It shouldn't be a problem to hit a dozen strong men.

Since the two girls are sisters, the other is naturally not too bad.

Anyway, neither Chai Tou nor Tan Tou knew what happened to the Thirteenth Young Master Chun, and they didn't dare to say it, nor did they dare to ask.

However, the two of them were whispering why one elder sister and one younger sister were treated so differently.

In the past, there was an obvious gap in the way they and Jiang Lin were treated, but now, the two "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" sisters encountered a situation that was even more outrageous than theirs.

During the day, although the two of them were reprimanded and looked down upon, at least they didn't need to eat fists.

These two girls, an elder sister and a younger sister, the elder sister was delicious and delicious, but the younger sister was beaten and starved.

Lan Ling heard Chai Tou and the others muttering, and involuntarily looked at Jiang Lin.

If she hadn't heard about the two fuel bottles, she wouldn't have reacted to it.

Jiang Lin was very polite to her, whether it was his tone of voice or his gaze, it was quite normal.

Not to mention before, just say that just now, Jiang Lin took out the food of the Spring Thirteenth Young Master, and she was the first to give it, and he gave a lot back.

Thinking of this, Lan Ling remembered that when Jiang Lin caught the gray rabbit before, he grabbed her hand.

At that time, even if Jiang Lin didn't want to see the gray rabbit being eaten, she could put forward her thoughts after she caught it.

Could it be that he did it on purpose?

A thought appeared in Lan Ling's mind, which made one of her young girls' hearts tremble slightly.

Her thought was whether Jiang Lin would fall in love with her at first sight like that stupid charcoal head.

And if that's the case, then Jiang Lin's bizarre behavior along the way has an explanation.

Just want her to form a sense of contrast, so as to attract her attention.

Hit your sister, don't hit your sister.

Shout sister, don't shout sister.

The food is given to my elder sister first. As the "sister", Young Master Chun Shisan is still hungry.

The more she thought about it, the more Lan Ling felt that this inference seemed reasonable.

At this time, Jiang Lin noticed Lan Ling's gaze and smiled at him.

Lan Ling immediately turned her gaze elsewhere, feeling a little strange in her heart.

"Don't be idle when you're done eating. Find some firewood and light it in the house before the rain falls."

At this time, Jiang Lin was not polite at all when he saw that Young Master Chun Shisan wiped his mouth. Since the girl couldn't make waves in a short time, he took the opportunity to squeeze the value of this girl.

Young Master Chun Shisan pouted, but he did as he was told, and went outside to pick up a lot of firewood.As soon as she carried the firewood in, it started pouring rain outside.

There was a fire in the open space of the fish house, and Young Master Chun Shisan went to the clean place where Lan Ling was leaning to prepare to rest.

Lan Ling looked at Young Master Chun Shisan up and down, and couldn't help but ask, "Did your brain get wet when you fell into the water? How come you don't look like you at all?"

This bell boss, is it really water in the brain?

Being called and drunk by a man, do whatever you want.

Is the sun really coming out of the west?

It doesn't matter if Jiang Lin is abnormal. After all, he may be an Emperor Star, but even if it is a real Emperor Star, it won't make Young Master Chun Shisan even in the mood to resist.

This bell boss is a practitioner.

"I want you to take care of it!"

Young Master Chun Shisan gave Lan Ling a roll of eyes, and then rested against the wall while covering her stomach. She couldn't let Lan Ling know that her golden core was in a state now.

Otherwise, Lan Ling might fall into trouble, kick her out, and swallow the treasure.

Lan Ling didn't find it uninteresting, anyway, it wasn't her who was being yelled at now.

If he really is the Emperor Star, am I really going to kill him?

Resting her cheek with one hand, Lan Ling quietly shifted her gaze to Jiang Lin again.She recalled the scene when Jiang Lin rescued the gray rabbit, and the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

Jiang Lin's loving appearance at that time really touched her.

At this moment, Lan Ling realized that her attitude towards Jiang Lin was a little different.

Compared to Chai Tou and Tan Tou, she felt that Jiang Lin was much more pleasing to the eye, and it seemed that she also had a slight liking for Jiang Lin.

There is no man who can always attract her attention.

Shaking her head slightly, Lan Ling stopped thinking about it, she still had a task to do.

Jiang Lin's attitude towards her is polite and kind, which is what she wants to see. In the future, as long as she doesn't overwhelm others and has a little discussion with Jiang Lin, then what she wants Jiang Lin to do is probably not a big problem.

Gradually, the few people in the fish house gradually fell asleep. It was still raining heavily outside, and it never stopped.

Coincidentally, the fishing house where Jianglin and the others were temporarily resting was close to the river, and there was a dam two or three miles upstream of the river.

This rare all-night torrential rain just happened to cause the dam to collapse.

At the fifth watch, the mountain torrent rushed down like a beast and drowned.


Jiang Lin in the fish house suddenly opened his eyes. Although it was raining loudly outside, he heard some different sounds, and it was because of this that he woke up with a start.

