After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon left, Red Eagle asked Jiang Lin to take Immortal Treasure to heal his wounds, but Jiang Lin didn’t take it. In his current situation, it’s better to avoid medication.

However, Jiang Lin also sent a god general to find Palu of the Dundi tribe. Palu can perform magnetic therapy, and it is estimated that such a trauma can be treated as well.

"This is an elixir, take it for that girl."

Jiang Lin took a look at Chun Shisan and took out a jade bottle from the ancient mirror and handed it to Lan Ling, asking Lan Ling to feed the girl.

This time, Young Master Chun Shisan also played a big role in the ambush and murder of the Great Priestess, and he suffered a lot of injuries because of it, and now this girl is Lan Ling's younger sister, so Jiang Lin is not stingy.

Even if it is not for the sake of Chun Shisan Shao's hard work, he still has to look at Lan Ling's Buddha face.

Young Master Chun Shisan smiled and swallowed the medicine pill that Lan Ling sent. Almost instantly, the wounds to her heart and shoulder blades were all healed.

"Thank you... Xiang Gong."

Young Master Chun Shisan summoned his courage and called Jiang Lin his husband, but Jiang Lin gave him a bad look.

Red Eagle and Lan Ling also looked suspiciously at Young Master Chun Shisan, and they both felt something was wrong.

Jiang Lin's attitude towards the thirteenth young master of Chun was not the same as that of a woman who had a skin-to-skin relationship with him.

Moreover, Jiang Lin kept calling Spring Thirteen Young Girls.

"Red Eagle, I still need to be in the land of extreme sun to re-consolidate the golden core. You and I will look around. Lan Ling, you can rest on the passenger ship now."

Jiang Lin didn't waste time. Now that the high priest is dead, both Red Eagle and Lan Ling must return to the flowers as soon as possible. Before that, he also needs to draw a protective rune on Lan Ling's body, which requires him It is necessary to condense the golden elixir as soon as possible.

"no problem."

Red Eagle nodded, and then helped Jiang Lin to find a suitable place for Jiang Lin to condense the golden elixir.

"Sister, my good sister, can you please help me, people... they really like Jiang Lin."

When Jiang Lin and the others were far away, Young Master Chun Shisan shook Lan Ling's arm and acted coquettishly.

If Jiang Lin was unwilling to accept her, she would rather cut her hair to become a nun and stay away from the world.

"You girl, with a small mouth like a liar, Jiang Lin didn't want you at all? He doesn't know how to be ashamed at all, and he said that he was already a woman, and he even brought me and Sister Hongjiu together. He was deceived and poured Jiang Lin into the water, how wronged he is."

Lan Ling gave Chun Shisan Shao a shudder, and now she knew that Jiang Lin had never defended, probably because she didn't want to affect her sisterhood with Chun Shisan Shao.

But she and Hongji have always misunderstood Jiang Lin.

"People really love him. I don't even know where I messed with him. He didn't even look at me, and he beat me at every turn before. Sister Hongji is going to kill him. Sister, you have to use him. He You can all forgive me, but I still care about what you care about, why?"

Chun Shisan Shao pouted, but she still felt unbalanced in her heart.

Lan Ling couldn't help laughing and said, "You don't know why? I'm here to tell you because you want to sell him to Doman and let him serve as a bell to serve that super fat woman. When I was there, he was listening not far away, it's no wonder he didn't hit you."


The expression on Chun Shisan's face suddenly became wonderful. It turned out that Jiang Lin had long known that she was going to catch it and sell it as a bell. No wonder Jiang Lin often punched her along the way.

"Then... it's not that I didn't know he was... I didn't know that I would fall in love with him. No matter how much treasure you give me, I don't want to sell him. Sister, you know, I've been tempted by him for a long time, even before you, you can help me, my good sister, you let him want me, and I will treat him as my god in the future."

"Aren't you? He's my man. You sold him at first. If a man like him heard you say that, it's not bad if he didn't kill on the spot. Now let me help you and call him. Accept you. Are you kidding me? What do you want me to tell him?"

The question mark on Lan Ling's face, how can this kind of thing help?How to help?

If Jiang Lin is not willing, can she change Jiang Lin's will with a few words?

