Having said that, there were some tears in the voice of Chun Shisan Shao, and the tears in his eyes were also spinning.

Seeing that Young Master Chun Shisan wiped her tears with the back of her hand, Lan Ling felt pantothenic acid in her heart, and there was more moisture in her beautiful eyes.

Jiang Lin looked at the spring thirteen young pear blossoms with rain, and then looked at Lan Ling. Seeing that Lan Ling was distressed because of her sister crying, he was about to cry, and his heart couldn't bear it.

At this time, Lan Ling also said: "This girl separated from me when she was a child. She has no father and no mother, and she lived a very hard life. If she hadn't found a chance by accident, I don't know if she would be able to live. She has no one. I love those who have no one to teach, and have developed a greed for money, and now she knows her fault, you... don't blame her, okay? Xiang Gong, I... will you marry me?"

From last night to now, Lan Ling thought a lot, and she also persuaded herself to accept Jiang Lin completely.

The high priest knew that she and Chun Shisan Shao were the twins who could help the Emperor Star in the prophecy, and he directly killed him regardless of the feelings of his superiors and subordinates over the years.

Then, if the queen knew, she would only do it more ruthlessly.

This fact has already determined that she and the queen are incompatible, even if she does not have the heart to rebel.

Whether it was for the younger sister Chun Shisan, for herself, or for Jiang Lin, who had already made her emotional, she had to make a clean break with the queen.

Lan Ling had thought about these reasons, but she still felt a little high-sounding. The real reason why she chose to accept Jiang Lin without reservation was because she knew that she had fallen in love with this man.

Therefore, whether she is regarded as a thorn in the side of the Queen or an anti-bone girl, or she is pointed at and scolded by the Queen, she does not regret the choice she made.

Jiang Lin looked at Lan Ling, who was blushing, and smiled slightly. The fact that Lan Ling could say such a thing meant that he would be willing to stand by his side in the future and be his wife well in the future.

However, there should be a small condition in this, that is, let him forgive Chun Shisan.

"Okay, I am too soft-hearted."

Jiang Lin sighed, what Chun Shisan Shao did did not actually involve any principled issues. He had such an attitude only because of the nausea caused by this girl. Later, although Chun Shisan Shao let him be the one again. He took advantage of him once, but he didn't let him lose a piece of meat. Instead, it made Hongji and Lanling sisters to be of the same mind. Therefore, even if Lanling didn't recognize him as her husband just now, he felt that he would also forgive Chun Shisan Shao.

Heart is too soft.

Jiang Lin felt that he was really too soft-hearted. Seeing Lan Ling was about to cry, he couldn't bear it anymore.

If he continued to hold the previous attitude towards Chun Shisan Shao, Lan Ling would definitely cry.

On one side is his own sister, and on the other side is his man, it is difficult for her to be caught in the middle.

Jiang Lin has always been very soft-hearted towards his woman.

"Really? Jiang Lin, are you willing to forgive me?"

Young Master Chun Shisan grabbed Jiang Lin's hand, and a sweet smile appeared on his face.

After that, she threw herself into Jiang Lin's arms and said, "Actually, in addition to asking me to apologize this time, my sister also wants me to tell you something. Jiang Lin, although you beat me and choke me, but I... But I fell in love with you. We are the twin flowers in the prophecy. If my sister is yours, I will also be yours. My sister said that if you don't accept me, she doesn't want to. "

Saying that, Young Master Chun Shisan kissed Jiang Lin on the mouth.

However, she felt very sorry for her sister Lan Ling in her heart.

Sister, sister, I have to take every inch this time. In the future, if Jiang Lin treats you badly and ignores you, I will use the kitchen knife to sharpen it for you.


Lan Ling suddenly had question marks all over her head, when did she say that?

Jiang Lin was also stunned for a moment, then pushed Chun Shisan away and looked at Lan Ling.

This girl once wanted to sell me to a super fat woman, even if you asked me to forgive her, you also asked me to give her the title of Mrs. Jiang?

