Jiang Lin's face flushed red, and after a while, he was sweating.

At the same time, the blocks in the slate began to move slightly under his vigorous push.

Of course, these were all fabricated by him.

At present, his plan is to spell out a part of the original image of the slate first, and then talk to Chun Shisan and Lan Ling according to the spelled out location.

When he was not far from his destination, he would completely piece the slate together.

Lest Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao go there on their own, without taking some of their "oil bottles" with them.

At the same time, Jiang Lin also needs to prove to Lan Ling, let Lan Ling see that he can indeed move the slate and make it appear the original picture.

Lan Ling had already tested it before, and it was impossible to move the moving blocks of the slate. He proved it, and it also made Lan Ling feel that he had to be with him on the road.

In this way, he can also give Lan Ling an illusion, making Lan Ling feel that he is the Emperor Star who is connected with Slate.

"Hard harder, harder."

Young Master Chun Shisan watched as the square on the slate in Jiang Lin's hand was gradually moving, and his eyes were almost straight.

Even if Jiang Lin's movement is not as easy as before, it is much faster than Chaitou and the others.

Seeing the beads of sweat oozing out from Jiang Lin's forehead, Young Master Chun Shisan thought that Jiang Lin was pretending, so he quickly wiped the sweat off Jiang Lin with his sleeve.

I'm going!

Jiang Lin didn't expect that the girl beside him would do such an intimate gesture to him. He didn't grasp the strength properly, and the moving square "clicked" and was pushed aside by him.

"It's done, treasure!"

Young Master Chun Shisan screamed, and there seemed to be a golden light in his watery eyes again.

Agitated, she hugged Jiang Lin and slapped Jiang Lin's face.

Wood ~ ah.

Seeing this scene, Chaitou and Tantou on the side almost dropped their jaws.

This is a kiss from the boss.

Lan Ling, who was on a white horse not far away, also frowned. She knew the roots of the thirteenth young master of Chun. This girl is a bell boss. Generally speaking, she only regards men as goods.

Now he's actually going to give a man a kiss.


You girl who likes to sell people is poisonous.

Even the saliva is poisonous.

After being stunned for a while, Jiang Lin wiped his face where Chun Shisan had kissed, then rubbed his palms on his clothes again, and said with a look of disgust, "You can easily make me drool and ringworm. You know what? Don't do that next time."


Originally, when Young Master Chun Shisan realized that he was too excited, there was still a little blush on his face.

She had never kissed anyone.

In the end, he was so excited about the treasure that he forgot what he was doing.

However, Jiang Lin's words made her face cramp a little.

"My girl... This young master has never kissed a man before, you... you can tell me what you just said again!"

Chun Shisan Shao was so angry that his cute and pretty face turned red.

If it weren't for her extreme excitement, she wouldn't know which man would be cheaper for her kiss in decades, but now she gave this bell cheaper.

The other party actually despised her.

Also ringworm?

Believe it or not, the old lady sprayed you with a sip of salt soda?

Chapter [-] People and people cannot be generalized (Part [-])

Chaitou and Tantou, the jaws were really dislocated this time - they were given to Lei by Jiang Lin.

Brother Lin Zi, the boss is willing to give you a sip. This is simply a great love. In the end, you don't need to appreciate it, and you also warn the other party, don't do this next time.

Just like you, do you want another time?


This brother Lin Zi is definitely a talent from the outside world.

Chai Tou and Tan Tou looked at each other and felt that Jiang Lin might be a little abnormal.

Not to mention that this boss has a higher status than them, just saying that she is a cute and handsome girl, and being slapped by such a beautiful girl, as long as she is a normal man, her heart will be too sweet.

However, Brother Lin Zi is different.

Dislike, not only dislike, but also afraid of getting sick.


It seems that this person and person really cannot be generalized.

Some are people, some are talents.

At this time, Jiang Lin said to Chun Shisan Shao seriously: "I just tell you not to do this next time and pay attention to personal hygiene."

You're going to be sold by me to a girl who doesn't even have any stubble left, just show your hospitality or something, and come over to take advantage of me.

I'm so ripped off, you know?

It's like I miss you, am I missing a woman to kiss?

Glancing at Chun Shisan Shao, Jiang Lin continued to move the blocks of the slate.

This time, he speeded up a little bit.

"Ha ha……"

At this moment, Lan Ling raised her hand to cover her mouth and laughed softly twice.

She was indeed amused by Jiang Lin, and she couldn't hold back because of the expression of Chun Thirteenth Young Master at this time.

Mouth... sputum ringworm.

Next... don't do this next time.


Originally, Lan Ling was not a girl who was easy to laugh, but now, she couldn't help it.

Jiang Lin was kissed by a handsome young girl, and his reaction was like being spit on his face.

I wiped it quickly, and rubbed it a few times on my clothes.


He also advised people to pay attention to personal hygiene.

Is there really such a wonderful man in this world?

Not to mention men, even if Lan Ling, as a woman, was kissed by such a lovely female compatriot, she would not be angry or disgusted.

"What are you looking at! If you don't tell him how to fight, you will be on your way in a while!"

Young Master Chun Shisan was embarrassed by Jiang Lin's serious reminder, and when he heard Lan Ling's mocking laughter, he vented his anger on Chai Tou and Tan Tou who had been in a daze.


Chai Tou and Tan Tou were speechless. They didn't do anything at all. They were so loved by the boss that it was not their turn. As a result, the boss was embarrassed and annoyed, but angered them.

Who to talk to?

"What are you doing? Wear this around your neck."

Young Master Chun Shisan was full of anger, walked to the horse, took out three neck cuffs from the tool bag, and threw them to Jiang Lin and the others.

"Boss, we are your subordinates, not your bells."

Chai Tou looked at Young Master Chun Shisan. The reason why they stayed in the troupe was that they didn't want to be like the men on the street. Now Young Master Chun Shisan wanted them to wear neck cuffs.

"Do you have any knowledge? Don't you know that it is illegal for a man to walk on the street normally? It's called a blindfold."

Young Master Chun Shisan ignored Chaitou and the others. She did this just to make the road smoother.

Although Lan Ling is a mysterious messenger, but now, like her, she is pretending to be Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, so it may be inconvenient to exercise her powers on the road behind.

This is something that Young Master Chun Shisan can still think of.

Chai Tou and Tan Tou put on the neckcuffs after hearing what the Thirteenth Young Master Chun said.

Jiang Lin, on the other hand, threw the neckcuffs behind him, throwing them away as scrap metal.

"Brother Lin Zi, why don't you wear it?"

"I'm an old man, what do you wear him for? Since they took me to find the treasure, if there is a problem on the way, they will naturally solve it. By the way, Tantou, what to do next, you come and see."

Jiang Lin explained it once, and then asked Tantou how to move it. He didn't understand the topography of Qianji Country, but Tantou seemed to know more.

Chun Shisan rarely saw Jiang Lin throw the neckcuffs away, and felt that he couldn't bear it any longer.

She thought that her attitude was tolerant enough, but Jiang Lin repeatedly touched her psychological bottom line.

However, seeing that Jiang Lin had concentrated on restoring the treasure map according to Tantou's instructions, Young Master Chun Shisan suppressed his anger.

For the treasure, I endure.

As long as you fight for me obediently, I will endure it.


After Chaitou and the others listened to Jiang Lin's words, they also reacted and prepared to untie the collar on their necks.

"You guys try to untie the neckcuffs? My whip is about to taste some blood."

Seeing this, Young Master Chun Shisan took out the anger he had just endured on Chai Tou and Tan Tou.

If Jiang Lin can solve it, can you solve it?

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