But just as Lan Ling, Chun Shisan Shao and others were preparing to defend against the enemy, the ground shook, the ground also exploded, and the dust splashed, revealing holes in the ground.

After that, countless sand and stones gathered together to form a sand and stone tornado, which rolled directly towards the humanoid wolf monster behind the red eagle.

These humanoid wolf monsters were dragged by the sand and stone tornado into the exploding hole, and they were smashed into powder in an instant.

This is……

Seeing this, Jiang Lin frowned. He was very familiar with this sandstone tornado. When Red Eagle chased him with the Twilight Clock, he wanted to cut off Red Eagle's head recklessly, but at that time There was a strange group of flying sand, which also drilled out of the ground, very similar to the current sand tornado.

Before Jiang Lin could think about it, multiple invisible forces poured out from the many holes, covering the surroundings and landing on Jiang Lin.

The spiritual power and corpse poison in Jiang Lin's body were subjected to the strong geomagnetic impact, and a situation of fighting suddenly appeared.

The yin and yang in the body collided, and Jiang Lin's body made a heavy explosion in an instant, and Jiang Lin also spat out a mouthful of blood, and his head was dizzy.

When Hongjiu saw Jiang Lin suddenly vomiting blood, her heart tightened, and she immediately contacted the message Jiang Lin had left her before.

There seems to be a strong geomagnetism here, which will cause the yin and yang in Jiang Lin's body to repel each other.

Knowing this situation, Hong Ji rushed over immediately, dragged Jiang Lin and ran into the distance.

Just now, she also felt a force escaping from the underground hole. It should be the geomagnetism that Jiang Lin said. If Jiang Lin is not taken away from this area, the situation will be very unsatisfactory.

Hongjiu knew Jiang Lin's physical condition. Back then, she used the morning and evening clock to make Jiang Lin avoid the battle again and again. When the morning and evening clock exploded, Jiang Lin even sprayed blood.

Now that she had become Jiang Lin's woman, she naturally couldn't see her man hurt like that again.

Moreover, the geomagnetism here has a greater impact on Jiang Lin, causing Jiang Lin to experience auditory hallucinations.

All this information, Jiang Lin told her in the oral letter, so that she must pay attention to her own safety and take more precautions.

"Let him go!"

When Lan Ling was dodging the sand and stone tornado, she was also shocked when she saw Jiang Lin suddenly vomiting blood. Anxiety turned into anger.

As soon as he grabbed it, Lan Ling chased the Red Eagle. As for Young Master Chun Shisan and Chaitou Tantou, they also fled in all directions, daring not to be touched by the sandstone tornado.

The red eagle pulled Jiang Lin to gallop, and as soon as he ran a few dozen meters away, his feet were suddenly empty, and the entire ground collapsed.

And her body also fell quickly because of the strong suction force of the underground giant hole.

Such a change made Hongjiu unexpected, and he let go of Jiang Lin's hand.

"Red Eagle!"

At this moment, Jiang Lin rushed over and grabbed Hong Ji's wrist with one hand. However, because of the geomagnetic force rushing up from the giant hole, it was as if firecrackers were lit inside his body.

Moreover, the spiritual power in his body was also pulled out due to the huge suction in the giant hole, gathered on the body of the red eagle, and then was stripped out of thin air.

Jiang Lin still had half of his body outside the giant cave, and the spiritual power in his body had leaked out. The situation of Red Eagle was naturally even more serious than his.

Jiang Lin wanted to pull the red eagle out of the hole, but the ground under him also became loose and sinking, causing his body to gradually slide down.

At this critical juncture, Lan Ling had already arrived. She also threw herself on the edge of the giant cave, grabbed Jiang Lin's shoulder with one hand, and shook out a bead stick with the other arm, entangling Hong Ji's forearm.

"Why do you want to save me?"

Hong Ji looked at Lan Ling, Jiang Lin was desperate not to let go, she naturally understood that she must have a place in Jiang Lin's heart now, but Lan Ling wanted to save her at this moment, which surprised her.

"Although we have different paths, we are all sisters who have grown up together since childhood. Don't talk, hurry up."

After Lan Ling responded to Hong Ji, she and Jiang Lin worked hard to pull Hong Ji out.

Originally, Jiang Lin could do such a thing himself, but at this moment, not only was his body chaotic under the influence of geomagnetism, but he was also strongly suppressed and repelled, making him unable to do whatever he wanted for a while. .

The reason for this is his corpse emperor luck.

Because of this, Jiang Lin was even more certain that the unusual geomagnetism that appeared in Qianji Nation was the foundation of the current Qianji Nation.

It has a great relationship with the national fortune of the current Qianji Kingdom, that is, the Kingdom of Heavenly Maidens.

The corpse emperor's luck on him is now oppressed and excluded by similar meteorites.

Chapter [-] The Escape Clan (Part [-])

Hong Ji's wrist was grasped by Jiang Lin's big hand, she could feel the vibration in Jiang Lin's body, and she even wondered if Jiang Lin's internal organs were all bursting because of the yin and yang battle.

"I don't need you to save me. I want to see what's under here. I, the red eagle, have a lot of luck and will never be planted here!"

As soon as Hong Jiu's arm turned, he immediately broke free from Jiang Lin's hand and shook Lan Ling's bead stick.


Jiang Lin subconsciously grabbed it towards Hong Ji. What Hong Ji said just now sounded like it was addressed to Lan Ling, but it was actually addressed to him.

Hongjiu knew that the power of geomagnetism gushing out of the void was not good for Jiang Lin, so he wanted to investigate. If the environment in which the geomagnetism was formed could be destroyed, Jiang Lin would no longer be affected.

However, Jiang Lin would definitely not agree with Hongji doing this.