Lan Ling pursed her cherry lips and said bravely: "I... I just met her, and I don't want to leave her. I'll follow you in the future, I don't know where I'm going, I'll take her with me anyway. ."

Young Master Chun Shisan had already said so, and Lan Ling followed her sister's words and expressed the meaning.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be soft-hearted."

Jiang Lin glared at Lan Ling and co-operated with the sisters who had negotiated early in the morning. Lan Ling was in charge of blushing and crying, and then Young Master Chun Thirteen was in charge of using his soft heart to push his nose on his face.

"Jiang Lin, I will bring you tea and water in the future, I will serve you to wash your hands in the morning, and I will fetch you water to wash your feet in the evening. I will listen to you."

Young Master Chun Shisan buried his face in Jiang Lin's arms and hugged him tightly with his arms.

"You girl, let me go."

When Lan Ling was here, Jiang Lin didn't use much force, and as a result, he couldn't push the Spring Thirteenth Young Master.

In the end, he patted Chun Shisan's patpat hard twice, and warned that Chun Shisan would beat her if she was not obedient, and she couldn't even sit, so the girl let go of her arms.

Young Master Chun Shisan covered his patpat, bit his cherry lips lightly, and looked at Jiang Lin affectionately, but at this moment, Lan Ling came over, grabbed her by the ear, and pulled her out.

While grabbing Chun Shisan's ear, Lan Ling said, "Okay, all that needs to be said is done, didn't you say you want to tell my sister how you have spent so many years?"

She was very angry with this sister again, asked her to help, and then turned around and sold her.Well, now Jiang Lin thinks that what Spring Thirteen said later was all her orders.

This sister should have her ears pricked.

"Sister, don't pull me. I'll have a chance to tell you in the future. I'm going to sleep with Jiang Lin tonight."

"I'm not ashamed! Sister, I'll teach you what it means to be ashamed."

Hearing the voices of Lan Ling and Chun Shisan getting farther away, Jiang Lin was also a little speechless. Lan Ling was willing to stand by his side and no longer think about the queen. Of course he was happy, but Lan Ling came over. He also took a younger sister, Chun Shisan Shao, over.


Judging from the current situation, he can't do it yet.

At this moment, the red eagle who had dismissed the violent wolf clan team walked in.

"It's been a while since I left Huadu, and I'm going to leave tomorrow."

The red eagle took a deep breath. The danger level of the queen in her heart has increased a lot. I am afraid that it will not be smooth when she goes back to Jiang Lin to steal the token to open the sky platform.

But whether it goes well or not, she will help Jiang Lin complete this matter.

Chapter [*] When people are gone, there is nothing left

"Be careful of everything. After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon rectifies the old divisions, I may still need to bring my Divine Sword to show my face in front of those old divisions. Later, I will also go to Huadu, on the one hand, to check the situation in Huadu, on the other hand, I'm in Huadu, if anything happens to you and Lan Ling, I can rush over in time."

Jiang Lin pinched his chin. Now Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has gone to prepare for the event, and now that the Divine Sword is in his hands, that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon must have put the name of Emperor Star on him. .

Therefore, to unite the old ministry and issue a call, he must be involved.

If not, he would go to Huadu together with Red Eagle and the others.

Hongjiu looked at the clothes on Jiang Lin's body, and then took out the silver needles he had picked up on the river bank before, and said, "Your clothes are all torn, take them off and I'll sew them up for you."

In fact, Hongji doesn't know what to do with women. She doesn't know how to sew clothes, but now she wants to be a qualified wife, so she wants to try it out on her own.

Jiang Lin took off his gown and handed it to Hong Ji, and sat cross-legged on the bed to recover his spiritual power.

After half an hour, Jiang Lin opened his eyes, and Hongji put his long gown beside the bed and said, "It's very ugly to sew, but I will study hard in the future."

"You don't need to learn, not all of my wives know needlework. In the future, you will be just like them, responsible for being pampered and loved by me. No matter how ugly the sewing is, I will wear it on my body. Don't throw it away."

Jiang Lin smiled. Hongji didn't even know how to sew and sew his clothes. Now he was learning how to be a wife.

