At this time, Young Master Chun Thirteen, who was washing clothes not far away, also followed the sound. Although Jiang Lin was shirtless in front of her not long ago, she didn't have the heart to watch Jiang Lin at that time, so she didn't notice it. Jiang Lin's whole body is full of flesh.

Now that the light was brighter, she could not help swallowing when she saw Jiang Lin's eight-pack abs and solid arms.

Then she blushed a little.

Jiang Lin gave Chun Shisan a look at whether he was begging for a beating, and then asked about the situation of Lan Ling's horses.

Only then did he know that after the water was released, the two horses had disappeared.

Lan Ling said that when the sun came out, everyone dried their clothes before rushing on the road, and when this accident happened, everyone was soaked in water, and their physical strength was weak, and even if they hurried, they would not be able to walk very far.

Jiang Lin had no objection to this, so he asked Chaitou and Tantou to come over, remove the slate from the tree by himself, and then move them together according to the instructions of the two brothers.

"Jiang Lin?"

While Jiang Lin was moving the slate, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was looking at Jiang Lin and the others with a telescopic lens on the top of the hill two or three miles away.

When he saw the slate in Jiang Lin's hand, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was quite surprised. Under normal circumstances, the slate should be on Taotao's body, so why did it fall into Jiang Lin's hand?

Moreover, what shocked him was that the slate had changed and could guide the location of the Divine Sword. What was even more outrageous was that Jiang Lin could actually move this sword-seeking slate.

This is something that only those with royal luck can do.

Could it be that Brother Jiang supplements what Jiang Shen is, but the Emperor Star?

Chapter [*] Meet the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Again (Part [*])

This foreigner surnamed Jiang may be the Emperor Star mentioned in the prophecy?

After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon put away the telescope, he thought about it, and then a conjecture that made his heart skip a beat appeared in his mind.

If Jiang Lin is Emperor Star, then their grand plan to restore the country will definitely not be a problem.

Before, Jiang Lin owed him a promise. If he asked Jiang Lin to raise his arms, even if he didn't do his best, it would make men all over the country respond.

And, coincidentally, Jiang Lin's surname also appeared in the prophecy. If Jiang Lin is really willing to cooperate, then in the Qianji Nation, not only men will give birth to hope, those women are even supporters of the Queen's faction. Confidence will be shaken.

It will be much easier to overthrow the queen.

The more he thought about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the more excited he became. Although he still didn't know why the slate was in Jiang Lin's hands, it seemed that Jiang Lin was looking for the divine sword.

As for what Jiang Lin did to find the Divine Sword, it was definitely impossible to help the Queen.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon didn't think that he would miss Jiang Lin, even though he didn't have much interaction with Jiang Lin.

Even if Jiang Lin didn't help them restore the country, he would never stand in the Queen's camp.

Therefore, when Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon recognized Lan Ling, the mysterious envoy not far from Jiang Lin's side, he did not suspect that Jiang Lin was working with Lan Ling.

It's just that Zi Chou Yin Mao is still unclear to him for the time being.

After thinking for a moment, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon decided not to scare the snake for now, and followed behind Jiang Lin and the others to understand the situation.

"Who told you to rest, go fishing, and the food was washed away. Could it be that so many of us are drinking the northwest wind. The job of cleaning the ingredients is also handed over to you."

On the bank of the river, when Jiang Lin was moving the slate, he saw that Young Master Chun Shisan hung his inner lining on a branch and sat aside to rest, and he found another task for this girl.

Young Master Chun Thirteen seemed to have had a hunch long ago. He didn't even sit hot on the stones under his buttocks, so he went into the river and went into the water to fish.

Lan Ling looked at the young master Chun Shisan who didn't even dare to say "no", but felt a little sympathetic to the bell boss.

Young Master Chun Shisan went into the river to fish, and finally felt cramps in both legs, and Jiang Lin agreed to her coming up.

Now her situation is similar to that of an ordinary girl, and work like fishing can really tire her out.

Holding a cleaned carp in both hands, Young Master Chun Shisan walked towards Jianglin.

"Hey, hey, slipped!"

Coincidentally, the carp slipped out of Chun Shisan Shao's hand, and she hurriedly stepped forward to grab it back. However, her legs cramped due to fatigue, so she stumbled and fell forward.

She didn't catch the carp, and let her throw herself into Jiang Lin's arms.

Even if she threw herself into Jiang Lin's arms, she still took a sip on Jiang Lin's chest.

"I'll punch you when I go up, believe it or not? You can't even catch a fish, so what's the use of you? You even got saliva on me. Do you know if you're going to get drool ringworm?"

Jiang Lin raised his fist, wanting to give Chun Shisan Shao a special punch, but he didn't let his fist fall.

Now that Young Master Chun Shisan is being pinched by him, under normal circumstances, whether it is for the consideration of the current situation or considering the "treasure" in the future, Young Master Chun Shisan will probably endure it.However, the clay figurine still has three points of anger. If Chun Shisan Shao can't bear it anymore, it's not the effect he wants.

Young Master Chun Shisan quickly stood up and backed away, afraid of being attacked by Jiang Lin.

"Brother Lin Zi, don't you know what a woman is?"

Chaitou on the side touched Jiang Lin with his elbow. If Young Master Chun Shisan had been on his chest just now, he felt that he even had the urge to hold Young Master Chun Shisan in his arms and enjoy the beauty of being there. The feeling of holding.

