Now, she and Chun Shisan Shao two sisters should be the twin flowers in the folk prophecy, but in this way, the two sisters have become thorns in the queen's eyes.

If it wasn't for Hongji, Lan Ling wouldn't even know that in addition to exterminating people with the surname Jiang and Jiang in the country, the Queen also made people look for twin sisters born in the country for more than [*] years.

Kill if you find it, no matter what.

In order to prevent the prophecy from coming true.

This also means that as long as the Queen knows that she and Chun Shisan Shao are siblings, the twins in the prophecy, then the two sisters will not be able to live.

If it was only Lan Ling herself, she would not necessarily resist. The thought she had been instilled since childhood was that the emperor wanted the minister to die, and the minister had to die.

But now, with a younger sister, Lan Ling knew that she couldn't control herself.

In any case, she couldn't let her only sister, the only blood relative in the world, be hurt.

Even the queen she was willing to be loyal to would not do.

If she doesn't protect her sister, she will be sorry for her deceased parents, and even more sorry for her sister who she never loved.

Now that she has regained her elder sister status, Lan Ling has to choose between her husband and her relatives.

In addition, I was already shaken by the words of the red eagle, so Lan Ling also recognized it.

No way to deny.

Hongji is willing to be her sister. Of course, she also hopes to have a good sister, but Hongji will not oppose Jiang Lin. As for the newly recognized younger sister Chun Shisan, she loves Jianglin to the point of being in vain. If she chooses to be loyal to the Queen again, she will give up the two sisterhoods on her own initiative.

Aside from this, Lan Ling also asked herself, but she still didn't want to hurt Jiang Lin in her heart.

It's just whether she wants to or not, but the actual situation is that she doesn't have the ability to be an enemy of Jiang Lin.

Therefore, for these reasons, Lan Ling did not need time to digest the information and consider it. She was willing to accept Jiang Lin as her husband.

The crisis is about to come, and Lan Ling must be of the same mind with Jiang Lin and his wife.

"Sister, be careful."

Lan Ling stretched out his palm and pressed it on the dantian position of the [*]th Young Master Chun, and the spiritual power rushed in, and the spiritual power in the body of the [*]th Young Master Chun, which was unable to function due to the delay, was normal.

Lan Ling had asked Jiang Lin why he had beaten the thirteenth young master, so she knew what the situation of the young master of the thirteenth Chun was currently.

At this moment, the water around the passenger ship made a loud noise as if a depth charge exploded, and then one after another terracotta warriors with water plants and moss jumped out from the water, vying for the passenger ship.

"Red Eagle, you and Lan Ling are watching the river flow from the bow, tell me at any time, stinky girl, quickly put down the sails."

After explaining to the Red Eagle and the others, Jiang Lin jumped to the stern.

These terracotta warriors seem to be partially angry, but they are more like utensils like gods and puppets.

Moreover, there are a large number of terracotta warriors under this river, once they swarm up, it is not very good.

Jiang Lin is naturally not afraid to fight against these things, but if these terracotta warriors are really similar to the gods and generals, they may have the ability to self-destruct.

Once the passenger ship is completely surrounded and exploded together, he can withstand it, but his woman can't.

Therefore, Jiang Lincai decided to break out of the siege first and let the passenger ship accelerate toward the center of the ghost town.

"Don't be stunned, listen to your man and act quickly."

The red eagle drank, and then pulled Lan Ling to the front of the bow to observe the trend of the river. After being stunned for a while, Young Master Chun Shisan followed Jiang Lin's orders with joy and lowered the sails. down.


At the stern of the boat, Jiang Lin slammed his feet on the floor of the guest boat, his wrists converged, the spiritual energy in his body surged, and finally poured out from the palms of his hands.

A beam of light with the thickness of the wellhead erupted immediately and bombarded the low mountain on the shore.

Armstrong Cyclotron Jet Armstrong Propeller!

After the beam of light hit the mountain, the entire passenger ship accelerated in an instant, almost floating on the water of the big river.

Passenger ship becomes airship.

Chapter [*] Do you think I am an immortal? (superior)

Before that, Jiang Lin didn't plan to use any means. Even if the red eagle did not appear and encountered any unexpected situation, Lan Ling's cultivation base was not weak and should be sufficient to deal with it, not to mention that the spiritual power in Chun Shisan Shao's body was almost normal. .

With these two girls, normal situations can be handled.

It is best if his methods are not used in the ghost town. After all, there is still the influence of geomagnetism here.

But now, if so many terracotta warriors at the bottom of the river all jumped up, the situation would be very bad, so Jiang Lin did not hesitate, and decisively let the passenger ship speed up.

"My goodness!"

After Lan Ling screamed in surprise, she turned her head and looked towards the stern. Just now, because the passenger ship suddenly accelerated, her feet were unsteady and she retreated, almost fell, and then she saw Jiang Lin's palm. A beam of spiritual power that erupts.

It's as thick as a well!

The low hills on the shore were flattened by the beam of light blasted by Jianglin.

Hong Ji was also surprised. Although she was given some memories by Jiang Lin in her mind, she still hadn't seen Jiang Lin use all his methods with her own eyes.

Compared to her gathering spiritual energy to form arrows, Lan Ling used the bead stick to throw out the arc of spiritual energy, Jiang Lin's hand was simply much stronger than theirs.

