However, since the Queen detained so many Dundi people here and cast spells on them, she did not treat them as living people.

Once the Queen and the forces led by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon go to war, these Dundi people who can play a big role will inevitably be pulled by the Queen as cannon fodder.

This is basically beyond doubt.

Therefore, whether the Dundi people resist or not, there will be no good end, so why not give it a try.

"For freedom, both can be thrown away!"

"Everything can be thrown!"

Before Palu had time to think about Jiang Lin's words, some of the clan behind him raised their fists and shouted.

One person shouted, two people shouted, and finally Palu stopped thinking about it, shouted together and it was over.

Resist, we shall resist!

We are going to overthrow the Queen!

Even Jiang Lin didn't expect that he was just trying to fool these escaped clansmen into the thief boat, and it had an effect so quickly.

Called them to get on the boat, and went straight to the boat.

There is no need to say anything extra.

Chapter [*] Xi mentions a Jiang family army (Part [*])

Lan Ling looked at the high-spirited Dundi clansmen opposite, and was speechless for a while. Jiang Lin's words made these guys make up their minds to resist the queen.

It is estimated that even the Queen can't think of the people she has left around the ghost town, and it is so easy to turn against the water.

A few words.

"Friend, how can we resist, we also have to join the old ministry that overthrew the queen, how can we join them?"

"You don't need to join, maybe I haven't introduced myself yet. My surname is Jiang Minglin, I am the Emperor Star in the prophecies spread by the outside world, and I will be the leader who will overthrow the Queen's rule in the future."

Seeing this group of Dundi clansmen being so foolish, Jiang Lin simply revealed his "identity".

You don't have to look for anyone, and you don't have to join any tribe.

Just follow my brother.

"Wow? So your friend is the Emperor Star?"

Palu was stunned for a moment, and then he knelt down on one knee to Jianglin very simply, and said with a look of admiration: "Boss, this is because God made our family meet you, can you let us fight the world with you, boss, and overthrow the girl? Demon King?"

After Palu knelt down on one knee, the Dundi people behind him also knelt down.

Boss, can I follow you?

We are all your little brothers.

Are these guys so foolish?

Seeing this scene, Jiang Lin was a little dumbfounded. Whatever he said, these Dundi tribesmen believed.

Do not doubt whether he is an Emperor Star.

It's fine if you don't doubt it, you're kneeling down at the moment, wanting to recognize him as the boss.

He was so fast, and there was a large group of younger brothers.

"Of course you can. Your family is very capable and will help me a lot in the future. Since you all intend to resist the Queen, and you are so determined, then I will bring you under my command. From now on, you will Not only the Dundi clansmen, but also the vanguard team under my Jiang Lin. Well, the team formed by your clansmen will be my Jiang family army in the future, and I will dispatch it specially."

Jiang Lin was not polite. If such a large group of people wanted to be his younger brother, he would take it away first.

Wouldn't it be beautiful if you don't accept it for nothing, and you like to mention a Jiang family army?

After that, Jiang Lin gave Palu the name of a general who split the sky again, and made Palu keep screaming happily.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Lin gave these dungeons another order—stand by.

Without his orders, you cannot act easily, and if you discover anything, you must inform him and follow his instructions.

In this way, even if the red vultures in other underground spaces encountered the Dundi people, there would be no danger.

On the ground, Young Master Chun Shisan and Chaitou Chartou will also be safe. Those eccentrics of the violent wolf clan are Red Eagle's team, so naturally they won't really embarrass Chaitou on the ground.

And the violent wolf clan under the red eagle will also not lose any more.

At the same time, Jiang Lin also told Palu the purpose of his trip with Lan Ling. Now they are lost in the ghost town and can't find the north. If they want to enter the ghost town to find the Qianjun Tomb, they need the help of the Dundi people.

Now, Palu and the others have accepted the establishment of the Jiang Family Army, and even if they know that Jiang Lin wants to enter the ghost town, they will not execute the Queen's orders.

After Palu promised to send someone to help lead the way, Jiang Lin followed his initial plan and asked Palu to explain the information he wanted to know.

The geomagnetism around this ghost town is related to the current national fortune of Qianji Nation. Therefore, the Queen arrested the Dundi people for guarding and protection.

That being the case, Jiang Lin planned to destroy it and shake the foundation of the Heavenly Girl Kingdom.

Palu naturally knew everything, and told Jiang Lin what he knew about the geomagnetism around the ghost town.

Afterwards, Palu graciously invited Jiang Lin, the boss, to stay underground for a day or two, so that their clan could enjoy the friendship of the landlord.

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, and then agreed. These Dundi clansmen were a Jiang family army he had just harvested. Palu and the others wanted to warmly entertain him and Lan Ling.

As for the red eagle, without the threat of the Dundi clansmen, there are many magic weapons and immortal treasures on his body, so there should be no danger.

Of course, when he stayed in the place where the Dundi tribe lived, he would also look for an opportunity to release the gods and puppets to find the Red Eagle, notify the past of some information, and let the Red Eagle report the situation, so that he could rest assured.

After that, Jiang Lin was led by Palu to the place where the Dundi people rested.

Lan Ling was walking behind Jiang Lin, feeling a little uneasy in her heart. Now that she is about to enter the ghost town, Jiang Lin is about to get the Divine Sword. At that time, she and Jiang Lin will turn against each other.