However, Jiang Lin wanted to go up and punch him.


Jiang Lin glanced at Chai Tou and smiled lightly.

If this kid was the target of Young Master Chun Shisan and was to be sold to a [*]-pound super fat woman to warm the bed, he probably wouldn't think so.

At this time, Young Master Chun Thirteen, who continued to deal with the fish scales, secretly glanced at Jiang Lin. She didn't know what was going on with her. Her heart had been beating very fast since the beginning.

Moreover, she would fall down just now, and it was Jiang Lin who asked her to fish that caused her legs to cramp. Jiang Lin almost gave her a fist. According to her previous temper, how could she swallow such a gas.

But the strange thing is that she didn't know if she was used to it or what, anyway, she just didn't take it seriously.

I'm a bell owner, so I don't really have feelings for my bells, do I?

At this time, Young Master Chun Shisan suddenly had such an idea, but then she shook her head again and again.

Jiang Lin, a stinky man, would give her a fist at every turn. If she had any more feelings for Jiang Lin, how cheap it would be.

Shaking his head, Young Master Chun Shisan threw out this outrageous idea and concentrated on the ingredients.

Otherwise, she can really taste what Jiang Lin's iron fist is like.

Jiang Lin and others filled their stomachs with some fish and wild fruits, and at noon, they set off again and continued westward.

Two days later, they arrived at a town.

"You two, hurry up and buy dry food and other items that you need to use, hurry up, hurry up!"

In front of a shop in Zhendian, Young Master Chun Shisan put his hands on his hips and instructed Chaitou and Tantou.

Now, Chun Shisan's condition has completely improved, so when she speaks, she can straighten her waist.

Since the morning, Young Master Chun Shisan has been using his hands and feet on the road, either kicking rocks the size of a human head at will, or smashing a poplar tree with the thickness of the bowl.

She did this to let Jiang Lin and the others know that she was the thirteenth young master, and she was back. She was no longer the coolie who could be called to and fro.

In fact, the Spring Thirteenth Young Master wanted Jiang Lin to have some insight.

Do you try to send the old lady to do things again?

However, Young Master Chun Shisan didn't go to Jiang Lin to settle the account. She felt that Jiang Lin had saved her life before. If she asked someone to settle the account, it would be too unkind.

As long as she shows that she is fine now, and if Jiang Lin is still ignorant, then she can leave it alone and let Jiang Lin taste whether her pink fist is sour or sweet.

Although Chai Tou and Tan Tou didn't know why Chun Shisan Shao changed so much, they didn't dare to disobey the boss's intentions, and hurriedly went to the surrounding to buy items.

Young Master Chun Shisan looked at Jiang Lin again, but in the end he didn't let Jiang Lin do anything. Jiang Lin didn't feel sorry for her today, so she didn't mean to make things difficult for Jiang Lin.

While Jiang Lin and the others were sitting at the table in front of the shop, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon walked out of an alley, ready to go to find Jiang Lin.

Following this journey, he was also certain that Jiang Lin and Lan Ling were looking for the Divine Sword, and what he didn't expect was that Lan Ling and the [*]th Young Master Chun didn't seem to know that Jiang Lin was a cultivator. .

What made him speechless was that the sisters Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao actually faked his identity.

Now that the destination is not too far away, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is ready to show up to meet Jiang Lin and discuss the next major events with Jiang Lin.

At this moment, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was bumped by a man with heavy makeup, enchanting and unrestrained clothes.

"Hey, don't you have long eyes?"

The enchanting uncle pushed the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and then said in a shrill voice, "I'll tell you, my lady is the queen's secret messenger. Believe it or not, I made your head fall off in minutes?"

After tossing his curly hair, the enchanting uncle twisted his waist and walked towards the shop where Jiang Lin and Chaitou were.


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon covered his mouth, and he was so sickened by this enchanting uncle that he really wanted to throw up.

So disgusting.

Resisting the discomfort in his stomach, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon did not act immediately. Although this enchanting uncle who made his stomach upset, was very disgusting, but what he said just now made him very concerned.

The Queen's emissary.

Could it be that he was handed over some task with that mysterious envoy?

Thinking of this, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon retreated to the alley and continued to observe.

Chapter [*] Meet the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Again (Part [*])

I went, the thief is so disgusting.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon looked at the way the enchanting uncle was walking and felt that his eyes were offended.

Such a man has surpassed the limit of what he can endure.

Now Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon really wished a brow stick would ram it over and bleed the seven orifices of this male and female Erweizi.

It's also because the enchanting uncle's dress and appearance are too hot for the eyes, that's why Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon didn't think much about it at all.

In fact, as long as he took a closer look, he could find that this "enchanting" queen's secret envoy was still an acquaintance.

Lord Blackwood.

The one who bumped into Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon just now was the head of the troupe of Chai Tou and Tantou, Heimu Ye.

During this time, not only Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was looking for Chaitou and Tantou, but Lord Heimu was also looking for his own children.

Coincidentally, in this town, Lord Heimu found Jiang Lin and the others.

Back then, when Lord Heimu was with General Doman, a fat woman, he once had a relationship with Lan Ling, so he recognized this girl as the mysterious envoy beside the Queen.

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