The human heart is full of flesh and has feelings.

After gradually changing, Red Eagle has now re-understood this truth.

Even from the point of view of interests, this is beneficial to Jiang Lin, and Hongji is willing to treat Lanling with a new attitude.

Hongji thought for a while, and smiled to herself. In the past, she regarded Lanling as an enemy, but now, she sincerely regards Lanling as her family.

And these are all because of Jiang Lin's sudden appearance.

"You... why did you hit me just now?"

Lan Ling pushed the Red Eagle away, but the force of the push was still a lot lighter.

"I beat you to make you sober and think like my elder sister. You can't see things clearly, and you will only take advantage of it in vain. You are a loyal subordinate and a loyal minister, but the high priest hides it so deeply. , Now [*]% of them intend to rebel. Once the matter is revealed, the high priest will be convicted and divided into pieces. Can the queen let you go? Will she care if you don’t know? Will you not be punished for your sins? Think about it, our mystery Shi, once a tool like this is about to be killed, who will intercede and who will save me? I tell you now, Jiang Lin will save me, he will save me, and he will save you, because he saves you , so, I will also save you. In terms of backbone, are you comparable to me? You are not as ruthless as I am. But even like me, I am willing to give up my previous ambitions and be a woman in Jianglin. He treats me well, Willing to love me. As I said before, I'm jealous of you because he treats you better than me, but what are you thinking?"

Naturally, Hongji wouldn't say that she didn't want Lan Ling to think about the contents of the secret book before doing it, but there was nothing wrong with what she said.


Lan Ling couldn't say half of the words asked by Red Eagle. Now that she thinks about it, what Red Eagle said is the truth, even if Jiang Lin has never appeared before, such a thing happened, even if she cooperated with Red Eagle, Back in Huadu, there is no such thing as atonement for merit. I don't know how many ministers who sat and died in the past.

As for Hong Ji asking what she was thinking, it was asking her about her attitude towards Jiang Lin.

If she didn't doubt Hongji, Jiang Lin was willing to give her a good treasure like Xianjiu. If she was in danger, Jiang Lin would definitely protect and rescue her.

"Do you know why my sister was against me in the past? I don't make excuses for myself. I used to be an ambitious woman, but that's also because I don't think I owe the queen anything. She cultivated me and made me have With my current cultivation and ability, I have been working for her for so many years, and I am giving full play to my value. The same is true for you. If you make a mistake, what do you think the queen will do to you?"

"Give me some time."

Lan Ling pursed her lips, she still needed some time to digest the information in her mind, including what Hong Ji said of course.

After speaking, Lan Ling immediately added: "Sister."

The words Hongji said to her were really heartfelt. She grew up with Hongjie since she was a child, and she was a little younger than Hongjie. It was nothing to call Hongjie sister.

Jiang Lin still didn't know what Red Eagle would say to Lan Ling this time. If he knew, he would think that his Red Eagle, this wife, really had nothing to say.

Came here, talked to Lan Ling, and let Lan Ling decide to cooperate with him to deal with the high priest.

Chapter two thousand two hundred and fifty-eight

With a smile on his face, Hongji said: "Time will give you, sister, I only knew that I used to covet the queen's position and act ruthlessly. Don't blame my previous actions. After I met Jiang Lin, he asked me to make changes. I was not allowed to use any means to achieve my goals as before. This time, for his sake, I wanted you to have your heart on him, so I secretly reported the situation to the queen. Speaking of which, it has also cut your back, my sister is here to apologize to you, the only way I can think of is this."

After finishing speaking, Hongji apologized to Lanling with a sincere face, and she did realize that what she had done to Lanling in the past was too much, causing damage to Lanling again and again.

This apology also includes that she deliberately overinterpreted the contents of the secret book this time, which can be regarded as fooling Lan Ling once.

"In the future, my elder sister will never snatch your candy like she did when she was a child. If anyone wants to bully and hurt you, elder sister will protect you. Anyway, I am cruel, so I will cut him off. I don't know if it's too late now. Just don't forget to hate your sister."

The red eagle stroked the ends of Lanling's hair, and for the first time there was a feeling of love for the little sister in his eyes.

"Don't say that. I..."

