"Yeah, it's too good, it's too good, Niu Ben!"

Seeing that the crisis had passed, Chai Tou and Tan Tou flattered Jiang Lin.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's anger and punching, it is estimated that they would not end up very much now.

Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao also looked at Jiang Lin. As far as the matter was concerned, if the problem could be solved this time, it really depended on Jiang Lin's fist.

Neither of them doubted how Jiang Lin had so much strength. After all, Jiang Lin had shown his iron fist once before.

They even had to believe that Jiang Lin had really been able to kill a tiger with a shovel when he was extremely angry.

The reason why these two girls had no doubts was because they never thought that Jiang Lin and Hongji were actually together.

It's not just a gang, Jiang Lin and Hongjiu are a couple.

Unexpectedly, the red eagle was pretending, so they naturally believed it.

Jiang Lin got angry, and he was really invincible with one punch.

"Damn, what is this, I used to be..."

Jiang Lin came to a Hu Qiba blow, what a punch to pierce the iron plate, what a kick to break a thousand-year-old tree.

Blow anyway.

Although Lan Ling and the others were speechless, they didn't say anything. After all, Jiang Lin really made a great contribution this time.

"You guys go ahead on the bamboo raft first. Young Master Chun Shisan and I will go to the high places on both sides of the Jiahe River to prevent the situation from happening again."

After thinking for a while, Lan Ling found a reason to leave Jianglin and the others temporarily. She needed to summon Feiying and report the situation to the high priest. This time, the high priest might come over in person.

As for taking the thirteenth young master away, Lan Ling simply didn't want the bell boss who was dreaming of an emperor to be with Jiang Lin.

Young Master Chun Shisan did not refuse. She still has a lot of things she wants to share with Lan Ling, or to show off.

After a while, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao arrived on the high ground of the river valley, Chun Shisan Shao said: "Hey, if Jiang Lin is the Emperor Star, can I get a queen to do it in the future? Be favored by others. People are envious, and you don’t have to work, it’s beautiful.”

"Aren't you awake?"

Lan Ling pouted, not to mention that this girl was flooded by Jiang Lin's head just now, and now she has started to dream again.

"Cut~ let me tell you, Jiang Lin definitely cares about me, hum."

Having said this, Young Master Chun Shisan put his palms on his cheeks, his smile sweeter than honey.

"I not only think he cares about me, but also likes me, and even he has already fallen in love with me."

Young Master Chun Shisan seemed to be talking to himself, and after speaking, he was like a girl who was pregnant with spring, and his face was very red.

Three major delusions in life: he cares about me; he likes me; he loves me.

Ordinary people will have one of these illusions if they feel good about themselves in front of the opposite sex.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin is not here, otherwise, he would have a black question mark face.

He himself didn't know when he cared about Guochun Thirteenth Master, fell in love with this bell boss, fell in love with this girl.

Will he fall in love with a human resources job?

Anyway, Young Master Chun Shisan didn't know what he was thinking, so he felt that Jiang Lin had already fallen in love with her.

"Have you lost your mind?"

Lan Ling's big question mark, although she has never had any emotional experience, she is not an idiot. At this age, she still understands the feelings between men and women.

Jiang Lin fell in love with Chun Shisan?

She didn't see it at all.

"Did you forget that he beat you so badly a few days ago, and he pressed you for water not long ago?"

"What do you know? Men, if you want to win the attention of the opposite sex, you have to be special. If Jiang Lin doesn't care about me, why would he save me again and again? Give me some breath."

Chun Shisan Shao looked at Lan Ling with a suspicious look, and said, "Why do you always deny my ideas? Oh, I see, you girl, your heart is also sprouting, and you are attracted to him. Along the way, if you seem to be okay, just keep your eyes on him. You are jealous of me, let you be jealous. I don't know how many times Jiang Lin hugs me and kisses me, so it's none of your business. I But I can tell you that he is mine, even if there is nothing between me and him, he is my goal, I told you at the beginning, you better not hit him. "

"I...you...don't bother to care about you."

When Young Master Chun Thirteen said this, Lan Ling was at a loss for words for a while, and then she did not have a pointless argument with Young Master Chun Thirteen, so she summoned the flying eagle that the great priest gave her.

After writing down some information and handing it over to Feiying, Lan Ling was also considering that if the high priest came over, Jiang Lin's life would be in danger. Now she doesn't want to see such a situation.

Chapter [*] The reason for the yin and yang rebellion

After getting along with Jiang Lin for the past few days, especially since Jiang Lin had saved herself once, Lan Ling couldn't bear to see Jiang Lin lose her life in vain.

Although she was the queen's mysterious messenger, she was not hard-hearted, and of course she didn't want Jiang Lin to die because of herself.

Therefore, Lan Ling's idea is to report as usual, but before the arrival of the high priest, she will let Jiang Lin leave first, so that he can avoid the poisonous hands of the high priest.

In Spring [*], it was rare for Lan Ling to use a flying eagle to send a letter, so she didn't make a fuss. She already knew Lan Ling's identity. This time Lan Ling came here because she was not instructed to find a treasure as an army salary for the queen's defense against the enemy, or to get some divine sword. It is not surprising to inform Huadu's boss of the progress of the task.

After reporting to Huadu, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao walked for a while on a high place, then went down the river valley and returned to the bamboo raft.

