In front of the many upright terracotta warriors, there is also a stone statue suspected of having the identity of a general.

After the two royal paths of Qi escaped from the ground, the square at the foot of these terracotta warriors appeared indefinitely bright, which seemed to be a special kind of rune. Slight cracks started to appear because of these runes.

In fact, the terracotta warriors in the ghost town are far more than these, not only the inner space of the low mountain, the bottom of the river winding in the ghost town, but also the countless terracotta warriors, but at this time, hidden in the bottom of the water. The terracotta warriors did not move.

Jiang Lin, who was looking at the environment from a distance in the ghost town, did not know that they still had to face so many terracotta warriors if they wanted to enter the Qianjun Tomb to get the Divine Sword.

Even if you add a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it is not the solution at all.

"There is a big boat on the river not far away. If you want to enter the center of the ghost town, if you go straight, there may be a lot of risk. We will continue to follow the waterway."

After Jiang Lin jumped from the canopy, he immediately let Lan Ling and the others go on their way overnight. Next, he not only wanted to get the Divine Sword, but also to check the terrain and use the location to ambush. Therefore, Jiang Lin didn't want to waste time.

After that, Jiang Lin took Lan Ling's hand and opened the way in front of her head. Lan Ling subconsciously wanted to break free, but Jiang Lin held her Su hand tightly, and Lan Ling felt that if she broke free, she would have to be caught. Chun Shisan laughed, and she let Jiang Lin pull her.

Although Lan Ling was reluctant to let her acquaintances know about her relationship with Jiang Lin, but before she was scolded by Chun Shisan Shao, she had collapsed, and she admitted that she had something to do with Jiang Lin, so there was no need to hide her now. on.

As for the brothers Chaitou and Tantou, at this moment Lan Ling also thinks that it has nothing to do with her whether they know the oil bottle or not.

A quarter of an hour later, a group of five people arrived at the bank of the big river. Young Master Chun Shisan saw the big ship stranded on the bank, and his eyes suddenly lit up. There was an undamaged passenger ship inside, and as long as Yang Fan was anchored, he could follow the current. Enter the depths of the ghost town.

This is not the point, the point is that there are many guest rooms on the passenger ship, which just gave her the opportunity to send herself to the door.

Now, Young Master Chun Shisan felt that she didn't even want to send it. As long as Lan Ling and Jiang Lin didn't live in the same room, she slipped into Jiang Lin's room in the middle of the night and put a psychedelic incense directly.

Just learn from Lan Ling.

Young Master Chun Shisan felt that God gave her a chance. When she was trying to figure out a way before, she suddenly realized that she had been kicked by Jiang Lin before, and she never recovered. When she was pinching each other with Lan Ling, She ignored it because she was too angry.

Fortunately, she didn't fight with Lan Ling, otherwise, she would be beaten again.

Realizing that her spiritual power couldn't function, Young Master Chun Shisan still had a headache. No matter how much she took precautions to avoid being beaten by Jiang Lin like the last time, she still couldn't use force against Jiang Lin.

Just put psychedelic scents.

But now that there is a passenger ship in front of her, she has a much greater chance of filling Jiang Lin with psychedelic incense.

The ship Jiang Lin chose was really the passenger ship in the [*]th Young Master of the Spring.

After pulling the anchor, Jiang Lin raised the sails again. The terrain around this ghost town and the flow of the river all tended from the surrounding to the center, as was the wind direction.

Although the passenger boat is not small, Jiang Lin and the others did not have to make much effort to get the passenger boat to sail, drifting along the big river on the water, heading for Shatin in the center of the ghost town.

"You stay here, I'll go into the water to see if there is any danger, be careful."

Jiang Lin stood at the bow of the boat, and after glancing around, he asked Lan Ling beside him to be careful, keep alert, and prepare to go down into the river to investigate.

A fierce man plunged into the water, and Jiang Lin continued to dive.

What are these things?

When they reached the bottom of the river, Jiang Lin found a large number of terracotta warriors standing side by side at the bottom of the river.

For a time, even Jiang Lin couldn't figure out what was going on. As far as he knew, this ghost town was the place where soldiers from the old country of Qianji were buried for the country, but why was it more than [*] feet below the river bottom? There are so many terracotta statues?

It doesn't make any sense. What does it mean to put so many figurines at the bottom of the river?

