After a short period of judgment, Lan Ling chased after Tantou.

Although Taotao was injured on her left arm, she didn't seem to have any slate on her body. Jiang Lin, who was also injured, was obviously not afraid when he saw these city defense teams, so Lan Ling decided to find the most suspicious charcoal first. head to confirm.

Naturally, Hongji kept staring at Lan Ling, and upon seeing this, she also chased after him.

As for Chun Shisan, she was a bit unlucky and was surrounded by the city defense team. She explained that she was working for General Doman, but the city defense team here in Xuncheng didn't buy it at all.

Jiang Lin saw Lan Ling chasing the charcoal head with imperial luck, so he was ready to follow immediately. Although Tantou had imperial luck and Fuze added him, it would not be enough for a female cultivator like Lanling. I see it.

However, at this moment, Jiang Lin heard the cries for help, and the members of the Heimu Ye troupe on the other side were about to be hacked by the city defense team.

Jiang Lin didn't even think about it, so he flew over and kicked the arresting female guard over.

The members of the troupe are usually treated by Lord Heimu as his own children. Jiang Lin accepted the feelings of Lord Heimu for solving puzzles and entertaining him, and naturally he can't watch it.

He took out two god general earthen figures from his arms, and Jiang Lin ordered them to follow the charcoal head and the firewood head respectively to protect them.

Although Lan Ling went to chase the charcoal head, the red eagle also went. If the red eagle found the earthen puppet to protect the charcoal head, then with his meticulous mind, he would know his intention and would naturally help protect the charcoal. Comprehensive head.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin went to rescue Heimu Ye and his troupe members, preparing to make these people safe first.

As for Taotao, Jiang Lin originally wanted to use the gods and earth puppets for protection, but this kid ran faster than a four-legged dog and was nowhere to be seen.

"Run quickly."

After Jiang Lin rescued the troupe members, he let them flee to a place where there was no city defense team, and then he went to rescue Heimu Ye and the others.

Now that Chaitou and Tantou are followed by gods and puppets, he is not worried. Since Taotao has persisted under the pursuit of the guards for so long, he still has the ability to escape. Even without the protection of gods and puppets, there should be no problem. Not much.

Moreover, even if he wanted to cast the spell again, he would not be able to control it because the range was too scattered and the distance was too far.

Jiang Lin's measure is really no problem, but Tao Tao is about to burp.

On the other side, Tantou, who was targeted by Lan Ling, had already run for more than a mile. In front of Lan Ling, there were two female guards from the city defense team chasing him.

Charcoal head hid behind a boulder, and the two guards shouted while searching.

Seeing this, Lan Ling found a dead tree, quietly approached the two female guards, and knocked them unconscious with a stick from behind.

The high priest once told her not to reveal her identity for the time being. Now that Shiban is not sure about the person she is chasing, Lan Ling chooses to act safely.

At this time, Red Eagle had already detoured to the other side, ready to grab the charcoal head. Since Lan Ling was chasing this kid, the slate was probably on him.

Moreover, just now she also saw a god general earth doll flying beside the charcoal head, and she knew that this was Jiang Lin's method, so she didn't have much effort to protect the young man.

"Thank you."

Tantou saw the girl he fell in love with at first sight coming to save him, so he smiled and waved at him from behind the boulder.

However, Lan Ling didn't respond. She had already seen the red eagle appearing behind the charcoal head and rushed towards it.

He jumped up and landed behind Tantou. Lan Ling pushed Tantou back and was ready to fight Red Eagle.

As a result of this push, the charcoal head fell to the ground, and the bread in his arms fell out.

When Hongji saw a dough cake falling out from under Tantou's clothes, he knew that Lan Ling had made the mistake of misunderstanding Jiang Lin.


"Hmph, I thought you found the slate so soon."

The red eagle laughed and stood aside.

Now she still has to rely on Lan Ling to find the whereabouts of the slate, and it is not appropriate to fight with Lan Ling for the time being.

Therefore, she temporarily pressed down the murderous intention in her heart, and she was still able to prioritize and prioritize.

Lan Ling looked back, only to find that what was hidden in Tantou's arms was actually a piece of dough, her face turned green with anger.

The charcoal head touched his left arm because he fell down just now, so he rolled up his sleeves and pressed it a few times, and the bruises that fell on it were also exposed.

"Eat... eat cake."

Then Tantou picked up the noodle he had bitten, wiped it, and handed it to Lan Ling.

Say hello to the girl who is in love at first sight.

I will eat your second uncle!

Lan Ling kicked the noodle away with an angry kick, and hurriedly ran in the direction where Tao Tao fled.

Looking at the stunned and lost Charcoal Head, Hongji reminded: "If you don't want to be caught, just run away."

As she got closer, she understood why Jiang Lin wanted to release the gods and earth puppets to protect this kid. This idiot had a faint trace of imperial luck on his body. If it wasn't for a close observation, even she would have discovered it. No.

Chapter [*] A bloody case caused by looking at each other ([*])

After warning Charcoal Head, Red Eagle went after Lan Ling.

Jiang Lin's divine general Tuou followed Tantou, and it was no longer Lan Ling's target, so naturally there would be no danger.

Following Lan Ling, after a quarter of an hour, night fell, and Hong Ji saw Tao Tao who was chased by Lan Ling and was running wildly.

When Tao Tao turned her head to look back, Hong Ji immediately realized that the troupe member being chased was the thief who stole the slate.

When she was in Fengcheng that day, she had seen Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon take Taotao away.

She didn't notice the heavy makeup on her face because of Tao Tao's acting.

Now that all the rouge gouache has been wiped off, the Red Eagle recognizes it.

