"Come here, come here, let me hurt you so much."

Jiang Lin hooked his fingers at Chun Shisan Shao, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

However, at this moment, the prehistoric power in his body could no longer be suppressed.

Want to hit someone.

With a shy look on his face, Chun Shisan Shao walked towards Jiang Lin and saw the candles in the tent. Chun Shisan Shao glanced outside again and found that Lan Ling's eyes were on her and Jiang Lin's side. .

So, she pouted and let the shadows of herself and Jiang Lin cast on the tent.

If people outside only looked at the shadow, they would think that she went with Jiang Lin to kiss.

Lan Ling saw the shadow on Jianglin's tent and took a gulp of wine. However, the next moment, she heard the sound of punching sandbags.

Fast, very fast.

What a quick fist.

Inside the tent, Jiang Lin had already unleashed his own prehistoric power -- fists and shadows swarmed.

Abdominal fists, swing fists, Japanese punches, inch strength fists, half-step collapse fists, a complete set of punches all hit Chun Shisan Shao's soft lower abdomen.

Use this girl as a sandbag.

"I'm blown away!"

A set of punches, Chun Shisan Shao bowed his waist, Jiang Lin used the iron knee top in Muay Thai to finish the end, and directly knocked Chun Shisan Shao out.

Before Lan Ling outside could realize what was going on, she saw Young Master Chun Shisan fly upside down from Jiang Lin's tent.

Then hang the tree directly.

"If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, come to me to make a fuss, and I beat your parents who don't even know you."

Jiang Lin walked to the tent, clenched his fists, and said that he was unlucky, then he turned around and entered the tent.

I don't know if the thoughts interrupted by Chun Shisan Shao just now can be reconnected.

Lan Ling on the boulder was stunned for a while, then laughed and choked on the drink in his mouth.


Looking at the sobbing young Chun Shisan hanging on the branch, Lan Ling couldn't bear it any longer, and burst into laughter.

How did you hang the tree?

Didn't you say that the identity of the queen was confirmed tonight?

It doesn't mean that it doesn't matter whether Jiang Lin is willing or not, you can do it?

He also said that a strong twisted melon is not sweet, just fragrant, you twisted other people's Jianglin, how did you twist it and run up a tree by yourself?

Lan Ling could think of what happened to Young Master Chun Shisan just now. She wanted to give herself to Jiang Lin with a sense of spring, but Jiang Lin refused to accept it. Not only did he reject it, but he also punched him hard.

Jiang Lin's fists are probably not too light, they should be similar to when he beat the Red Eagle, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to beat the cultivator Chun Shisan Shao to tears.

"Just took a bath, it's really comfortable, go to sleep."

Lan Ling doesn't drink anymore, she is very happy now.

Before, she thought that Jiang Lin would definitely not be able to beat Chun Shisan Shao, and would be bridal chambered.

But now, she realized that she was thinking too much.

Jiang Lin, a man, doesn't need her to worry at all.

Thinking back on this journey and Jiang Lin's performance, Lan Ling realized that she was worrying too much. This man is very reassuring.

Hongji wanted to rob people and slate, but he also kidnapped people with his beauty, and was beaten by Jiang Lin.

As for Chun Shisan, if she wanted to take the initiative to give her away, Jiang Lin had to ask her whether she wanted to or not, and as a result, she was also beaten.

Just so reassuring.

The [*]nd chapter of the escape tribe ([*])

That night, Jiang Lin and Lan Ling slept soundly, but only the three who had been beaten could not sleep through the night.

The two brothers Chaitou and Tantou were punched and kicked by Young Master Chun Shisan. The bruises on their bodies hurt when they lay down. As for Young Master Chun Shisan, who was beaten by Jiang Lin, after returning to his tent, he cried until midnight before falling asleep. go.

Apart from crying, Young Master Chun Shisan had nothing to do. The golden pill in her body was beaten by Jiang Lin again, and now she has once again become a little girl who Jiang Lin can use at will.

Jiang Lin punched so many punches in her abdomen, and another punch affected her golden core.

What a coincidence again!

Let Jiang Lin do whatever he wants, but Young Master Chun Shisan still feels nothing, after all, she originally planned to obey Jiang Lin in everything.

But what she couldn't accept was that Jiang Lin didn't like her at all. She sent herself over to give Jiang Lin a warm bed, but Jiang Lin beat her up.

It wasn't that she didn't prevent Jiang Lin from punching her hard, but Jiang Lin punched her too fast.

Moreover, before throwing the punch, Jiang Lin told her to hurt her well. At that time, she was shy and happy. As a result, she was really hurt, and the stomach hurt from the iron fist.

Sad, sad, uncomfortable, want to cry.

Young Master Chun Shisan was so aggrieved that he cried even in his dreams.

On the morning of the day, Jiang Lin and the others set off early at dawn, and seized the time to head towards the ghost town indicated by Shiban.

