"Is that the location of the ghost town?"

At the same time, on a high mountain thousands of miles away, a smile appeared on the face of the high priest when he saw the beam of light rising up to the sky.

It seems that this time, Lan Ling has succeeded.

After that, the smile on the face of the high priest became stronger and stronger. The Queen did not let him know about the ghost town, but there is no impermeable wall in the world. He not only knew the location of the ghost town, but also confirmed that there is indeed a homeland there. The legacy of the nation.

Not only did the high priest know about the ghost town, he also learned from the queen's sister that his subordinate Lan Ling was one of the twin flowers in the prophecy.

Therefore, he gave Lan Ling such a task to cooperate with the Emperor Star to get the Divine Sword.

Although the queen left behind a means in the ghost town, the general situation cannot be changed, and [*]% of the things told in the prophecy will come true.

This also means that Lan Ling may have overcome difficulties together with Emperor Star and obtained the Divine Sword.

Now as long as he passes, the Divine Sword will fall into his hands.

So, the high priest took off his priest's robe and threw it out, jumped on the robe himself, and accelerated toward the ghost town.

It's a pity that the high priest doesn't know that Lan Ling, who was used by him, has completely turned against the tide. There is a group of people waiting for him in the ghost town.

Chapter two thousand two hundred and sixty-ninth the great priest enters the net (middle)

Red Eagle looked at the ruins that had completely turned into rubble behind him, and there was some cold sweat on his body. This was the means left by the Queen, especially for those traitors who wanted to obtain the Divine Sword and intended to rebel.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's defensive measures at the geomagnetic source, then if they took their swords rashly, they would all be killed or maimed and buried in the ruins together.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon also had lingering fears. On the passenger ship, when Jiang Lin discussed with him how to ambush and kill the high priest, he mentioned the geomagnetic matter to him.

At that time, he didn't take it too seriously, but now that he looks at it, he is starting a cold war.It wasn't that Jiang Lin noticed that if the queen left behind, no matter how lucky he was, he would have to fully explain it here.

"Lan Ling, that high priest asked you to take the Divine Sword. If you really did take it, there will be no ashes left. This is all because Jiang Lin was alert in advance, and then he laid out the means in advance. Otherwise, the current you may not even be able to There is no powder left."

The red eagle took the hand of Lan Ling, who was also in shock. Now that the Divine Sword has been obtained, the next step is to deal with the high priest. She feels that she still needs to do some ideological work for Lan Ling.

"Sister, I... I'll just follow your arrangement."

Lan Ling pursed her lips lightly, she had already decided in her heart what Hong Ji would do for her, and she did her best to cooperate.

"If it's not necessary, my sister won't make you too embarrassed."

Red Eagle nodded, Lan Ling's current attitude should be no problem.

Finish the task of dealing with the high priest first, and then consider the issue of Lan Ling's lineup.

As for Jiang Lin, he didn't pay attention to the changes in Qianjun Tomb. He felt that the divine sword in his hand was becoming more and more difficult to suppress, so he continued to gallop forward.

The power in the Divine Sword has always been in a violent state. If it is not poured out, even if his corpse pill returns, it will be difficult to tame it.

When they were far away, Jiang Lin swung his Divine Sword, and the light of the sword he threw out made Hongji and the others dare not approach, and even retreated.

After a while, Jiang Lin swallowed the flying corpse pill, and the corpse poison turned into flesh and blood. After that, his fortune was completely inspired to suppress the divine sword in his hand.

It took a full cup of tea for Jiang Lin to completely subdue the Divine Sword.

After flicking the body of the sword, Jiang Lin suddenly realized that the sound waves swung from the sword had the effect of splitting the magnetic field.

Not only that, after the Divine Sword stabilized, he gradually released a kind of energy in his hands, a kind of potential energy that was completely different from the current environment of the Thousand Machines Nation.

Good guy, finally don't have to worry.

Jiang Lin was overjoyed in his heart. The energy emanating from the Divine Sword isolated him from the influence of geomagnetism, and the invisible oppression he felt after entering the Kingdom of Thousand Machines disappeared.

In other words, it was isolated from the Divine Sword.

"Brother Jiang, I didn't expect you to actually let this divine sword recognize a foreigner."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon walked to Jiang Lin's side. He watched the process of Jiang Lin's suppression of the Divine Sword just now. Even if his cultivation was raised to a new level, he might not be able to be like Jiang Lin in such a short period of time. Within time, let Divine Sword tame and get Divine Sword's approval.

