Jiang Lin stretched his back. He did remove the magic spell on Red Eagle. From then on, Red Eagle would not become a puppet controlled by him.

But he did this because he knew that the spell was meaningless to Red Eagle.

"Get up and take a shower. I'm about to set off. If you're still sleeping, you know you're greedy."

After nudging his little mouth, Hongjiu sneered at Jiang Lin as if his face had changed in Sichuan Opera.

Even if Jiang Lin doesn't want her anymore, even if she wants to let her fly away, she reckons that she will have to stick to Jiang Lin like a dog skin plaster.

Jiang Lin took the initiative to solve the spell on her body, which has already given her the greatest trust, how could she live up to this trust.

"Yesterday, in addition to letting the violent wolf clan team return to Huadu, I also reported the death of the high priest to the queen by using the eagle falcon. On the head of the dragon. If you don't use this to distract the Queen's attention, I'm afraid that Lan Ling's end will not be very good, and the Queen will definitely punish her for the big sin of sitting together. Now the rebellion is about to start, and it is just when I am hiring. So that I can bring Lan Ling under my command. Anyway, the queen also knows that I have always been at odds with her, and she will mistakenly think that she will not have any good fruit if she falls into my hands."

After Jiang Lin got dressed and got out of bed, Hong Ji told him about her plan. She wanted to tell Jiang Lin yesterday, but Jiang Lin blamed her for talking too much and delaying the beautiful scenery.

"The Queen will cure Lan Ling's crime?"

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, but he didn't expect this.

The red eagle nodded and said: "Yes, in order to make Lan Lingxin turn towards you and deal with the high priest together, I secretly reported the queen's high priest's intention to rebel. The queen passed me a secret order, but did not specify that it must be killed. High priest, this shows that the queen still has some affection for the high priest. It is I who misinterpreted the content of the secret book for Lan Ling. Now that the high priest dies, the queen is in a rage, and it will inevitably bring disaster to Lan Ling, but with me, I can deal with it. However, with the suspicious character of the queen, she will definitely come to the ghost town to investigate. Not only Lan Ling and I want to return to Huadu as soon as possible, but you and the young girl Chun Shisan also need to arrange the battle and disband. The Dundi people here, leave as soon as possible."

After two steps, the red eagle continued: "Any woman, if she is angry, her intelligence will decline. I used to be like that. No matter how cruel the queen is, she is still a woman. The betrayal and death of the high priest is estimated to make She almost collapsed, and by virtue of this, she will not carefully filter the clues and mystery of the things I reported to her face to face. Maybe when she finds something wrong, Lan Ling and I have already succeeded. "

"It turns out that you are really scheming."

Jiang Lin thought for a while, and then looked at the red eagle with a strange look.

If the red eagle is not jealous of IQ Online, it will be like a cunning old fox.

Yesterday, he was recovering from his injury, and at the same time he was concentrating on re-concentrating the golden core, so the Red Eagle didn't bother him, and naturally he didn't talk to him about these plans.

Just when he didn't have time to think about what happened next, Hong Jiu had already planned everything in his mind.

The plan he came up with made him particularly satisfied.

Jiang Lin didn't know much about the Queen, far less than Red Eagle's understanding of the Queen. Let him consider the situation that both Red Eagle and Lan Ling might encounter when they returned to Hua. He really couldn't compare to Red Eagle.

Compared with his other wives, Jiang Lin felt more and more that Hong Ji was like a wise man.

"Who said it!"

Hongjiu stabbed Jiang Lin, a man said that about his wife?

Jiang Lin apologized for laughter, then took the red eagle into his arms and said, "I'm really glad that I occupied you at that time instead of killing you. You will come back with me in the future, I guess there are still many things to do with you. negotiating."

"Then why don't you take me to Sky City? Anyway, with Lan Ling there, we don't have to worry about coming back."

Hongji leaned her face on Jiang Lin's shoulder and rubbed it. She felt that Jiang Lin didn't answer what he was going to do in Sky City yesterday, probably because she didn't want her to know the danger.

With her wit and active mind, she can always bring some help to Jiang Lin.

Chapter two thousand two hundred and eighty one thousand machine country chaos

"I don't hide it from you. When I go to Sky City, I may go out of bounds and use some extraterritorial creatures to solve my own problems. Therefore, I can't take you there. I guess I can only protect myself. You If there are three long and two short, then how can I want to see it."

