The more Lan Ling thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Jiang Lin said, "There is such a man standing in front of you. I don't want to say some very straightforward facts, and I don't expect you to be rational now. Going back to the question you asked just now, if I say I like it You, you don't have to think too much, tell me how you should choose?"

The straightforward fact Jiang Lin said was that even if Lan Ling was extremely reluctant, it would have no effect. Even if he didn't love him or like him, and was full of reluctance, he had to hold his body in his hands.

When he wanted to ask for it, he let Lan Ling warm the quilt, and he had to be willing if he didn't want to.

Of course, he didn't say these words because Lan Ling, a mysterious messenger, was different from Red Eagle. Red Eagle knew the pros and cons of pros and cons, but Lan Ling was more emotional than rational.

Some words can work for Red Eagle, but for Lan Ling, it may be counterproductive.

"I...I don't know."

Lan Ling was stopped by Jiang Lin's question. Jiang Lin told her not to think about it, but even if she didn't think deeply, she didn't know whether she wanted to accept Jiang Lin.

After smiling, Jiang Lin continued: "What I want to do, for you, is on the opposite side of you, and you still have the task of your boss pressing down on you. Will you give up your task because of me? Give up your identity as a mysterious envoy?"

"Don't ask, okay, I don't know, I just don't know."

Lan Ling still said that she didn't know, she really didn't know.

"If you say... no need, I will treat you as my wife in the future, and I will give you more than me, and even give it to you. I can also pray to you, pointing to the heavens and the earth. I swear, I will love you to the death, and I value your life more than my own. What about you, what do you think of me? Do you think I will be your husband? My life is in your heart. not heavy?"


Lan Ling was at a loss for words and couldn't say a word. Even if she could say it, she still didn't know a word.

Ask three questions.

Chapter Two Thousand Two Hundred and Forty-One (Part [*])

Only now did Lan Ling realize that the problem wasn't whether Jiang Lin liked her or not, how she treated her, the problem between her and Jiang Lin was how much weight she gave Jiang Lin in her heart.

Whether Jiang Lin deceived her or used her, even if he deliberately pretended to take the bait, all of these were just to let her play some role. The use was indeed use, but Jiang Lin never wanted to hurt her.

But she, knowing that Jiang Lin might be killed, still chose to inform the high priest.

Even if she is determined to let Jiang Lin go ahead of time this time, if she receives an order later, she will most likely execute it, or even assassinate Jiang Lin.

Thinking of this, Lan Ling lowered her face and was embarrassed to look at Jiang Lin. She imagined that, even if Jiang Lin's answer to her just now was that she simply liked her, she really liked her, then she might look like someone else in love. Like a girl, her face is full of joy.

After the joy?

She is still her, Jiang Lin is still Jiang Lin, the opposition is still the opposition.

Jiang Lin could promise that she would love her to the death, but she didn't know if she could always protect this man.

"I already know your purpose. Next, you can't use me, and now, I can't get the Divine Sword. You... What are you going to do to me?"

After calming down, Lan Ling thought about it a lot. Jiang Lin said before that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon had found Jiang Lin and asked him to help him restore the country. On par or flush, even more than Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Now that Jiang Lin's strength has reached such a level, if he wants to do something, he needs to use tough methods.

Whether it was her or Chun Shisan, they would be suppressed and unable to move.

Just like she fought hard after the effect of the psychedelic incense faded, but she couldn't even get out of bed.

As for Jiang Lin's goal, such as using him to attract the high priest, he no longer needs to use it now, just persecute him directly.

Looking at Jiang Lin, Lan Ling added: "I will not betray the Queen, without the Queen, I would have frozen to death on the street long ago, and I will not betray the high priest, I can have the current cultivation level, there are many The reason is that it has been cultivated by the Xuanji Academy."

"What can I do to you? Can I kill you? I'm not willing to do it. One night husband and wife, one hundred nights, can I still lift my pants and not recognize anyone?"

Jiang Lin shrugged, he really didn't want to do anything to Lan Ling.

Even without this accident, he has never had any intention of killing Lan Ling, and now he has a relationship, and he is unwilling to let him not show his face like he did with Hong Ji.

