At this moment, Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling climbed up to the roof of a house not far from Jiang Lin and the others, and watched the situation on Jiang Lin's side.

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, and then laughed lightly. He was also worried that Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao were driven away by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and he didn't know how to find them later.

As a result, the two girls actually touched it again.

"Forget it, there was a misunderstanding."

Heimu Ye didn't care about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Now that the Queen's mysterious envoy has left, it's all thanks to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Seeing that Lord Heimu was better at talking, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon said that Chaitou and Charcoal could be the Emperor Star. Jiang Lin said just now that he needed to use these two brothers to successfully assemble the slate. Tou and Tantou can't go back with Lord Heimu.

He had to give the two brothers some motivation.

However, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon also said that Jiang Lin is more likely to be the Emperor Star than Chaitou and Tantou.

He felt that if he didn't mention it at this time, it would be a bit tricky to talk about it later when Jiang Lin found the Divine Sword, and he would help Jiang Lin help them recover.

Therefore, it is better to explain the judgment in your heart now.

"I am the Emperor Star?"

Jiang Lin was slightly startled, he really didn't expect Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to say such a thing.

The [*]nd chapter says I am, that is (below)

Should not be ah.

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon definitely knew that he was not from the Kingdom of Thousand Machines, so how could he be the Emperor Star in the prophecies circulated here?

Chai Tou and Tan Tou were both natives of Qianji Nation, and if they were Emperor Stars, they would also be them.

Moreover, he also explained to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon just now that these two boys have royal luck.

But at this moment, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is more likely to say that he is the Emperor Star than the two brothers Chaitou and Tantou.

After a moment of doubt, Jiang Lin also guessed the intention of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. This guy wants to put the name of Emperor Star on him, and then when he restores the country, he may have some more power. .

This may be secondary. Emperor Star has a very important role in the recovery of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others. If the two boys, Chaitou and Tantou, are pulled over, maybe they can really make a joke.

Just two little brats like this, they don't even have the stamina, can they lead the old department against the queen?

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin did not deny it.

Since you say I am Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, then I am.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly. In a sense, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon helped him.

If it wasn't that Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling were eavesdropping not far away, he would have corrected Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

But now, since the two girls were on the nearby roof, there was no need for him to defend himself.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon says he is the Emperor Star, so he is.

Anyway, according to his original plan, he wanted Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao to misunderstand what Emperor Star he was.

In this way, the attitude of Young Master Chun Thirteen will change a lot. At the very least, he will branch it out, and this girl will work harder.

As for Lan Ling, if he reported his situation to the high priest, then the high priest would be afraid, and it would be easier for him to be brought in.

If Lan Ling knew what Emperor Stars, Chai Tou and Tan Tou, the boys who could not make a big deal out of the weather, would be able to take care of it by herself.

Even if they are allowed to lead troops to fight, they are all cannon fodder.

Not at all to worry about.

Therefore, although Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has its own little Jiujiu, what he said is still useful.

At this time, Lan Ling, who was cat on the roof, felt nervous. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon actually judged that Jiang Lin was most likely the Emperor Star, which was not a good thing.

As for Young Master Chun Shisan, he was a little dumbfounded.

Jiang Lin, the man who wanted to beat her at every turn, turned out to be the Emperor Star?

She had also heard the prophecies circulating among the people. This Emperor Star meant that she would become an emperor in the future.

She even took such a man, such an emperor's seedling, as a bell, ready to sell.

Simply blinded!

No wonder he is always so domineering, he still wants to hit me at every turn, hitting a woman is like playing around, it turns out that he is the future emperor of the Qianji Kingdom!

Thinking of this, Young Master Chun Shisan's heart began to throb inexplicably.

Jiang Lin is a treasure that is more valuable than any treasure.

If she has a good relationship with Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin will sit on the throne in the future, she may not be able to seal it.

Even...even if she starts to act now, it will not be a problem to be a concubine or even a queen in the future.

The more you think about it, the more excited you are, what Duoman, what general, where is the luck to enjoy such a blessing?

Such a blessing is simply what God gave her to the thirteenth spring!

"What do you mean, those two bastards are Emperor Stars? Or is one of them the Emperor Star in the prophecy?"

Lord Heimu has a look of disbelief. His two children can still be cultivated for juggling or acting in big plays. They can be emperors?


Because Lord Heimu knew that Jiang Lin was a foreigner, he didn't pay any attention to what he said behind Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Jiang Lin is not from their Thousand Machines Country, how could he be the Emperor Star?

At this time, Chai Tou recovered from his surprise and asked Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, "Doesn't that mean we may be the future emperor?"

"Chaitou, the emperor estimates that you have made a decision. I am stupid, not that kind of material."