Hongjiu looked at Jiang Lin, then turned around, took the iron basin and porcelain cup from the cabin, and walked out.

However, when she turned around, a sweet smile appeared on her face.

After a while, Hongji brought some clean water in, and wanted to wait on Jiang Lin to wash and wash his feet.

She didn't plan to leave tonight. She wasn't by Jiang Lin's side. Jiang Lin suddenly had another woman, and now she has another thirteenth child.

Hongjiu already knew about the matter that Young Master Chun Shisan apologized to Jiang Lin before. She was picking up silver needles on the river bank at that time, so she also knew that Young Master Chun Shisan would not be long before and would be commensurate with her sisters.

This is also the reason why Hongjiu decided to live in the same room with Jiang Lin. She didn't want Jiang Lin to like the new and get tired of the old.

"Sit next to me and wash together."

After taking a shower, Jiang Lin put his feet into the wooden tub and patted the bed next to him. Not long ago, Hongji said that he was going to return to Huadu tomorrow, and now he is waiting for him to wash, so he felt that he was red tonight. Eagle probably didn't want to leave.

Hong Ji sat down beside Jiang Lin and took off his leather boots, revealing his feet as clean as jade.

"If I don't fulfill the agreement between me and you this time, will you think I'm useless?"

After putting a pair of feet into the wooden basin, Hong Ji asked about Jiang Lin.

She was naturally willing to steal the palace's token at all costs, but after all, it's up to people to make things happen, and if she misses, then Jiang Lin will be greatly disappointed.

"What if you're useless, what if you're useful? This time I return to Huadu and do my best. Although I really need to open the token of going to the sky, but now, I pay more attention to the safety of you and Lanling. Flowers are now Qian Qian The capital of the Machine Country, when I get there, I will most likely have unexpected changes. If not, I don’t want you to go back.”

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand to straighten the hair of the red eagle and said, "In the future, you don't need to think about whether you are useful or not, and you don't have to think about whether it is useful to me. In my family, there are many women who are useless. But they are more important to me than my own life. As for you, you just need to remember what I said, 'If people are gone, nothing will be gone'. What a precious treasure, What immortality is immortal, and it is all gone."

Hongjiu nodded slightly, and a charming smile appeared on his face. Although Jiang Lin didn't say it clearly, he also made it clear. Regardless of whether she gained anything from this trip, Jiang Lin still recognized her.

Moreover, Jiang Lin told her to save her life no matter what, and put her safety first.

This shows that Jiang Lin has now chosen her between his purpose and her.

"I remember."

Hongjiu pursed her lips, even if she didn't do anything else, just for the immortal treasure on Jiang Lin and the hope of immortality, she would definitely be careful not to let herself go.

If she is gone, it will be a big loss, and there will be nothing left, not even the husband who cares about her so much.

Afterwards, the red eagle asked again: "Then what do you need to do after you go to Sky City? Can I help?"

"You talk too much, what do you want to do so far? Staying with me for the night, there are still so many words."

With that said, Jiang Lin reached out and touched Hong Ji's forehead, pushed her back, and made her lie down.

After that, Jiang Lin swung his arm again, and the doors and windows of the cabin were closed.

The beautiful scenery of the good day, the moment of spring night, the couple farewell, it is better than a wedding.

So much to do, hurry to sleep.

Chapter [*] Red Eagle's Plan

Early in the morning, after Hong Jiu got off the boat and drank some water, he woke up Jiang Lin.

When Jiang Lin woke up, she folded her arms, and her face returned to a glamorous look.

"You have solved the spell on me now, so you are not afraid that after I leave, you will go away and fly away? I have a lot of immortal treasures from you, even if I can't live forever, I can't achieve longevity. It's still okay to live in years."

Hongjiu looked at Jiang Lin and narrowed his eyes slightly. Jiang Lin had already undone the spell cast on her last night.

This also means that from now on, as long as she leaves Jianglin, she will be free.

"Are you willing? It's not me who told you, you always put on a cold and glamorous look in front of me. Beauty is very beautiful. However, it's easy for me to have the idea of ​​repairing you and conquering you once."

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