered like crazy cockroaches.

Not only the people in the troupe, but also the crowd of melon eaters who were watching the excitement around them became a mess.

Just run.

Jiang Lin was still watching well, but now he's a little stunned.

He didn't know that this kind of satirical comedy performed by Lord Heimu was illegal in today's Qianji Country.

Not only is it illegal to act in this kind of play, but even those who watch the play will be punished.

"Brother Jiang, your guess is accurate, I'll wait for you! Lord Heimu, brothers, run as fast as you can, and see you in the future!"

Tao Tao tore off the costume, wiped the rouge gouache on her face, and ran towards the woods ten miles away, shouting loudly at the same time.

Heimu Ye and Chai Tou Tantou also have four legs, and they can run faster than anyone else.

At this time, Lan Ling didn't know who to go after, because when Tao Tao tore off the costume just now, the old wound on her left arm was exposed.

In this troupe, there are three people with abnormal left arms.

Which one has the slate?

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