Lan Ling actually didn't have much ill will towards him, and Lan Ling was a good person after all. Leaving aside the other things, she was willing to give up her former suspicion and save her again and again.

When Lan Ling heard what Jiang Lin said, her cheeks suddenly turned red. Now her relationship with Jiang Lin is indeed quite embarrassing.

Lan Ling was just embarrassed, and Jiang Lin felt a headache.

Now that he has stayed in the place where the Dundi people live for a long time, what will be the next banquet, it is estimated that he will come out to drink two glasses of wine, and then he will have to do business.

And what he needs to do is related to the geomagnetism around the ghost town.

The geomagnetism here is closely related to the Queen's rule, and it is also related to the general environment of the entire country of Qianji Nation. If it can be changed or destroyed, it will be equivalent to breaking the Queen's imperial life.

Moreover, the geomagnetism here should be the source of all heterogeneous geomagnetism. Once there is a change here, it may affect the whole body, and the situation in Huadu will follow suit.

If he were to go to Huadu to deal with the queen later, Jiang Lin would have much less scruples.

However, it is estimated that such a thing cannot be concealed from Lan Ling, and Lan Ling is still the mysterious messenger of the Queen. Knowing what he is going to do, there is a high probability that he will object, not only to object, but also to stop it.

Jiang Lin could have predicted what kind of reaction Lan Ling would have.

If Lan Ling, like Red Eagle, prioritizes interests, it is very simple. He only needs to analyze the gains and losses for Lan Ling, and Lan Ling will choose to be obedient or cooperate like Red Eagle.

But unfortunately, this Lan Ling is not the same type of person as Red Eagle.

Jiang Lin also knew that Lan Ling would not consider him more important than anything after spending a good night with him because of an accident.However, it's not that people like Lan Ling can't be changed, it's just that there is a lack of time.

Heroines like the Red Eagle have been completely conquered by him now. Can't he take down a blue ling?

Not only to win, but later he also wants Lan Ling to learn like a red eagle.

His own man is heaven, and all the queen priests stand aside.

When Jiang Lin was thinking about targeting the underground magnetic field of the ghost town, it was ten kilometers away from the underground where the Dundi people lived.

"What exactly is this?"

Crouching down, Hongji looked at the plane structure diagram he had just drawn, his eyebrows folded into an inverted figure.

Then the red eagle stood up and let the light released by the fire sticks inserted on the stone wall around him shine on the ground in front of him.

The picture in front of Red Eagle's feet is a simulated map of the distribution of geomagnetism in various places according to the path she traveled in her memory.

This was the key place she was looking for.

As long as this place is destroyed, the magnetic field underground in the entire ghost town will be instantly disordered and will no longer affect Jianglin.

Hongji used to be a woman with great ambitions, and she was not allowed to be men.

This was also the main reason why she could see that Jiang Lin had some royal luck when she first met Jiang Lin, and was able to use the morning and evening clock to deal with Jiang Lin later.

It is also because of the wide range of fields that the Red Eagle can find here.

However, now she didn't dare to do it easily, because she could vaguely see something wrong from the pictures on the ground.

But what was wrong, she couldn't see.

However, Red Eagle could intuitively sense that if he acted rashly, there would be a danger that even she could not bear.

"It would be nice if the husband was here."

Hong Jiu pursed her red lips. She felt that if Jiang Lin was by her side, she would definitely be able to sense the hidden secrets of the underground magnetic field.

Thinking of Jiang Lin, a faint smile appeared on Hong Jiu's face. Now, as long as she doesn't see Jiang Lin, she will feel empty in her heart.

However, Hongji didn't know that her man was in the same room with her opponent, Lan Ling, and Lan Ling just covered her body with a quilt, and under the quilt, there was no strand.

Chapter two thousand two hundred and forty-two (in)

In the stone room, Jiang Lin temporarily put his headaches aside and said to Lan Ling, "If you want to ask me what I plan to do, then I definitely want you to help me, be my wife, and treat me as yours. Husband. However, I also understand your attitude. You have received the Queen's kindness and are unwilling to betray you. You are reasonable and reasonable. Now, I will not express my views, but only tell some facts. People are equal, men and women are all of the same kind. Human beings have progressed to the present, and civilization has roughly taken shape. No one should be born as a slave. As for the queen you are willing to serve, she was once also the king of Qianji Kingdom. Her favorite concubine was also favored by the lord of the country, but she turned her face and wiped out the royal family of the old country. As for me, my surname is Jiang. When I came to this country, it was because of the prophecies circulating among the people that all the People with the surname Jiang and the surname Jiang suffered for no reason. They didn't make any mistakes. Maybe they were all good slaves, but it wasn't enough. No difference."

