Hongji was not surprised by the appearance of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Now that he has the power of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it will be easier to deal with the Terracotta Warriors at the bottom of the river.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon got up from the boat, with an embarrassed yet graceful smile on his face, and asked Jiang Lin, "Brother Jiang, what's going on with these statues?"

"I still want to ask you, you are an old part of the previous dynasty, do not know what these terracotta warriors are used for? There are thousands of these terracotta warriors at the bottom of the river. I want to reach the Qianjun Tomb and get the Divine Sword, there is still some tossing."

As he said that, Jiang Lin's ten fingers were like machine guns, hitting down the terracotta warriors who jumped into the air and were about to pounce on the boat.

"I didn't say what terracotta warriors were created by the motherland. Could it be that they guard the Thousand Army Tombs? Or are they still the means left by the Queen?"

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was not idle either, and he tapped out his eyebrow stick again and again, knocking the terracotta warriors who jumped into the air one by one into the water.

At this time, the gods and earthen puppets came into full play and intercepted the terracotta warriors.

"Brother Hongji, can you estimate how long it will take for the high priest to get to the ghost town? If we don't get the Divine Sword in time and deploy it in advance, I'm afraid the ambush won't go well."

"Have you seen Red Eagle?"

Jiang Lin looked at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. He didn't even know that Red Eagle had met Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon before, and, listening to the meaning of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Red Eagle had already discussed with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Killing thing.

This wife is really worry-free.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon nodded and said, "Not long after I met, I said, Brother Jiang, you are really capable. The two mysterious envoys beside the Queen have become your women. I’ve become yours completely, and I’ve completely forgotten about the Queen, and I’m also convinced by you. The cultivation of these two younger brothers and sisters is not weak at all, and they will be of great help in overthrowing the Queen.”

Hearing this, Young Master Chun Shisan's eyes lit up, and he quickly said: "And me, I'm also his person. Because of him, I know that Lan Ling and I are siblings, that is, the pair mentioned in the prophecy. Flowers."

Young Master Chun Shisan responded very quickly. From Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's words, he determined that Hongji was Jianglin's woman. Moreover, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon also showed great joy and regarded Hongji and Lanling as his own. strength.

At this time, if she was talking nonsense again, she could not only make Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ignore what she had done before, but also make Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon act as a pusher.

The strength of one's own side must be as strong as possible. Her thirteenth young master is also not weak. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is more than happy to have her by Jiang Lin's side.

"You...you are the twins mentioned in the prophecy?"

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was stunned for a moment, and then his heart became ecstatic. The twin sisters were mentioned in the prophecy decades ago. At that time, the queen and her sister were the most critical factors in the prophecy.

What appears in the prophecy now is the twin flower, even if it is not as critical as it was in the past, it must have a very important role.

And now, Jiang Lin has actually won such an important pair of sisters.

Cowhide!Old iron six six six.

"Brother Jiang, I pretend to be extraordinary from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but this time, I really convinced you, brother, you are strong, too strong. You are very strong in Taoism and martial arts. The strongest is your kidney, brother, for more than half a month. , scratching three delicate beauties, can your body bear it?"

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon gave Jiang Lin two thumbs up face to face this time. Jiang Lin's actions helped them a lot.

Must be complimented face to face.

"No, no, I'm not as strong as you. I'm still a beauty. You don't even let an uncle like Lord Heimu let go."

Some black lines appeared on Jiang Lin's face. This crouching tiger, hidden dragon didn't want to deal with the problem in front of him, so he praised him for his strong kidneys.

You just fell on your head and broke your brain?

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: "..."

Young Master Chun Shisan laughed when he heard Jiang Lin talk about the matter of Lord Heimu, but Jiang Lin gave her a look of "you need to be beaten".

As soon as the footsteps moved, the young master Chun Shisan hid behind Lan Ling. This time, she made Jiang Lin forcibly take advantage of her. If she didn't hold her sister's thigh, it was estimated that she would be repaired badly.

Red Eagle and Lan Ling also covered their cherry lips with their bare hands to prevent themselves from laughing. The dignified Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, even the most influential people who had been arrested by the Queen's orders many times, actually went with a woman's foot-picking uncle.

As for the brothers Chai Tou and Tan Tou, he couldn't laugh anymore. Tan Tou was completely desperate. He had already determined that his goddess was married to another man, and Chai Tou was about to roll his eyes. His future queen, Jiang Lin was also taken into the quilt by Jiang Lin.

"Let's think about how to solve the current situation. Thousands of terracotta warriors, even if they go into the water and take the initiative to attack, will not help."

Jiang Lin frowned and didn't continue the topic. What he was worried about now was that the terracotta warriors no longer wanted to board the ship, so they went straight to chisel the ship.

In that case, they would have to go to the ground, but since there are so many terracotta warriors at the bottom of the river, it can only be more troublesome when they come ashore.

"It is indeed a problem."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon frowned, and then a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and he said, "Brother Jiang, try to see if you can turn these terracotta warriors back. These things may be the means left by the Queen. , the queen left the Dundi clansmen around the ghost town as a means of protection. Didn't you easily rebel against it? Moreover, the two younger brothers and sisters, Hongji and Lanling, were mysterious messengers who were loyal to the queen before, and now they are also eliminated by you three times and five times. The second whole is against the water. You are very good at this, let's use your strengths, brother."

Saying that, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon patted Jiang Lin's chest.

These terracotta warriors, why are you dealing with them?

Reverse it and take it over, will it grow our strength soon?

Rebel, let them turn against the water.

Let them only listen to your brother Jiang's words.

Brother Jiang, your charm is unparalleled, even I admire Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

I'm so...