Chapter [*] I take you as my sister, you make me heartless? (Down)

Lan Ling felt that she had been attacked by Young Master Chun Shisan, not to mention her, it was Red Eagle. In this country of Qianji, it could be said to be unparalleled in appearance, but Red Eagle's actions and methods in the past were too vicious and vicious. Let others ignore the appearance of this mysterious messenger.

But even if such a beautiful red eagle had an intersection with Jiang Lin, it was because Jiang Lin took his own purpose into consideration that he occupied the body of the red eagle.

Lan Ling knew very well that in terms of beauty, she was inferior to Red Eagle. Under normal circumstances, Jiang Lin would not have any emotional development with her.

How could a man like Jiang Lin be short of women?

It was a coincidence and an accident that she had a relationship with Jiang Lin because of the psychedelic incense sent by Chun Shisan Shao.

In other words, if there were no such coincidences, neither she nor Red Eagle would have any special connection with Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin would not take them seriously.

All in all, Jiang Lin's original intention was definitely not to take them as family members.

Now, Young Master Chun thirteen asked her to help, and gave Jiang Linsai another family member.

Moreover, before the Spring Thirteenth Young Master, because he wanted to sell Jiang Lin as a bell, the image in Jiang Lin's mind was extremely poor.

How can this be blocked?

"He must be pampering you very much now. I made him take advantage of him, and he didn't have any seizures, which means that you are just like Sister Hongji, and he cares a lot. If he doesn't want to, don't. With him, and Sister Hongji, you can unite with her and don't want to live with him."

Young Master Chun Shisan continued to grind her sister. She knew the reason why Jiang Lin didn't want to see her, and she also understood that no matter how hard she tried, [*]% of the time it would be impossible.

Without letting her old sister help, she can only drink the northwest wind.


After listening to the words of the thirteenth young master, Lan Ling's face turned black, and with his hands on his hips, Lan Ling reprimanded: "Okay, you are the thirteenth son of the spring, I treat you as a younger sister, but you let me go. Am I heartless?"

Lan Ling also convinced her own younger sister, how good Jiang Lin was to her, not to mention, the grace of not killing several times is real. When dealing with the high priest before, Jiang Lin also deliberately divided Bring out a magic weapon to protect her.

Just now, Jiang Lin cared about her feelings and gave an elixir to Chun Shisan Shao.

That is an elixir. If it wasn't for her sister, Jiang Lin would not have given it away easily anyway.

But now, this little sister of hers has let her use Jiang Lin's love for her to blackmail Jiang Lin.

She also wanted her to join the Red Eagle, and she was unwilling to live with Jiang Lin.

Doesn't this make her enjoy Jiang Lin's preference, while being a white-eyed wolf, doing heartless things?

Jiang Lin was so kind to her, but she had to backhand and be heartless, and she also had to pull the red eagle over to get a divorce with Jiang Lin.

Has the conscience been eaten by the dog?

Young Master Chun Shisan was reprimanded by Lan Ling and didn't dare to speak any more. She also knew that her request was outrageous.

Blinking a pair of beautiful eyes, there were tears in the eyes of Chun Shisan Shao, and then she said with some tears, "I was adopted by a bell mammy since I was a child, and I have been doing hard work since I can remember. If I can’t get enough to eat, then the old mother won’t give me food if my business is not good. That’s why I am greedy for money. When I was looking for food to eat, I encountered an opportunity and found an inheritance in a cave, and I was able to embark on the path of cultivation, I am afraid I would have starved to death."

When Lan Ling heard what the [*]th Young Master Chun said, and saw the tears in her sister's eyes, her heart softened, and she quickly hugged the [*]th Young Master Chun.

"Sister, I... I'll think of a way, okay?"

Lan Ling wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. She knew that Young Master Chun Shisan was thinking that this girl had always wanted to give it to Jiang Lin before her.

If he hadn't really fallen in love with Jiang Lin, how could he be so shameless.

"Sister, Jiang Lin is not from our place. When things are done, he will definitely leave. You have to go with him, and I will become a person again. If you take me with you, you will only be on the road. It will cause him trouble. You will have to consider my marriage in the future. There must be a lot of trouble. I just met you, my sister, and even if I marry someone else, I will not be separated from you. In this way, Jiang Lin's There are two more outsiders around. Then...then if I marry him, all these troubles can be avoided, and our sisters can be together forever. "

Wiping away the tears on his face, Young Master Chun Shisan began to analyze rationally with Lan Ling.

