Seeing that the humanoid creatures on the opposite side are real living creatures, Lan Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

It wasn't a ghost.

"They...are they human?"

Lan Ling’s brows frowned slightly. These living creatures were covered with stone-skin-like cloaks, and half of their faces were covered. Only a pair of big red eyes with copper bells and the lower half of their faces were exposed, and the teeth in their mouths were also the same. Hound-like, from these characteristics, these living creatures do not look like people.

So, Lan Ling turned her face and asked Jiang Lin, but this turned her face, she almost kissed Jiang Lin's face.

The pretty face immediately turned red, and Lan Ling realized that she had been holding Jiang Lin from just now until now, so she pushed Jiang Lin away.

And the weirdo who hugged each other across from them also imitated Lan Ling to push their partner away.

Jiang Lin didn't care that he was pushed by Lan Ling. He looked at the creature on the opposite side and asked tentatively, "Are you humans? Are you from the Dundi tribe?"

One of the tall men jumped forward like a monkey and said, "That's right, we are... the Dundi tribe, hee hee hee..."

Throwing off the stone skin cloak on his body, the sturdy Dundi clansman said again: "We Dundi clansmen are the best at imitating, if you fight and kill, we will fight and kill, if you hug, we will hug Together. You laugh, we laugh, you cry, we cry. I am the leader of the Dundi clan now, Palu."

After he finished speaking, Palu imitated Jiang Lin's appearance, frowning slightly and thinking.

At this time, Jiang Lin was really thinking, these dungeon clansmen seem to have some... brains are not good.

Moreover, if what this Dundi clan leader said is true, then attacking them on it before may be because they and the people brought by the Red Eagle were fighting each other.

Thinking back for a while, Jiang Lin recalled the last time he and Hongjiu killed each other. The people who suddenly appeared at that time might have been from the Dundi clan, and those guys attacked him and Hongjiu because of him and Hongjie. The two Red Eagles were killing each other.

Some people were fighting each other, so the Dundi people also went up to fight.

There is something to learn.

The reason why Jiang Lin made such an inference is because he has not sensed any murderous intent or malice from the dungeon clansmen on the opposite side.

In order to confirm his guess, Jiang Lin walked to Lan Ling's side and took her in his arms.

And the Dundi clansmen who had spread out really learned from him and hugged their companions again. The leader Palu also retreated and found a female comrade to hold him in his arms.

"You...what are you doing!"

Lan Ling was suddenly held in Jiang Lin's arms and struggled immediately.

"Don't move, these guys shouldn't be malicious to us, it's best not to conflict with them. Their emotions seem to fluctuate with the performance of outsiders, and they like to imitate other people's behavior, try it first, and then give it to me Smile and pretend to be good, otherwise, you can single out a group of them."

Because the brain circuits of these escaping clansmen seem to be abnormal, Jiang Lin is not sure if he will leave now, whether it will anger the other party and be blocked, so he wants to try if he can make these escaping clansmen happy. Get up, in short, it is best not to hinder him from looking for Red Eagle.

If conflicts can be avoided, Jiang Lin is not willing to engage in these dungeon clansmen for no reason.

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Lan Ling looked at the nearly [-] Dundi clansmen on the opposite side, and a reluctant smile appeared on her face.

Afterwards, the Dundi clansmen on the opposite side, as expected, followed suit and laughed, but they didn't laugh.

"You're laughing so ugly. Are you at a disadvantage when you are hugged by me? It's not like you haven't hugged you before."

As he spoke, Jiang Lin reached out and stroked Lan Ling's hair, and pinched his other palm on Lan Ling's apple muscle.


Although Lan Ling was very reluctant in her heart, she forced herself to smile more truthfully.

"Hehe...haha...oh ho ho ho..."

Afterwards, the group of Dundi people laughed out loud, as if they were dancing a bonfire party in front of Jiang Lin and the others.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin wanted to take Lan Ling to take the opportunity to leave, but at this time Palu danced all the way to them and invited them to dance together.

"Follow them first."

Before Jiang Lin could respond, Lan Ling pulled him and ran over.