It's not a big deal with Jiang Lin, according to Jiang Lin's character, even if she takes into account the time to get along with her and let Jiang Lin go to save him from the murderous hand of the high priest, Jiang Lin should still have something to do with the queen later. confrontation.

At that time, Jiang Lin will still have to face the high priest and even the queen, and there will also be a life-and-death crisis.

In addition to these, Lan Ling also thought of other things. She belongs to the Xuanji Academy in Huadu. As a mysterious envoy, she works for the Queen. If Jiang Lin participated in the rebellion, then she would probably accept it later. At the order of the queen or the high priest, assassinate Jiang Lin.

Chapter [*] assists from the younger brother

Before long, it is not enough to be strangers. Will he and I become enemies with each other?

Lan Ling sighed in her heart, if things continued as usual, not only would she have to turn against Jiang Lin, but she would most likely end Jiang Lin's life herself.

Thinking of this, Lan Ling didn't know how to face Jiang Lin in the days to come.

Not long ago, she hugged Jiang Lin and danced with Jiang Lin. She also knew in her heart that Jiang Lin should regard her as a friend. It would not be long before she became a friend and would be ruthless behind Jiang Lin. stabbed.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin and the others to be taken to a huge underground karst cave by the Dundi people. Stone chambers were dug out of the stone walls around the cave, and the Dundi people lived in them.

Palu asked the clan to pack up two stone rooms and leave it for Jiang Lin and Lan Ling to live there temporarily.

Lan Ling didn't express any opinion on Jiang Lin's stay here. If they didn't rely on the Dundi people, it would be difficult for them to enter the ghost town.

Now the Dundi people just invite them to stay for a day or two and entertain them, which is not a waste of time.

Because she thought that she might turn against Jiang Lin in the future, Lan Ling was not in a good mood. After entering the stone room, she closed the door made of branches.

After that, Palu asked Jiang Lin to rest for a while, and he went to discuss with the clansmen how to make them, the dungeon clansmen, to train like a human army. At the same time, he also asked the clansmen to set up a dinner party to entertain Jiang Lin Er. people.

After Palu left, Jiang Lin took out the god general soil doll from his arms and ordered it to fly out.

Just a little bit of magic, Jiang Lin's temple was like being stabbed by a silver needle, and the pain was unbearable.

Just now, he received Palu's magnetic therapy, and now the side effects are completely revealed.

Fortunately, in this case, he should be able to recover as long as he has a good night's rest.

About an hour passed, and the god general earth puppet released by Jiang Lin flew into Jiang Lin's stone room.

The difference from before was that there were two lip prints on the face of the god general, the red vulture's lip print.

Seeing the scarlet mark on the doll, Jiang Lin smiled and took a sip on it.

It seems that there should be no danger to the Red Eagle, and the message he wanted to convey has also arrived at the Red Eagle.

At this time, Lan Ling, who was next door, came out and knocked on Jianglin's door.

Lan Ling thought about it a lot, but she still wanted to persuade Jiang Lin not to fight the Queen directly. She knew the horror of the Queen. If Jiang Lin really went to the battlefield and personally led the old men to take the lead, the chance of death would be very high. big.

However, as soon as Lan Ling walked in front of Jiang Lin, before he could speak, Palu took some packaged items and greeted him at the door.

"Boss, these are brought down from above by our clansmen. I don't know if it is your luggage."

Palu handed the item to Jiang Lin, and then he took out a small transparent bottle with half a bottle of pink serum in it.

"This seems to be a perfume. The air in the place where we live is not very good. Don't mind me, boss. It just so happens that this perfume can be used."

Saying that, Palu raised his hand to lift the bottle cap, and sprinkled the liquid inside on Jiang Lin and Lan Ling.

In fact, this small transparent bottle is not a perfume, but the incense that Chun Shisan Shao used to put in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, or an enhanced version of the psychedelic incense.

"Boss, we'll be able to start the banquet soon, you wait. I'll ask the women in the clan to find some rosin they use to send."

After all, Palu didn't pay attention to Jiang Lin and Lan Ling's reaction, and left the stone room.

"This... these..."

Lan Ling looked at the psychedelic incense spilled on her body, and a look of surprise appeared on her face. However, these enhanced versions of psychedelic incense soon penetrated into her skin from her clothes and penetrated into the pores.

Part of the volatilized part also entered her nose and mouth, making her head groggy.

Jiang Lin's side was also in the same situation. Originally, he had a headache and heavier breathing. In addition, his mental mind was very tired due to the side effects of the magnetic therapy. The effect of the psychedelic incense soon came out.

"Jiang Lin..."

Lan Ling looked at Jiang Lin's face, her eyes gradually became more girlish, and her pretty face turned crimson.

As for Jiang Lin, he shook his head, and when he looked at Lan Ling, he had hallucinations.

At this time, in his eyes, Lan Ling turned into the appearance of his wife Ren Tingting.


In an instant, Jiang Lin's long-standing nostalgia for home erupted, and stepping forward, Jiang Lin hugged Lan Ling tightly in his arms and kissed the person in his arms.

This enhanced version of the psychedelic incense from the Spring Thirteenth Young Master is a life-saving baby that can even bring down Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The children are gone, and the effect is evident.

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