Before Jiang Lin could react, the entire fishhouse was washed away by the flood, and he, Lan Ling and others were also washed away immediately, and they were all wrapped in the flood.

Holy crap, what's the matter?

After Jiang Lin was washed into the water, he still didn't know what was going on.

Originally slept well, but as soon as he opened his eyes, the fish house collapsed in the next instant, and he also became a chicken in soup.

Chapter [*] The favorability is negative! (Down)

However, Jiang Lin also quickly deduced what happened. It rained heavily all night, and the place where they rested was close to the river. It is very likely that the upper reaches of the river was a place similar to a reservoir, and the water storage place appeared. The problem caused the accumulated rainwater to pour down.

Jiang Lin looked at the surrounding situation underwater, only to find that he and Lan Ling had dispersed, and Lan Ling, who was closest to him, was breathing bubbles in the water with a painful face.

Originally, in terms of Lan Ling's cultivation, even if he wasn't specialized in cultivating the body, he could stay at a depth of [*] meters underwater for a long time.

Not even breathing.

But now, it is estimated that because Lan Ling had been unaware of the outside world, and was in a state of sound sleep, so there was no precaution at all.

Previously, outside the fish house, there was always the sound of rain and the roar of the wind. Even Jiang Lin only heard different movements just before the rushing water, so Lan Ling was naturally not so alert.

In this way, he was suddenly wrapped in water, and Lan Ling should have choked the water into his lungs, which is why the current situation occurred.

Under water pressure in deep water, it's okay to not breathe, but if he inhales water into his lungs, even Jiang Lin will feel quite painful and will keep coughing.

Jiang Lin was swimming in the water and approached Lan Ling, otherwise Lan Ling would probably be choking enough to go up.

Just now, when Lan Ling was floating up, he was hit by a huge branch on the back of his head, and the bubbles he spewed were bloody.

Jiang Lin circled behind Lan Ling underwater, wrapped her arms around Lan Ling's palace waist, and brought her to the surface.

Sensing that Lan Ling was struggling, Jiang Lin also knew that Lan Ling was indeed unable to keep her sanity because of the severe pain in her lungs.

Therefore, Jiang Lin moved his arms up, and the force on the arms suddenly increased, squeezing them inward.

Lan Ling's lungs were squeezed because of the tightening force on her upper circumference, and she spit out the river water that had accumulated inside.

After making Lan Ling feel better, Jiang Lin continued to float on the water, and finally brought Lan Ling to the surface, making her head out.

At this moment, Chai Tou and Chartou, who had been submerged by the impact of the river, also emerged from under the water not far away, shouting together what happened, and shouting for help.

It's still five o'clock, and there is no light around. Even if they understand water, they can only shout for help when they don't know what happened.

"Stop screaming. If you can swim, float. If you can't, hold the driftwood and wait for the dawn. It should be dawn soon."

Jiang Lin scolded, these two funny people have imperial luck, and if Fuze is added, they will not be unlucky and drowned. Moreover, there are many floating objects on the water, even if you can't water, just grab one, Not to drown.

At the same time, Jiang Lin wondered if he had really misunderstood. If it was normal, it would be fine. In the current situation of accidents, Chai Tou and Tan Tou have no sense of self-help at all.

Since these two brothers can get out of the water, they should be familiar with water. At the juncture of their lives, they don't rely on themselves or others. Can such a person really be the founding emperor?

"Get your hands off!"

At this moment, the situation of Lan Ling's lungs entering the water has been completely resolved, and then she found herself being held tightly in Jiang Lin's arms, and she subconsciously defended.

Pushing his elbow back, Lan Ling's elbow hit Jiang Lin's chin, causing Jiang Lin to bite his tongue.

"Are you sick! I saved you, you smashed my face?"

Jiang Lin's anger suddenly came out. He knew that a dog bit Lu Dongbin, and he didn't know what it was like to be a good person.

Moreover, Lan Ling hit his chin with an elbow, almost dislocating his jaw.

Although it wasn't as serious as slapping him in the face, it made him quite annoyed.

No woman has touched his face yet.

" let me go."

Lan Ling didn't listen to what Jiang Lin said at all, and just tugged at Jiang Lin's arms with both hands. How could she have been in close contact with a man before, and was hugged tightly by Jiang Lin from behind.

The body was soaked in the cold river water, and the temperature on Jiang Lin's arms and chest became warmer, making her unable to cope.

"I think you're choking and not choking enough, right?"

Jiang Lin's anger erupted directly. This Lan Ling was choked in the water and hit by a branch. If he hadn't helped rescue him, he wouldn't have died. For a while.

As a result, after this Lan Ling floated up, not only did he not say a word of thanks, he also gave him an elbow in the face.

This kind of thing really made him angry.

When there is fire, it radiates fire.

Jiang Lin released his hands, pressing the top of Lan Ling's head with one hand and pinching Lan Ling's shoulder with the other.

With a force of his arms, he directly pressed Lan Ling down.

Go drink water.


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