After a while, Lan Ling was surprised, this time Hong Ji really wanted her life.

In the past, she saw each other as sisters who grew up together, and would be somewhat merciful. Although Red Eagle had a very strong temperament, it was rarely the case today that he would kill him everywhere.

What is the reason?

In Lan Ling's heart, she still has a little bit of sisterhood for Hong Ji, but Hong Ji was a heroine, and now she doesn't love Jiangshan and men anymore. In this case, she and Lan Ling really have a little sisterhood. For her own man, she can also stab her sisters.

If you are a man, you are the kind that can cut a knife in both sides for a friend and a buddy for a woman.

The opportunity was given to Hongji before. In order to prove what she said was true, she also said that she already had a man, but since Lanling doesn't appreciate it - then draw your sword, sister.

Chapter [-] Dealing with smart women, worry-free

Lan Ling was almost wiped by the short blade of Red Eagle's bow several times on her neck. If she hadn't reacted and evaded in time at Dantian, Red Eagle's full-strength palm could even shatter the golden core in her body.

Therefore, she no longer cared about affection, and responded with a killer move.

The surrounding violent wolf clansmen retreated from the battle circle a few feet away.

Women fight, too Nima scary.

As long as you make a careless move, you will be instantly killed.


When the red vulture started to kill, she drank it. She hadn't rested well during this period of time, and she couldn't concentrate highly. Now that the lights were dark, she almost suffered a loss.

The clansmen of the violent wolf clan lit flames in the surrounding bushes, and then the scene of the woman killing each other became even more frightening.

If the fight between Jiang Lin and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was exciting, the killing between Red Eagle and Lan Ling was thrilling.

At this time, Jiang Lin, who was already a mile away, heard coquettish scolding and shouting in front of him.

Lord Heimu was already safe, and the two god generals had some of Jiang Lin's thoughts on them. Knowing that there was no problem with Chaitou and Tantou, he was ready to rush to meet Taotao.

But halfway through, he heard movement more than a hundred feet in front of him.

Seeing the fire in front of him again, Jiang Lin immediately jumped up and walked forward in the mountains and forests.

"Red Vulture? Blue Plume?"

After advancing a few hundred meters, Jiang Lin, who stopped on a tree, saw a raging fire a hundred meters ahead. Beside the fire, Red Eagle and Lan Ling were fighting for life and death.

What's going on with this red eagle?

Jiang Lin couldn't understand it for a while. Hongji was an envoy of mystery, and Lan Ling was also an envoy of mystery. How could life and death be fought here?

If Lan Ling was killed, Red Eagle would not be able to explain to the high priest and the queen when he returned to Huadu.

Since the arrival of the Red Eagle, he has not communicated with Jiang Lin, so Jiang Lin did not know that the Red Eagle no longer has the official position of the mysterious messenger.

"Red Eagle, how did you fight with the mysterious envoy to death? Did something change happen? Come to me first."

Just when Red Eagle was about to let the surrounding violent wolf clansmen join the battle, Jiang Lin's voice appeared in his heart.

With her thoughts turning, Hongji sold a flaw and withdrew from the battle circle. The freaks of the violent wolf clan also ordered her to attack Lanling.

Not long after, Hong Ji saw Jiang Lin in the bushes, but there was no expression on her face.

Jiang Lin saw that she was fighting to death with others, but he didn't help at all, and even called her over.

"Go and wait for someone with me first."

Jiang Lin grabbed Hong Ji's slender hand and led her up and down several times, heading towards the place agreed with Tao Tao.

Before, Jiang Lin's attention was only on the bodies of Hongji and Lanling, and with the dazzling fire, he didn't find Taotao's body.

When he reached the woods that Taotao had agreed to, Jiang Lin stopped and turned to look at Red Eagle.

"No rest, okay? You're a little haggard."

Jiang Lin raised his hand and took care of the hair on the red eagle's temples, with a little distress in his eyes.

Hongjiu glanced at Jiang Lin, but did not reply.

In fact, she really didn't rest well. For the past two or three days, she was chasing Lan Ling, and basically didn't sleep much. If you count the beautiful time she spent in the cave with Jiang Lin, she hadn't slept well for ten days. .

Even after taking some material treasures, she looked a little haggard.

Allowing Jiang Lin to tidy his hair, the little resentment in Hongjiu's heart disappeared.

Even if Jiang Lin didn't continue to ask her why she had to fight Lan Ling to the death, why she appeared here, Jiang Lin should have asked.

But Jiang Lin didn't ask, just asked why she didn't rest well.

Raising his arm and pulling Jiang Lin's hand away, Hongji asked, "Why don't you ask me why I'm here? Do you doubt that after I took your fairy treasure, I didn't take your affairs to heart at all? ?"

"There is indeed such a doubt."

Jiang Lin nodded, and then said: "However, you are a smart woman, and it is more worry-free to deal with a woman like you."

Even with the sudden appearance of the Red Eagle here, Jiang Lin never suspected that the Red Eagle would take his favors in vain for nothing, nor did he suspect that the Red Eagle was going to rebel.

The situation of the Red Eagle is clear at a glance, and he was pinched to death. This point, the Red Eagle should know better than anyone.

What he wants to do with the Red Eagle, the Red Eagle cannot resist no matter what, and now, even suicide requires his approval.

In other words, he can do whatever he wants to Red Eagle, and he can do whatever he wants.

With the heroic personality of a heroine like Red Eagle, he will never do anything unwise.

Of course, this is based on factual considerations.

