Taking a sip of the cold marrow, Lan Ling couldn't help but ask, she found that Jiang Lin was like a moving treasure house.

"Call me Xiang Gong and I'll answer you."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, but Lan Ling didn't give him any response.

Lan Ling was unwilling to let Jiang Lin carry her back, and now it seemed that Jiang Lin was not going to give her time to think about it, but just asked her to recognize her husband immediately.

How can this be possible? The opposition of identities is not something she doesn't want to think about.

This alone made it difficult for her to regard Jiang Lin as her husband.

"What's the trouble? Ever since I revealed my identity, I don't think I've asked anything from you, but now I'm just behind your back, and you don't want it anymore? You should be sober now, so you don't even think about thanking me. The grace of not killing?"

Jiang Lin was reluctant to put Lan Ling down. Time was tight. He had to capture Lan Ling's heart as soon as possible, otherwise things would not be easy to handle.

"I... I have been wanted by you, and I would like to thank you for not killing me?"

Originally, Lan Ling thought that Jiang Lin was a reasonable person. She had an accident and gave her treasure compensation, but now, Jiang Lin actually said something about not killing her.

What do I have a grudge against you, you want to kill me?

"Isn't it? At first, I just wanted to use you to attract the high priest. But now, you already know that I am a practitioner, and I can't use you. Even if I don't showdown, you will be suspicious. If I keep you, you will probably have to turn your elbows out and focus on the high priest, so the plan I want to carry out will have to be influenced by you. If I am a hero who only considers interests, or is more cruel, then Don't kill you first, so as not to cause me any trouble later. I want to kill the high priest, and ninety percent of you want to help this boss, so shouldn't I kill you?"

"I... What do you mean by turning my elbows out? I am the mysterious envoy of Huadu, and I belong to the Xuanji Academy of the high priest, of course..."

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Lan Ling retorted excitedly.She is the subordinate of the high priest, and she and the high priest are both ministers of the queen and belong to the same camp, but Jiang Lin even said that she wanted to help the high priest as an elbow turned out.

Where are you going to turn in?

However, in rebuttal, Lan Ling's voice became quieter.

Not to mention Jiang Lin, considering her position as a mysterious messenger, in such a situation, she would kill her in advance in order to avoid risks and troubles.

In this way, Jiang Lin really had the grace of not killing her.

Just save her life.

"What's the matter? You can't tell me the truth, right? The high priest has the grace to cultivate you, and I have the grace to not kill and survive, so now you are not partial to either side. Besides, I didn't let you. You turned around to deal with the high priest, and I didn't ask you to cooperate with me to do things you didn't want, but just carried you behind your back. Don't be unwilling, you really have to settle the account. We had an accident before, and no one wanted it. I won't give it to you. Compensation is duty, and compensation for you is love. Compensation for your Immortal Brewer and Cold Essence is a great love, and you have already accepted these love."

A smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face as he spoke. If he reasoned with Lan Ling, he would be ignorant of what this girl said.

In terms of flickering, he hasn't lost anyone yet.

"I... can't I thank you for not killing?"

After listening to Jiang Lin say so much, Lan Ling stopped moving around. She had already enjoyed the immortal wine and cold marrow. If Jiang Lin insisted on this point, she would not be able to talk to anyone.

Chapter two thousand two hundred and fifty sisters pinching each other (on)

Of course, Lan Ling also knew that she could choose not to reason with Jiang Lin, which was not impossible, but she knew very well that if she was unreasonable, then Jiang Lin could follow her example, and she would still suffer.

At that time, Jiang Lin would simply carry her behind her back, or do something even more extreme, and she would have nothing to do.

Only dumb people can eat coptis.

However, after pondering Jiang Lin's words, Lan Ling said again: "You were just talking about a wrong reason, you didn't kill me because you didn't want to kill me, you...you want to be my husband, look Get on me, this is not a grace of not killing at all!"

After she figured this out, Lan Ling was so angry that she smashed her fist on Jiang Lin's shoulder. She was almost fooled by Jiang Lin.

"It's good that you know that."

Jiang Lin shook his shoulders slightly, and did not argue with Lan Ling any more.

After hearing Jiang Lin's response, Lan Ling only felt that her heart was beating fast, so she quickly poured a few mouthfuls of cold marrow.

However, she still did not insist on not letting Jiang Lin carry her.

After a while, Jiang Lin and the others returned to the place where the Dundi tribe lived, and Lan Ling thought about it again, but considering Jiang Lin's previous attitude, she didn't say a word.

Since she was the one who said nothing, it was probably useless.

Jiang Lin asked the Dundi people to call out Palu, and then asked the younger brother to bring their luggage and lead them back to the ground.

Jiang Lin also handed over the matter of looking for Young Master Chun Shisan, Chai Tou and others to Palu, and he just had to lead the way.

On the way, Lan Ling asked Jiang Lin why he repeatedly asked Chun Shisan to eat less fists.

After knowing that Jiang Lin was not an ordinary person, she understood that Jiang Lin would definitely not hit people casually for some trivial reasons.

Jiang Lin told her the truth. The girl of Chun Shisan wanted to sell him to the fat woman Duoman. He also knew about this early on. If he didn't give this girl some fists to try, he would have to greet him with a smile. ?

Lan Ling suddenly mourned for Chun Shisan Shao in her heart. This bell boss, I am afraid that in the following days, life will not be very easy.

A quarter of an hour later, Lan Ling saw Chun Shisan and the others who were still looking for their way in the open space in front of them, so they made another noise, and Jiang Lin squatted down and put them down.

