Besides, Jiang Lin didn't say that she was always disliked.

"I'm actually a very self-motivated person. Jiang Lin, you should know me best."

Young Master Chun Shisan didn't care about Lan Ling's mockery. She did have the idea of ​​selling Jiang Lin for money at first, but now she has changed her mind.

Besides, she had kissed Jiang Lin before, and Jiang Lin had also relieved her. She also had a special feeling for Jiang Lin, all of which happened before she knew that Jiang Lin was the Emperor Star.

Why do people want to be queen?

Before Jiang Lin could speak, Young Master Chun Shisan didn't notice the situation ahead because he was dreaming about the Spring and Autumn Period, and let the bamboo raft hit a rock raised in the river.

The body also stopped suddenly because of the bamboo raft, and the Spring Thirteenth Young Master slammed into Jiang Lin due to inertia.

Taking another big advantage of Jiang Lin, he took a sip.

Jiang Lin didn't expect the bamboo raft to move smoothly, there would be a traffic accident, and even if the mouth was kissed by the young master Chun Shisan, he also fell into the river with the young master Chun Shisan.

"What's the use of you? You can't even handle the ferry well. You know you can't, but you still insist on being brave. Drink water!"

Jiang Lin was so angry in the river that Young Master Chun Shisan's head was pressed, and she would not be allowed to come up.

Anyway, in the water, even if Chun Shisan Shao bursts out with spiritual power, the power he can borrow is limited, and he still has to be pressed by him.

Filling two mouths of river water can also make this girl sober.

However, Spring Thirteenth Young Master did not dare to explode his spiritual power. Now Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is probably searching for them everywhere. For the treasure, she even drank some river water to recognize them.

At least now, her life will not be in danger due to drowning.

When Lan Ling saw that the young Chun Shisan in the river was choked up and coughed and waved his limbs indiscriminately, he covered his chest.

She was all too familiar with this situation.

Three days ago, she had been flooded by Jiang Lin like this.

However, although she thought of some bad memories, Lan Ling still laughed.

Jiang Lin choked the young Chun Shisan, who had dreamed of being a queen, in the water, which made her feel inexplicably refreshing.

Although she is now an ally with Young Master Chun Shisan, and Young Master Chun Shisan also gave her half a bottle of enhanced psychedelic incense, logically speaking, she should not have such a schadenfreude mentality.

But she just felt a little sad in her heart.

At the same time, on the cliff in the distance, Red Eagle was not happy.

Just now, Young Master Chun Shisan hugged Jiang Lin and took a sip. This scene was clearly seen by her.

She hadn't even gone through the door yet, and her man was actually kissed by another woman.

Is this going to join my Red Eagle team?

It just didn't die!

Hongji felt that if she hadn't changed and restrained a lot, now she would kill her again.

She became Jiang Lin's woman, but if she wanted to become Jiang Lin's wife, she still needed Jiang Lin to give her a name.

Now that her status has not been earned, there are other women who want to be promoted.

I really don't know how to write dead words.

Afterwards, the red eagle blew the bone whistle, Jiang Lin and the others were about to enter a canyon, where she appeared just as Jiang Lin had instructed.

Moreover, although the canyon is steep, there is a rushing river in the middle. Her violent wolf clan members rushed up, even if they were escaped by Lan Ling, Lan Ling would not suspect that she was deliberately let go.

In fact, Red Eagle's original plan was to wait until Jiang Lin and the others arrived on land before moving on, but seeing that her man was taken advantage of by other women, she wanted to jump in the queue, which made her unbearable.


After Jiang Lin got on the bamboo raft from the water, Young Master Chun Shisan also floated up, holding the bamboo raft with both arms, and looked at Jiang Lin with resentment.

Although she was unintentional just now, she also sent her own kiss, but this man who doesn't understand the style actually choked you in the river.

"I am what I, you need to be sober."

As soon as Jiang Lin supported the bamboo pole, the bamboo raft suddenly accelerated, causing Young Master Chun Shisan to fall into the water again. After that, he folded his arms and smiled as he watched Young Master Chun Shisan flutter in the water.

If this girl didn't hit him, he wouldn't want to play such a prank.

When the red eagle on the cliff in the distance saw this scene, he knew what was going on in his heart.

Jiang Lin didn't take that girl seriously at all. Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible. If Jiang Lin wanted to love and pity each other in his heart, he wouldn't do it.

She knows Jiang Lin's attitude towards women. Take herself as an example. Back then, she wanted to kill Jiang Lin to get the golden pill, but after becoming Jiang Lin's woman, Jiang Lin was worried about her a few days ago. If you don't sleep well, hold her in your arms and let her sleep peacefully.

Knowing this, Red Eagle conveyed his order with a whistle, not to kill others when dealing with others, and to deal with the thirteenth young master who fell into the water, just leave the other party with half his life.


Just as Chun Shisan Shao was swimming in the water, chasing the bamboo raft, a wolf howl erupted from the top of the mountain walls on both sides of the Jiahe River, and then dozens or hundreds of monsters from the violent wolf clan swooped along the mountain wall. Down.

Some of them even jumped directly from the sky, and their sharp claws stabbed at the young Chun Shisan in the water.

Afterwards, the red eagle also glides down from the top of the mountain wall and rushes towards the bamboo raft where Jianglin and the others are.

Jiang Lin frowned. Hong Jiu had a murderous look on his face. Of course, this murderous aura was not aimed at him, but... at the Thirteenth Young Master Chun.