Then Jiang Lin said again: "I think you should keep the things I entrusted to you in mind. As for your presence here, it is estimated that there is a reason. Although I put a curse on you, it does not touch my bottom line. Under the premise that I will not interfere with you more. You used to be a person who wants to do big things, you should also know the truth of using people, and I can still show some trust. It has nothing to do with your smartness or not. Yes. Of course, I said, you are a smart woman, so let me remind you that I don't treat you as a slave or a servant. Because you are a woman with a man now, such a woman may be intelligent There will be a temporary decline, and many things may be unexpected."

Jiang Lin reminded Hongjiu in his words that there was no need to try to figure out his thoughts.

It's a very simple matter. If you are willing to give up on him, then Hong Ji will be his wife soon. In the future, if you ask the matchmaker to marry him, it will be fine to carry a large sedan chair.

In fact, there are not so many rules and regulations in the process of this transformation. He has already made three chapters of the law that should be requested.

As long as it's not too much for Hongji to do in the back, he doesn't want to intervene too much.

With Red Eagle's own intelligence and wit, many things can be done properly.

This is also an important reason why he left the red eagle alive in the first place.

Such a woman is very smart. Although she has a city government, as long as she is firmly grasped, it will play a great role.

It can save him a lot of worry.

Chapter two thousand one hundred and ninety-eight is more and more like a good helper

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Hong Ji felt a little warm in his heart. As she asked just now, she was not in the Huadu Palace, but appeared around this Xuncheng. Under normal circumstances, Jiang Lin should have Doubtful.

However, Jiang Lin didn't ask her to explain, and he didn't even take a serious attitude, not like the attitude of a superior to a inferior.

Moreover, Jiang Lin also said that he gave her a great deal of freedom and trust.

Hongji said: "I was removed from the position of the mysterious messenger by the high priest. The queen asked me to find the slate before I could be reinstated and promoted again. Is the slate with you?"

In fact, Hongji could have been more detailed and told about the fact that she was testing the high priest's cultivation for Jiang Lin, but she didn't mention it.

She felt that there was no need to say it.

It turned out to be the case.

Only then did Jiang Lin understand why the Red Eagle appeared here. However, to his surprise, the Red Eagle actually judged that the slate was on him.

For the time being, only Tao Tao and him know about this matter.

This woman is really smart.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin said: "If you say that, Lan Ling, who fought with you to death before, also came for the stone plate? The stone plate is indeed on me. I couldn't determine her intention before, and I was worried that it would affect the troupe. Watching her, she really came for the slate."

Hongji raised his eyes to look at Jiang Lin, and found that some discomfort in his heart subsided. It turned out that Jiang Lin and Lan Ling looked at each other in order to monitor his actions and gain insight into his intentions, and there was no other meaning.

What he said was really right. With a man and a woman, the level of intelligence will decrease.

Red Eagle reflected for a while, and found that his previous IQ was indeed not online.

Jiang Lin wasn't looking at Lan Ling's face and figure, she was wrong, and she felt uncomfortable.

"That's right, but I don't think Lan Ling came here just for the slate. Previously, she suspected that the brat in the troupe, the kid you released the doll to protect, had a slate on her body. Once the token is issued, the city guards here will be mobilized, but she secretly knocked out the two female guards, seemingly unwilling to reveal their identities."

Red Eagle suppressed his irrelevant thoughts, and talked about some doubts he had noticed before. Jiang Lin heard this and suddenly realized that he had not noticed this at all.

On the puppet of the god general who followed Charcoal Head, he had some of his thoughts. He still knew a little about the general situation on the side of Charcoal Head, but it was limited to that.

If it wasn't for the Red Eagle, he would not have thought about it.

It has to be said that Red Eagle's mind is so meticulous that he has never seen it on other women.

Not only this time, when he restrained the red eagle for the first time, even though the red eagle could be killed at any time, he was still attentive, aware of the coexistence of yin and yang in his body, and was repelled by the environment And then find an effective way to deal with him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin wanted to hear what Hongji had to say about Lanling's search for the slate.

"I've never thought about this. What do you think? Come and listen."

Jiang Lin motioned Hongji to express his opinion. It is estimated that the situation of life and death between Hongji and Lanling should be because Hongji noticed something.

"You may not know that I am more valued by the Queen than Lan Ling. I also told you that the Queen is a woman who only wants to believe in herself. Therefore, she is not very concerned about the Xuanji Academy in Huadu. And I can be regarded as an eyeliner buried there by the Queen."

After a short pause, Hongji continued: "I don't think it's that simple for the high priest to oust me this time. When Lan Ling came over, he might not only want to find the slate, but also use the Emperor Star to find the divine sword. There is also the idea of ​​usurping.”

The high priest also wants to overthrow the queen and establish himself as emperor?

Hearing Red Eagle's guess, Jiang Lin pinched his chin and thought.

Looking at it now, the vortex of struggle in this country of thousands of machines is much more complicated than he imagined.

Seeing Jiang Lin pondering, Hong Ji said: "Could it be that you want to cooperate with the high priest? I advise you not to. Such a person is very hidden, and he would rather be an enemy than a company. His strength is not weaker than the Queen at all, and this is what I found in Huihuadu. Even if you are at your peak, you may not be able to win him."

Red Eagle thought of the breath released by the great priest that day, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

There is nothing to be tyrannical in strength. With such a strong cultivation base, it has been hidden all the time, and he is willing to be subordinate to others. Such people are very dangerous.

She was almost the same as before, or even better than her.


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