They are all acquaintances in the Spring Thirteenth Young Master. In front of the Dundi clan, she can force Lan Ling to stay on Jiang Lin's back, but in front of acquaintances, she is so embarrassed.

When Young Master Chun Shisan saw that Jiang Lin and Lan Ling were so close, a question mark appeared on his head.

No, isn't this Jiang Lin not interested in women?

For the past two days, Young Master Chun Shisan and Chai Tou and Tantou have been looking for Jiang Lin and the others. From the mouths of the two brothers, Young Master Chun Shisan knew that Lan Ling had also been submerged in the water by Jiang Lin.

Therefore, she guessed that Jiang Lin, a man, should be purely disinterested in women.

She was so cute, she was beaten and drenched in water, Lan Ling was also very beautiful, and was also choked by Jiang Lin.

This man is not normal at all.

Therefore, she felt very inexplicable when she saw that Jiang Lin actually carried Lan Ling on his back.

When Tantou saw his dream lover being carried by Jiang Lin, his heart was completely cold for a while.

It seems that Jiang Lin and Lan Ling should have been together during the time they were lost, and then...then the two of them spent the night together.


Tantou suddenly felt that the whole world had become black and white.

"Don't be stunned, hurry up and enter the ghost town, this will lead the way."

Jiang Lin didn't go to meet Chun Shisan Shao and the others, and went directly to the entrance of the ghost town with Palu.

Chai Tou called out Tan Tou, who was like a concubine, and pulled Tan Tou to follow. As for the thirteenth young master, he went to Lan Ling.

She instinctively felt that something was wrong, and the more she looked at Lan Ling, the more she felt that there was a sense of spring on Lan Ling's face.

"You... have you ever had anything with him? I can tell you, he is mine, I have said it more than once, even if I don't like him, he is also my target, if you want a divine sword, It’s okay to take the treasure, but don’t want to hit people. If you want a sword, you want treasure, and you want people, how can you be like this? What have you done with him? Come on!”

The more Chun Shisan thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt in her heart. At first, in order to prevent Lan Ling from doing bad things, she took the initiative to find Lan Ling, and she also moved out of Doman in her words.

At that time, Lan Ling already knew that Jiang Lin was her target.

Later, she even told Lan Ling that she was attracted to Jiang Lin, but now it's better, she wasn't there, she didn't stand aside to watch, and Lan Ling took her person.

Moreover, Lan Ling had always said that she was not interested in Jiang Lin, but just now she was lying on her back.

It's not that I can't move my feet, so what do you want my sweetheart to do?



After listening to the question from the young master Chun Shisan, Lan Ling suddenly became angry and said, "You come and ask me? I haven't settled with you yet, you just stuff me half a bottle of psychedelic incense before let me...let me..."

Speaking of this, Lan Ling's face turned red, and Chun Shisan Shao had already understood through Lan Ling's reaction that Jiang Lin must have gone to sleep with Lan Ling.

"Shame on you! I gave you psychedelic incense to protect you from the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but you used it to fascinate the man I liked while I wasn't there."

Chun Shisan Shao was so angry that her mouth and nose were burning. The enhanced version of the psychedelic incense she gave to Lan Ling was out of the good intentions of taking care of her allies and left it to Lan Ling for self-defense. For example, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, as long as you cover your nose and sprinkle the psychedelic incense out, you can bring the opponent down.

But Lan Ling was better, instead of using it to bring down the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, she brought down her Jianglin, and spent the spring night with her, sleeping in a blanket.

Do you have one like this?

Chapter [*] Sisters pinch each other (Part [*])

Young Master Chun Shisan didn't hear what Lan Ling said just now, or she didn't even want to hear it at all, she just wanted to scold Lan Ling.

Being scolded by Young Master Chun Shisan like this, Lan Ling's mentality also exploded. She knew that Young Master Chun Shisan gave her the psychedelic incense out of good intentions.

Therefore, even if she had an accident with Jiang Lin this time, with the fact that she was married, psychedelic incense was the culprit, and she did not complain about Chun Shisan.

The black cauldron that made her lose her life should not be shouldered by Young Master Chun Shisan.

But she won't let Young Master Chun Shisan take the blame, Young Master Chun Shisan is better, and she is shameless here.

"Who is shameless?"

Lan Ling wasn't used to the thirteenth young master, and this incident was not her original intention. Now she is in a dilemma, and it may make her betray the great priest who cultivated her. These have already given her enough headaches. At the same time, she would also be scolded by Chun Shisan Shao, but she was unwilling to endure it.

"I don't know who it is. At first, I wanted to sell Jiang Lin's family as a bell, but I was beaten and called by others, and I fell in love with them. I even gave it away for nothing, and I don't know how to be ashamed! People are also kicked out to hang trees, which is really ridiculous!"

Lan Ling just hurt each other with Chun Shisan Shao, come on, let's fight each other.

What can you scold me for?

It was an accident, but Jiang Lin loved me very much and wanted to marry me as his wife.

Call me shameless. Anyway, I am not. Not only do I have no guilt in my heart, but I am a little happy.

Moreover, I also got a lot of benefits. Jiang Lin gave me immortal wine to drink and cold marrow as pain reliever.

But baby I am.

you pinch?

Deserves to be beaten by my man.

Five elements owe play.

"Do you want to quarrel, do you want to fight me? Don't think that I always suffer, I'm afraid of you!"

The scar on Chun Shisan's heart was uncovered, he immediately rolled up his sleeves, and wanted to PK with Lan Ling, the real person.

Real women not only dare to tear each other apart, but also have a kind of one-on-one fight.

If you can solve it with your hands, don't talk about it.

Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao were originally siblings born to a mother, but now they don't even know each other, and they started to pinch each other.

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