Tears fell from Lan Ling's eyes. She and Hong Ji are very young. She has always wanted to regard Hong Ji as her only relative. If she didn't have such a mentality, she would not be in danger in Hong Ji. At times, he repeatedly tried to rescue him, but he still wanted to rescue him from the bottom of his heart.

However, Naihe Hongji's ambition is bigger than that of a man. What he thinks of is either imperial power or the throne. He doesn't think of her as a sister at all. He often conflicts with her, and even kills her.

To be honest, many times she was really heartbroken by the red eagle.

But at this moment, Hong Ji would sincerely apologize to her for what she had done before, and would protect her in the future.

This is what she has been longing for since she was a child.

Bowing to hug the red eagle, Lan Ling buried her face on the shoulder of the red eagle and cried.

Now she doesn't want to think about anything anymore. As long as she has a sister who treats herself as her own sister, she feels content.

"Did you really change because of him?"

After Lan Ling cried for a while, she felt incredible and looked at the red eagle in front of her.

She knows what kind of person Hongji was in the past, but now Hongji has changed like this.

Hong Jiu pursed his lips and said, "It's not who he can be, if I don't make changes, how can he give me a name. Before me, except for my appearance, there were not many things he could like. He didn't give me anything. Name, then what is the difference between me and some bells on the market? If he wants me, he will force me. After asking for it, he will not even say a word of love and pity. It will always be like this. How can I be willing? What kind of attitude towards me, the decision power is actually with me, I can get into his eyes, he must want me, then of course I have to fight for it. After all, even my sister, I can't escape his palm. Heart, if he hits hard, if he hadn’t been in Longyou Shoal now, even if the queen did her best, she might not have gotten him. I won't fall to the point where I have to choose, but it is precisely because of this that I have the opportunity at the beginning. Now, he has begun to pamper me and coax me. In my whole life, I have identified him as a man. ."

After listening to Hong Ji's words, Lan Ling was quite surprised. She already knew that Jiang Lin was a cultivator, and his strength was likely to surpass Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Comparable to the Queen.

"Stop talking about this, my sister told you something about him, I guess he never told you, he is really a living legend, do you know where the fairy treasure he gave you came from... "

Hong Ji took Lan Ling's hand and told her about Jiang Lin.

At the same time, in Jiang Lin's cabin, a crimson halo appeared on Chun Shisan's lovely face, and she was still confessing.

From before to now, the more and more Chun Shisan said, the more shy he became, and at the same time he was full of joy.

She said a lot to Jiang Lin, for example, even if Jiang Lin is not the Emperor Star, she doesn't mind, and how many fat babies she wants to give Jiang Lin in the future.

Even if she thought that Jiang Lin was fascinated by the psychedelic fragrance and couldn't hear it, she didn't care. If Jiang Lin wasn't "fascinated", she would be ashamed to say it.

"What do you want to do?"

Just when Young Master Chun Shisan was not going to talk anymore, but wanted to take action and give himself to Jiang Lin for nothing, Jiang Lin said a word out of nowhere.

Before, Jiang Lin sat quietly and didn't show any abnormality. Anyway, his two women were talking outside. He didn't want to go out for the time being, and he wasn't going to make any noise. Listen to this girl, the Thirteenth Young Master Chun. It's not bad to have a stand-up comedy in front of him.

However, now that Young Master Chun Shisan is going to sleep with him, he can no longer be like nothing else.

"You... you... aren't you in the psychedelic incense?"

Young Master Chun Shisan was stunned. Her enhanced version of psychedelic incense could even bring down Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. How could Jiang Lin recover after only a quarter or two had passed?

"My physique is special. After being poisoned once, I won't be poisoned again. I just haven't moved much. You come to my room, and now you only wear a bellyband, what do you want to do?"


Young Master Chun Shisan suddenly screamed, and his mind went blank. It turned out that Jiang Lin had never been affected by the psychedelic fragrance.Doesn't that mean that Jiang Lin heard all the words she said just now?

After screaming, Young Master Chun Shisan grabbed the skirt he had taken off before and hung it on his body, and jumped out from the window on the other side of the cabin just like he was looking for a hole in the ground.

She even forgot that she was going to give herself to Jiang Lin in the first place, but because of the girl's shy reaction, she even forgot her purpose.

It's over after escaping, and there's no face to meet anyone.

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, but after a while, he couldn't laugh anymore.