After a little association, the expression on Jiang Lin's face became slightly more exciting.

It seemed that Hong Ji wanted the life of Young Master Chun Thirteen, and the reason for this should be that Hong Ji saw that he was hugged and kissed by Young Master Chun Thirteen just now.

Red Eagle is jealous.

Women are women after all, and there seems to be no one who is not jealous.

Under normal circumstances, the killing intent on Hong Ji's face, whether it's from the heart or pretending to be a disguise, should be aimed at Lan Ling.

Therefore, in this action, he asked Red Eagle to scare Lan Ling.

But now it's better, Hongji is jealous, and goes to find trouble with the thirteenth young master of Chun.

Seeing that Young Master Chun Shisan couldn't use his strength effectively in the water, and his back was about to be pierced by the sharp claws of the violent wolf clan, Jiang Lin flew over directly.

Holding Chun Shisan Shao and diving into the water, Chun Shi Shisan Shao was saved.

Quickly swimming to the river, Jiang Lin kicked the stone wall with both feet and threw Chun Shisan Shao to the bamboo raft, giving him a place to borrow.

But at this moment, the stringed bow saber of the red eagle flew out, and directly took the lower abdomen of Chun Shisan Shao.

My red eagle, what kind of trouble are you doing? If you are jealous, you will be jealous. Can't you eat the jealousy of a normal woman?

You have so many sisters, you can eat whatever you want, is it okay to eat this girl's vinegar?

She is just my HR.

Jiang Lin wanted to explain to Hongji that the current Chun Shisan, in his eyes, was no different from a resource.

Appropriate human resources can work hard and work hard.

As a result, Red Eagle took the vinegar to a resource.

It's even more outrageous than Zhanmin, who is jealous the most. Zhanmin eats his own jealousy, not the jealousy of a resource.

Chapter [*] The Three Great Illusions of Life (Part [*])

However, it was not convenient for Jiang Lin to transmit the voice to Hongji now. He wanted to transmit the voice, and he needed to use the power of the corpse. At this moment, he didn't want to make any mistakes, so that Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling could detect any clues.

The ambush he prepared this time, with him, with the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and the Red Eagle, worked together to surround and kill a great priest, the success rate was not small.

If the high priest is gone, the queen can only trust the red vulture, and the chance of the red vulture stealing the token will be higher.

Therefore, he had to find a chance to let Red Eagle understand what he meant.

Just when Red Eagle's bow knife was about to succeed, Lan Ling kicked out a kick, and the black beads wrapped around his ankle flew out, turned into a bead stick, and hit the bow knife.

Although Lan Ling had been gloating at what happened to the [*]th Young Master Chun before, but now that she has a foreign enemy, she would definitely want to unite with the [*]th Young Master Chun and make a concerted effort to the outside world.

After the crisis of the Spring Thirteenth Young Master was relieved by Lan Ling, he immediately stood firm on the bamboo raft, waiting in full force, observing the surrounding situation.

As for the brothers Chaitou and Tantou, they were holding bamboo poles, squatting on the bamboo raft and shivering, not daring to say anything.

Two big guys, it's up to you.

In the future, when we become emperors or princes, we will give you a great contribution to escort.

"Hey, isn't she the same as you? She's still your acquaintance, why can't you get along with you again and again?"

Young Master Chun Shisan had lingering fears. If Jiang Lin hadn't rushed over in time and carried her into the water with the help of the momentum, I'm afraid her back would be bloody.

Therefore, for this sudden arrival of Red Eagle, she really hates itching teeth. The last time she lost a top-quality bell, it was because of the appearance of Red Eagle.

However, thinking of this, Young Master Chun Shisan looked at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin saved her again just now, and in order to keep her out of danger, Jiang Lin threw her over, but in this way, Jiang Lin would have to face those monsters that suddenly appeared.

Hmph, beat me and drown me and abandon me, don't you care about others at the critical moment?

If I don't care about people, I don't believe it.

People just want to be queens, even if they can't be queens, they also want to be Mrs. Bell.

However, Young Master Chun Thirteen could not have imagined that Jiang Lin would not have any problems at all. These monsters from the violent wolf clan were brought over by his wife, Hong Ji.

Just to scare people.

"Red Eagle, what do you want to do? You have to know that if you hinder me, you have nothing to do, and someone will find you to settle accounts."

Lan Ling had a calm face. This Red Eagle had murderous intentions towards her before. Now that her mission was successful, the Red Eagle appeared again. If Jiang Lin, the Emperor Star and the slate, were taken away by the Red Eagle, she would be killed. There's nothing left.

"Don't intimidate me here. I have a big backer, bigger than yours. If you want a slate, I want it too. I have to rely on it to make progress."

With a cold snort, Hongji killed Lan Ling and Chun Shisan, but her main target was the girl who kissed her man just now.

At the same time, the red eagle also let the surrounding violent wolf clan team swim in the river to jump to the bamboo raft, and the remaining few swim to the river forest.

Of course, this is all just a pretense, Red Eagle just needs to let Lan Ling know that she is determined to grab people and slate.

After that, Lan Ling and Young Master Chun Shisan fought with Red Eagle and the violent wolf clansmen.

"You hold on first, and I will rescue the Emperor Star."

Lan Ling rushed into the water when she saw that the monsters of the violent wolf clan were going to arrest Jiang Lin.

However, even if Lan Ling's cultivation base is not weak, but even if she exerts all her strength, there are sharp arcs on the bead stick, and there is no way to deal with those humanoid wolf monsters.

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