Jiang Lin didn't know where she was back then, how could she know that she had a sister in the world.

Knocking on his forehead, Jiang Lin said, "You may not believe me when I told you that Chun Shi Shi Shi Ba Cheng is your younger sister. She has a tattoo on the back of her right shoulder, which is very similar to the one on your left shoulder. The twin flower pattern, divided into two halves, is tattooed on your shoulders and hers."

Hearing this, Lan Ling was stunned in place. She suddenly knew that she had a younger sister. Just when she thought that her younger sister had probably died a long time ago, Jiang Lin told her that Spring Thirteenth Young Master, her This rival in love turned out to be her own sister.

Not only Lan Ling was stunned, but the young master Chun Shisan, who was eavesdropping, also stiffened like a sculpture.

Is Lan Ling her sister?

She has been looking at her as a rival in love. The girl Lan Ling who wants Jiang Lin to kick her away is her sister?

Unlike Lan Ling, Young Master Chun Thirteen always knew that he had a lost older sister. After she was rescued and adopted by a mama Bell, she complained a lot, saying that she suffered a big loss by raising her. , might as well raise her sister who was taken away by others.

"elder sister!"

In an instant, Young Master Chun Shisan's tears poured out like a dyke burst, and she rushed out and hugged Lan Ling.

Jiang Lin was also stunned for the sudden appearance of Young Master Chun Shisan. He thought that Young Master Chun Shisan was hiding under the covers in the room and did not dare to see anyone, but the girl was actually behind the wall not far away.

"younger sister?"

Lan Ling's eyes filled with tears again, and she involuntarily hugged Young Master Chun Shisan tightly. Is the girl in front of her really her long-lost biological sister?

Jiang Lin pinched his chin, then stepped forward and pinched a strand of hair between Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao's blue silk.

After that, he threw the two strands of hair into the air, made a seal with his hands, and performed the magic, while Lan Ling and the thirteenth young master of Chun looked at Jiang Lin for unknown reasons.

Driven by Jiang Lin's spiritual power, the two strands of hair were attracted to each other and converged together.

"You two... are really sisters born to one mother. I think the twin flowers mentioned in the prophecy should refer to your pair of sisters."

Seeing the two strands of hair joined together, Jiang Lin knew that there was no need for any other confirmation. The parents of the body and skin, in addition to blood, hair or nails, could be used to confirm whether the two parties were related.

Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao looked at each other with more tears in their eyes. They were indeed each other's relatives, and each other was their only sister in the world.

Hong Jiu stroked her head at this moment. She didn't even know what power Jiang Lin possessed. She and Lan Ling used to be enemies.

Now, Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling, the rivals in love, turned out to be sisters, born of a mother.

And it was Jiang Lin who was sure of the matter and made his conclusion.

Chapter [*] The Resurrection of Terracotta Warriors (Part [*])

The two girls hugged and cried. For Lan Ling, today is the happiest day in her life. She is no longer alone. Her relatives still exist in the world, and now her own sister is in front of her.

In addition, she also has an older sister, Hongji, who is willing to love her and grow up with her.

As for Young Master Chun Shisan, she was also full of emotion in her heart, and now she just wanted to cry.

After she was adopted, she endured a lot of hardship, no one loved and loved, and she had never experienced the care of her relatives, but now she has met her long-lost sister.

Jiang Lin and Hongji watched quietly, without making a sound, their relatives wept with joy when they recognized each other, it is better not to spoil the atmosphere.

However, Jiang Lin did have some doubts in his heart. He remembered that they had spent the night beside a hot spring. The sisters Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao had soaked in the hot spring at the same place. Similar tattoos, is it possible that they have not found it?

As a matter of fact, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao didn't really find out. At that time, because there were two fuel bottles, firewood and charcoal, they took off their clothes and wrapped their bodies with thin blankets. The eyes of two cheap oil bottles caused them not to show their back shoulders in front of each other.

Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao cried for a long time before they separated from each other. Lan Ling said, "Sister, I didn't know I was your sister. I always bullied you before. Don't blame me."

Thinking of her previous attitude towards the [*]th Young Master Chun and the matter of pinching each other, Lan Ling felt infinite guilt and self-blame in her heart.

At that time, she was not merciless at all, and she called Chun Shisan Shao's second-skinned face without shame. Now that she thinks about it, she really thinks that she should never be.

"Sister, I don't blame you, it's because I'm ignorant. I haven't been taught by my parents since I was a child, and I didn't have any brothers and sisters to support me. I don't speak any sense."

Chun Shisan Shao shook his head again and again, she didn't even think about whether Lan Ling was her rival in love, she only knew that Lan Ling was her only relative.

She didn't want to remember what happened in the past.

However, when Young Master Chun Shisan thought of his rival in love, he naturally thought of Jiang Lin.

She and her sister scolded and scolded each other so much that they couldn't see each other, all because of Jiang Lin.

"Sister, I'm sorry for you."

Afterwards, Young Master Chun Shisan wiped the tears on his face and sincerely apologized to Lan Ling.

"It's not your fault, it's not your fault."

"No, sister, I...I...Jiang Lin already wanted me, and I am his person now. Otherwise, how would he know that I have the same tattoo as yours on the back of my right shoulder? I don't know who you are My sister, sister, don't blame him for being okay."

While wiping away his tears, Young Master Chun Shisan said sincere nonsense.

Young Master Chun Shisan is also a ghost. She used to run a bell business, and she must be active. Just now, she remembered the situation of Jiang Lin's spellcasting. Jiang Lin's spiritual power cannot be faked. , This shows that Jiang Lin is a cultivator from the beginning, and it also explains why every time Jiang Lin beats her violently, he always beats her so cleverly that she cannot use her spiritual power.

Jiang Lin was not affected by the psychedelic fragrance before, which was also the reason.

Thinking of what Hongjie said to Jiang Lin and his attitude before, Young Master Chun Shisan suspected that the relationship between Hongjiu and Jiang Lin was definitely extraordinary, and that, like her sister Lan Ling, Jiang Lin had already wanted it.

Everything she knew during this time, and a lot of it was false.

Anyway, Jiang Lin is definitely not as simple as she thought, but in this way, she can't have any possibility with Jiang Lin anyway.

As long as Jiang Lin didn't want to, she would be completely useless.

Therefore, Young Master Chun Shisan told a lie.

Now she has a sister, which makes her extremely happy, but also makes her greedy - she also wants to be greedy for another husband.

Sister, I am your own sister, you just take care of me.

The thirteenth young master of Chun wanted to ask the sister he just recognized to help her, otherwise she wouldn't be able to send it out for nothing.


Jiang Lin was shocked by what Chun Shisan said, when did he want this girl?

Lan Ling was also stunned for a moment, and then she reacted, yes, her sister has a tattoo on her back shoulder, how did Jiang Lin know?

Unless the two of them have already met.

Moreover, before Jiang Lin knew about this, his attitude towards Young Master Chun should be the same as before, either punching him out or kicking him out.

But such a thing did not happen.

Recalling that Young Master Chun Shisan screamed in Jiang Lin's cabin before, a sullen look appeared on Lan Ling's face.

Hongji's reaction was similar to Lanling's, okay, you Jianglin, I'll clean up the mess for you here, and let Lanling's heart turn towards you, you'd better be alive with other women in the room.

So, before Jiang Lin could speak, Hong Ji and Lan Ling rushed out together, and the two pure white jade palms landed on his chest together.

With a "thump", Jiang Lin flew out of the boat and fell into the river.

"I do not have……"

As soon as Jiang Lin appeared, the red eagle's bow flew over, forcing him to dive into the water. When his head appeared again, he found that Young Master Chun Shisan stretched out his arms towards him on the side of the boat, and was full of words. He excused himself and did not let Red Eagle and Lan Ling blame him.

