If he were to be a dew couple with a human resource, he Jiang Lin really wanted to kill.

However, seeing the kindness on Pa Lu's face, Jiang Lin did not settle the account with this little brother in the end. At the very least, this accident was not a bad thing for him.

After that, Jiang Lin turned down Palu's invitation. He didn't want to waste time here, but he also gave Palu some treasures with excellent medicinal effects.

Since these Dundi people are willing to follow his lead, he also wants to express something.

Moreover, he is going to destroy the magnetic field here. If the Dundi people sit back and ignore it, they will have to suffer the pain caused by the spell. These treasures can also be regarded as compensation he gave in advance.

Palu got a lot of treasures, and he was simply grateful.

This boss, to their younger brother, is simply too good.

In the future, we will do nothing for you, boss!

"Let's divide these things, and when I need you to lead the way, I will come back again."

Jiang Lin asked Palu to distribute the treasures he obtained to the Dundi people. Although he needed to find the environment in which the geomagnetism was formed, he did not mean to let Palu lead the way.

Chapter two thousand two hundred and forty-three ([*])

Thinking of what happened next, Jiang Lin touched his forehead, his head was big.

It won't be long before he, the boss of the Dundi clan, will have family conflicts.

This kind of thing is not good for outsiders to see, but it will make him look very shameless.

This was also the main reason why Jiang Lin did not let Palu lead the way.

Red Eagle had also entered this underground space before, and he did not encounter any danger. Therefore, during this time, Red Eagle should have been searching for the origin of geomagnetism and investigating the mystery.

Therefore, you only need to use the gods to find the red vulture, and from the red vulture, you can also get some information about the geomagnetism.

However, after finding the red eagle, it didn't end well.

Hongji's opinion on Lanling is not a big one, otherwise, he wouldn't have murdered Lanling before.

This is what makes Jiang Lin feel a big head.

Now Red Eagle must have faced up to his identity and accepted the fact of becoming his woman, and he was willing to accept it in his heart.

Otherwise, in the river valley before, Red Eagle wouldn't want to kill the human resources of Chun Shisan Shao because of jealousy.

If Hong Ji knew that Lan Ling had also become Mrs. Zhunjiang, with her violent temper and arrogance, would she still be willing to give up?

Trying to coax it shouldn't be a big deal.

Jiang Lin comforted himself, the current Red Eagle has changed a lot, at least he can reason with it.

This time he and Lan Ling were purely accidental, and it was not his original intention. It is estimated that Hong Ji would be able to understand him.

After letting Palu leave, Jiang Lin opened the door of the stone room. At this moment, Lan Ling had already dressed and sat beside the bed, enjoying the immortal brew in the clean bottle with a happy face.

Take a sip every now and then, and it's refreshing.

Sour, sweet, this is fairy wine, which is more delicious than the sweet wine in the world.

In love.

"You are quite handsome."

Walking to Lan Ling's side, Jiang Lin leaned over and kissed Lan Ling's cheeks.

Lan Ling's slightly drunk appearance is very pretty.


Lan Ling glanced at Jiang Lin, and now Jiang Lin took advantage of her regardless of whether she agreed or not.

"Go, I'm going to go around this underground space, come to my back, I'll carry you."

Jiang Lin turned his back to Lan Ling and squatted down. Anyway, after a while, Lan Ling Jiu's vigour would break out and he would have to fall asleep, so he might as well carry it on his back now.

"What do I tell you to carry, it's not that I can't walk."

"Then what if I insist on backing you? Do you still want to drink this immortal wine? I have prepared this bottle for you. If you don't want to, give it back to me."

"You...you said you gave it to me as compensation, how can I take it back?"

Lan Ling immediately hid the clean bottle behind him. You are nothing to talk about, and you actually want to return the things you gave.

Looking at Jiang Lin's face, Lan Ling finally lay on Jiang Lin's back, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Back it up.

With the blue ling on his back, Jiang Lin took out from his arms the earthen puppet of the god general who had previously released the red vulture, and ordered it to look for the red vulture again.

Lan Ling already knew that he was a cultivator. Naturally, he didn't need to avoid Lan Ling for this kind of spellcasting.

After that, the god Jiang Tudou fluttered his wings on his back and flew towards the outside, with Jiang Lin following behind.

Lan Ling leaned on Jiang Lin's back, and a heart beat fast. The man's back was really warm.

Recalling her acquaintance and encounter with Jiang Lin, her own experience of being drowned by Jiang Lin in the river, and the incident that happened not long ago when she and Jiang Lin had an unexpected spring breeze, Lan Lingcai suddenly realized that she was in front of Jiang Lin. Lin is not as simple as using a more special attitude.

She didn't know when she started to be very tolerant towards Jiang Lin. For example, she had been choked by Jiang Lin's flooding, and she would find reasons for Jiang Lin, thinking that she was being unreasonable and did not care about Jiang Lin.

If another man made her choked with water, she wouldn't care about San Qi and [*], and she wouldn't call him Lan Ling if he didn't beat him to the point where the crying father and mother were half-crippled.

