The slate was automatically detached from his hand and suspended in mid-air. A strong light bloomed on the board, illuminating the low mountain in front. Then the mountain began to vibrate, and regular cracks appeared on the surface to form two stone gates. With a few booms, the stone gate Opened, revealing a square groove embedded in the mountain.

"This should be the entrance to Qianjun Tomb. Be careful, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, take care of Chaitou and Tantou."

After Jiang Lin told Hongji and the others to be vigilant, he walked towards Shimen.

After the slate was placed in the groove, the mountain vibrated again, and the slate and the surrounding mountain walls quickly dented inward, forming a passage into the interior of the mountain. After the passage was completely formed, a corner appeared at the end, where This is the way into the mountain.

Jiang Lin let his spiritual sense radiate out. Although it had the influence of geomagnetism, it did not completely invalidate his spiritual sense.

After sensing it, Jiang Lin walked in first, and Hong Ji and the others followed.

"Red Eagle, the slate will be handed over to you. If this matter is over, you can return Huadu to the Queen."

After removing the slate, Jiang Lin handed it over to Red Eagle. The reason why Red Eagle followed Lan Ling was for this slate.

The red vulture nodded slightly and put away the slate. She was very relieved. Jiang Lin always remembered that she needed the slate.

Afterwards, the group went through several turns inside the mountain, and finally entered the space on the belly of the mountain.

here too?

Jiang Lin looked at the thousands of terracotta warriors standing on the square in front of him, and became alert. Although they were all terracotta warriors, he seemed to have a feeling that the terracotta warriors in this thousand military tombs were better than those lined up at the bottom of the river. Much stronger.

"These should be the elites of the National Defense Forces, the real Weijia Army. I wonder if they will stay here and let us take the Divine Sword."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon looked forward for a moment. The Divine Sword was not in the square. To get it, you had to pass through the square.

But the formation formed by these terracotta warriors is the killing formation of the enemy in the art of war.

Even if there is no movement from these terracotta warriors, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon knows that once they enter the square, changes will inevitably occur.

As soon as the voice fell, a crackling voice was uploaded from the general's terracotta warriors in the front of the square.

Chapter [*] Not recognized?It's up to you (on)

"Didn't you say there are treasures? Why is there nothing?"

"There are so many weapons, where is the Divine Sword?"

The brothers Chaitou and Tantou didn't hear the sound coming from the front, they just wanted to find the treasure and the sword.

Now the twin flowers in the prophecy have become Jiang Lin's women, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon said before that Jiang Lin is the most likely emperor star, so the two brothers are not eager.

One of them wanted to share some of the treasure, and they wanted to be happy in the future, and the other wanted to find the Divine Sword to get some credit, and later become a petty official, and it would be good to marry a few beautiful wives.

At this moment, there was a shout from the inside of the general's terracotta warriors, and the warrior warriors behind him slid on the square and changed their positions.

When Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon saw this, he scratched his palm again and spilled his own blood, but unfortunately, this time, his blood didn't work.

So, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon immediately flew over and attacked the general's Terracotta Warriors with eyebrow-raising sticks.

Now he has determined that these terracotta warriors on the square are definitely going to be their enemies. Although he does not understand the reason, what needs to be done in front of him is that the transformation of the formation of the terracotta warriors must not be completed, otherwise If so, it remains to be seen whether they can leave the Thousand Army Tombs.

To interrupt the change of the formation, the only way is to destroy the commanding general's terracotta warriors.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon went down with a few sticks, but not only had no effect, but shattered the stone skin on the surface of the terracotta warriors, revealing the armoured arm inside, holding his eyebrow-raising stick.

Then the stone skin on the surface of the general's terracotta warriors completely collapsed, and there was a burly general who was no different from ordinary people.

The burly general leaned forward abruptly and punched Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's chest a few times, causing Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to fly upside down.

"Brother Jiang, I'm fine, let me come."

Seeing Jiang Lin come forward, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon waved his hand at him. After all, Jiang Lin is a foreigner anyway. The general who turned into a terracotta warrior here is a loyal and brave general of the previous dynasty. If he really had to fight, he would He was also unwilling to use Jiang Lin's power under the guise.

