After Lan Ling was pressed down by Jiang Lin, her hands fluttered indiscriminately. She was just brought up from the water by Jiang Lin and took a few breaths.

However, Jiang Lin didn't care whether she could bear it or not, biting his kind-hearted Lu Dongbin would have to suffer.

"Let go... let me go! Cough cough..."

"I almost got a bruise on my chin. You haven't had enough water yet. Go ahead and drink it."

Jiang Lin continued to press Lan Ling, but his anger had not yet subsided.

Chai Tou and Tan Tou in the distance didn't dare to say a word. Although they couldn't see Jiang Lin and Lan Ling, they had already heard what was going on from the words between them.

Most likely, Jiang Lin rescued Lan Ling from the water, but perhaps in the process, Lan Ling was unintentionally taken advantage of by Jiang Lin, causing Lan Ling to slap Jiang Lin's chin blue.

Then Jiang Lin pressed Lan Ling into the water, and then let her choke on the water.

Oh my god, this is a real boss. First he beat his sister, and now he drowns his sister.

Brother, these two bosses are both beautiful women. How did you get it?

" let me breathe...breath!"

Lan Ling not only choked her lungs with water, but now her lungs are also blown up by air.

Jiang Lin actually pressed her head, causing her to choke in the river.

How can there be such an outrageous man!

Lan Ling also thought about resisting, but she had just been injured in the lungs, and she was in the water, and there was no place to use strength. The accumulation of water in the lungs also made it difficult for her to gather spiritual power.

Jiang Lin, I...I hate you!

At this moment, Lan Ling no longer thought about whether Jiang Lin fell in love with her at first sight, nor whether she had a slight favorable impression of Jiang Lin.

Now, she is full of disgust towards Jiang Lin.

Favorability is negative!

This man's brain is completely different from other men!

At this moment, Lan Ling also figured out what happened before. Jiang Lin did save her. Although he wrapped his arms around her waist, there was nothing he could do.

As for holding her tightly, it was the water that Jiang Lin wanted to squeeze in her lungs.

After thinking about this, Lan Ling also knew that it was too unreasonable for him to rub Jiang Lin's chin with his elbow.

No matter what Jiang Lin said, he was helping her.

If Jiang Lin didn't do the next thing, if it wasn't for holding her in the water and drowning, she felt that she would apologize to Jiang Lin, and she would have a deeper impression of Jiang Lin in her heart.

To put it bluntly, Jiang Lin's favorability in her heart will increase a lot.

However, Jiang Lin couldn't get angry, and pressing her head directly made her choke.

It's normal for a girl to react a little more to being so intimately contacted by a man.

I don't understand my daughter's family at all!

And drown people again and again.


A man like you deserves to be alone forever!

Chapter [-] I Can't Let You Die (Part [-])

"Okay, it's enough to choke you, I think you should also be watery."

After the anger in his heart dissipated a lot, Jiang Lin did not continue to embarrass Lan Ling and let go of his hands.

While spitting out the river water in her stomach, Lan Ling stared at Jiang Lin resentfully. Although it was pitch black, she couldn't see where Jiang Lin was, but she could hear Jiang Lin's voice.

Clenching fists with both hands and smashing it lightly on Jiang Lin's chest twice, Lan Ling said angrily, "It's my bad luck, Lan Ling, I missed it!"

Although she was very angry, Lan Ling also knew that she was not taking care of what happened this time, and it was not that she didn't know about Jiang Lin's temperament.

Before Chun Shisan Shao provoked this man, he was directly attacked by Jiang Lin.

She was rescued by Jiang Lin, but she didn't remember her kindness, and even hit someone on the chin. Jiang Lin's reaction like this is not outrageous.

"Cough cough cough... help, help!"

At this time, in the big river a hundred meters away, there was a cry for help from the Thirteenth Young Master Chun.

Jiang Lin heard this voice and realized that he had missed one person before.

He forgot Chun Shisan Shao.

The thirteenth young master of Chun was the farthest before, and he fluttered underwater for a long time before finally surfacing.

Although she is not a land duck, but now she is hit by such a rush of water, and because of the problem with the golden core, she can't exert any strength. Naturally, there is no way to do it. She is also choked. Fire burns in general.

"If anything happens, just listen to the voice to save people."

Jiang Lin instructed Lan Ling, and hurriedly swam in the direction of the Thirteenth Young Master Chun.

Now that nothing happened to Lan Ling, let her take care of Chaitou and Tantou, there should be no problem.

But Spring Thirteen's side will not work.