She can't get married in the future, right?

Even if you are married, you don't want to be separated from your own sister, right?It's only been a while since we met.

A man of Jiang Lin's character, with a delicate beauty beside him, how could it be possible for a strange man to follow him all the time, right?

"When he comes back, you kneel down and admit your mistake. He doesn't want to forgive you, so you keep kneeling. I... I'll be watching."

Lan Ling was really one of the first two big by the younger sister Chun Shisan.

She couldn't do something heartless anyway, but Young Master Chun Shisan and her were born of the same mother, she couldn't bear to sit idly by, she could only think of it such a way.

As for the fact that she and her sister will serve Jiang Lin's husband in the future, Lan Ling has no objection in her heart.

Anyway, before her, Jiang Lin already had a red eagle, and before he met the red eagle, Jiang Lin definitely had another woman, or else he would not have slept with the red eagle until he gave up his previous ambitions.

In this case, she just cares, and nothing can change.

"Sister, you really hurt me."

Young Master Chun Shisan hugged Lan Ling tightly, feeling that it was nice to have a sister who loves her, and it would be even better if there was another man who loves her.


After stretching and yawning, Young Master Chun Shisan said, "Sister, I originally wanted to tell you how I've been living these years, but it seems that the medicinal herbs have started to work, and I'm very sleepy."

"Then get on the boat and go to rest early. If there is a chance, my sister will tell you what happened over the years."

Lan Ling asked Chun Shisan Shao to return to the ship to rest, and she also needed some time to plan for her own good life.

Now that the matter of the high priest has been resolved, there is still an empress between her and Jiang Lin. Although she knows that she will not choose to stand on the opposite side of Jiang Lin, she still needs a little time to calm down and think more.

At this time, five or six miles away from the passenger ship, Jiang Lin was already sitting cross-legged in a place with relatively strong yang energy, and Palu, who was brought by the gods, also saw Jiang Lin.

After checking Jiang Lin's injuries, Pallu used his control over the magnetic field to heal Jiang Lin's injuries.

Ten minutes into the night the next day, Jiang Lin went back the same way and returned to the passenger ship.

The blood hole on his body has been healed by the leader of the Dundi clan, Palu, with the method of magnetic therapy.

In addition to the wounds on his body being healed, the golden elixir in his body has also re-condensed. Although the spiritual power has not been fully recovered, it is enough to paint the amulet runes for Lan Ling.

As for the red eagle, after escorting him, he went directly to summon his own violent wolf team, and let these men quickly go to Huadu to see if the queen would do anything.

After Jiang Lin returned to the cabin, Young Master Chun Shisan walked to his room and stood holding his little hand.

"You girl, don't blame me for warning you, I need Ning Xin to recover my spiritual power now, and if you disturb me again, I'll show you some color."

Glancing at Chun Shisan Shao, Jiang Lin ignored the girl.

Now because of Lan Ling, he is very tolerant of this girl. Before, Chun Shisan had disturbed his thoughts many times at critical times. If the previous situation still occurs this time, then he will have to let this girl It was a pleasure.

"Yes... I'm sorry."

Young Master Chun Shisan flexed his legs and knelt down.

Jiang Lin frowned, and at this moment, Lan Ling also walked in.

Looking at Jiang Lin, Lan Ling said: "This girl, although she is my sister, but at the beginning, she wanted to sell you as a bell, since I am your woman, naturally... To you, I asked this girl to apologize to you."

Chapter [*] is too soft-hearted

After Lan Ling made a sound, Young Master Chun Shisan moved his knees, knelt in front of Jiang Lin, and said sincerely, "Jiang Lin, at first I wanted to sell you to that fat woman, it was me who was wrong, I am now I know I'm wrong. It's okay if you punched me on the road, or slammed me into the water and choked me. But later... I don't want to sell you anymore, can you forgive me?"

Chun Shisan rarely saw Jiang Lin, but just looked at him quietly and didn't say anything, his phoenix eyes turned slightly red, and he continued: "Now give me gold and silver mountains, and Doman put a knife on my neck. Come on, I won't have the same thoughts as before. You are such a capable person, so the adults don't remember the villain's life, okay?"

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