If the human resource of Young Master Chun Shisan is really Lan Ling's sister, then how could he sell this girl without leaving any scum?

In that case, he would have an acquaintance and relative relationship with Young Master Chun Shisan.

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin decided to ask Lan Ling.

Until now, there has been no sound of fighting and quarrel outside. It is estimated that Hongji and Lanling should be talking relatively harmoniously, and at least there is no mutual pinch.

Chapter [*]: Enemy, Love, Rival, Family (Part [*])

After walking out of the cabin and reaching the bow, Jiang Lin was a little dumbfounded. Lan Ling and Hong Ji were talking and laughing.

Maybe hallucinations again?

Jiang Lin thought that he had seen some illusory scenes because of the influence of psychedelic incense.

"What are you looking at? You are a man full of peach blossom debts! It's me and Lan Ling. The young master Chun Shisan, who sold bells just now, is also in your room?"

Hongjiu didn't give Jiang Lin a good look. Jiang Lin didn't come to Qianjiguo for a month before he took her down. Lanling was also wanted by Jianglin. Now, Young Master Chun Shisan is all about being a queen.

If it wasn't for this girl who wanted to sell Jiang Lin to a fat general at the beginning, would Jiang Lin not want it?

It's definitely not for nothing.

In the conversation with Lan Ling just now, Hong Ji also asked about the young master Chun Shisan, and she realized that Jiang Lin wanted to use this bell boss as a human resource. At the same time, she also understood that Jiang Lin was in the canyon at that time. Why do you say that the girl is useful to her.

Therefore, she didn't take it seriously when she heard the scream of a young girl in the Jianglin room just now.

But Jiang Lin didn't take Chun Shisan Shao as a normal girl, and that didn't prevent him from having a lot of peach blossom debts.

The Spring Thirteenth Young Master always wanted to give it away for nothing.

"Where did you want to go?"

Jiang Lin gave Hong Ji a roll of eyes, and then looked at Lan Ling, but Lan Ling's mouth was shriveled. She now has an older sister, which really makes her very happy, but Jiang Lin is with Hong Ji after all. deceived her.

Now she doesn't want to complain about the elder sister Hongji, so the account will naturally be transferred to Jiang Lin.

Eh?That mysterious messenger named Hongji, knew Jiang Lin?

At this moment, Young Master Chun Shisan, whose blushing had not yet faded away, showed his head from the wall by the corridor and looked at Jiang Lin and the others.

Before she jumped out of Jiang Lin's cabin window, because her cheeks were red and hot, she was blowing the wind in the corridor, but it didn't take long for her to hear Jiang Lin's voice, so she came over to have a look.

The main entrance and windows of the cabin of this passenger ship are exactly one after the other, and there are also two corridors on the passenger ship. Therefore, Jiang Lin has not encountered Chun Shisan before.

How is this going?

Isn't that mysterious envoy a bad guy?

Chun Shisan rarely saw that there was no hostility between Jiang Lin, Lan Ling and Hong Ji, and felt quite puzzled.

"Lan Ling, do you have a younger sister?"

Jiang Lin touched his nose, and then confirmed to Lan Ling about the [*]th Young Master Chun.

"Sister? No."

Lan Ling shook her head. She has been an orphan since she was a child, without a parent or mother, and has no relatives in the world.

"No, you should have a sister."

At this time, Hongji frowned and thought for a while, then denied Lan Ling's statement, and then she said: "I'm a little older than you, when we entered the palace, I heard the previous mysterious envoy complain, it seems that When she found you, you still had a half-dead sister who was dying, otherwise, there would be another option."

Hearing what Hongji said, Lan Ling closed her eyes and recalled that when she entered the Huadu Palace, she had just remembered something, and now listening to Hongji mentioning the events of the past, some extremely vague memories emerged slightly.

"I... I seem to remember, I seem to really have a sister."

There was a burst of joy in Lan Ling's heart, but this joy quickly dissipated. If she really had a sister in the world, she would have died long ago.

If they can save her life, their seniors will bring her and her sister back to Xuanji Academy.

"How did you know?"

Lan Ling looked at Jiang Lin suspiciously. If it wasn't for Hong Ji's mentioning about her having a younger sister, she probably wouldn't remember it in her entire life.

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