Just now Jiang Lin guessed that the emotions of these Dundi people would fluctuate due to the performance of outsiders, and it has now come true. However, this also shows that the Dundi people are moody, and Lan Ling wants to keep the Dundi people in this state. .

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, but he didn't break Lan Ling's hand. It is estimated that there is not only this space under the ground, but also many intertwined burrows. He wants to find Hong Ling in a short time, but it may not be so. easy.

If this is the case, then he will use another method to temporarily ensure the safety of Red Eagle.

After that, Jiang Lin and Lan Ling danced awkwardly together in the crowd of the Dundi people.

Jiang Lin doesn't know how to dance at all, but let him imitate singing and dancing rap and dribbling basketball in the void, and he can still imitate it a little.

The funny thing is that the surrounding Dundi clansmen actually learned from him, and they still enjoy it.

"You dance really ugly, not as good as a monkey."

"It's like you can dance, you can't even twist your waist and twist your butt."

Jiang Lin gave Lan Ling a roll of eyes. He didn't intend to stay any longer. It was Lan Ling who pulled him over, and now he said that his dancing was ugly.

I'm a big man, what kind of dance do you want to dance? Isn't it good to play a set of military boxing when you have time?

At this time, Palu, who was dancing like a disc, came to Jiang Lin and laughed. Jiang Lin didn't know what this joke was, anyway, it was just that the brain circuit was abnormal.

"Palu, don't you have any other clansmen? Let's share the joy and let them all come over."


Palu nodded again and again, and then made a high-pitched whistle, summoning all the clansmen to gather in the open space here.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief. Under the ground, there should be a lot of Escape Clan people. If the Red Eagle encounters any danger, it is most likely to encounter these strange people.

Now that he asks Palu to summon all the Dundi tribesmen, the safety factor of Red Eagle will be much higher.

It didn't take long for hundreds of Dundi clansmen to gather, and they didn't think about the reason when they saw their companions hilariously in the open space.

"Friends, we are very happy."

About half an hour later, the Dundi people were almost tired, and the leader Palu became very kind to Jiang Lin and the others, and called Jiang Lin a friend.

Chapter [-] Xi mentions a Jiang family army (middle)

"Just be happy."

Jiang Lin also smiled slightly. Now if he and Lan Ling wanted to leave, they probably wouldn't be stopped. Moreover, all the Dundi clansmen gathered here. Hey now, some of them are yawning, and for a short time. It shouldn't be wandering around, so the safety of Red Eagle is naturally guaranteed.

At the same time, this move also bought him time to find the Red Eagle.

"Friend, you seem to be injured. You are a friend of our Dundi tribe. I will help you heal your injury."

Palu opened his hands and aimed at Jiang Lin as he spoke, and an invisible force was released from his palms.

Sure enough, it can mobilize the geomagnetism!

Jiang Lin was shocked when he saw this. If he chose to fight against these dungeon clansmen just now, even if his hard power was very strong, he would have to pay a big price.

The influence of the different geomagnetism in the ground on him is even more obvious than the effect of the morning and evening clock held by the red eagle.It was only because the surrounding environment did not show that the yin and yang were fighting, that the problems in his body were not as serious as before.

After that, Jiang Lin wanted to use the spiritual power in his body to resist. The reason why chaos appeared in his body again was because of the influence of geomagnetism. Now if Palu released geomagnetism at his internal organs, wouldn't it make him worse?

However, to Jiang Lin's surprise, the spiritual power in his body hadn't worked much, and the injuries on his internal organs began to improve.

Magnetic...magnetic therapy?

The expression on Jiang Lin's face was quite surprised. Although the leader of the Dundi clan used magnetic force, it was not the kind of alien geomagnetism that could affect the yin and yang in his body, but a magnetic field that could have a healing effect.

Moreover, the effect of the recuperation is surprisingly good, almost comparable to the effect of refining his own corpse poison before.

It's just that Jiang Lin's experience with this magnetic therapy is not just beneficial. His mental thoughts have been hit a lot, making him feel dazed.