So, the red eagle immediately blew the bone whistle and summoned the violent wolf clansmen who were hiding outside the city.

Jiang Lin has already found the Emperor Star, and she can take the slate, as long as she explains it to Jiang Lin before returning to Huadu.

But at this moment, Taotao fell down because of lack of physical strength and stepped on the weathered stone on the steep slope, directly covering the ground.

Seeing blood gushing from Taotao's nose and mouth, Hongji suddenly accelerated, surpassing Lanling.

She remembered that the troupe's Xiaosheng called Big Brother Jiang when he fled before, and he had to wait for this Big Brother Jiang, so this Xiaosheng was very likely to know Jiang Lin.

Now she has some treasures in her hands, and she can save her life.

In this way, if Taotao had any effect on Jiang Lin, it wouldn't be such an accident and bad thing.

However, the red eagle was entangled by the blue ling, which delayed a little time.

Fortunately, the members of her team, the violent wolf clan, arrived in time and blocked Lan Ling before letting her go.

"Boy, is the slate on you? Hand it over. Brother Jiang, is it Jiang Lin? I'm his woman."

After Red Eagle came to Tao Tao, he squatted down and asked.

Taotao shook her head with all her might, and said, " Big Brother Jiang, I'm going to take find..."

Seeing this, Hongji reached into his arms, ready to take out the cold marrow to save Taotao.However, at this moment, Lan Ling waved the bead stick in his hand and shot one sharp arc after another, slashing towards her.

The red eagle dodged subconsciously, turning over and back several feet again and again.

"Get out of here!"

Hongji took out the bow and knife attached to her waist and was about to kill Lan Ling who was already standing beside Taotao, but she saw that Taotao had completely swallowed her breath, so the chill on her face came up.

This unfortunate drama troupe Xiaosheng was going to take Jiang Lin to find something, but it was so delayed that he couldn't save it.

Looking at Lan Ling, Hong Ji took a deep breath and said, "I think you are also talented, so you might as well follow me. When the queen steps down, I can make you a great priest."

With such a promise, Hongjiu didn't have anything to brag about. Now Jiang Lin has begun to prepare for the second way. With Jiang Lin's participation, it is a sure thing that the prophecies circulated among the people will come true.

At that time, Jiang Lin's meritorious deeds were absolutely extraordinary, and there was no problem in appointing someone to be a great priest.

Even if the two paths that Jiang Lin chose did not succeed, it should be no problem to use external power to only open the sky platform. As long as Jiang Lin successfully returned, he would be worthless to anyone in this country.

It may not be impossible for Lan Ling to be the queen, anyway, she is not very interested in the throne now.

Of course, these must be based on the premise that Lan Ling understands current affairs and is willing to help her, and also to help Jiang Lin.

If she had Lan Ling's help, the difficulty of her stealing the token would be much easier. For the sake of interests, it was also related to Jiang Lin's interests. Even if she didn't like Lan Ling in her heart, she still had feelings for her. It was uncomfortable, as long as she could complete the tasks Jiang Lin gave her, she was willing to put it down temporarily.

Red Eagle added: "You don't have to doubt that the promises I gave are empty. I'm not afraid to tell you that I have a man, a man that even you can't imagine. You should be very clear about my character, which can make me The man who is convinced must be the best among thousands of people. If you agree, I can give you real benefits right away."

Hong Ji's move was also considered to be the favor of Lan Ling to dissuade the high priest that day, and gave Lan Ling a chance.

In the future, no matter which path it takes, Lan Ling will most likely stand on the opposite side of her and Jiang Lin. At that time, with the character of Red Eagle, it is impossible for him to forget about business affairs because of such favors.

What's more, when she was in Huadu Xuanji Academy that day, she didn't need Lan Ling to stop the high priest from attacking her.

"We are fundamentally different, with different paths, and we don't work together."

Lan Ling shook her head and didn't take Hong Ji's words seriously at all. However, a woman like Hong Ji could fall in love with a man, which really surprised her.

Even so, she would not change her answer.

"Then you can be the high priest and the queen's loyal servant!"

Hong Ji didn't say anything more. For her sake, Lan Ling was indifferent, so don't blame her for not thinking about her old feelings.

Killing Lan Ling can also weaken the power of the high priest and the queen.

"Little Lang's hoof, die!"

Now that he is ready to tear his face completely, Hongji no longer suppresses the jealousy in his heart. Before Lan Ling looked at her man, he looked left and right, up and down, and a pair of fox eyes blinded you!

After the war, Hongji didn't hold back at all, the slate was on Jiang Lin's body, she could just ask Jiang Lin for it, and she no longer needed to go through Lan Ling to find the slate.

Lan Ling's forehead can't help but have a lot of question marks, if you want to fight, you will fight, if you want to fight, you will fight.

You are!

In the past, it seemed that men all over the world looked down on him, but now he actually revealed that there are men.

It seems that there should be no feelings at all, so maybe they will warm the quilt for others.

Lan Ling didn't know that when she looked at Jiang Lin, she was remembered by Hong Ji. Although Hong Ji had other reasons for killing her, there were definitely many reasons why she and Jiang Lin were looking at each other. , firmly occupy a place.

Moreover, although all the reasons are reasonable and relatively reasonable, they are not enough to become a fuse.

The fuse that made Hongji completely decide to kill was actually Lan Ling and her man looking at each other for a while.

No matter how ambitious and deep the city was, Hongjiu was still a woman. After Jiang Lin wanted her, only two or three days had passed, and she was naturally uncomfortable with her nemesis.

However, Hongji already knew that Jiang Lin had a lot of women, and also knew that Jiang Lin was affectionate, so she didn't want to ask Jiang Lin to settle the account, just put the account on Lan Ling's head and it was over.


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