"Jiang...Brother Jiang, you...what ability do you have?"

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's eyes widened. Jiang Lin's body contained such a terrifying flame, which shocked him.

For a while, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon couldn't tell whether the flames around Jiang Lin were real or fake. Although he had fought against Jiang Lin, it was just a small fight, learning martial arts from each other. Jiang Lin's real means, he But he didn't see much, even when he was on the passenger ship before, Jiang Lin only used his spiritual power, and did not use the flame method.

In addition to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Lan Ling and the others were also stunned. Only Red Eagle's expression was calmer. She knew that Jiang Lin could control the flames.

"You don't need to ask about this. Since I came here, I won't come back empty-handed. Although I'm not interested in any throne, my purpose will not be delayed."

Jiang Linchong smiled at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, then looked at the solemn Acropolis, and continued: "You don't recognize Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's strength, and I don't know if my ability is worth your attention. But , Since you said that the luck of the emperor on me is not the orthodox of the Qianji Kingdom, then I would like to ask, with my ability, Jiang Lin, can I find an emperor in your Qianji Kingdom to do it."

As he spoke, Jiang Lin formed a seal with both hands, and the surrounding spiritual power gathered behind him, forming an extremely huge three-legged golden crow.

This is the reason why Jiang Lin used the light source within the golden core. Without Yang Yan, his Golden Crow Yang Yang could not be used.

Moreover, because this Golden Crow Yuyang is completely condensed by his spiritual power, as long as he does not launch an attack, he can still withdraw his spiritual power.

The shape of the Three-legged Golden Crow is almost the same as the area of ​​the square. Because the height of the abdominal space of the mountain is not high, the Three-legged Golden Crow's body is flat as if it wanted to peck rice.

The high temperature on Jinwu's body baked the inner wall of the top of the mountain, and it didn't take long to make it look like red-hot bricks, and some of them even melted and dripped from above.

Chapter [*] I snap my fingers and you will all be wiped out

Jiang Lin put his hands on his back and looked at the Acropolis quietly.

The attitude of this big-nosed general now is that he will not be prepared for oil and salt.

In this case, the fist speaks.

Who can endure strong, who has the final say.

What Jiang Lin is doing now is like this. If words can solve problems, naturally there is no need to use force, but now it is obvious that words are useless.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is still wholeheartedly trying to restore the motherland. Logically speaking, the purpose of Acropolis is the same, and they are on the same front. However, Acropolis does not take Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon seriously at all.

If it doesn't make sense, just see the real chapter under your hand, it's a very simple matter.

Jiang Lin came to this Thousand Machines Country with a clear purpose. Although overthrowing the Queen is an alternative path, there must be progress.

He has already arrived at the ghost town and entered the Qianjun Tomb. Can he still let the terracotta warriors appear here to give him a progress card?

Even if he repeatedly didn't want to make useless shots in the environment of the ghost town, now he can't.

He doesn't mind showing off his arrogance if he doesn't cooperate.

Jiang Lin is really going to be a big one. If this big nose general still has this attitude, then there is no need to discuss it directly.

What he wants to do is indeed to help the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to restore the country. Even if he has other plans, it is still mutually beneficial. Moreover, he has no other intentions. In other words, those intentions of the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon will return The power of the country will not suffer at all.

In this case, he doesn't care whether the Acropolis and the terracotta warriors are loyal generals and soldiers, and obstructing his affairs will have to pay a price.

At this time, Weicheng was not dignified, but dumbfounded. Although this young Jiang Lin only had the cultivation base of the peak of Jindan, it now seems that his hard power is much stronger than that of him back then.

"Sisters, let's take a break. This doesn't seem to be Jiang Lin's strongest means."

Red Eagle was hit by the heat wave, and immediately made Lan Ling and Chun Shisan back. Next, there may be a one-sided explosion feast.

Hong Ji knew Jiang Lin's situation. In this Qianji country, her man was like a dragon swimming in the shoal.

When Jiang Lin was chased and killed by him, he did not use any tyrannical means because of many scruples.