As for Young Master Chun Shisan, who had already put down the sails, he couldn't even close his mouth.

The means that Jiang Lin showed were completely beyond her expectations. I am afraid that there were a dozen or so Crouching Tigers and Hidden Dragons. Under the bombardment of Jiang Lin's spiritual power beam, most of them would be destroyed.

Moreover, such a large passenger ship actually made Jiang Lin fly by himself.

Too scary.

After being shocked, Chun Shisan Shao's heart jumped again. She was going to marry such a man. Even if Jiang Lin didn't want it, she would have to give herself away for nothing.

Anyway, Jiang Lin had kissed her, and she was going to default on her debt.

"It's about to hit, let the boat go left, go left!"

At this time, the red eagle has recovered and continued to look at the direction of the passenger ship, and then shouted loudly.

Therefore, Jiang Lin immediately adjusted the angle of propulsion so that the passenger ship would not hit the river bank.

With his human-shaped thruster, the water surface of the big river was cracked by the bottom of the passenger ship, and the splashed river water was splashed directly on the trees on the bank.

In addition, the terracotta warriors jumping out from the bottom of the river in front were also hit by the hull of the passenger ship and floated on the river.

"What happened? Did the boat capsize?"

Chai Tou and Tan Tou ran out of their cabins with bruised noses and bruised faces and asked what happened.

Because the two brothers used to travel all night, they hardly rested after Jiang Lin and Lan Ling disappeared, so they both slept like dead pigs after boarding the ship. The screams didn't wake them up.

However, just now, the passenger ship suddenly accelerated, causing them to be thrown off the plank, and they woke up after being hit repeatedly in the cabin.

"What are those things? The eyes are still glowing red."

"Ghost, what a ghost!"

When the two brothers saw the terracotta warriors on the deck who had already boarded the ship and fought with Lan Ling and the others, they shouted.

"When you call, you know that you are yelling, you can't help anything, and you can hold back more than anyone else!"

After Chun Shisan Shao kicked a terracotta warrior who boarded the boat, he rushed towards Chaitou and the others, rewarded each of them with a sesame cake on the back of his head, and dizzy when he slapped the two oil bottles.

They are all men, how can the gap be so big!

"Jiang Lin, more and more!"

Seeing that there were more and more terracotta warriors jumping out of the water, the three sisters couldn't even hit the target, so they shouted at Jiang Lin.

Chai Tou and Tan Tou saw the Red Eagle on the boat, and just wanted to shout, but after being swept by Chun Shisan Shao, they didn't even dare to say a word.

Then they also saw Jiang Lin showing off his power. Although they didn't know what was going on, they didn't dare to speak out.

Otherwise you will be beaten.

"Five battalion gods, listen to my orders!"

Jiang Lin withdrew one arm, and on the ancient mirror in his arms, seven or eight gods flew out and rushed towards the bow of the boat.

The addition of the gods and the dolls immediately reduced the pressure on Hongji and the others, while Jiang Lin still accelerated the passenger boat to move forward along the direction of the river.

However, when it was not too far from Shatin, what Jiang Lin was worried about still happened. Those terracotta warriors didn't want to get on the ship at all. As long as they were not far from the hull, they would explode directly. The power should not be underestimated.

"Brother Jiang, I'm here to help you!"

Just when Jiang Lin was about to withdraw to help Hong Ji and the others, in the distance behind the passenger boat, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon quickly chased after him on a row of bamboo rafts. Came by the passenger ship.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was found outside the ghost town by the god general Tu Puppet left by Jiang Lin, who led the way into the ghost town.

Not long ago, the movement of Jiang Lin's spiritual energy beam to bombard the low mountain alarmed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and he came here after hearing the sound.

Brother Jiang, your beer!

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon saw Lan Ling at the stern of the boat helping Jiang Lin to knock down the stone sculpture that was drilled out of the water, and also flirted with Jiang Lin, and wanted to give Jiang Lin a thumbs up.

It seems that Lan Ling, a mysterious messenger, is already the same as Red Eagle. He has already changed his mind towards the Queen and has become a power that they can use to restore their country.

As soon as his feet stepped on the water, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon rose into the air and jumped toward the passenger ship deck.

However, when they were a few feet away from the passenger ship, three or five terracotta warriors abruptly emerged from the water, followed by a "boom".

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's response was not slow, and he immediately protected his body with spiritual power. However, his body collapsed after being bombed, and he fell to the ground on the passenger ship.

Jiang Lin glanced at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and then looked ahead of the bow. Seeing that the river in front of him was straight, he pushed the passenger ship forward again, and then turned over to the bow position, preparing to deal with these numerous people with Hongji and the others. Terracotta Warriors.

Chapter [*] Do you think I am a fairy? (Down)

He took out the flying sword from the ancient mirror, and Jiang Lin sacrificed it and distributed it to the god generals flying around the passenger ship. Next, he needed to ask what happened to the terracotta warriors, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and had to put them in the river. The momentum of those terracotta warriors was suppressed.

Lan Ling at the stern also took three steps and two steps to keep up with Jiang Lin.

"Sister, it's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

Chun Shisan rarely saw the arrival of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and immediately stood side by side with Lan Ling. Last time, the two sisters took this person seriously, and they all went with the disgusting Lord Heimu.

Now that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is here, it must be settled with them.

"Don't worry, he and Jiang Lin are cooperative allies."

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