Lan Ling rolled her eyes, you can wrap up like that, why can't I?

It's like how shameless I am.

In fact, Lan Ling really didn't mean to learn from Chun Shisan. In this country of thousands of machines, although women are superior to men, some inherent cognitions and some things cannot be changed.

It is more typical that men still like to see beautiful women even in such an environment. The law does not allow them, but it does not mean that they do not want to see them.

Feast for the eyes and taking advantage of this kind of thing, is basically still related to men.

So, how could Lan Ling let Chai Tou and the others' eyes light up casually, what did she do with two irrelevant men when she had nothing to do?

Other women don't mind, it doesn't mean she doesn't mind.

Then, just as the two girls were about to wade into the water, Chai Tou, who was disappointed, greeted the young master Chun Shisan, and said, "Boss, do you want me to help you rub your back? I'm very good at taking care of people. Oh, and if you have any requirements, you can order it, boss."

When Chun Shisan Shao looked at Chai Tou, a sense of disgust appeared in his heart. Chai Tou's current attitude was no different from those sold bells in the city.

Thinking of bells, Young Master Chun Shisan couldn't help but think of Jiang Lin. At first, she just wanted to catch Jiang Lin and sell it to Doman to make bells.

Thinking of the scene where Jiang Lin rubbed Doman's back and splashed in the water, Young Master Chun Shisan felt like he wanted to vomit.

However, after replacing the imaginary object Doman with himself, a small smile appeared on Chun Shisan's face.

"Who let you soak in it?"

After regaining his senses from thinking about what was wrong, Young Master Chun Shisan frowned, and Chaitou and Tantou went into the water one step ahead of them.

Wouldn't this place become their bath water?

In fact, this hot spring area is relatively large, and it won't turn into a bathing water like Chun Shisan Shao said, but she just felt that it should be repulsed.

Jiang Lin soaked in it and let her go into the water. She didn't feel anything yet, but these two useless brothers actually went into the water.

"Boss, you said it, take a dip to relieve fatigue, boss, you don't have to be polite to me, my craft is very good."

Chai Tou continued to be courteous, and his heart was filled with joy, thinking that Young Master Chun Shisan smiled just because of him.

However, what responded to him was that Young Master Chun Shisan grabbed his hair, dragged him to the shore, and beat him violently.

"I said taking a bath to relieve fatigue, you two are so fast? How can you let us go into the water? Is it dirty? It also looks like a cheap bell. It makes me sick. Who gave you the courage to go into the water first!"

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. In the end, not only was he punched, but he also kicked, and even the charcoal head suffered together.

Lan Ling also agreed and kicked a few times as well.

These two were funny, but they didn't enjoy it, and they were beaten badly.

Even if they were beaten, they argued that it was Jiang Lin who drank the water first. At most, they would follow suit. However, what Young Master Chun Shisan responded to them was that Jiang Lin's bathing water was fine, and theirs was not.


What Chun Shisan Shao said was what she said in her heart. She really wouldn't mind if it was just Jianglin going into the water, but these two brothers couldn't.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin really couldn't stand it anymore. Now that he was almost at his destination, if Chaitou and the other two brothers continued to be beaten like this, they would be beaten to death, maybe they would not be able to play a role at a critical time.

Therefore, he mentioned that there should be a hot spring not far away. After all, he just discovered a passage underwater. According to his speculation, it should be in the shape of a "U". Therefore, such hot springs are mostly Comes in pairs.

Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling then stopped and went to the direction indicated by Jiang Lin. Sure enough, there was indeed a piece of clean water there.

"How does the fist feel?"

Jiang Lin Tashui passed by Chaitou and laughed. These two funny brothers were both frightened by the sudden appearance of the red eagle before, and now they don't think about how to go and how to stay safe. When I got the Divine Sword, I still wanted to enjoy my eyes beautifully.

That's it, can you also add royal luck?

How outrageous.

Getting beaten up is really worth it.

After returning to his tent, Jiang Lin pondered, if the environment of Qianji Nation was really caused by geomagnetic aberrations, then it was impossible for the Queen to not know about it.

After all, in a country, there are always institutions like Sitianjian and Yudisi.

And if it was this kind of geomagnetism that caused Qianji Nation to present a state of yin and yang reversal and yin and yang decline, it could be said to be the foundation of the Queen's nation.

Therefore, Jiang Lin speculated that the situation in Huadu is likely to be the epitome of the waterway at the bottom of the hot spring.

Of course, this is just Jiang Lin's guess, but in order to prevent it from happening, he also needs to make more assumptions.

I would rather do some useless work than cramming for a while.

While Jiang Lin was concentrating on thinking, the relieved young master Chun Shisan started chatting with Lan Ling in the spring.

"It's really bad luck, those two idiots, no matter how I look at it, it's not pleasing to the eye, or else I won't even have a chance to clean it up."

Afterwards, Young Master Chun Shisan smiled slightly and continued to say to Lan Ling: "Do you know why I proposed to go to the hot spring to relieve fatigue? I actually want to confirm the identity of the queen tonight. After going back for a while, I'll go directly to Jiang Lin."

"You don't, do you?"

The corner of Lan Ling's mouth twitched. It turned out that Young Master Chun Shisan suggested taking a bath because he wanted to sleep with Jiang Lin tonight.Let's talk about the cave first.