"It's just a coincidence."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then said: "There is such a big movement here, maybe the high priest who came here has discovered it, and then according to the previous plan, Lan Ling and I rest on the passenger ship, you hide. Raid under water and try to make a fortune in one fell swoop."

"Everything is going according to your plan, brother Jiang."

After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon nodded, he took the first step and went to the place where the passenger ship was parked.

He must completely restrain his breath underwater, and it will take some time to prepare.

"You two, holding the Divine Sword together, go to the deck of the passenger ship first."

After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon left, Jiang Lin took a piece of yellow paper from the ancient mirror in his arms, drew a magic talisman on the paper with his spiritual power, and wrapped it on the hilt of the divine sword. The Divine Sword was thrown to the brothers Chaitou and Tantou.

So far, the high priest did not know that he had the status of a monk. If the divine sword was placed in the hands of these two brothers, the high priest would subconsciously ignore him because he was concerned about the divine sword.

After that, he asked Hong Ji, Lan Ling, and Young Master Chun Shisan to come to him and explain the tasks they needed to do next.

Fortunately, after Lan Ling heard it, although the expression on her face was slightly different, she did not object.

What Jiang Lin asked her to do was to pretend that she didn't know anything after the high priest brought it, and let the high priest relax his vigilance and create opportunities for him and the red eagle to attack and kill.

As for Young Master Chun Shisan, Jiang Lin didn't let this girl sit idle. Although this girl was next to Lan Ling's sister, it would be impossible if she wanted to move to the bench to watch the play.

"Jiang Lin, in fact, I don't think I need to hide. Don't you have the ability to transform appearances? You asked me to change the appearance of sister Lan Ling. When the high priest arrives, I will greet him, Lan. Ling sister only needs to use my identity to explain that she was ordered by the queen to come and reinstate the slate, and she does not need her to deceive the high priest and make her deceived. I handed the slate to her, and she used a pair of it as a stand-up. Attitude, the high priest will not make things difficult for her for the time being."

At this time, after hearing Jiang Lin's plan, Hong Ji put forward his own suggestion. Jiang Lin asked her to hide too, taking advantage of the distraction of the high priest, and suddenly appeared to attack and kill.

But this requires Lan Ling to deceive the high priest with words. Red Eagle knows Lan Ling's character. Let this girl deal with the high priest and start a war in an upright manner. Somewhat reluctantly.

Afterwards, Hongji explained to Jiang Lin that if she changed her appearance with Lan Ling, it would be much easier for her to approach the high priest. When a sudden attack occurs, the high priest would probably not expect it.

She understands Lan Ling's character, and the high priest naturally understands it as well, but if the Lan Ling in the eyes of the high priest is not himself, it will be more unexpected.

After explaining, Hongji threw the slate to Lanling.

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up when he heard Hong Ji's suggestion. With this arrangement, it would not only prevent Lan Ling from getting into trouble, but also make the killing effect more effective.

Kill two birds with one stone.

And Lan Ling just needs to watch quietly and not help each other, which is the most compromised way at present.

"You're so smart."

Jiang Lin couldn't help but take a sip on Hong Ji's face. Having such a wife really gave him a lot of peace of mind.

The red eagle slashed Jiang Lin, and a charming blush appeared on his cheeks.

Jiang Lin followed Red Eagle's suggestion and let the corpse poison enter flesh and blood again. With the ever-changing abilities, Red Eagle and Lan Ling exchanged faces.

After changing faces, Hong Ji and Lan Ling looked at each other with their own faces, and both touched their faces.

"You don't need to touch it, it's not that you really changed your faces, it's just that in the eyes of you and outsiders, you two have exchanged each other. This is actually an illusion."

Jiang Lin smiled, he didn't have the ability to let the two girls really exchange looks and bodies with each other.

Chapter [*] The Great Priest Enters the Internet (Part [*])

"Jiang Lin, how capable are you?"

Young Master Chun Shisan closed the small mouth that was opened in shock, and then asked about Jiang Lin. Now she especially wants to know more about Jiang Lin. Based on some information she has obtained, Jiang Lin is probably not. They are from the Thousand Machines Kingdom, and they should have been here not long ago, but this is the kind of person who not only asked for the mysterious envoy of the Queen, Red Eagle, but also asked a capable person like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to use a respectful attitude. treat.

