Jiang Lin couldn't understand what was going on at the moment.

When Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling were about to take action, he heard the very slight chatter of the two girls. At that time, he didn't know what they were going to do.

As a result, now, the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is treated like a hysteria, and he is hugged by the "incomparably enchanting" Lord Heimu.

"Hurry up and pack up and go."

When Chun Shisan Shao came to the store, he threw the long-distance items to Chai Tou and Tantou, and told them and Jiang Lin to leave as soon as possible.

Her psychedelic fragrance can only last for a period of time, and in terms of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's cultivation, it won't take too long to recover.

"Hey, you are not Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, what are you doing to us?"

Chai Tou folded his arms and didn't take Chun Shisan Shao and Lan Ling seriously. Now that he already felt that he was the future emperor of the Thousand Machines Kingdom, he naturally didn't need to recognize others as bosses as he did before.

Lan Ling responded: "Don't you all want to find treasures the same way. If you don't follow us, will the Heimu Ye let you go? What does it matter who you work with?"

"That's right."

Chai Tou nodded, and felt that what Lan Ling said was really not wrong. Anyway, Lord Heimu insisted on bringing them back to the troupe.

"Then hurry up."

At this time, Jiang Lin spoke up, even if what happened just now, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon would temporarily leave them behind and let them continue to be found by Lan Ling and the others.

Now that this is the case, they should go first.

As for the matter of negotiating with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, he was not in a hurry. Anyway, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon had already grasped his trace, and no matter how he negotiated, it was necessary to find the Divine Sword.

Jiang Lin and Chai Tou didn't have any opinion, and Tan Tou naturally didn't either. When he saw Lan Ling coming back, he was already happy.

"What are you doing? How can you even be hit by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?"

After Jianglin and the others set off, Lan Ling asked Chun Shisan, the strength of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was much higher than theirs. As a result, he was so fascinated that he didn't know east, west, north, south, and hugged a middle-aged uncle. Like a lover.

"This is my treasure, an enhanced version of psychedelic incense, for life-saving use. If it wasn't for the treasure, I would be reluctant to take it out and use it. Well, I have half a bottle left for you, I still have it, but this time Treasure, I want to take the big head."

Young Master Chun Shisan stuffed the psychedelic incense to Lan Ling.

Although she already knew that the slate was used to find the Divine Sword, in her opinion, there must be other treasures besides the Divine Sword at the destination, and they may all be huge national treasures left over from the old country.

Now the treasure hunt may have twists and turns, and she is of course willing to share a means of defending against the enemy with her allies.

Lan Ling was not polite. Later, she might have to face Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. With such a life-saving item, it was always one more method.

After that, the two girls caught up with Jiang Lin and the others. On the way, Jiang Lin, with the help of Chai Tou and Tan Tou, successfully completed the slate.

Now that Lan Ling should have identified him as the Emperor Star, then Lan Ling will not kick him out on the way.

Everything is going smoothly, and now there is only one appearance of the red eagle to put a little pressure on Lan Ling.

Young Master Chun Shisan walked behind and kept looking at Jiang Lin's back. She was now considering whether to use this enhanced version of psychedelic incense to give Jiang Lin a shot.

After learning that Jiang Lin was the Emperor Star, her attitude towards Jiang Lin also changed rapidly.

The reason why she was able to change so quickly was actually because of how she got along with Jiang Lin a few days ago, and Jiang Lin left a deep impression in her heart.

In addition to Jiang Lin asking her to eat his fist, the man she kissed for the first time was Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin rescued her desperately and kissed her cherry lips.

Even though Chun Shisan is a boss who sells men as bells, she is still a girl who has never had any emotional experience. After experiencing such a thing, it is normal to have a different feeling for a man.

Even if she had eaten this man's fist, it would still give her a different kind of sensory impact in today's Qianji Nation.

Chapter [*] Flatter me, are you flattering?

Because they were worried that they would be overtaken by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling went on their way overnight. Jiang Lin was naturally happy to hear about it. As for Chai Tou and Tan Tou, he also wanted to retrieve the Divine Sword as soon as possible. A person who wants to touch the emperor's light is like fighting chicken blood.

In the early morning of the day, in order to get rid of the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Lan Ling proposed to take the waterway. After purchasing a bamboo raft at the ferry, Lan Ling went west.

Chai Tou and Tan Tou had no other skills besides juggling since they were young. The two girls also didn't know how to support a raft, so Jiang Lin took over the job of ferrying.

"I tell you, I don't want to wear neck cuffs anymore, Brother Lin Zi has never worn them."

Halfway through the journey, Chai Tou removed the cuffs from his neck and threw it into the river, then he said to Tan Tou: "Brother, when I become emperor in the future, we men will never be seen again. You've become a woman's slave. However, maybe you're the emperor, we can't say for sure now."

Tantou shook his head and said, "You are so clever, I am confident that it must be you."

After listening to the exchange between the two brothers, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Young Master both looked puzzled, and Jiang Lin didn't say a word.

You two have Jianglin like an emperor?