However, despite what he said, Young Master Chun Thirteen bit his lip lightly and looked at Jiang Lin shyly and eccentrically.

Hey, I did it on purpose, I just lied, you don't want it for nothing, who told you not to.

"Red Eagle, Lan Ling, are you two rebelling?"

Jiang Lin dived into the water again. He couldn't do it if he didn't dive. Not only Red Eagle's bow, but Lan Ling also took off the bead stick wrapped around his ankle and swung out a series of spiritual powers. As long as he exposed his head, these attacks would Just say hello where he appears.

Wipe a dj!

Jiang Lin was holding a big grass in his heart. Of course, he wanted to make the sisters Hongji and Lanling unite, but now it's better. The two women are united, and they are working together, but they are working together to deal with him.

This Nima, the first time.

This was the first time Jiang Lin encountered his wife's rebellion.

However, Jiang Lin finally chose to endure it. Anyway, now that Hongji and Lanling have completely released their previous suspicions, this is already a good result. Moreover, although Hongji and Lanling both have suffocating expressions on their faces, they are not real. If you want to hurt him, it's just to vent the anger in your heart. If you really want to deal with him, you can't bear it.

Needless to say, Red Eagle, Lan Ling, who has taken the Immortal Wine and Cold Essence given by him, how can he turn his face and ignore him.

Just as Jiang Lin was snorkeling in the river, there was movement in the riverbed under the riverbed, and the silt and sediment on the riverbed were shaken, and the murky water formed was still faintly bright due to refraction.

Subsequently, the groups of terracotta warriors standing in the bottom of the river gradually changed.

Jiang Lin was about ten feet away from the passenger boat and was about to surface, but at this moment, he suddenly found that the surrounding river water was turbid, and when he looked at the bottom of the river, he was shocked.

Something went wrong!

At the same time, the eyes of many terracotta warriors at the bottom of the river burst into blood-red light, and then the terracotta warriors below raised their heads in unison.

Jiang Lin stepped on the water with his feet, and instantly let himself blast out of the water. Stepping on the river water, he flew towards the passenger ship with a few steps.

Second uncle, the terracotta warriors left in this ghost town have come back to life!

Chapter [*] The Resurrection of Terracotta Warriors (Part [*])

Jiang Lin really didn't expect the terracotta warriors at the bottom of the river to change. He didn't think that going to the center of the ghost town by water would be dangerous, but in his expectation, most of the dangers that may occur are mostly ambush by some mechanism.

Except for the terracotta warriors at the bottom of the river that he couldn't understand, there was nothing else.

What's more, the bottom of the river is more than ten feet away from the water surface, even if there is any mechanism, the power will be greatly reduced.

It was with this mentality that Jiang Lin didn't pay attention to those terracotta warriors.

But now, those terracotta warriors have been resurrected one by one, even if they are not resurrected, they are activated by external forces like puppets.

"Don't make trouble, the terracotta warriors below have changed, and it is estimated that they will all rush up in a while."

With his feet on the side of the boat, Jiang Lin looked at Red Eagle and Lan Ling, who were still angry, and told them what happened at the bottom of the river.

"What Terracotta Warriors? What the hell is going on?"

Hong Jiu saw Jiang Lin's serious face, and the anger on her face disappeared immediately. She wasn't really so angry that she was so angry. Jiang Lin stood together.

Jiang Lin provoked another peach blossom debt. After she solved the problem in front of her later, she would just worry about it.

"Under the river in this ghost town, there are a lot of terracotta warriors. They should have been left by the previous dynasty. Now, it seems that it is a means to protect the ghost town."

Lan Ling explained to Hong Ji about the appearance of the Terracotta Warriors at the bottom of the river. Similarly, the anger on her face also subsided, and she did not intend to settle accounts with Jiang Lin.

Not only did he not want to settle accounts for the time being, Lan Ling also wanted to face the upcoming Terracotta Warriors with Jiang Lin.

Just now, after Jiang Lin was shot into the water by her and Hong Ji, Hong Ji also told her something.

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