Moreover, the means Jiang Lin showed was an eye-opener for her.

"Can I be big? I don't think you are strong enough."

Jiang Lin glanced at Young Master Chun Shisan. No matter how capable he was, he still wanted to spoil his wife and take care of his wife. This led to him being taken advantage of by this girl, and he was still unable to repair people.

In a way, this Spring Thirteen Young Master really left him with nothing to do.

Let's settle accounts with this girl. This girl is Lan Ling's sister, and she and Lan Ling have been separated from each other and cannot recognize each other. As a sister, Lan Ling must have a lot of shame in her heart. Take out all the love for my sister and give it to my sister.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Lin wanted to beat Chun Shisan Shao again, but it really hit this girl, and it hurt Lan Ling's heart.

Young Master Chun Shisan lowered his face when Jiang Lin gave him such a glance.

She had a guilty conscience, and by virtue of her sister relationship with Lan Ling, Jiang Lin had an extra woman for no reason.

After that, Jiang Lin returned to the passenger ship with Hong Ji and the others. On the way, Hong Ji taught Lan Ling how to make her look a little bit more cool and glamorous. Similar to above.

Hong Ji also asked Lan Ling to show her that kind of contempt in her eyes when she was looking at her.

All this made Jiang Lin happy. In fact, he was also quite relieved. The changes in Hongjiu have exceeded his expectations, and Hongjie also helped him get Lanling.

The two mysterious messengers, Hongji and Lanling, became more intimate in the process of teaching and learning on the road.

Jiang Lin thought that when he had a stable life in the future, he would make up for the Red Eagle well. During the time when he first met the Red Eagle, he did a lot of damage to the Red Eagle.

After getting on the passenger ship, Jiang Lin didn't go back to his room, he just looked at the surrounding scenery on the deck. It won't be long before there will be a big battle.

From Lan Ling, Jiang Lin has confirmed that Lan Ling sent the letter back to Huadu a few days ago, and informed the high priest to let the high priest come over to deal with the situation she encountered in person. After calculating the time, the high priest also Either tonight or tomorrow.

And now there is a thousand-zhang beam of light in the ghost town, as long as the high priest finds it, it will definitely speed up.

After half an hour, there were a few wolf howls in the distance, and the red eagle frowned and said, "There is a storm wolf clan eyeliner I left outside, this movement should be the arrival of the high priest. Lan Ling, You stand at the top of the cabin, just like I used to be, not near you."

Lan Ling nodded slightly, then jumped a few times to the top of the cabin at the stern, standing against the wind.

The Red Vulture was sitting in front of the mast, quietly waiting for the arrival of the high priest.

"Relax, show any flaws, kill you both!"

Not far away, Young Master Chun, who was sitting around the boat with Chaitou and Tantou, warned the two brothers in front of her that if things broke Jiang Lin, she would not beat the two oil bottles to their relatives. Mom doesn't even know her, even if she doesn't have the skills.

After a while, there was a roar of a falcon in the air, and then the high priest sitting on the robe appeared on the river with the eagle.

"Lan Ling, have you got the Divine Sword?"

Hovering in mid-air, the high priest looked at Red Eagle. Because of Jiang Lin's ever-changing abilities, he also regarded Red Eagle as his subordinate Lan Ling.

"Reporting to the High Priest, it's already in hand. The brat over there holding the Divine Sword is the Emperor Star in the prophecy."

The red eagle stood up immediately and pointed to the charcoal head holding the divine sword not far away, and then she looked at Lan Ling again, and continued: "But the slate was taken away by the red eagle, she said that she was ordered by the queen. , I am inconvenient to have a conflict with her. It is great that you are here, High Priest. I met Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon before, and he has always wanted to get the Divine Sword. Now he may have come to a ghost town. My subordinates are afraid Encounter with him and wait here."

"good very good."

The high priest looked at the long sword held by the charcoal head with a very strong smile on his face.

After that, he looked at Lan Ling standing on the top of the boat. Now that the red eagle and Lan Ling had been exchanged by Jiang Lin's ability, he certainly couldn't have imagined that the Lan Ling he saw was actually a red eagle, and The red eagle is the blue ling.

"My task is to retrieve the slate and let the queen reinstate me. What, does the high priest have any opinion on this?"

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