Now that Jiang Lin has shown his means, it is estimated that if things go wrong, it will be real.

"Jiang Lin, he...he can really fight the queen alone."

Lan Ling wiped the fine sweat on her face due to the high temperature, and stared blankly at Jiang Lin's back.

It was only now that she truly understood the power of Jiang Lin. If this incomparably huge three-legged golden crow attacked her, she might not even be left with scum.

It was also because of this that she knew that Jiang Lin really had a big heart for her. If Jiang Lin really used such a method on her, how would she care about her wishes.

As for Young Master Chun Shisan next to Lan Ling, after his heart was shocked, little stars appeared in his eyes.

Become a fangirl in seconds.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon immediately stepped back again and again, and stood in front of the two brothers who were screaming, helping them resist the heat wave that rushed over.

He has already said what he wants to say, and it is useless anyway. Since Jiang Lin has shown his means, let Jiang Lin negotiate with Acropolis.

Anyway, he won't give up on getting the Divine Sword.

"How about it, I'm going to forcibly take the Divine Sword in this Thousand Army Tomb now, what's your opinion?"

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, the huge third leg of the three-legged Golden Crow poked out behind him, hanging above the head of the Acropolis.

Acropolis's face became very ugly. He had no idea that Jiang Lin would have such a terrifying means of attack.

The terrifying power contained in the three-legged Golden Crow above, it is estimated that even the cultivators at the peak of Nascent Soul would not dare to resist head-on.

Moreover, he also heard what Hongji said just now. This is not Jiang Lin's strongest means. If that is the case, this Jiang Lin, in today's Qianji country, may only have the Queen's opponent.

If you want to ask an emperor to do it, it is not impossible at all.

"I'm waiting for your answer, you'd better think clearly, if I snap my fingers, you will all be wiped out. Whether it's you, or the terracotta warriors behind you, even this one thousand army tomb, I can Directly blow this place into the sky and turn it over."

Jiang Lin really didn't brag to Weicheng. The three-legged Golden Crow condensed [*]% of the spiritual power in his body. Once it exploded in the belly of this mountain, it would really blow up the entire mountain.

"This one……"

Acropolis looked up at the Three-legged Golden Crow, and his face became even ugly. He intuitively told him that what Jiang Lin said was not false.

Although he and the sergeant behind him have turned into terracotta warriors, guarding the sword, they are already dead, but death does not mean that everything is gone, but if the three-legged Golden Crow really attacks, then most of them will disappear. , and it dissipated very completely.

Not even the chance to be reincarnated.

Now as long as Jiang Lin snaps his fingers, they will be completely gone.

"That... Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I think the matter of restoring the country can be discussed again."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Acropolis looked at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon after measuring.

We still have to discuss, let your friend stop snapping his fingers.

"Senior, no matter whether Jiang Lin is the Emperor Star or Jiang Lin, with his participation, he is very sure of the restoration of the country, and Jiang Lin really has no intention of becoming an emperor."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon resisted the urge to give Jiang Lin a thumbs up, and walked in front of the Acropolis against the scorching hot air.

"Now it seems that I can't keep the Divine Sword. Maybe the prophecy will be fulfilled again, and the future will be left to you."

As he said that, Acropolis looked at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and then his legs were petrified again, and finally the whole person turned into the appearance of Terracotta Warriors.

After a loud shout came out, the general's terracotta warriors it turned into shattered and turned into dust, and the army terracotta warriors lined up in the square also shattered one by one, turning into fly ash.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin reversed his handprint and turned the three-legged golden crow into aura, which he absorbed into his body.

The [*]th chapter of the great priest enters the net ([*])

Still so easy.

Jiang Lin smiled. He wanted to see such a situation. Although he didn't mind moving the real thing, if all the terracotta warriors on the field were destroyed, the spiritual power in his body would not be enough. .

The means of forcibly urging Jinwu Yangyang to consume more spiritual energy than when he had Yang Yan in the past, and it was indeed a thankless effort.

