The reason for the pinch was because of Jiang Lin.

"What am I doing with you? There's no need. I'll tell you secretly, Jiang Lin loves me very much, he...he found some treasures in the ground, and he didn't want to eat them. He gave them all to me, and he wanted to let them I recognize him as my husband. How is it that he is so gentle and considerate? Although it was an accident between us, he has already fallen in love with me. Are you envious? Are you jealous? Are you sad?"

Lan Ling raised her face to Chun Shisan Shao, and then walked forward.

She didn't want Chun Shisan Shao to know Jiang Lin's identity, so she mixed some lies in her words, but it had no effect.

Later, Lan Ling turned her head to Chun Shisan Shao again and said, "Don't think about it, you can't envy such a thing. This person can't be generalized to other people. They are also women, so how can they be treated so differently? Someone It was just a pure accident, but it was taken care of like a heart, but some people would rather give it away than be kicked and cry all night."


Young Master Chun Shisan was so scolded by Lan Ling that tears welled up in his eyes.

She didn't have any other emotions in her heart, she just felt very unbalanced.


As soon as Young Master Chun Shisan linked the previous incident of Jiang Lin carrying Lan Ling with what Lan Ling had just said, he knew that Jiang Lin was not disinterested in women.

After realizing this, she felt even more unbalanced.

Although she suspected that Lan Ling had a different feeling for Jiang Lin in her heart, but no matter how she had never admitted it, she did admit it, and wanted to tell Jiang Lin her feelings.

As a result, she was kicked and hung on a tree just like what Lan Ling said just now.

But Lan Ling entered Jiang Lin's heart just because of an accident, and was cared for so considerately.


"I... I'm going to tell him about your use of him!"

Young Master Chun Thirteen couldn't think of anything to slap Lan Ling, so he wanted to tell Jiang Lin the real purpose of Lan Ling.

"Whatever you want, as long as I am willing to be with him now, he will forgive me, but it is you, you are not afraid of being known by him about the matter of selling him to Doman? With a task, you have to perform your duties, you are different."

Lan Ling smiled lightly, and didn't plan to continue pinching each other with Chun Shisan, it was meaningless.

Jiang Lin knew early on that Young Master Chun Shisan was a bell boss. As long as Young Master Chun Shisan dared to speak up, he would probably be beaten more.

Moreover, Lan Ling also felt that she didn't need to lose her identity because Jiang Lin fought with Chun Shisan again.

She can get Jiang Lin's recognition anyway, and she may not be able to fall in love with Jiang Linen in the future.

But Spring Thirteen, it is estimated that there is no drama at all.

What are you fighting with such a girl?

The roots of Chun Shisan Shao's hatred were itching, and Lan Ling's reminder made her give up the idea of ​​a dead fish and a broken net.

If Jiang Lin knew that she was going to arrest and sell her to a super fat woman, it would be meaningless for her to explain.

However, she didn't know that Jiang Lin had listened to her purpose from the very beginning.

I'll let you chat with me, if I don't squeeze you out, I won't be alive!

Chun Shisan Shao was sulking, and her chest kept heaving and heaving. Now she has other plans in her mind, not to fight with Lan Ling about anything jealous.

Although Lan Ling's words made her very angry, the information contained in it woke her up.

Whether Lan Ling is willing or not, after the accident with Jiang Lin, she was taken care of by Jiang Lin as a baby.

That Lanling can be an accident, why can't she have an accident?

Even if there is no accident, she can create an accident artificially.

Isn't Lanling being treated like this by Jiang Lin because of the psychedelic fragrance?

It's not that she doesn't have this psychedelic fragrance, there are many more.

Chun Shisan Shao's dark eyes rolled, Lan Ling had been drowning in water by Jiang Lin, but after spending a good night with Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin's attitude changed [-] degrees. Big turn.

Then she was beaten and kicked by Jiang Lin, and what was it? As long as she had a substantial relationship with Jiang Lin, she didn't believe that Jiang Lin's attitude towards her was still the same as before.

Chun Shisan Shao believes that she is not inferior to Lan Ling in terms of appearance, and there is no reason why Lan Ling can be treated gently by Jiang Lin, and she cannot feel Jiang Lin's consideration.

Chapter [-] Ghost Town Thousand Army Warriors (Part [-])

Having made up her mind, Young Master Chun Shisan clenched her hand tightly. This time, she reckoned that she was going to give it away in vain.

Last time, she joked with Lan Ling that she wanted to get the identity of a queen and made it happen, but that was just a joke. Later, she went to Jiang Lin's tent just to express her feelings.

In the end, he was kicked in the stomach by Jiang Lin and flew out.

Knowing that Lan Ling was being treated as a careful child by Jiang Lin, Young Master Chun Shisan felt extremely unbalanced in his heart.

It is really thick-skinned to eat a piece of meat, thin-skinned and intangible.

A piece of lean meat that she was looking at was secretly eaten by a scheming girl named Lan Ling.

She also showed off to her, this meat is fragrant!

It's like I don't know how cheeky the old lady is.

Wait for me!

Chun Shisan Shao stomped his feet, and then chased after her, giving her a little time to find a chance, and she could really send herself to the door with a cheeky face.

At that time, she will treat Jiang Lin as good as she is. After she has captured Jiang Lin's heart, she will blow the pillow wind to Jiang Lin and let Jiang Lin kick Lan Ling away.

Let this scheming girl hide in the corner and cry.

Young Master Chun Shisan didn't care about that much anymore, the second skin face was just the second skin face. Anyway, she was in love with Jiang Lin now, and she was just taking the initiative to send it to her door.

In any case, she couldn't swallow the bad breath that was mocked by Lan Ling.

So, under the leadership of Palu, the group headed towards the entrance of the ghost town along a special path.