Jiang Lin was swimming at the bottom of the river, wanting to see if these terracotta warriors had hidden secrets.

He now feels more and more that there are many inexplicable places in the ghost town. If this is the place where thousands of soldiers died, then it stands to reason that when he looked at the outline and terrain of the ghost town before, he should have found many bones.

In addition, no matter how chaotic the yin and yang of this Thousand Machine Country, so many people died in the ghost town, the aura of death, resentment or corpse, at least should exist.

But since entering the ghost town, he has not sensed this kind of breath.

There are no bones to be seen, but there are so many terracotta warriors under the river bottom.

It's also weird.

After swimming at the bottom of the river for about half an hour, Jiang Lin didn't find anything else, so he surfaced and chased after the passenger boat that had gone several miles away.

This time, Jiang Lin didn't find any mystery, it was not because of yin and yang confusion, but because the terracotta warriors at the bottom of the river had not been activated.

Jiang Lin also didn't expect that the soldiers of the old country of Qianji Kingdom were buried. He chose to turn them into terracotta warriors, which caused him not to use his corpse's perspective ability to view those terracotta warriors.

As long as he looks through it, he can find many terracotta warriors at the bottom of the river, and there are still human flesh and blood inside.

Chapter [*] Twin flowers bloom, sisters recognize each other ([*])

Jiang Lin flipped on the board, and Lan Ling, who had been waiting, was relieved. Before Jiang Lin did not come back for so long, she had been at the bottom of the river, she thought Jiang Lin was in danger.

Not long ago, Jiang Lin had said that this ghost town was weird and there might be unknown dangers, so she was naturally worried for Jiang Lin.

As soon as the Yang Yan in his body moved, the river water on Jiang Lin's body was evaporated. After that, he informed Lan Ling of the situation at the bottom of the river, and asked Lan Ling if he knew some information about the previous dynasty.

From Jiang Lin's understanding, the appearance of terracotta warriors in ghost towns is not entirely unexpected. After all, there are also terracotta warriors and horses in Middle-earth.

It’s just that the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in Middle-earth appeared in the tombs of emperors. The soldiers in this ghost town were only buried. The former kings didn’t die here, nor were they buried here, leaving behind many soldiers. What are the figurines used for in the river?

After listening to Jiang Lin's remarks, Lan Ling did not give any explanation. She also did not understand why there were so many terracotta warriors at the bottom of the river.

While Jiang Lin was talking with Lan Ling, Young Master Chun thirteen stuck her head out of a cabin. In order to prevent her intentions from being too obvious, she put a lot of effort into not letting Jiang Lin tell her. She cleaned and tidied up several guest rooms on the ship, and even did the work that Chaitou and Tantou should do.

Now she chose a room adjacent to Jiang Lin for herself, drilled a small hole in the wall, and waited for Jiang Lin to return to the room to rest.

I'll try if I can let Jiang Lin kick you tomorrow, if I want it, I can't want you, hum!

Chun Shisan pouted, and then closed the door. Now, as long as she sees Jiang Lin and Lan Ling together, her heart is like overturning the vinegar jar.

At the bow of the boat, Jiang Lin looked up at the half moon in the night sky, always feeling that something might happen next.

In the blink of an eye, under the moonlight, Jiang Lin saw a slender and slender figure leaping towards him from a distance on the shore.

Red Eagle?

Jiang Lin was quite familiar with the figure of the red eagle, and the bow knife on the waist of the red eagle just now also reflected the moonlight and flashed into his eyes, letting him know that the figure that came here was the red eagle.

"You can patrol here first, and I'll go back to my room to rest. If anything unusual happens, notify me immediately."

Jiang Lin asked Lan Ling to patrol the bow of the boat, preparing to rest for a while.

On the one hand, until now, his mental fatigue has not been completely recovered, and his current state does need to be adjusted in order to cope with what may happen next.

The next plan also requires him to be in a better state.

On the other hand, Hongji came here this time to confess something to Lan Ling, so Jiang Lin felt that it would be better for him to avoid him a little, otherwise, Lan Ling would be angry with him.

Some words are better for women to talk about themselves, such as making Lan Ling change his mentality. As a past person, what Hong Ji said might be more effective than his own.

Jiang Lin returned to the cabin, and it didn't take long for Hong Ji to grab the bow knife at his waist, so that half of the short blades flew out, wrapped around the mast, and swayed towards the bow.

