Although Lan Ling didn't know how the slate changed and became a sliding puzzle, she didn't think it was important.

What matters is a few things she knows now.

First, although the blocks on the slate can move, Young Master Chun Shisan can't seem to move. Chaitou and Charcoal can, but the speed of movement is very slow.

Second, and what caught her attention the most, this "wood" seemed to be able to easily move the blocks together.

Could it be that he is the Emperor Star?

When he was performing in the troupe before, what was hidden in his arms was the slate?

Lan Ling couldn't help but wonder. The high priest had told her that the slate had spirituality and would take the initiative to find the Emperor Star, and he could also take the Emperor Star to find the Divine Sword.

"That wood, you bring the stone... treasure map and show it to me."

After thinking about it, Lan Ling decided to check to see if he couldn't even move the blocks on the slate.

"I have a name and a surname, not Mu Tou, my surname is Jiang and my name is Lin."

Jiang Lin looked at Lan Ling and threw the slate in his hand.

Young Master Chun Thirteen already knew that not everyone can move the movable blocks of the slate, but Lan Ling probably didn't know it yet.

Just as Lan Ling wanted to check it out, he asked Lan Ling to check it out himself.

If Lan Ling wants to find any divine sword, he cannot do without him.

Now Jiang Lin is not afraid of revealing his surname. Judging from the current situation, Hongjiu's previous judgment is absolutely correct.

Otherwise, if Lan Ling's target was just a slate, he would have already taken action to snatch it.

Therefore, even if Lan Ling knew his surname was Jiang, at this juncture, he would not do anything to him.

When he really wanted to do something to him later, the situation at that time was already beyond Lan Ling's control.

"Brother Lin Zi, don't take this attitude towards the boss, or you may suffer a big loss."

Chai Tou tugged at Jiang Lin's sleeve and reminded him softly, although Jiang Lin's behavior was normal, in today's Qianji Kingdom, he would suffer a big loss.

Moreover, Jiang Lin actually reported his surname, and now this Jiang surname can easily lead to disaster.

"Don't worry, they still need me."

Jiang Lin smiled, but didn't take Chai Tou's words to heart.

He wasn't worried about any trouble at all.

Wow, that's really masculine.

When Lan Ling was testing the slate, Young Master Chun Shisan also re-measured Jiang Lin.

When facing her and Lan Ling, Jiang Lin's attitude was completely different from Chai Tou and Tan Tou.

No, such a bell must be offered at a death rate, and a good slaughter of that fat woman, Dorman.

Can't let go easily.

"Now this treasure map can't tell where the treasure is at all, and it's impossible not to continue to move."

At this time, Lan Ling threw the slate back and gave it back to Jiang Lin.

At the same time, she felt more and more that her guess might be right.

The Emperor Star is going to overthrow the Queen in the future, not to mention that he must have the imposing manner of an emperor, but he must have the most basic masculinity.

The current Jiang Lin fits this point.

"You keep fighting."

Seeing Jiang Lin holding the slate in his hand, there was no movement, so Young Master Chun Shisan urged.

"I'm out of strength, I haven't eaten yet, I'll talk about it later."

Jiang Lin shook his head. Lan Ling had been looking at him from before until now. According to his guess, Lan Ling should have already associated him with the Emperor Star.

That's exactly what he wanted.

In this case, he showed himself a little, and didn't take Lan Ling and Chun Shisan seriously, and even in the face of "treasure", he was not very tempted.


Chun Shisan didn't get angry. If it wasn't for Lan Ling's sudden appearance, according to her temperament, she would have already started whipping her horse, so hurry up and fight it for me, otherwise, I will eat the whip.

She finally managed to endure such an urge to take care of the overall situation, but this Jiang Lin was very leisurely.

Aren't you afraid of her "killing wood"?

Taking a deep breath, Young Master Chun Shisan still had a bright smile on her face. She walked to her horse and untied the package hanging from the horse's bridle.

"You're hungry, right? This is my favorite sauce beef. Come, have some."

Taking a paper package from the package, Young Master Chun Shisan took two pieces of beef with his slender fingers, walked to Jiang Lin's side, and brought it to his mouth.

feed me?