In the evening, Jiang Lin found an opportunity to leave for a while, and released a god-like puppet.

This god will be hovering in the sky around the ghost town. If it finds the trace of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it will look for it, hand over the sound transmission to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and lead the way.

After that, Jiang Lin and the others continued on their way, but except for Pa Lu, who led the way, Jiang Lin and the others seemed to be very worried.

Jiang Lin was thinking about how to make Lan Ling choose to stand on his side, but Lan Ling was still in a dilemma and asked her to betray the queen and the high priest. She felt that she could not do it, but now she had to turn against Jiang Lin. , she is even more reluctant.

Especially when she and Chun Shisan Shao were pinching each other before, she said something, and only later did she realize that she did have some sweet taste in her heart.

In her heart, she was willing to accept Jiang Lin.

As for the young master of Chun Shisan, he was thinking of Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, how can he create opportunities so that he can get into Jiang Lin's arms.

However, Young Master Chun Thirteen didn't know what to do, and there were people who were trying to beat her - Chai Tou was in a very good mood now, because he could see that something had happened to Jiang Lin and Lan Ling.

In their group, there are only two girls, one is Lan Ling, and the other is Young Master Chun Shisan, and Young Master Chun Shisan is obviously interested in Jiang Lin, but now Jiang Lin and Lan Ling have a different relationship. Less naturally out of play.

Chai Tou always thought that Young Master Chun Shisan thought that Jiang Lin might be the Emperor Star, and his attitude changed drastically, and he always thought that he was the real Emperor Star. No, he felt that his chance was gone. coming.

The dull charcoal head was half dead along the way. Ninety-nine percent of his goddess had already slept with Jiang Lin. If it wasn't for his brother's constant urging, he wouldn't even want to leave.

After Palu took Jiang Lin and the others into the ghost town, Jiang Lin asked him to return to the place where the tribe lived and waited quietly for his instructions.

After entering the ghost town, Jiang Lin frowned as he looked ahead. The ghost town gave him a very strange feeling.

Although he did not notice any resentment, his alertness to the crisis still made him feel that this ghost town was definitely not that simple.

It's just because of the environment of the Thousand Machines Country that the terrain and pattern here cannot be inferred from common sense, and Jiang Lin really can't see anything.

At this time, Lan Ling walked up to Jiang Lin and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I feel a little unusual here. In the next time, you will be by my side and don't stay away."

Jiang Lin looked at Lan Ling, Lan Ling's body is not like Red Eagle, there are some protective measures on his body, this ghost town reveals strangeness, once Lan Ling is in danger, he may be hurt.

Lan Ling's eyes fell on Jiang Lin's face, and in the end she just pursed her lips.

Now she can feel more and more Jiang Lin's care and care for her. There was nothing else in Jiang Lin's eyes just now, some were pure worry, caring about her safety.

This made Lan Ling's heart even more chaotic. Jiang Lin wanted to be her husband. If it wasn't for the opposition, she felt that she would not resist.

What made her struggle even more was that Jiang Lin never forced her to do anything, whether she would let her deal with the high priest in turn, Jiang Lin didn't mention it, and likewise, Jiang Lin didn't force her to choose a position.

Without these things, it made her more difficult to choose.

After Jiang Lin instructed Lan Ling, he jumped to a tall tree until he reached the crown of the tree.

He didn't see through this ghost town very well, and there were once thousands of soldiers buried here, guarding the national destiny of the remnants of the motherland. It is impossible to say that there is nothing strange here.

When he got to the top, Jiang Lin only saw the whole picture of this area by the afterglow of the setting sun.

Nine bends and eighteen bends.

This ghost town is actually a water city. A big river winds in it, like a coiled silver python. At the end of the big river, there is a side of Satin, and the center of Satin is a low mountain with a large area. .

Jiang Lin squinted and looked around, and found that if he wanted to reach Shatin, if he took the land route and went straight, he would not only have to climb over the hills without a path, but also have to cross the rivers one after another.

That being the case, it is better to go directly with the water and choose the waterway.

Moreover, even if there is an emergency in the river, or there is a mechanism on the bottom of the water, with the resistance of the water flow, the power will be much smaller.

If this ghost town has the protection methods of the previous dynasty, it is most likely on those mountains.

Therefore, Jiang Lin weighed it and stopped thinking about it. Just now, he just glanced at the river bank overgrown with weeds and thorns, and there were some cargo ships and warships, and there was no need for them to deliberately make any bamboo rafts.

Just as Jiang Lin was watching from afar, the brothers Chai Tou and Tantou shivered a little. The two of them suddenly felt that their body temperature had dropped a lot, and they felt cold.

What caused them to have such a situation was because the fate of the emperor on the two of them was introduced into the ground, and they converged towards Shatin in the center of the ghost town.

Not only did this pair of brothers have an abnormal situation, but Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao also had a little pain in Lan Ling's left shoulder while Chun Shisan Shao's right shoulder was a little itchy.

Today, the Twin Flowers, Emperor Stars, and Zombies mentioned in the prophecies circulated among the people of Qianjimin have all appeared in the ghost town, and the Qianjun Tomb in the center of the ghost town has also changed at this time.

Chapter [-] Ghost Town Thousand Soldiers (Part [-])

Leaving Chaitou and Tantou's bodies and drilling into the underground, the emperor's luck quickly arrived at the center of the ghost town and merged into the bottom of the low mountain.

As for the low mountain on the Satin, its interior is a huge hollow space.

In this space, there are countless spears, spears and swords that have been rusted or even broken. In the flat and huge square in the mountain, there are thousands of human-shaped stone statues.

These statues all look like soldiers, just like a group of terracotta warriors buried for the emperor.

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