Jiang Lin didn't say what Lan Ling should do, should he repay his kindness, he just mentioned some things a little bit as a foreigner and let Lan Ling think for himself.

Since ancient times, whether it is Middle Earth or Daluo Xianjie, all advocate loyalty to the monarch, and ministers should be loyal.

But there are still so many dynasties, and even the pseudo-heaven of the Daluo Immortal Realm, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, has all betrayed their relatives and left.

If you are a king and an emperor, if you don't treat people as people, then you deserve to be betrayed by those around you. This kind of truth is no problem anywhere.

Lan Ling's current psychological contradiction is that he is too obsessed with right and wrong, and when it comes to issues at this level, right and wrong is not the only criterion for judging, or the scope of measurement needs to be enlarged.

The courtiers are loyal, well, no problem. From the perspective of Lan Ling, a native of the Thousand Machines Country, should the born man be a feces-eating machine, a watchdog and a slave?

Is it right or wrong to be loyal to one person and harm thousands of people?

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Lan Ling felt a struggle in her heart. She didn't think about it so much before, but that didn't mean she was a pure tool.

Even though Lan Ling, as a mysterious messenger, should have carried out the orders of the high priest, she still wanted to let Jiang Lin go ahead of time, so that Jiang Lin would be spared the poison of the high priest.

At least in her heart, there are seeds of contradictions.

"Don't mention these, you don't have to think so much. I will try to think of other methods here. If I can force you, I won't force or force you to do anything."

After speaking, Jiang Lin took a clean bottle from his arms and said to Lan Ling, "You don't have to think that I am such an unreasonable person. Although this time between us was an accident, I came here as an outsider. The man who is a man must have taken your greatest advantage. Now it can be regarded as giving you something more real, whether it is compensation for you, or a show of affection to you. "

In the clean bottle, there is immortal brew with full medicinal effect. Jiang Lin gave such immortal treasure to Lanling. In addition to the reason he said in his own words, there is also a reason to pour Lanling into a daze. Then don't delay him to do business.

When Lan Ling wakes up with a hangover, it is estimated that he has already done things, and naturally he will not hinder him.

Lan Ling looked at Jiang Lin, stuck out a white lotus arm from under the quilt, and took the clean bottle.

Seeing Lan Ling's suspicious eyes, Jiang Lin said angrily: "There are treasures in the world that you may never see in your life, try it. I said that I would not bear to kill you, this will not be poison, and more It won't be some kind of love potion, I have already got your body. If I really want to enjoy the warm fragrance of nephrite jade, you can't do anything about me, am I doing it too much?"

After listening to Lan Ling, she put the clean bottle to her mouth and bit off the cork.

In an instant, the fragrant aroma of wine and the strong medicinal aroma was sprayed out from the clean bottle, and the aroma was so intense that it almost turned into a splendid glow.

"Heavenly Court's Immortal Brew, don't ask me how I got it, it's true anyway, you haven't eaten for two days, make up your body, don't drink too much, I still have it, but drinking too much is not good for you. "

" this immortal wine?"

Lan Ling's beautiful eyes were wide open. She wanted to question Jiang Lin's words, but the aroma of the wine she had just smelled made her whole body feel extremely comfortable, as if she had replenished a lot of spiritual power in an instant.

Then Lan Ling didn't speak any more, took two sips from the clean bottle.


Just then, Palu's voice came from outside.

"Get dressed first, drink slowly, and I won't rob you."

After explaining to Lan Ling, Jiang Lin left the stone room. It's okay if Palu didn't come. Now that he came, I wanted him to give this guy a hammer.

Fortunately, it was Lan Ling who had an accident with him this time. If it was the Thirteenth Young Master Chun, he would probably have said the three-character classic of national scolding.

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