And give me my favorite food?

Jiang Lin looked suspiciously at Young Master Chun Shisan, wondering if this poisonous girl had lost her head.

It's nothing to show him a sweet smile, and at this moment, he even gave him his favorite food.

In fact, it's not that there is a problem with Chun Shisan's mind, it's just that she cares too much about treasures.

Just the gems inlaid in the treasure map slate is enough for her to be envious. How many treasures will there be?

Therefore, she now hopes that the treasure map will be moved back as soon as possible to show the location of the treasure.

Aren't you hungry? Eat when you're hungry, and work hard for me when you're good.

If you want a horse to run, you must feed some grass first.

"Eat, only when you're full will you have the strength, and if you have the strength, hurry up and fight."

Seeing Jiang Linqian not opening his mouth, Young Master Chun Shisan stretched out his other hand and gently squeezed Jiang Lin's cheek.

Jiang Lin was not polite, and let Young Master Chun Shisan bring the meat to his mouth.

It tastes delicious.

"Don't choke, I'll get you some water."

What's even more funny is that Young Master Chun Shisan not only fed Jiang Lin to eat beef with sauce, but also stuffed the bamboo tube he brought into Jiang Lin's hands.

Don't be so nice to me, really.

Don't be like this, I, Jiang Lin, am not a hard-hearted person. When I want to sell you later, my conscience will hurt.

Jiang Lin held back his smile. It seems that he may not need to think much about selling this girl for the rest of the journey. This young thirteenth spring may have a brainstorm and send it by himself.

But even so, Jiang Lin felt that he would not change his mind. Although people's hearts are full of flesh, he Jiang Lin is also a person who remembers gratitude, and will think about the kindness of others to him.

However, I can't stand Chun Shisan Shao, a girl who wants to sell him to a fat woman who weighs more than [*] kilograms.

Jiang Lin felt at ease when he thought that he was a man who was going to give a super fat woman as a warm bed in the heart of Chun Shisan.

Eat and drink.

Chapter [*] People and People Can't Be Generalized (Part [*])

"Drink water, drink water, don't eat in such a hurry."

Spring Thirteenth Young Master held a bamboo water bottle again and fed Jianglin water.

Drink now, don't choke.

Eat and drink enough, hurry up to work for me, numb.

In order to get the complete treasure map as soon as possible, Young Master Chun Shisan also worked hard, and was willing to do the work of serving people.

And still serve men.

Chai Tou and Tan Tou on the side looked at Jiang Lin and felt like they were about to drool, and they were so envious.

What a blessing it is to be fed and fed by such a beautiful and lovely boss.

"Boss, we... we are also thirsty."

At this time, Chai Tou swallowed his saliva. They didn't expect the sauced beef, but could they give him saliva.

They haven't touched the water since yesterday.

Young Master Chun Shisan gave Chai Tou and the others a shaky look. It didn't help much. Do you still want to drink water?

Don't you know that this bamboo water bottle is for the private use of the old lady?

For the treasure, I used this wood, I put up with it.

You two useless little brothers, think beautifully!

There's no such thing as a quick bell to put together a picture, so get out of here!

Seeing Chun Shisan's eyes, Chai Tou and Tan Tou took a few steps back together with a dry smile. They both felt very speechless in their hearts.

Sauce beef is too extravagant, they are very self-aware, they just ask for some water without asking for it, and they don't need anyone to feed it.

None of this works?

Why does Brother Lin Zi do it?

The same people, the same men, why is the treatment so different?

The two boys were very depressed. Although they couldn't move the blocks on the slate as easily as Jiang Lin did, it was up to them how to fight.

Jiang Lin is a foreigner. He doesn't know the mountains and rivers of the Thousand Machines Country at all, and he hasn't been to many places.

Don't you have to rely on the two of them to give pointers?

However, although Chai Tou and Tan Tou were a little unbalanced in their hearts, they did not dare to disobey the Thirteenth Young Master of Spring.

"I'll try again."

After Jiang Lin had eaten and drank enough, he pretended to do warm-up exercises, and then he hooked his fingers and moved the movable squares on the slate.


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