Once the three-legged Golden Crow explodes, even if the immediate problem can be solved, it will be quite troublesome for him to recover later.

After the terracotta warriors on the square disappeared, Jiang Lin and his party went straight through the square and came to an arch with a five-finger brand on it.

Jiang Lin found that his spiritual sense could not pass through the arch, so he took a step forward and made his palm overlap the five-finger brand on the door, but it had no effect.

"Brother Jiang, it's better not to be rude. If any restrictions are triggered and the Divine Sword is damaged, we will be in vain."

Seeing that Jiang Lin wanted to use brute force to break the door, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon hurriedly stopped him. At the same time, he also stepped forward and pressed his palm against the brand on the door.

Unfortunately, there was still no movement at the arch, so Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon asked Chaitou and Tantou to step forward to see if the two of them could open the door.

Interestingly, Chai Tou pressed his palm on the arch, and the door opened automatically.

The two brothers were useless along the way, and now it's finally working.

The arch was withdrawn, and a cave appeared in front of everyone. There was a pool in the cave against the wall.

A water curtain hangs in the center of the pool, and behind the water curtain, there are illusory sword shadows.

Jiang Lin glanced at it, and then frowned, this long sword condensed from the fortunes of Qianji Kingdom's previous dynasty was not a real entity.

"You two go get it."

Since the arch just now was opened by the brothers Chaitou and Tantou, Jiang Lin asked them to fetch the divine sword after scanning with his spiritual sense.

Maybe there is something else in here, and it will only appear if the brothers are in front of them.

Jiang Lin didn't worry about any accidents that would happen to these two brothers. The queen's means of deploying the geomagnetic source had already been used in the middle of the game by him. Now that he takes the sword, there will be no problem.

Chaitou and Tantou were still happily teaming up. It was good for them to have imperial luck, but the previous Acropolis did not recognize them, and it is estimated that they will not be allowed to lead troops after Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Fighting, let alone make them emperors.But just now, the two brothers had already played their role, opened the arch, and they always had credit in their hands. Even if they didn't become emperors in the future, they would be able to discuss the merits for some rewards.

Now if they take the Divine Sword, they can get some credit.

The strange thing is that this time Chai Tou reached over, but couldn't catch anything. The sword body was indeed illusory. However, when Tan Tou went to try it, the long sword manifested in his hands.

For a time, the emperor's luck on Tantou's body was completely stimulated, making the entire cave become golden flames.

However, the charcoal head that took the Divine Sword had a bitter look on his face, and the emperor's luck in his body was stimulated, but he was not at all uncomfortable.

In the end, this guy shouted again and again, saying that he had worked so hard, and threw the Divine Sword back.

Seeing this, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon kept shaking his head. With such a thing, he couldn't bear the pain at all. Let this kid lead them to overthrow the queen's rule, it's really better to leave it to a pig.

At this moment, Jiang Lin stretched out his palm and took the Divine Sword that had turned into a solid body in his hand, but as soon as the Divine Sword entered his hand, he began to writhe frantically, and a fierce aura erupted from the body of the sword. Directly washed his sleeves to pieces.

"Get out now!"

Jiang Lin forcibly suppressed the divine sword in his hand with his spiritual power, but this sword was condensed from the legacy of the nation's fortunes, and he would use spiritual power to suppress it. impossible.

For today's plan, only he can only recall his corpse pill and use his corpse's fortune to force it, but in this case, it is estimated that the entire Qianjun Tomb will be destroyed.

With that said, Jiang Lin ran along the original road. When everyone ran out of the low mountain, Jiang Lin let out a roar, and the corpse pill he left at the source of the geomagnetic field also burst the god-general soil puppet as a container. , flew out directly.

At the same time, behind Jiang Lin and the others, there was a loud noise from the low mountain where Qianjun Tomb was located, and the entire mountain collapsed instantly.

And in the low mountain where the Divine Sword was condensed, a beam of light more than a thousand feet high burst out, almost illuminating the entire ghost town.

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