This makes no sense.

"I can't let you die."

Jiang Lin responded lightly, the account between him and this girl has not been settled yet, how could she let this girl die like this.

Now, he just ate and drank for free here in the Spring Thirteenth Young Master, and he didn't have time to let this girl work hard for him.

Chun Shisan pursed her lips, and did not thank Jiang Lindao, but at this time, she only felt that the anger she had been holding in her heart had subsided a lot.

This time, there was a problem with the golden elixir in her body, and the flood of water burst out suddenly and inexplicably, causing her lungs to accumulate water. If someone hadn't rescued her, she would probably have explained it.

Even if she didn't have such a situation before, she had to use spiritual power to force her out after the river water had accumulated in her lungs.

When the spiritual power in her body is sluggish and it is difficult to operate, she will be immersed in water for a long time, and her life will be in danger like ordinary people, and she will be drowned alive.

In other words, Jiang Lin really saved her life.

"What the hell is going on? It's choking me."

Because of the severe pain in the lungs from time to time, Young Master Chun Shisan pressed her chest, and then she realized that her clothes had been opened, and the apron inside was exposed.

When Jiang Lin rescued her before, he grabbed her waistband, but because it was sucked and pulled by the water, her waistband slipped off, and after soaking it in the water, the collar naturally loosened.

At this moment, Young Master Chun Thirteen recalled that when he was in a state of confusion, Jiang Lin seemed to have pressed her chest and said, "You... have you taken advantage of me?"

"Occupied, what happened? Want to ask me for an explanation?"

Jiang Lin looked at Chun Shisan, the girl had already been rescued by him, and if there was more trouble, he wouldn't mind giving this girl two punches to wake her up.

Hearing Jiang Lin's tone, Young Master Chun Shisan could only eat Huanglian dumbly, but she didn't want to eat Jiang Lin's fist.

Moreover, she remembered that she had choked a lot of river water in her lungs before. Now that she is fine, Jiang Lin's previous behavior should be to squeeze the water out of her lungs.

"Don't you hate me very much? Why do you still want to save me?"

The Thirteenth Young Master of Chun asked again, but the doubts in her heart were still unsolved.

"Don't tell me, I can't let you die. Try to bother me again? Keep asking and asking, are you bothered? I think you still have the strength to shout to me, Chaitou and the others are on top."

"I... I hurt my lungs, where can I shout?"

Chun Shisan was a little speechless. She just wanted to ask Jiang Lin why he saved her. After only asking twice, Jiang Lin became impatient and asked her to shout. Her lungs are uncomfortable now, why? Can you shout?

"What does this have to do with me? I can't let you die, can't let you scream? Also, my clothes are so dirty, you have to wash them for me."

Jiang Lin looked at the slightly brighter sky, removed the robe, and threw it to Young Master Chun Shisan. Now that the rain has subsided, it is possible for this girl to do some cleaning for him.

"I...I can't do laundry, these are all men's jobs."

There are big question marks on the head of Chun Shisan. Jiang Lin asked her to hold firewood before, and she was able to do it, but now she has to wash her clothes, maybe even her panties.

In today's Qianji Country, are there any women who can do laundry?

"Can't wash? Can you eat? Can you eat fists?"

After leaving this sentence, Jiang Lin jumped onto a tree on the bank and continued to rest.

If he wants to go up to join Lan Ling and the others now, he has no problem, but Young Master Chun Thirteen can't. That is to say, if he wants to go up now, he has to climb with Young Master Chun Thirteen on his back.

Saving this girl made him suffer a lot, and he didn't want to carry this girl on his back.

Under normal circumstances, if it is a beautiful girl, he will take advantage of others because of his rescue, and he will not show any cold face.

But after saving Young Master Chun Shisan, he felt that he didn't eat the other party's tofu, but Young Master Chun Shisan took advantage of him.

In the past, the only woman who could kiss him was his wife, but now he actually gave him artificial respiration to save the bell boss.



What the hell did my young thirteenth boy do!

Young Master Chun Shisan sat on the bank with his hands on his knees, not knowing how to live the next day.

Although the situation in her body will recover in a day or two, during this time, Jiang Lin can make her a complete slave.

Right now, she had to find a slightly cleaner place for Jiang Lin to wash her clothes.

Even if she recovers later, with the incident of being rescued this time, she will not be able to settle accounts with Jiang Lin.

Lan Ling wouldn't even look at it.

Even if Jiang Lin sent her to do this and that, but if she saved her life, everything could be worth it.

If she did it forcefully, Lan Ling might have really kicked out her unreasonable ally.

It's not even if she can't get angry by then, the treasure may be gone.

After thinking about it, Young Master Chun Shisan still endured the pain in his lungs and shouted.

At the same time, she also carried Jiang Lin's long gown and went to wash it not far away.

Young Master Chun Shisan was washing and thinking, if Jiang Lin came to rescue her this time, he didn't have any good intentions at all.

