Come, solve one for me to see.

Can't kill you two.

"Then why is Brother Lin Zi..."

Chai Tou was very dissatisfied, but he was pulled by the Tan Tou beside him halfway through his speech. Now that Young Master Chun thirteen is showing signs of anger, if they are not wiser, they will really eat whips.


Although Chai Tou stopped speaking, his heart was very unbalanced.

Others Jiang Lin didn't see these two girls as bosses at all, and they were both disgusted and disobedient, but they could get the love and tolerance of the bosses.

As for the two of them, their attitudes were fucking respectful, and they shouted like a big boss.

However, there is no good fruit to eat.

Second uncle, they are all human, how come they are so far apart?

After Chun Shisan Shao rode forward, Chai Tou started to nag, how could this be?

"Forget it, people can't be generalized. Some are superior, and some are inferior, just like us."

Charcoal head comforted his brother, in fact, he was comforting himself.

Because he found that in addition to Young Master Chun Shisan being very tolerant towards Jiang Lin, the girl he fell in love with at first sight was also very unusual towards Jiang Lin.

He always looked at Jiang Lin and laughed from time to time. Even if Jiang Lin didn't even raise his face, the girl he loved still looked at it with interest.

This made him feel that people, not only can't be generalized, but also can't be compared.

He and Chai Tou are not as good as Jiang Lin.

The two of them had a straight attitude, respect, respect and reverence, and the treatment they received was not as good as the treatment Jiang Lin received if he didn't take it seriously.

Jiang Lin didn't say much when he saw Chai Tou and the others. What he is doing now is good for the future of these two boys. Now these two brothers are just suffering a little bit, and he can't do anything to provoke Chun Shisan. Less they are unhappy and stand out for others.

The [*]th chapter of the straight man's anger, you can't bear it (on)

After Chai Tou and the others caught up with the [*]th Young Master Chun, Jiang Lin turned to look at Lan Ling and smiled at him.

From just now until now, Lan Ling's eyes have been on him.

"What are you looking at? I don't know if it's illegal to stare at a woman like this?"

"People are beautiful, and people are not allowed to see them, right?"

Jiang Lin folded his arms and continued: "When the troupe was performing, you always stared at me, and now you keep staring at me, do I have grains of rice on my face? If you can look at me, I can look at you. , is it possible that you can still dig out my eyeballs?"

"You are so bold. You are the first man who dares to talk to me like this."

"I'm not bold, I am full of courage."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, his eyes still did not move, and looked at Lan Ling.

In the grass not far away, there is a god general soil puppet. If Lan Ling keeps looking at him, he will not be able to collect the soil puppet.

"If you stare at me again, I'll look at you elsewhere."

"Watch your eyes!"

Seeing that there was no disguise or humble meaning in Jiang Lin's eyes, Lan Ling retracted her gaze, otherwise, Jiang Lin's eyes would be able to stare unscrupulously at her.

After Lan Ling rode his horse forward, Jiang Lin went to one side of the grass, and took the gods who followed Chaitou and Tantou into his arms.

The group then headed towards the due west. Judging from the pattern Jiang Lin scribbled out according to Tantou's instructions, the place where the "treasure was hidden" was around Qianlong Mountain, thousands of miles west of Qianji Country.

At the same time that Jiang Lin and the others set off, more than ten miles away, the members of the Heimu Ye Theatre troupe gathered at a riverside, cooking wild vegetable soup.

All the property of the troupe was confiscated, so they could only make do with it and wait for the wind to pass.

"Where's Taotao? Where are Tantou and the others?"

Lord Heimu counted the number of people and found that the three children he loved most were gone.

"Master Heimu, Chai Tou said they went to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and learned from Taotao. They wanted to do big things and make a lot of money, and they told us not to tell you."

The little Wusheng in the troupe informed Lord Heimu of the direction Chaitou and the others were leaving.

At this moment, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, who was about to meet Taotao, passed by and heard the conversation between Lord Heimu and the others.

"Did Taotao tell me about me?"

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon frowned slightly, and then rushed over in the direction Xiao Wusheng pointed. After Heimu explained the members of the troupe, he went to look for Chaitou and them.

On the other hand, Jiang Lin and the others had already entered Xuncheng. After purchasing a lot of travel supplies in the city, they went straight west.

On the way, Chai Tou also asked Chun Shisan Shao where Taotao went. Chun Shisan Shao didn't know who Tao Tao was at all, so he said that he had asked Tao Tao to find another treasure, and now it has developed.

Chai Tou and Tan Tou heard that their brother had made a fortune, and it was like a chicken blood.