Jiang Lin sighed, if he brought Red Eagle with him, he would indeed be able to brainstorm ideas, but the dangers that would be encountered in Sky City were incomparable to what Red Eagle might encounter in Huadu.

"You're going out of bounds? And you want to contact extraterritorial creatures?"

Red Eagle stared at Jiang Lin dazedly. Although the Thousand Machines Country was very remote, it was still at the edge of the sand sea in the Northern Territory. Red Eagle had read some information about space cracks and concepts outside the world from ancient books.

Not to mention that it is outside the world, it is said that those space cracks are extremely dangerous. Jiang Lin must pass through many space cracks if he wants to go to the outside world. That is a place where the cultivator's bones will be lost if he is not careful, even if it is a fairy, Don't dare to take such a risk lightly.

"That's right, but I'm blessed with a lot of luck. I don't know how many times I've been through life and death in the past, so don't worry about me."

Seeing Hong Ji panicked, Jiang Lin comforted Hong Ji.

As long as he can completely remove the corpse poison in his body by other methods, he is not willing to take such a risk.

After coming to Daluo Immortal Realm, he experienced too many difficulties and obstacles.

Jiang Lin told Hongji that he still had a lot of high-quality instruments and many immortal treasures on his body, which were enough to protect himself, so Hongji temporarily suppressed the worries in his heart.

"I and Lan Ling will do our best to help you. However, after you are busy with trivial matters, you should go to Huadu as soon as possible, but you can't forget about me and Lan Ling because of the sweetness of that girl in the thirteenth spring. "

At this moment, Hongjiu gave Jiang Lin a preventive shot, so that Jiang Lin would not even be forgotten by Chun Shisan Shao sticking behind him.

"Why did you get involved with that girl again? It's not like you don't know. If it wasn't for her sister, I wouldn't have discussed hitting her."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, Hong Jijing said something and nothing, just took Lan Ling seriously, and started to eat the vinegar of Chun Shisan again.

With a light snort, Hong Ji said: "That girl is Lan Ling's sister, just for Lan Ling's sake, can you show a cold face like before? That doesn't hurt Lan Ling's heart and make her embarrassed? Besides, That girl is determined to give her to you for free, she is cute and pretty, and her body is clean. It will be fine in three or five days. In a month or two, will you not want her? You are a man, I understand. No matter how beautiful a woman is, if you give it to you for nothing, you won't want it, but you still don't like it. But if someone is soft and hard, it's not necessarily a show, as long as you get along for a while, you have feelings, and you will still be happy. Aren't they all the same as me?"


Jiang Lin touched his nose, this red eagle really understood his temperament.

"Cough, okay, do I look like someone who can forget about business? You call Lan Ling in, and I'll give her some fairy treasures. I also need to consider her safety. By the way, go back to After Huadu, don’t be reluctant to use the immortal treasure on your body, you can take part of it in advance and hide it in your stomach. Once the situation is not good, it will dissolve the medicine. If you think it is not enough, take it from me again.”

"Enough is enough, you have already given a lot."

Hongjiu didn't ask Jiang Lin what she wanted, so she left the room and knocked on Lanling's door to let her know. She took off a door panel and threw it out, and threw a wooden oar on it.

After taking a wooden box and accepting the head of the high priest, Red Eagle set off first.

"Sister, my sister is leaving."

An hour later, Lan Ling came out of Jiang Lin's room and returned to his cabin, waking up the sleeping young master Chun Shisan.

Jiang Lin had already given her a lot of immortal treasures to carry with her, and he also painted a protective talisman on her body with his own blood essence, just like he did with Red Eagle, which was enough to protect her well.

Now she has to go back to Huadu. Before leaving, she also wants to say hello to her sister.

"Sister, you... are you leaving?"

Chun Shisan Shao rubbed his eyes and looked at Lan Ling, but when she glanced at Lan Ling, her small mountain eyebrows frowned.

Lan Ling's face was still flushed, and her hair was rather disheveled.

"Sister, you...you didn't sleep here? Did you go to Jiang Lin's place? You didn't let me sleep with him, but you ran into his bed."

After a little bit of association, Young Master Chun Shisan was not happy.

"Where do you want to go, I don't... I have nothing to do. My sister will go back to Huadu first. Jiang Lin will go there after a while, and our sisters will meet again. Don't make Jiang Lin unhappy, girl. Home, be more reserved."

After Lan Ling finished speaking, she turned around and left as if she had been found to have done something bad.