The sand and stone tornado that appeared today, even Jiang Lin didn't see anything ugly, so why would the Red Eagle take the risk to investigate.

But at this time, the red eagle had already pulled out the bow knife from his waist, and ejected half of the stringed bow knife, stabbing Jiang Lin in the eyes.

Jiang Lin subconsciously pulled his hand to block, and the Red Eagle completely fell.

During the fall of the red vulture, her beautiful eyes looked at Jiang Lin with love, and her lips moved slightly, conveying a message to Jiang Lin: I love you.

After the red eagle disappeared, the huge suction force in the void disappeared.

Jiang Lin immediately stretched out his hand and opened the plain hand that Lan Ling was holding on his shoulder. Although there were many immortal treasures and many life-saving means on Hongjiu's body, no one knew what was at the bottom of this giant hole. He went down hastily, not knowing how many unknown dangers he would encounter, but he was not at all relieved.

Therefore, Jiang Lin is also ready to rush down, even if he is suspected by Lan Ling, he can't take care of it. as well as achieve his purpose.

As for his own physical condition, even if it continues to deteriorate, Jiang Lin is ready to take it hard.

He didn't believe that he really couldn't get up on this alien geomagnetism.

However, before Jiang Lin took any action, the ground on which he and Lan Ling were standing suddenly collapsed, and the two of them were also pulled down by the tearing force that reappeared below.

After Jiang Lin and Lan Ling fell, they fell into an underground cave not long after, and the two of them kept sliding passively in the cave.

During this process, Jiang Lin was still affected by the geomagnetism. Fortunately, the Zhanmin wearing on his neck also sensed the strong geomagnetism at this time. At the same time, Zhanmin also sensed Jiang Lin because he was close to Jiang Lin's skin. situation in the body.

As a result, Zhanmin released the golden spiritual energy in his body and formed a metallic spiritual energy network on Jiang Lin's body surface, which achieved a certain shielding effect, which made Jiang Lin's headache improve.

"Little darling, go to sleep in peace, my husband is fine."

Jiang Lin touched the little gold pendant on his neck and kissed it on his lips.With the golden spirit energy sent by Zhan Min, the influence of the surrounding geomagnetism on him has also been greatly reduced.

I don't know how long they slid in the cave before Lan Ling and Jiang Lin landed again.

"where is this?"

After Lan Ling got up, she groped around with both hands. Although there was a small amount of luminous amethyst in this underground space, she did not have the ability to see at night.

Jiang Lin also stood up, biting the tip of his tongue to force himself to wake up a bit.

"It is estimated that step by step is dangerous here. Do you know what the sand and stones that appeared before are?"

After scanning around, Jiang Lin found that his night vision ability was greatly affected in this underground space, so he wanted to get some information from Lan Ling first.

If it was just a normal evil, he wouldn't be too worried, but if those sandstone tornadoes were related to the geomagnetism that appeared before, then he really had a headache.

What Jiang Lin is worried about now is that the previous monsters can mobilize the power of geomagnetism. In this way, what he has to face is equivalent to the original Red Eagle, shaking the morning and evening bell to deal with his Red Eagle.

Even if he now has a spiritual power net on his body, which has a certain shielding effect, it cannot completely isolate the geomagnetism.

"I don't know, but it seems that that method belongs to the Dundi clan who have been extinct for a long time."

Lan Ling shook her head. She didn't know what the things that appeared in the underground around the ghost town this time, but based on what she had seen and heard, these methods were like the Dundi tribe, a rare group that once appeared in the Thousand Machines Country. Talented.

However, Lan Ling was not able to provide any more information, so Jiang Lin didn't ask any more questions. Now it's only the soldiers who come to block the water and the soil.

At this moment, a voice similar to a ghost crying suddenly appeared in the dark front, and then a pair of red lights similar to eyes appeared.

"Ghost, ghost! This ghost town really has ghosts!"

Lan Ling heard this movement, looked at the source of the sound again, and suddenly screamed.

After that, she hugged Jiang Lin tightly, buried her face in his arms, and didn't even dare to open her eyes.

Jiang Lin was speechless for a while. This Lan Ling, whose cultivation base has reached the golden core level, is not an ordinary cultivator, yet he is still afraid of ghosts.

A female cultivator like you is basically a ghost!

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin squinted and looked forward. At this time, there was no longer a pair of red lights like eyes, but a large area not far ahead.

A group of creatures with human-shaped silhouettes are approaching him and Lan Ling.

Jiang Lin took a deep breath and speculated that [-]% of the things that appeared on the ground were related to these creatures.

What is outrageous is that these things, even if they are single, are not weak in the fluctuation of spiritual power.

Afterwards, these humanoid creatures rushed towards Jiang Lin and the others in groups.

One after another howling erupted from the mouths of these guys, and the small amount of halite embedded in the surrounding stone walls also became much brighter because of these sound waves.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Lin was ready to fight. The abilities of these humanoid creatures were so strange that Lan Ling alone would not be able to deal with them.

However, what Jiang Lin could not have imagined was that the group of humanoid creatures on the opposite side did not attack him and Lan Ling, but hugged each other in pairs.

"You're holding it wrong. Be like her."

Then, these humanoid creatures were still talking, pointing at Lan Ling holding Jiang Lin, correcting each other's companions.

What is this scenario?

Are these guys human?

Also imitating Lan Ling?

Jiang Lin couldn't understand it for a while, but he also guessed that the primates on the opposite side were most likely the Dundi clansmen mentioned by Lan Ling.

However, judging from the current situation, these Dundi clansmen seem to have no ill will towards them.

Then how to explain what happened on the ground before?

Chapter [-] Happy to mention a Jiang family army (on)

At this time, Lan Ling heard the human voice, so she lifted her face from Jiang Lin's arms and looked forward.

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