However, although they were disdainful in their hearts, they didn't say anything. The two brothers didn't want to wear neck cuffs, so they just didn't wear them. Now it's not convenient for them to kick the two brothers into the water for this reason.

Otherwise, if these two report to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, nothing will happen.

Jiang Lin smiled lightly. Based on what he knew about Chai Tou and Tan Tou during this period of time, these two boys were not intended to be emperors at all. It was good to have that fate, but they might not be able to sit on the dragon chair. .

Sitting on a dragon chair for a day is also an emperor.

Compared to the Xianzong of the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, these two brothers are a hundred and eight thousand miles away.

But Jiang Lin didn't take it seriously. Whether Chai Tou and Tan Tou could become emperors had nothing to do with him.

He only needs to achieve his goal. If the red eagle can make a contribution, then the second path on his side can be leisurely. If the red eagle has no achievements, he only needs to be responsible for turning over the queen. .

Whoever is the emperor of this Thousand Machine Country has nothing to do with him.

At this moment, Jiang Lin glanced at him and found a beautiful figure on the cliff several miles away.

Red Eagle.

My wife is so reassuring.

Jiang Lin smiled slightly. He just wanted Red Eagle to appear as soon as possible last night. He put some pressure on Lan Ling and asked the girl to inform the high priest of the situation. Now Red Eagle has appeared.

This time, the red eagle was ordered by the queen to compete for the slate. If he appeared on the scene to scare Lan Ling, Lan Ling would most likely ask the high priest for instructions on what to do.

At the same time, Lan Ling should also report what happened to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Now, it is not far from the destination. When the high priest arrives, it is estimated that he has already set up a killing game here.

If the high priest does not come, it will be gone, and if he comes, there will be no return.

After that, Jiang Lin withdrew his gaze, Hongji's ability to do things still reassured him.

Because Chai Tou talked about being an emperor, Young Master Chun Thirteen looked at Jiang Lin who was on the ferry. After that, she stood up, walked to Jiang Lin's side, and said, "I'll help you."

"Can you hold on?"

"It's easy, just follow the example."

Hearing what the Thirteenth Young Master Chun said, Jiang Lin handed over the bamboo pole in his hand. Anyway, if someone was willing to do the physical work, he could rest.

"Hey, Jiang Lin, you said that there should be a lot of money in the royal treasure."

Chun Shisan Shao leaned closer to Jiang Lin and smiled at him.

"What are you doing so close to? Am I familiar with you?"

Jiang Lin's brows wrinkled slightly, this spring thirteenth young master is really interesting. He was beaten by him before and kicked into the river again, but now he actually wants to snuggle by his side.

Moreover, it looks like a little girl.

Is this flattering me?

Are you flattering?

Jiang Lin wanted to laugh a little bit, if this girl didn't want to sell him to a super fat woman, he could still look at this situation with normality.

Although he is not a man who wants to see a beautiful woman, since there are beauties he knows who want to approach him, he will not resist.

Under the premise of nothing serious, it is also beautiful to develop and develop feelings, and then hug to warm the quilt.

But the current Spring Thirteenth Young Master would be embarrassed to show his favor to him.

You can't be flattered.

Flattered to and fro, and in the end, he could only flatter to a fragrant iron fist.

"Cough cough... Well, don't misunderstand me, I'm not here to flatter you. You think I want to be a queen, I don't care about it, I'm so tired, and I still want my mother to honor the world."

"Oh~ that's what it is."

Young Master Chun Shisan's remarks almost didn't make Jiang Lin laugh.

He said no flattery, and there were two capital letters written all over his face: to flatter you.

Your brain hole is really a bit abnormal.

Now Jiang Lin admires Young Master Chun Shisan a little. He beat him once, and then he was used as a maid. Now he has dreamed of being a queen.

Or the queen of his Jianglin.

Chapter [*] She is just my human resource

Even if I am willing to be the emperor of the Thousand Machines Kingdom, it is your turn to be the queen?

I have Lingyu in my arms and a Zhanmin around my neck. There are Ange in Anyang City, Peony and the others in Wanhualin, and a handful on the edge of the sand sea in the northern region.

Not to mention those who have already passed through the door, there is still a red eagle in this country of thousands of machines.

Even if the queen does it in turn, it will take more than half a month to go through it again. This spring thirteenth young master really dares to think.

Jiang Lin felt that this girl was still playing lightly.

Give two punches sober and sober, and you won't be daydreaming.

"It's so numb, obviously I want to be a queen, but I still don't admit it."

At this moment, Lan Ling sneered, and she didn't know where Chun Shisan had the courage to become a queen.

I used Jiang Lin as a bell and wanted to sell it for money, but now I got angry with others.

The hardships that I have endured and suffered, I have forgotten now.


If you really want to be a queen, I, Lan Ling, have fewer chances than you in Chun Shisan.

Lan Ling had such an idea in her heart, although she was not much better than Chun Shisan, and was also choked by Jiang Lin's head, but at that time it was indeed her fault.

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