This time, although she and Jiang Lin were in an accident, after all, her body was being taken away, but she also didn't have much thought, nor did she want to fight Jiang Lin to the death.

Moreover, just now, she was unexpectedly kissed on the cheek by Jiang Lin, and she just stabbed Jiang Lin.

Thinking of her own reactions, Lan Ling bit her lip lightly and put her face on Jiang Lin's shoulder.

She didn't want to think too much about other things. She forgot her mission, mission, and identity, and wondered whether Jiang Lin would treat her as an opponent in the future, and whether she would really treat her. Treated as a wife.

After half an hour, Jiang Lin found Red Eagle with Lan Ling on his back.

When Hongjiu heard Jiang Lin's footsteps, she was originally happy, but when she turned around and saw Jiang Lin was carrying a Lanling, her complexion changed, and Lanling's face was covered in blush. Full of spring look.

Lan Ling was sleepy because of drinking the immortal wine, and was about to fall asleep. When she saw the red eagle and the murderous intent in the eyes of the red eagle, she woke up.

She didn't expect Hongji to have her feelings in her heart. When she was in Huadu, she stopped the high priest from attacking Hongji, but a few days ago, didn't Hongji kill her?

When she was on the ground before, although she also rescued Red Eagle, her sister might still have the same attitude as before.

"I'm sleepy, let's rest for a while."

Jiang Lin lowered his body on a rock on the side of the mountain, let Lan Ling sit on the rock, and said, "I'm here, don't worry, darling."

Hearing Jiang Lin's gentle words, Lan Ling involuntarily nodded slightly, and Jiang Lin put her between her eyebrows and let her fall asleep.

After Jiang Lin turned around, he didn't look at Red Eagle, but at the magnetic field area ahead.

Even though he already has the metal spiritual power net released by Zhanmin, it is still greatly affected now.

Moreover, Jiang Lin also found that the fortune of the corpse emperor on his body was being torn apart, and there was a tendency to leave the body and merge into the magnetic field ahead.

At this time, Hong Ji's eyes fell on Lan Ling's body, and after sizing it up, she found that Lan Ling's hair was disheveled, and there were one or two less obvious hickeys on her neck.

At this moment, Red Eagle probably knew what happened in his heart.

However, after hearing that there were still some muffled noises in Jiang Lin's body, she temporarily suppressed the resentment in her heart.

When Jiang Lin squinted at the magnetic field space, Hongji pointed to the picture on the ground and said to Jiang Lin, "This is the result of my investigation during this period of time, and geomagnetism also appears in other places, but it should be here. It's the source, and here is the location map I drew."

"You, you really make me feel at ease."

Jiang Lin glanced at the place where Hong Jiu pointed, and smiled at Hong Jiu.

If talking about his ability to do things, Hongji should be the one with the strongest ability among his many women.


However, Hongji ignored Jiang Lin's compliments. I gave you peace of mind, and I gave you peace of mind to go to bed with Lan Ling and have a good time, right?

Jiang Lin smiled. He didn't explain anything to Hongji for the time being. He squatted in front of the picture on the ground and studied it.

"This structure..."

Jiang Lin pondered for a moment, then his eyes suddenly widened.

"what happened?"

Seeing Jiang Lin's reaction, Hong Ji asked. It seemed that she guessed right. Based on Jiang Lin's eyesight and experience, he probably saw some clues.

"The structure formed by these magnetic fields is a kind of bureau, a kind of breeding bureau."

After Jiang Lin responded to the red eagle, he let the spiritual power in his body completely dormant, and let the corpse poison in the bones enter the flesh and blood, and then he stepped into the magnetic field.

it is as expected.

Jiang Lin found out that the fortune of the corpse emperor on his body had been stripped out bit by bit, so he confirmed his guess.

"It's not easy at all for this queen to keep up with transport."

At this moment, Jiang Lincai developed a feeling of jealousy towards the Queen of Qianji Kingdom who had never met.

It can be said that if he hadn't come to the Thousand Machines Country, there would be ten or twenty Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons, and they wouldn't be able to fight the Queen at all.

"Fulfill your luck? What are you talking about? Come out quickly."

The red eagle suddenly became impatient, Jiang Lin took the initiative to enter the magnetic field area, and now there are blood holes all over his body.

As for what Jiang Lin was talking about, she didn't understand at all.

Chapter [*] almost fell into the pit

Jiang Lin didn't listen to the call of the red eagle, he still walked in the magnetic field, and carefully sensed the direction and changes of the Qi movement as he left the body.

After a while, he thoroughly understood the mystery in this magnetic field, and then walked out.

"You... what did you find?"

Hong Jiu was relieved when he saw that Jiang Lin did not have any abnormality, and then asked Jiang Lin why he did this.

"These geomagnetic fields form a very ingenious area. In the outside world, such a layout can be called a 'array' or a 'game'. Fortunately, you didn't act rashly, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, if it wasn't for the cautious nature of Red Eagle this time, then the life of the Red Eagle might be in danger.

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