Although Jiang Lin said before that she was going to arrange a protective rune for her, but seeing that she was about to separate first, she was also willing to accept Jiang Lin, so she lingered with Jiang Lin for a while.

Young Chun Shisan pouted and walked out of the room, just when she saw Jiang Lin coming out, she immediately pretended to be a good girl.

"Let's go, there are still things to do, I need your help."

Jiang Lin jumped off the passenger ship, ready to follow Red Eagle's previous plan and carefully deal with the place where they fought with the high priest.

At noon, after preparing the battlefield, Jiang Lin hugged Chun Shisan's waist and landed on the river.

When Lan Ling parted with him, he told him not to have the same knowledge as Chun Shisan Shao. The implication was to let him try to accept this girl, so he did not avoid suspicion.

After treading water all the way out of the ghost town, Jiang Lin went to the place where the Dundi tribe lived. It took a long time to suppress the spell that the queen cast on these people.

With the Dundi clansmen away from the ghost town for nearly a thousand miles, Jiang Lin pondered for two or three days, and finally completely lifted the spell on them.

After that, Jiang Lin asked Palu to lead his clan to hide at the bottom of the nearby mountains, waiting for his call.

When Jiang Lin entered the city, he realized that only a few days had passed, and the country of Qianji was already in chaos.

There are gangs of men revolting everywhere.

In just a few days, dozens of large and small cities in Qianji Nation completely fell.

This was not under the leadership of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but the Emperor Star had already appeared, and the news that the Sword of Restoration had been obtained was deliberately spread, and the men who could not bear to be enslaved spontaneously rose up to resist.

"Is this the result of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? If so, this guy is too short-sighted."

Jiang Lin looked at the extremely chaotic street, raised his hand and tapped his forehead. The current situation was not what he wanted to see.

In other words, what he did during the time that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was away did not satisfy him.

"It seems that we must meet with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and those old troops as soon as possible. The general is incompetent, and the three armies are really exhausted."

Jiang Lin frowned. He didn't intend to lead the army to fight, but at present, he didn't want to be the general, and he might not be able to.

Chapter [*] of wisdom and courage, I am talking about me (on)

"Jiang Lin, isn't the current situation very beneficial to overthrowing the Queen?"

Hearing Jiang Lin's self-talk, Young Master Chun Shisan felt incomprehensible. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon spread the prophecies that appeared in the folk everywhere, just to make the men of the whole country respond and fight against the Queen together.

The current situation was exactly what Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon wanted, but Jiang Lin seemed to be quite critical of it.

"If you want to fight, you can't rely on these stragglers to roar, and you can't just blindly cause chaos to have any effect."

Jiang Lin didn't explain too much to Young Master Chun Shisan, so he took a compass from his bosom and a wrapped magic talisman to burn it, and began to search for the whereabouts of the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

The talisman contained the blood of the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Jiang Lin had collected some of it when he was dealing with the battlefield before, and reserved it for himself to find the traces of the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't explain much, and Young Master Chun Shisan didn't continue to ask. Since the last time Jiang Lin took her by the waist and walked for a while, she has been sweet in her heart. Jiang Lin's attitude towards her is really changed.

Moreover, Jiang Lin is also willing to have close contact with her. Over time, Jiang Lin will definitely be willing to accept her.

Therefore, during this time, Chun Shisan was very well-behaved and did not talk much. She usually did things like finding food and water sources and other chores without Jiang Lin's words, so she took the initiative to do it.

As long as she doesn't offend Jiang Lin, most of the things that follow will come naturally.

Young Master Chun Shisan also figured out this point. She has a sister Lan Ling to help her. Sooner or later, she is from Jianglin. If she is too impatient, she will make a mistake.

After using the compass to find out the direction of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Jiang Lin set off immediately, and Young Master Chun Shisan was not stingy, and offered to buy a fast horse.

this girl.

Jiang Lin smiled slightly and shook his head. The current Chun Shisan Young Master still looks like the bell boss back then, just like a little maid, who is hard-working and never complaining.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin recalled Hongjiu's evaluation of his character. It is estimated that it won't be long before he will be softened by this girl.

After traveling for more than [*] miles, Jiang Lin and Chun Shisan Shao, who were riding a horse together, were stopped by a group of young people on the official road. Of course, they did not want to embarrass Jiang Lin.

These young people took the initiative to reveal their identities, and Jiang Lin knew that this was the subordinate who was staying behind Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to help him join the old department.

Not only this official road, but also in other directions. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has now assembled the old division, just waiting for his news.

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