Turning the eyebrow stick into a long spear, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon fought fiercely with the burly general.

Now that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has spoken, Jiang Lin has no more hands. However, it seems that there is still a gap between Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and this burly general who was resurrected from the Terracotta Warriors, even if the gap is small.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the strength is really strong."

The Red Eagle beside Jiang Lin watched the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, who was fighting fiercely with the burly general, and also commented on his strength—very strong.

Even if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon fought against her, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao by one person, it should be more than enough.

Although the battle on the square did not break out any arcs, it just showed that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon could not waste a single bit of his spiritual power.

With Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the burly general fighting, the terracotta warriors on the square really stopped moving for the time being.

After half a cup of tea, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon still took advantage of the quality of the weapons, and followed the burly general who wanted to use the weapons on the field to a draw.

"Below is the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon of the Zhengyang Clan of the former Dynasty. Dare you ask if the senior is the big-nosed general who leads the National Defense Force?"

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon pointed his spear at the burly general's throat, reported his origins, and asked the burly general.

The burly general also pointed the crouching tiger and hidden dragon between the eyebrows, and responded: "Zhengyang people, very good. Under the protection of the national defense army general Weicheng. Are you here to get the sword of national fortune? I am very happy, but yours The strength can't surpass me, I can't recognize it, and the hope of restoring the country can't be given to you."

"General Big Nose? Is he the General Big Nose?"

"It turns out that he was the number one general of the previous dynasty, and he turned into a terracotta warrior here."

After hearing the words of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Hong Ji and Lan Ling had shocked expressions on their faces. Jiang Lin looked at the burly general who claimed to be the Acropolis and asked about the general's life.

The reply from Red Eagle and Lan Ling was that the Acropolis was already well-known when the previous dynasty was still in existence. Because of its large nose in its appearance, it was jokingly called the Big Nose General.

This Acropolis had been able to bear babies before the previous dynasty changed, and it was the general who was most likely to lead an army to defeat the queen.

It's just that the previous dynasty fell, but the Acropolis was nowhere to be seen. Over the years, the Queen's Capital was very afraid of this former dynasty's number one general, for fear that this fellow would suddenly raise his arms and overthrow the current rule.

"He should have broken through, but because he turned into a terracotta warrior, in order to maintain his vitality, his cultivation base was lowered."

Jiang Lin nodded. What Hongji and Lanling said should be correct. With the help of external forces, the Great General of the Acropolis would really have a chance to fight the Queen.

At this time, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon said to Weicheng: "General Wei, you may not know, now that prophecy has appeared in the people again, and the Emperor Star has also appeared, and now is a good opportunity to restore the country. Just waiting for the Divine Sword in the Qianjun Tomb to get the sword, raising his arms and leading many tribes, together to overthrow the queen's rule and continue the kingdom of the motherland."

Chapter [*] Not recognized?That can't be you (below)

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon didn't care about Acropolis' evaluation of himself. If he was the only one leading, it would be really difficult to restore the country, but now it's different.

From their camp, Jiang Lin came, and Jiang Lin also kidnapped two of the Queen's mysterious envoys, plus a spring thirteen who was also not low in cultivation.

If the ambush of the high priest goes well, in terms of top combat power, they are not inferior to the queen at all.

Then Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon continued: "The young Jiang Lin over there is likely to be the Emperor Star in the prophecy, and it may also be the 'Jiang Shen' mentioned in the prophecy. As long as you get the Divine Sword, the restoration of the country is very likely. Success in one fell swoop.”

Hearing the words, Weicheng followed the direction of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's finger, looked at Jiang Lin, and after examining it for a while, he said, "He does have imperial luck, but it is not from our Qianji Kingdom, I will not Agree, the throne cannot fall into the hands of foreigners, and it is impossible for me to hand over the divine sword."

"Jiang Lin, don't you agree?"

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's face darkened. He really wanted to restore the country, but more importantly, he wanted to make the men in the country no longer enslaved by women. As long as this situation could be changed and the queen overthrown, who would be the emperor? He didn't mind, if he could govern the country effectively, foreigners might not be able to come here to be emperors.