After weighing it, Jiang Lin accepted Palu's kindness. Although this magnetic therapy has side effects, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages compared to the recovery of the internal injuries.

In the current situation, Jiang Lin also knew that he could not use immortal treasures to heal his wounds. Without external force, it would be difficult for him to fully recover before he killed the great priest.

"We have a problem. When we got here, we lost our way and couldn't even find the north. Is it because there is a problem with the underground magnetic field here?"

After most of the injuries in his internal organs had improved, Jiang Lin shook his head, suppressing his mental fatigue, and wanted to inquire about the geomagnetism here from the Dundi people.

"Yes, there is a strong magnetic field around this ghost town, and even we are suffering."

"Then are you unwilling to leave here, or can't you leave?"

Jiang Lin heard some other meanings from Palu's words. Although the brain circuits of these Dundi people are somewhat abnormal, since they can speak words, it naturally means that they are not weak, and they absolutely understand how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Since the geomagnetism around the ghost town has an impact on these dungeons, why do these guys stay here?

Hearing Jiang Lin's question, Palu showed hatred on his face and said, "Actually, we Dundi people originally lived in the grasslands on the northern edge of Qianji Kingdom, where we lived freely and freely, and we laughed whenever we wanted to. , cry if you want to cry, but the queen can't see us being so comfortable in pairs, so she raises her troops to attack us, and even captures us in the ghost town, and casts a magic trick on us, so that our family can't leave the ghost town There is no sunlight around."

The Queen found the ghost town early in the morning?

Jiang Lin couldn't help but be surprised. According to what Lan Ling had said before, the Queen had once sent someone to look for the ghost town and Qianjun Tomb, but the final result was nothing.

But now it seems that the reality is not what Lan Ling said.

Jiang Lin guessed that it wasn't that Lan Ling intended to deceive or conceal, but that the Queen did this, and not many people knew about it at all, at least not even Lan Ling and Hong Ji, who were mysterious envoys.

Even Jiang Lin suspected that even the high priest might not know that the Queen had already found the ghost town.

If this is really the case, the queen of Qianji Nation is hidden deeply.

The queen knew early in the morning that there was a divine sword condensed from the fortunes of the old country in the Qianjun Tomb, and she found it, and did not let outsiders know if she found it. What did she want to do?

If someone wants to threaten the queen's rule and want to restore the country, they will look for the power left over from the old country.

And since the Queen found Qianjun Tomb first, wouldn't she have no means to stay?

"What did the Queen arrest you for here?"

Lan Ling also realized such a question, and asked her doubts in her heart.

Palu responded: "The devil asked us to guard the geomagnetism here, and if anyone enters the ghost town, let us kill them, if we don't do what she says, the magic spells imposed on us will happen. ."


Hearing Palu say that, Jiang Lin confirmed his suspicions.

If this time around the ghost town, they didn't suddenly collide with the Red Eagle, a conflict broke out, and they encountered the Dundi tribe in advance, then after entering the ghost town, I am afraid that their situation with the Red Eagle would be difficult to say.

These Dundi clansmen are hiding underground, and they are hard to guard against. If they really aim at the target on the ground, even if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon brings an old team over, it will inevitably end in heavy casualties.

Jiang Lin squeezed his chin, and then said: "Palu, I sympathize with your experience. If I were you, I would definitely resist. You may not know the situation outside. The queen is tyrannical and oppresses men. Many tribes of the old country have gathered together to overthrow the queen's rule. Moreover, there have been prophecies circulating among the people in the outside world that if the emperor star appears, it will lead the various tribes of the old country and make the country of Qianji change again. Now, it is you who are resisting This is the best time. Life is precious, love is more expensive, and if it is freedom, both can be thrown away!”

Because the brain circuits of these escaped clansmen are not normal, Jiang Lin is going to be a big fool and let this group of people get on the thief boat.

In this way, it will not only solve the problems that he and Hongjiu and the others will face after entering the ghost town, but also add a lot of power to the future.

In fact, Jiang Lin didn't take the fate of the Dundi clansmen as an order. If he resisted, he would have to pay the price of blood. You don't need to think about it to know this.

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