As for Jiang Lin, he didn't have much to say along the way and kept thinking carefully.

He needs to figure out how to arrange specific plans in detail later.

This time, finding the divine sword condensed by the fortunes of the Thousand Machines Kingdom was only one of his goals.

After that, he would use Lan Ling to release a message, lead the high priest to come over, and invite him into the urn.

This high priest has always been deeply hidden, whether he sincerely assists the queen or has other plans to become emperor, it is always a resistance.

Moreover, this fellow is not weaker than the queen.

Maybe even if the high priest was tricked into the urn, he might not be able to kill him.

At that time, Hongji will also cooperate and exert his strength, and Lan Ling and Chun Shisan will be earned by him to work hard or play other roles.

These things require careful deployment.

Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling are not fools, and it is not so easy to use them.

"Ah! There's a group of hares in front of you, Chaitou and Tantou. Hurry up and catch a few and make dinner later."

Just when Jiang Lin thought about the most critical moment, the young master Chun Shisan, who was leading the horse away in front of him, let out a snort, which interrupted Jiang Lin's thoughts.

Frowning his brows, Jiang Lin continued to think. He just had an idea, but was disturbed by this girl.

After Chai Tou and Tan Tou ran over, Young Master Chun Shisan came to Jiang Lin again, patted his shoulder, and said, "Wood, you go and grab two too, this Young Master sees you as serious. Do things, reward you with two, and make your mouth full of oil."

"Why are you chattering? Are you afraid that others won't know you're a loud voice?"

Jiang Lin directly attacked, this was the result of forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart and preventing himself from erupting.

No more, nothing more.

He was so blessed just now that the plan he thought of was first interrupted by Chun Shisan's shouting, and at the moment he was about to recall, he was interrupted again by this girl.

This girl is really poisonous!

Jiang Lin was also convinced. He didn't make a sound all the way, and followed quietly. For such a long time, Young Master Chun didn't bother him.

As a result, at the most critical moment, he repeatedly interrupted his thoughts.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to reprimand Qi Chun Shisan.

Chun Shisan was stunned for a moment, she had no idea that Jiang Lin would actually lose his temper with her.

There were still men who dared to get angry with her.

Lan Ling also couldn't understand what was going on with Jiang Lin. Young Master Chun Shisan wanted to distribute some meat to Jiang Lin. It could be said that even Chai Tou and Tan Tou might not have such treatment.

Jiang Lin was good this time, he didn't dislike it, and started training directly.

The younger brother trains the big brother, and he almost points his nose to train.

"I...I...I want you to catch the rabbit and give it to you to eat. dare to yell at me?"

This time, Young Master Chun Shisan was not only embarrassed and annoyed, but also felt aggrieved for the first time in her heart.

For so many years, as long as she was a little bit nicer to her bell, none of those stinky men did not follow her.

Now she had good intentions in her heart, but it was okay if the other party didn't appreciate it, and she yelled at her.

"Eat rabbits?"

Jiang Lin looked at Young Master Chun Shisan, and he realized only now that Young Master Chun Shisan asked Chaitou and the others to catch the rabbit.

Second uncle, one of my wives is a rabbit demon.

You girl, dare to eat rabbits in front of me?

"You bitch, you have such a vicious heart. Rabbits are so cute, but you have the heart to eat them? Your heart is more poisonous than snakes and scorpions."

Even after a while, Jiang Lin's anger still didn't subside, and he didn't have much goodwill towards this young master of the thirteenth spring, so he sprayed the young master of the third spring again.

And the reason he used was what his wife Lingyu had said when he attacked him.

Rabbits are so cute that they can eat them with heart.

As soon as the words fell, there was no movement around. Chai Tou and Charcoal Tou were once again turned into sculptures, and Lan Ling kept blinking his eyes and analyzed Jiang Lin again.

I want to see if he really has a problem with his brain.

The [*]th chapter of the straight man's anger, you can't bear it (middle)

Lan Ling really wondered what was wrong with Jiang Lin. Previously, Jiang Lin treated Chun Shisan and her attitude towards her. Although it made her look at her differently, it wasn't too outrageous.

But what Jiang Lin is doing now makes her really incomprehensible.

Hou Chun thirteen little.

The current identities of her and the [*]th Young Master Chun can be said to be the bosses of Jiang Lin and the others, and Jiang Lin and the others are at best their subordinates.

However, Jiang Lin was so bold, and shouted at Chun Shisan less.

Moreover, the reason for this is that Young Master Chun Shisan wants to catch hares to eat.

Before that, Young Master Chun Shisan wanted to give Jiang Lin a bite.

Could it be that this Jiang Lin, this man, cannot give a good face?

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