"It has nothing to do with you anyway, right?"

Young Master Chun Shisan showed her white teeth and laughed. In fact, she was just teasing Lan Ling. She really wanted to let her spend the night with Jiang Lin now, but she didn't want to.

After all, she is also a cultivator, and she still values ​​her own yin. She has handled so many bells, and there are many handsome men, and she has never made her think, not even made her emotional. .

Even if Jiang Lin really loves her, she has to get along with each other for a while before thinking about further development.

Now, her real intention is to let Jiang Lin know her intentions and let Jiang Lin know that she is attracted to her.

"Whatever you want."

Although Lan Ling responded like this, she felt uncomfortable in her heart for no reason, and said, "Jiang Lin may not be willing. Maybe your previous thoughts were all your wishful thinking."

Young Master Chun Shisan shrugged and said, "What if he doesn't want to, to tell you the truth, I obeyed when he yelled at me before, because I was punched by him a few days ago. Chuang, spiritual power can't work. Now, do I still need his approval?"

Chapter [-] This man is so reassuring (below)

Young Master Chun Shisan raised his eyebrows at Lan Ling, she didn't need Jiang Lin's willingness at all, as long as she wanted to.

Lan Ling's lips moved slightly, but she didn't say anything.

There is nothing wrong with what Chun Shisan said.

Don't look at what Jiang Lin said. In a situation of extreme anger, he could use a sliding shovel to give the tiger a heart and lungs, but under normal circumstances, as long as he was careful, Jiang Lin would not be able to turn any waves at all.

Whether it's Chun Shisan or her or today's Red Eagle, they can pinch Jiang Lin like a chicken.

Chun Shisan Shao suffered abdominal pain for several days after being punched by Jiang Lin, and the corners of Hong Jiu's mouth stabbed by Jiang Lin's iron fist bleeds, all of which they did not expect to happen at all.

This kind of thing must be one or two.

Of course, these are all Lan Ling's temporary cognitions.

Therefore, in Lan Ling's view, if Young Master Chun Shisan is strong, then Jiang Lin will have nothing to do, no matter how angry he is. Young Master Chun Shisan has suffered a loss once, but he will not suffer a second time.

In other words, Jiang Lin obediently lost his life and it was over.

"Why don't you talk? Everyone is a woman. If you like it, you like it. If you are interested in others, it is interesting. Do you need to cover it up? Besides, if Jiang Lin is really the Emperor Star, then the three palaces and six courtyards behind will be sure. Yes, I don't expect him to only want me. If you want to be a concubine, I won't lose any meat."

The younger Chun Shisan said, the more energetic she was. In fact, she didn't have any substantial evidence that Lan Ling had feelings for Jiang Lin, but her intuition as a woman believed that Lan Ling's attitude towards Jiang Lin was different from that of ordinary men. .

"The twisted melon is not sweet. Since you think he is the Emperor Star, if you treat him like this, if he becomes the emperor in the future, will you be the queen?"

Lan Ling talked about him from left to right, but did not respond directly to what Chun Shisan Shao said.

"It doesn't matter if it's sweet or not, as long as it's fragrant. Let me tell you, I've never been cheap to a man. This is the first time I'm tempted. If he tastes the sweetness, he might not want to leave me. . He is a soft-hearted man, and I will be gentle and obedient to him in the future, and we will be sweet and sweet, killing you both."

Chun Shisan Shao smiled and dived into the water, ready to go ashore to find Jiang Lin.

"No face, no skin, no girl's restraint at all."

After the Spring Thirteenth Young Master traveled far, Lan Ling felt full of discomfort. This kind of discomfort was as if the candied fruit she loved most when she was a child was snatched away by the red vulture and took a bite.

After that, Lan Ling also swam to the shore, and she was not in the mood to soak in it.

Back at the Anza tent, Lan Ling saw that Young Master Chun Shisan had changed into new clothes and walked towards Jiang Lin's tent.

Out of sight out of mind.

Lan Ling took a wine bag from the resting place and sat on a boulder, sipping it one by one.


Young Master Chun Shisan opened Jiang Lin's curtain and called out to Jiang Lin, whose eyes were slightly dim.


Jiang Lin opened his eyes and looked at the Thirteenth Young Master Chun, with a smile on his face.

The kind that hides a knife in a smile.

Just now, he just thought of a way to reduce or avoid the impact of geomagnetism on him.

Then there is no more then.

He was interrupted by Chun Shisan Shao again and again!

"Tonight, I... I'm going to sleep with you."

Chun Shisan Shao fluttered his damp hair, with a charming face, and looked at Jiang Lin with affectionate eyes.

She didn't want Jiang Lin to treat her with the same attitude as before. Now that she has expressed her intentions, Jiang Lin doesn't need to be maverick to attract her attention.

Treat me well and pamper me well in the future, then I am willing to regard you as my master, and everything depends on you.

"Sleep with me???"

In order to prove that he heard it right, Jiang Lin confirmed it to the Thirteenth Young Master Chun.

After asking, he laughed.

You girl, you are a pure human resource. You always give me trouble on the road, and you disturb me again and again to think about serious things. Now you actually want to sleep with me.

How to do?

What should I do with such a girl?

Why is there no Baidu in this Daluo Xianjie, let me have a look at Baidu.

Don't need Baidu anymore, this girl definitely has five elements in her life.

Five elements owe play.

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