After walking the waterway all day, at the end, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at a hot spring area.

Because they had been on the road all night before, and there was an unexpected situation on the way, Young Master Chun Shisan asked Chaitou and Tantou to set up a few tents on the shore, and suggested that everyone take a bath to relieve fatigue, and set off at full speed in the morning.

"Tantou, prepare to feast your eyes, we are going to take a bath with them."

Seeing Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling blow out the candles in the tent, Chai Tou knew that they were changing clothes inside, and the expression on his face was like that of a pig brother.

In today's Qianji Nation, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for men to have such treatment, but now they are in a hurry and they can have such good things.

This is nothing, in this country, women have become to a certain extent, like the men of the old country, carefree.

Therefore, Chai Tou said that this time they were going to feast their eyes.

Maybe Lan Ling and the stupid Thirteenth Young Master ran out wearing a bellyband.

Since Chai Tou knew that Chun Shisan Shao wanted to be a queen, he had some thoughts about this girl in his heart.

From Chai Tou's point of view, he is currently the most likely person to become the future emperor. Lan Ling, Chun Shisan Shao and others have misunderstood, thinking that Jiang Lin is the real emperor star, and they should have heard what Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon said. and misled.

However, it is difficult for him to clarify this kind of thing, otherwise how should Jiang Lin see him?

He and Tantou can be safe, and they are still relying on Jiang Lin.

Although it is not easy to clarify, Chai Tou still positioned himself as the future emperor, and Young Master Chun Shisan wanted to be the queen, which made him happy.

Therefore, Chai Tou wanted to find an opportunity to express himself. First, he would cultivate a relationship with Young Master Chun Shisan. Later, when he became an emperor, he would directly incorporate Young Master Chun Shisan into the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard.

As for whether he would take Jiang Lin's love with a knife, Chai Tou was not worried at all. Jiang Lin would beat Chun Thirteen at every turn, and he was not a man interested in women at all.

Tantou felt a little dry for a while after hearing what his brother said.

After that, the two brothers went into the hot springs shirtless.

As for Jiang Lin, he had long been thinking about it in the spring. During the day, Lan Ling left temporarily, it should be to report the situation to the high priest, so he still needs to think about the next thing.

However, at this moment, he felt that something was wrong with the warm water in the hot spring. The clear water in it actually caused another sign of yin and yang repulsion in his body.

How is this going?

Jiang Lin frowned. Although the external environment is still chaotic, his body has developed some resistance since this time. As long as the moon is not close to the full moon, it should not let him have such a situation. .

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin plunged into the water and dived towards the bottom of the water.

He wanted to find out what was going on.

Up to now, he has not found the reason why the environment of the Thousand Machines Nation will be chaotic between Yin and Yang.

He couldn't figure out the reason for the abnormality in the entire Thousand Machine Nation in a high-level way, but if he only probed one hot spring, he might gain something.

Based on this, Jiang Lin felt that he might not be able to figure out the reason.

If he finds the root cause, he can use what he has learned to avoid or isolate such influence.

This will be of great help to the battles he may have to fight in the future.

After diving to the bottom of the water dozens of meters, Jiang Lin gradually began to grope to find out where the invisible force that affected him came from.

Not long after, Jiang Lin found a huge boulder of [*] jin at the bottom of the spring. After swimming over, Jiang Lin moved the boulder away and found a passage.

This hot spring actually had another source, and the force that caused the repulsion of yin and yang in his body was leaked from this channel.

Jiang Lin didn't make any more measurements, and just got into it like a swimming fish.

After continuing to dive for a distance of nearly a hundred meters, Jiang Lin reached the bottom of the passage. The passage at this depth was no longer straight up and down, but became horizontal.

Jiang Lin did not continue to explore because he had already found the reason.

It's geomagnetism!

Jiang Lin never thought that the spring water of this hot spring had an effect on him because there was a problem with the geomagnetic field below a hundred meters.

Could it be that the reason why this country of thousands of machines is showing the root cause of yin and yang rebellion is because the geomagnetism under the country has changed?

Jiang Lin suddenly had such an association. After he came to this Thousand Machines Country, he didn't dig into the ground like a pangolin. Naturally, he never thought that there was a problem with the underground magnetic field here.

If it is geomagnetic, it is more troublesome.

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and pressed his eyebrows. After that, he didn't spend time thinking here, so he let his body float up, otherwise Chai Tou and Tantou wouldn't know what happened to him.

When Jiang Lin surfaced, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao just came out of their tents, but what surprised Chaitou and the others was that they had no luck.

The two girls invariably wrapped a thin blanket around them, similar to a bath towel.

Jiang Lin wiped the water stains on his face, looked over, and raised his brows slightly. Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao, who were wrapped in bath towels, were really curvaceous.

Chapter [*] This man is so reassuring (Part [*])

"Yo, you are still learning from me, why do you avoid it?"

Chun Shisan glanced at Lan Ling and curled her lips. She wanted to be someone's queen now, so naturally she couldn't let other men's eyes take advantage of her.

Moreover, in the past, she was not like today, soaking in a pool with men, even if she did not want to be a queen, she would not let go like other women.

But Lan Ling is just like her, wrapped so tightly, the thin blanket covers her collarbone and goes below her knees, why is she so reserved?

"It's up to you?"

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