But now Acropolis disagrees.

"Jiang Lin is not the Emperor Star that you recognize. Then there are two brothers. They have also been recognized by Xunjian Slate, and their ancestors are people of Qianji Nation."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon did not choose to argue with Acropolis, but pointed to Chaitou and Tantou.

In addition to Jiang Lin, these two brothers can also move slate together.

"The reason why I was able to wake up was because I sensed the fate of the emperor on both of them, but unfortunately, I don't agree with it either. Are you going to use these two hairless boys to lead the old department to fight against the queen? Even if they give you the Divine Sword, can they go to fight against the Queen? One or two are thinking about women or treasures. They don't have the heart to restore the country, and they have no ambition. The fate of the emperor falls on them. It's really blind, it's better to give it to two pigs, the effect is the same anyway."

Acropolis glanced at the brothers Chaitou and Tantou, and sneered at them.

He would wake up because the arrangement of the Thousand Army Tombs and the ghost town attracted the royal destiny of the two brothers, and it was because of this that he had some understanding of their lives.

Then he wanted to scold her.

Is there any difference between letting these two lead the old sergeants of the motherland to fight, fight against the queen, and restore the former dynasty, and let two pigs do such a thing?

Let one of these two people be the emperor, isn't that going to sit on the dragon chair with the pulling sow?

When Chai Tou and Tan Tou heard Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon say that they might still be Emperor Stars, they were still a little happy, but Acropolis’ words directly poured them a basin of ice water.

Said they were not as good as two pigs.

Acropolis looked at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and continued to change the formation of the Terracotta Warriors behind him.

What he meant was obvious, that he didn't approve.

The hope of the restoration of the motherland cannot be handed over casually. Once it fails, there will be nothing left.

He did not recognize Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's strength, nor did he recognize Jiang Lin's origins.

Chai Tou and Tan Tou, who originally had the luck of the emperor, were born to be emperors, and he also disapproved of them.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon felt very embarrassed, but in fact he also understood the insistence of Acropolis.

To restore the country and restore the country, the throne must be done by members of the royal family of the motherland. Even if you take a step back, it must be a person from the country of Qianji.

Jiang Lin is a foreigner, which can't be changed. Although Chai Tou and the others are natives, they are useless materials. Pulling out to unite people's hearts and let the men in the country respond and resist is not enough. Spit.

I bother!Let these two throw the material to lead, marching to fight, how many lives are not enough to send.

"Then how can I get your approval? Actually, I think it doesn't matter whether you approve or not, because even if you don't approve, we still have to take away the Divine Sword. You can't object, whether you approve or not. "

At this time, Jiang Lin stepped out. He suppressed the corpse poison in his body into his bones, and the spiritual power burst out from his body.

Not only the spiritual power, but the light source in his golden core is also working, making his spiritual power turn into a flame under the combined action of the Yin fire.

The Yang flame in Jiang Lin’s body has been taken away by the system to refine the calamity in Lingyu’s belly. At present, he cannot use the Yang flame, but there is still yin fire in his body. This is to reconcile the spiritual power in his body. And the medium of corpse poison was not taken away.

With a light source and a yin fire, his spiritual power can be transformed to a certain extent, that is, it looks like a flame now.

It's just that even if his spiritual power looks similar to a flame, it's not Yang Yan.

However, in this way, the temperature of the light source can be transferred into spiritual power.

Now that Jiang Lin's cultivation technique has reached the full level, even if he loses the source of Yang Yan and the flame, he still has a light source. Although the two cannot be completely equal, they complement each other to a certain extent, and can even be transformed into each other. .

It's just that Jiang Lin's current cultivation base cannot allow the two to transform at will.

Forced transformation is also thankless, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Jiang Lin chose to do this just because he wanted to quickly solve the problem at hand.

Don't recognize it, right? It's okay to be scared to recognize it.

Jiang Lin let out all the spiritual energy in his body, as if there was a flame burning in the area of ​​more than ten feet around him.

In the raging flames, Jiang Lin was like a god of fire.

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