"Not necessarily."

Hearing what his brother Tantou said, Chaitou also smiled and shook his head, but the smile on his face was still very real.

Like Lord Heimu, Chai Tou and Tan Tou knew that Jiang Lin was not a native of his own country, so Emperor Star should have nothing to do with Jiang Lin.

There were only the two of them left.

However, they were embarrassed to say what they thought in person, which would be a little outrageous.

Jiang Lin ignored Chai Tou and Tantou's attitude. Anyway, now this Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has already said that he is likely to be the Emperor Star, and he did not deny it.

That's enough.

The effect he wants to achieve doesn't really matter if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon says he is or not, as long as Lan Ling and Chun Shisan think that he is, that's fine.

Now he doesn't need to say anything more, when Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao come to him again, and when Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon leaves and continues to follow, he can treat himself as the Emperor Star.

"Yes, you are all possible."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon nodded, then took out the slate and continued: "According to the prophecy, this slate can lead the Emperor Star to appear, find the Qianjun Tomb in the ghost town, get the Divine Sword, and lead the old Ministry of Qianji Kingdom. Overthrow the Queen. That way, we men will no longer have to be oppressed by the Queen. My responsibility is to protect the Emperor Star and get the Divine Sword back."

Chapter [*] Enhanced Psychedelic Fragrance

"Wow, and your protection from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?"

Chai Tou and Tan Tou looked excited, what happened today made them feel like they were lucky.

Lord Heimu looked at the two boys and said, "Why are you so excited? After all this, you still don't know whether the prophecy is true or false. Besides, to overthrow the queen, you have to lead troops to fight. Are you? That piece of material? There is no hair on the mouth, and the work is not firm. They are not as good as Jiang Lin. Do you think you are very good at fighting?"

After reprimanding Chai Tou and Tan Tou, Master Heimu said again: "Forget it, don't have a big dream, hurry up and clean up, and come back to the troupe with me, at least for the rest of my life. The people around here are I was scared away by the movement just now, if officers and soldiers come over in a while, they will immediately put you in jail, and let you eat as much as you want."

After saying that, Lord Heimu tucked the things brought by the head of firewood and the head of charcoal under his arm, turned around and left.

"Master Heimu... calm down and listen to my explanation."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon hurriedly chased after him. Without the wood and charcoal heads, Jiang Lin, an outsider, couldn't put together the slate at all, and although he was sure that Jiang Lin was the Emperor Star, he couldn't tell whether it was the truth or not. Make sure.

In case when taking the Divine Sword, the condensed national fortune does not recognize Jiang Lin as the Emperor Star, and he still needs Chai Tou and Charcoal Tou.

"Hurry up and follow my command, I have a way."

At this time, when Chun Shisan on the roof saw this, he immediately lowered his voice and commanded Lan Ling, and asked Lan Ling to cooperate with her to bring down the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

After a while, Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling went in through the back door of a clothing store. After taking out a beard decoration and a hat, Young Master Chun Shisan grabbed another black coat and let Lan Ling put it on.

"I used those things to disguise, and then I wore a coat and rode around my neck. I hid in the coat and waited for an opportunity."

After Young Master Chun Shisan ordered, although Lan Ling did not know what plan Young Master Chun Shisan was playing, he still did as he was told for the overall situation.

After a while, a "big bearded man" with a length of more than nine feet walked out of the clothing store and approached Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Heimu Ye who were talking.

"You two, can you borrow a fire?"

Lan Ling wiped the tendrils on her upper lip and greeted Lord Heimu and the others with a very thick voice.

"No time."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon turned his head to look over, and then looked up at the face of the big bearded man.

How is it a little familiar?

What about the throat?

Just when Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon had doubts in his heart, Young Master Chun Shisan, who was hiding in his coat, stretched out his arm, grabbed a thin rope and swung it around, and a small medicine bottle was tied to one end of the thin rope.

The incense in the small medicine bottle dissipated immediately, and got into the mouths and noses of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Lord Heimu.

Then the two of them touched their temples, and they became unsteady.

At this time, Lan Ling threw off his coat and jumped off the shoulders of Young Master Chun Shisan. The two girls ran behind Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Lord Heimu, hugging their heads and making them Look at each other.

"See if the other party is pretty."

After making Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon look at each other, Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling took the items tucked in Master Heimu's body, and then ran to Jiang Lin's location.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Heimu Ye are more funny. In each other's eyes, they have become their dream lovers.

Especially Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, who took this enchanting uncle who was disgusted to the point of his stomach upside down before, as a peerless beauty.

Looking at Lord Heimu, a provocative smile appeared on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's face.

I'll go, what's the situation?

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