Jiang Lin knew about the situation of the thirteenth young master in the spring. The golden core in this girl's body was hit by the force he unleashed, and the spiritual power could not function, and she might actually be choked to death by water.

What's more, the surroundings are completely pitch-dark now. Although Lan Ling's cultivation base is at the golden core level, it is not very realistic to want to rescue her when Chun Shisan Shao's breath is not obvious.

What's more, Lan Ling is now estimated to be exhausted by his drowning. He choked Lan Ling just now, but he didn't hold back his great strength.

Therefore, Jiang Lin didn't have to think too much to know that he was the only one who could save Chun Thirteen at present.

"I can't let your girl die so easily. When you get to the back, you have to work for me. However, why do I still feel bad."

Jiang Lin spit out words while swimming quickly towards the location of the Thirteenth Young Master Chun.

He is actually going to save Chun Shisan now.

This girl is going to sell him to a super fat woman.

Jiang Lin didn't really have any kindness towards Young Master Chun, but he really didn't want this girl to drown like that.

Chun Shisan is still alive, and can still play a lot of value. At this time, he wants to die. Even if this girl actively seeks death, he will not let her do so easily.

Later, if he used Lan Ling to deceive the high priest, then Spring Thirteenth Young Master could be considered a strength.

The water was very urgent, and there were still a lot of driftwood between Jiang Lin and the thirteenth young master, which made him unable to catch up with the young master of the thirteenth spring for a while.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how big the flood is, it will not be difficult for Jiang Lin to fall, but now that there is Lan Ling behind him, it is inconvenient for him to use his spiritual power.

After swimming to a distance of a hundred zhang, Jiang Lin grabbed Chun Shisan's belt.

But what he didn't notice was that there was a waterfall in front of him not far away, and when the waterfall was approaching, the speed of Chun Shisan Shao's drifting suddenly accelerated.

And because the waist of Chun Shisan Shao was torn by the current, it slipped from his waist, and then his body fell down with the flood.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin's legs suddenly exploded with tremendous strength, leaping out of the water like a fish, and rushing down the waterfall.

Drilling into the water again, Jiang Lin grabbed Chun Shisan Shao who had passed out underwater, and then dragged him to the river bank.

"Is this girl dead?"

When they got to the shore, Jiang Lin looked at the motionless young Chun Shisan, and reached out to probe her breath.

Not dead, but saved.

Putting his hands together, Jiang Lin squatted on Chun Shisan Shao's chest and squeezed a few times.

"Fucking bad luck!"

After seeing Chun Shisan Shao spit out a few mouthfuls of water, there was still no movement, and Jiang Lin's face turned a little dark.

He also had to do artificial respiration for Chun Shisan Shao.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Lin finally pinched Chun Shisan's nose and kissed her lips.

Standard artificial respiration.

Not long after, Young Master Chun Shisan opened his eyes and woke up.

"You... Who are you? I... I hit you."

The Thirteenth Young Master Chun couldn't see the surrounding situation at all. He only knew that someone was taking advantage of him, so he waved his arm and took it away.

"You dare to touch me? I'll punch you in the stomach."

Jiang Lin grabbed Chun Shisan Shao's wrist with one hand, and he was cautious about Lan Ling's incident just now.

"Is it you? Jiang Lin?"

Young Master Chun Shisan was quite surprised. Before, she only knew that someone was swimming towards her to save her, but she didn't know who it was.

Moreover, she also fell into a coma because of choking on water, and lost consciousness. When she woke up, she found that the person who came to rescue her was the man who was going to beat her at every turn.

Chapter [-] I Can't Let You Die (Part [-])

"You...why do you want to save me?"

Young Master Chun Shisan knew that the person who rescued her was Empress Jiang Lin, so how dare he acted.

If she slapped her, Jiang Lin would definitely slap her head into her stomach as he said.

However, she was also quite confused. Logically speaking, Jiang Lin should have been annoying her very much. How could she come to rescue her when she was in danger.

I don't know how this flood of water appeared, and the water is very urgent. Even people who are familiar with water don't know how much effort it will take to swim in the river.

But Jiang Lin swam so far and jumped from a height to save her from the water.

She was very clear about Jiang Lin's attitude towards her. As long as she made Jiang Lin uncomfortable, she would definitely be beaten.

In general, Jiang Lin should have hated her. Even if Jiang Lin didn't want to die, but in the previous situation, if he wanted to save people, he had to take a lot of risks.

Moreover, she also fell from the waterfall, and the height is not small. Once the water below is a little shallow and there are some rocks, Jiang Lin may also fall on it and die.

But Jiang Lin didn't care about it, he just jumped down and rescued her.

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