"You don't need to guard against me. I'm not here to grab slate or people."

After landing on the deck, Hong Ji looked at Lan Ling who was facing the enemy, and said something flutteringly.

"What are you here for?"

Lan Ling stared at Hong Ji with a suspicious look on her face. She always felt that Hong Ji was the one who came to be unkind and would not come.

"I remember telling you that I already have a man. Just listen to me quietly. After listening, you will know what I am here for."

Hong Jiu glanced at Jiang Lin's door, then withdrew his gaze and told Lan Ling something.

After Jiang Lin returned to his room, he sat on the bed cleaned by Chun Shisan Shao, closing his eyes and resting.

Young Master Chun Shisan, who was next to Jiang Lin, saw from the hole in the wall that Jiang Lin had returned to the room, and then crept out of the room.

He quickly pushed Jiang Lin's door open and closed it again. After that, Young Master Chun Shisan took out a transparent vial from his arms, covered his mouth and nose, and rushed towards Jiang Lin in three steps. .


The psychedelic incense in the vial immediately splashed on Jiang Lin's body, and the volatilized smell also penetrated into Jiang Lin's nose and mouth.

Jiang Lin looked at the young master of Chun Shisan quietly. He wanted to calm down now, but the girl came to disturb her again. Originally, he wanted to kick the girl out, but considering that Hongji was talking with Lanling, he I endured.

This time, although the psychedelic incense had also penetrated into Jiang Lin's body, at the very least, Jiang Lin was no longer in a state of lethargy, and the effect of the psychedelic incense on him was greatly reduced.

Seeing Jiang Lin go "silly", Young Master Chun Shisan burst out laughing, but she still covered her mouth and nose to prevent herself from being caught in the psychedelic incense.

After a long while, Young Master Chun Shisan withdrew his palm, looked at Jiang Lin tenderly, and said, "I never thought I would be so cheeky for a man. Originally, I was going to sell you as a bell, But who would have thought that I would... actually fall in love with you. Tonight, I'll take advantage of you, but after you know what happened, you can't think I'm a very casual girl. Go on The next time I came to your tent, I just wanted to let you know my heart, not like this time."

Because Young Master Chun Shisan thought that Jiang Lin had a psychedelic incense, so she confided to Jiang Lin, she felt that after tonight, Jiang Lin would become her husband, she still wanted to say something in her heart. , even if Jiang Lin couldn't hear it at all, she still wanted to confess.

"Although my Spring Thirteenth Young Master is the owner of Bells, I have sold many men and sold them as bells, but I have never been cheap to any man. This time, you can get a big bargain."

After that, Young Master Chun Shisan looked at Jiang Lin affectionately, but Jiang Lin still didn't respond.

Chapter [*] Twin flowers bloom, sisters recognize each other ([*])

Of course, Jiang Lin just didn't change the expression on his face, but his heart was very speechless.

Extremely speechless.

The second uncle, the girl of Chun Shisan, this girl, this human resource, actually confessed that she fell in love with him.

Jiang Lin really couldn't figure out what was going on. He admitted that he had a lot of luck and had many wives, but this time, it was outrageous.

It was even more outrageous than the previous marriage between him and An Ge.

When he was with An Ge, although his eyes were blind, he was also contributing to An Ge. Even if he was blind, he still made An Ge feel his tenderness and kindness.

But what about this Young Master Chun Thirteen, this girl will not talk about what happened before she saw his true appearance. Ever since he met Young Master Chun Thirteen again, he was just like a violent scumbag, Chun Thirteen. Such a female cultivator was stunned by a heavy belly punch from him.

Later, he completely treated this girl as a girl, and when Chun Shisan recovered, he was beaten and kicked by him again and hung directly on the tree.

After that, the girl was choked to death by him in the water.

All in all, he didn't show any kindness at all.

Of course, all of this was because the young Chun Thirteen wanted to sell him as a bell when he first started.

But in such a situation where he was either beaten up or served as a servant, Young Master Chun Shisan now said that he fell in love with him.

How much do you like being abused, girl?

A girl with such a personality?

Eye-opening, really eye-opening.

If such a thing made Jiang Lin very speechless, then what Spring Thirteen Young Master planned to do made Jiang Lin speechless to the extreme.

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