This just saved her, let her do the hard work.

He said that he couldn't let her die, but in the end, she was saved and suffered.

Lung pain, sore throat, and a pair of plain hands rubbing clothes, it is also aching.

This time, Young Master Chun Shisan really guessed right. Jiang Lin didn't let her die because he really wanted to squeeze her residual value.

It didn't take long for the rain to stop completely, and the sky gradually became brighter. Lan Ling and the others who had left the waters followed the voice of the Thirteenth Young Master Chun and came over.

Then, they saw Jianglin and Chun Shisan Shao next to the river channel where the waterfall was located.

Jiang Lin was lying on the branch, taking a leisurely rest, but Young Master Chun Shisan squatted by the water and washed Jiang Lin's clothes.

Chapter [-] Meet Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Again ([-])

Looking at the situation below, Lan Ling already had a feeling of not being surprised.

Especially not long ago, Jiang Lin actually choked her in the water, which made her know more about Jiang Lin.

She even felt that if it wasn't the unfortunate Young Master Chun Shisan, but she was swept away by the flood and let Jiang Lin go all the way to save her, then the person washing clothes below might be her.

I saved your life, and you have to wash my clothes, numb.

Lan Ling could even make some associations. Anyway, in Jiang Lin's heart, there is nothing beautiful or not, and Lianxiangxiyu does not exist at all.

Spring Thirteen is so cute, she was punched and punched by Jiang Lin, and she was also a lovely and charming beauty, and then because Jiang Lin was angry, her whole body was pressed into the water.


Thinking of Jiang Lin's choking of water not long ago, Lan Ling felt a nameless fire in her heart.

However, she is also a person who knows the importance. Now that she has a task at hand, she can let go of her own grievances first.

Moreover, in terms of mission requirements, it is not appropriate for her to have a conflict with Jiang Lin, otherwise, there may be twists and turns in the search for the divine sword.

Looking at the surrounding terrain, Lan Ling brought Chaitou and the others to meet Jiang Lin.

"It's washed."

On the shore, Young Master Chun Shisan shook Jiang Lin's robe and hung it on a branch. Jiang Lin opened his eyes and looked at it, then jumped off, took off the inner lining of his body and threw it over, and covered it directly. On the head of the thirteenth young master.

"This also has to be washed, and then washed."


Young Master Chun Shisan grabbed Jiang Lin's inner lining in his hand, grinding his silver teeth with anger. Now that Lan Ling and the others have come over, Jiang Lin actually wants her to do the laundry.

Is she shameless?

Even if she is not a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, she is still a woman. When other women find out about such a thing, she can't lift her head.

However, unwilling to return in his heart, Young Master Chun Shisan still went to the side and became a laundry lady again.

If you don't work, you have to be beaten. For the time being, this will not change.

"Wow, Brother Lin Zi, what did you eat to grow up?"

Lan Ling and the others detoured back to the shore, and Chai Tou walked to Jiang Lin's side and slapped Jiang Lin's chest muscles.

Only now did he know why Jiang Lin rolled his eyes when he punched Chun Shisan Shao yesterday.

The tendon of this body is invincible.

As for Young Master Chun Shisan doing Jiang Lin's laundry, Chai Tou and Charcoal Tou are also not surprised.

Lan Ling also looked at Jiang Lin, because the sky was getting dawn, so she not only saw the muscles on Jiang Lin's body, but also the many scary scars on it, she was also aware of it.

Although the scars on Jiang Lin's body have subsided a lot, there are still some traces.

For a time, Lan Ling felt some pitiful and respectable feelings towards Jiang Lin.

She didn't know that Jiang Lin was a foreigner, so in her opinion, the injuries Jiang Lin suffered should all be tortured before.

And the only people who can torture men are so inhumane, only those bell bosses or women with special hobbies.

Jiang Lin had a past like that, and was tortured by torture, yet he still could not change his nature and succumbed to women.

Not many men can do such a thing.

The grandpa is the grandpa.

Let his yin and yang be reversed, how noble a woman is and how humble a man is, Jiang Lin's nature is still unshakable, his spine is so straight and so rigid.

Comparing the firewood head and the charcoal head, who are both men, Lan Ling suddenly had an illusion, and felt that these two brothers were indeed a bit like castrations.

Absolutely it was him.

At this moment, Lan Ling no longer doubted her judgment, and she directly determined that Jiang Lin was the Emperor Star in the prophecy.

Whether it's Jiang Lin's character or his attitude in the face of a crisis, Jiang Lin gave her an unusual feeling.

Especially when she was in a difficult situation before, Jiang Lin was able to judge that her lungs had entered water, and helped her in the most effective way.

Under such circumstances, ordinary people would have been panicked as if they had lost their souls.

But Jiang Lin was able to show the attitude of not changing his face when the landslide was ahead, and he was not chaotic in the face of danger.

Such a person is not the Emperor Star, who else could be?

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