On the way, Jiang Lin saw that Young Master Chun Shisan was wronged just like a little girl, so he gave her a candy at the right time, and asked her to do her best in the next time. If he became emperor, he would reward her for a thousand miles. Fertile soil or city, let her be the lord of the city.

Chun Shisan's mood was a little better now, but she didn't know that even if she worked hard, she couldn't get anything.

Knowing that he wanted to be the queen was out of the question, Young Master Chun Shisan felt that it was acceptable to get a city lord to do it, so he was more attentive.

Therefore, this girl was ordered by Jiang Lin as a maid again, either serving him tea and pouring water, or giving him a massage and pinching his shoulders.

Two days later, Jiang Lin and the others went through mountains and mountains, wading through mountains and rivers, even detouring around a moat, and after several turns in the caves in the mountain, they arrived at a high mountain according to the diagram of the slate.

Jiang Lin looked down, and in front of it was the ghost town area indicated by the stone slab. From Lan Ling, he heard a legend that when the old country was destroyed, more than tens of thousands of soldiers committed suicide to protect the old country, which almost did not exist. .

The place where the sergeants committed suicide is the Qianjun Tomb.

It's just that no one knows where such a place is. The Queen also sent someone to look for it, but nothing came of it.

"Be careful of each one, the clouds and miasmas are all over the place, and this trip may not be smooth."

Jiang Lin reminded, and Bento stepped down the mountain first.

Then Lan Ling and the others followed immediately and entered the scope of the ghost town.

How is this going?

How can the geomagnetism be so strong?

The more Jiang Lin moved forward, the more uncomfortable he felt, especially his mental thoughts were greatly disturbed.

Even hallucinations or auditory hallucinations occur every once in a while.

Jiang Lin observed Lan Ling and Chun Shisan, but these two girls didn't seem to be affected much.

Could it be the reason for acclimatization?

Jiang Lin couldn't help but wonder, his mind strength was much stronger than Lan Ling and the others, but these two girls didn't seem to be affected by the geomagnetism here, so were Chai Tou and Tantou, which made him only guess. It was because he was not a native of Qianji Nation.

However, even if Lan Ling and the others were affected very little, it was not entirely without them. Not long after entering the miasma and cloud haze, they lost their way.

Not only the two of them, even Jiang Lin couldn't find Bei.

While Lan Ling and the others were looking for their way, Jiang Lin temporarily left on the grounds of pampering.

Even he lost his way in this area, and the Red Eagle, who had been following behind, was probably the same.

This ghost town in the Thousand Machines Country makes him a little unpredictable. In order to prevent any accidents from happening to the Red Eagle, he needs to leave the god general on his body and send a message to the Red Eagle, so that he can protect himself. Just look for their whereabouts from the markers he made along the way.

After recording his own situation in the sound transmission, Jiang Lin left the god general Tudou and Chunyin behind, and then went back to join Lan Ling and the others, and continued to find the location of Qianjun Tomb.

"Did you hear anything from the ground?"

Because his thoughts were disturbed by geomagnetism, Jiang Lin wasn't sure if the slight movements he heard a few times before were hallucinations, so he asked Lan Ling and Chun Shisan who were beside him.


Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao shook their heads, they didn't hear any strange sound or movement.

"That might be me being suspicious."

Jiang Lin tapped on his temples and continued to advance with Lan Ling and the others.

Not long after Jiang Lin and the others left, the place they had just passed trembled. After a while, a tornado made of sand and gravel emerged from the ground, and some surrounding trees and wild grasses were swept away. Wrapped in a sandstone tornado, it was sucked into the cave.

Chapter [*] The Dundi Clan (Part [*])

After half a day, Jiang Lin, who was groping for the direction in the dense forest, was stunned because they collided with the red eagle.

Red Eagle and his team just got out of the jungle and appeared in front of them.

Wife, what's the matter?

Aren't you supposed to be following us?

How did you get ahead of us?

Such a meeting made Jiang Lin stunned for a moment.

Hongjiu was also confused. She didn't expect that she would meet Jiang Lin and the others.

Originally, after she received the message left by Jiang Lin, she followed the mark left by Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin's mark was cut off for no reason.

The reason why the mark left by Jiang Lin disappeared is because the sound he heard from the ground before was not an auditory hallucination. In the underground around this ghost town, there are a lot of people living in the underground. The Dundi people are gone.

Without the guidance of the marker, and the miasma and fog here are quite thick, the red eagle also inevitably lost her direction. After missing a marker, she could no longer feel the route of Jiang Lin and the others. As a result, she and her team searched randomly in the jungle and ran in front of Jianglin and them.

"Hand over the slate!"

After Red Eagle reacted, he immediately drank and blew his bone whistle.

Although she met Jiang Lin again by accident, she couldn't recognize Jiang Lin, so she let her team do it, planning to chase Jiang Lin and them for a distance, and then continue to follow.

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