The blue veins on Jiang Lin's forehead were all showing. This Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the second uncle's, really fell down just now, and his brain was watted.

"I said you thought I was a fairy?"

Jiang Lin was laughed at by this guy, and he continued: "These terracotta warriors are like puppets. Do you think I have supernatural powers and can follow the law? Let me turn against these things?"

Jiang Lin really suspected that he had heard it wrong. This Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon thought he could accept his younger brother and his wife at will, but now, what's the matter?

I plan your seventh uncle and grandpa!

Chapter [*] Entering the Thousand Army Tomb

"Brother Jiang, you have to be confident. I have never surrendered to anyone. You can definitely do it. Show them your charm."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon patted Jiang Lin on the shoulder, he still felt that Jiang Lin had the ability.

"Come on, don't say it's a rebellion, you go talk to them and see if you can communicate with them, go down and come back sober."

After speaking, Jiang Lin grabbed the collar of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and threw it out of the boat.

The brain is broken, and it will be fine if it explodes.

Whether it's a concussion or a cerebral hemorrhage, it's good to hit the wall, and it's equally effective to blow a bomb on the forehead.

After throwing the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon out, Jiang Lin cast a spell to recall the god general in a certain direction, and then a continuous explosion broke out outside the boat.

This Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon doesn't want to think about it. I haven't seen it for a few days, and my mind is confused when I hold him.

It should be fried more.

After a few breaths, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was thrown back by the blasting force, and he sat down on the ship's board in a battered state.

"Cough...that...Brother Jiang, let's think of another way."

After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon stood up, he was ready to think of another way. Just now, he was bombarded, his mind was no longer confused, and he didn't talk nonsense.

Going down and being bombed, it seems... It's really impossible to counteract.

"Jiang Lin, look..."

At this time, the red eagle called to Jiang Lin, and the terracotta warriors in the river no longer jumped randomly, all showing their heads on the water.

Jiang Lin walked to the bulwark and looked towards the water. The terracotta warriors in the water actually settled down.

The terracotta warriors in other directions around the hull and in the distance also stopped emerging and sank underwater.

What's happening here?

"What did you tell them before?"

Seeing this, Red Eagle really thought that when the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was dropped by Jiang Lin, he had communicated with these terracotta warriors.

"I didn't say anything, and I was not lightly bombed."

The corners of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't even open his mouth when he was bombed just now.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, put some blood in the water."

At this time, Jiang Lin saw some clues. There was still some blood floating on the water, and the blood dissolved in the water, and then dispersed and infiltrated the body of the Terracotta Warriors.

It was because of this that those terracotta warriors stopped moving, and the rest should have settled down after the terracotta warriors who had absorbed the blood conveyed the message.

"My blood?"

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon seemed to have been bombed for a while, and his brain became much better. He didn't ask any more questions. Show the gun blade.

Slitting the palm of his hand, he poured out his blood.

The blood that fell into the water was absorbed by the terracotta warriors again, and then the terracotta warriors stuck their arms out of the water and gestured towards the passenger ship.

"These... these are the National Defense Forces!"

When Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon saw the gesture of the Terracotta Warriors, he immediately straightened his face. After that, he told Jiang Lin about the origin of the Guoweiwei Guards and their Zhengyang Clan.

If the old country of the Qianji Kingdom had not been destroyed, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon should now be a general, on the same level as the general of the Wei clan, a relative of the Wei clan who commanded the Weiwei Army.

"It seems that these terracotta warriors are not the means of the Queen's stay. It was the Weiwei Army who died here, and they did not die from suicide, but turned themselves into terracotta warriors. They sensed my blood. It belongs to the Zhengyang clan, so they gave up the attack."

After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon explained it to Jiang Lin, he snorted: "Paoze, the homeland, the Zhengyang people are still alive, I am Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and now I want to restore the previous dynasty and overthrow the Queen!"

Jiang Lin squinted and looked into the distance, then swept around again, and found that the water surface had calmed down again, and knew that the problem encountered this time should be solved.

If it wasn't for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon coming and being thrown out by him, it would have been a lot of tossing.

These terracotta warriors do not seem to have high intelligence and do not know how to cooperate. They just swooped and exploded indiscriminately. Until now, there are not many terracotta warriors that can make the power of the explosion spread to the passenger ship.

As long as the intellect is a little higher, or know how to cooperate with each other, I am afraid that the passenger ship they are on has already been blown away.

Now, these terracotta warriors no longer appear, then the next step is to enter the Qianjun Tomb.

Jiang Lin looked at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and said, "It just so happens that I still need to discuss some things with you, Red Eagle and Lanling, you both patrol the left and right sides of the passenger ship. As for your girl, go to the stern."

Hong Ji and Lan Ling didn't have any objections, and went to the left and right side of the boat respectively. Young Master Chun Shisan stuck out his tongue, and went to the stern of the boat to inspect according to Jiang Lin's instructions.

Now she dared not listen to Jiang Lin's words.

After Jiang Lin gave Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon some treasures to heal his injuries, he discussed with him how to ambush the high priest.

Jiang Lin has seen Lan Ling's attitude now. Lan Ling's eyes have a visible love for him, which means that even if Lan Ling is unwilling to help him deal with the high priest, he will definitely not. There will be obstructions, and that is enough.

If Lan Ling is willing to do some work, it is of course the best. If you don't want to do it, you don't need to force it.

At the same time, Jiang Lin also learns more about the ghost town and Qianjun Tomb from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Fortunately, there were no other accidents on the way. After a stick of incense, the passenger ship berthed in front of Shading, and Jiang Lin and the others went ashore together.

When he boarded the satin, Jiang Lin noticed a change in the ancient mirror in his arms, so he took out the slate inside.

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